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1946-04-16 Min - Board
ra �.j3.RR i\J C- ee' tO1 i �iGJ �he r�ierr: crs u ©J_ �,ol~s o �- �i�°i ::.LL} is - -y r ti �'i i��e o� 1�e TT�j4 } _�e-i�Gtin l:jeetl�i c`.0 iJ,ie \/J. 1.s t 1Gt 0 ? i._`z1L t. , � ,.:1�;� 'e a7, � i �,r, � • ��• r're� 1��:e��t , 'esidi11�r. r o11 Cali, _..e �:oLt�',1i� �' 1��e1i!i�e;� per e �0 red l�rese�� '.1he uAn-U UeS 0. t."ie -cirei'ioaB ;:�;e t1��' V-1er e readao d aIiprOVeCi. i_leol.iU`�di ? �{__�, Je�'e w�eLi;L }�? on .._cj Qi0l ���ade c�.:iCt ca"riE;d 1e r-e order ed raid 4._erle 2ollarr� - .ia ►3or - -1� 01 �te;�tcc ar-i�n bales �o. -r elpe.irs- .Yd crane Uo . - ..at er ia! f ._la_ r . .iziord a_d moose-�,,1 ��e?a .. ,resent , cha.z•l�la a��.lth as Feu �tzef+ heir v=ris les. _ r e-7- staled tr�a�G tr�e�� were t 1ere to protest ac'ai s' L. the i:�tric selli,! that po�.�tion Of the P1-h- IL" A -property whic.q it is Proposi!��- 'to acgaire for col.-ataercial purposes. Both air ee � 1a u i�: tl�e land Y,��� re;� tricted to -iomesites onl-Y there�e no o a j ection , ut they; t�1ot th= t for ur- oses -'ioa1d detract jJ-1ro"i twee value of their e iaei)er s o �IZe oar(]'-ass_ired they Fiat t,ley �tlould el-Ideavor �o 'I.nve eu3,yr��erc ial Wusinesses than .loc�i.d ee a credit to tie ccs� �,aylit r alrld that trek ielu thus both I.-ro Gi�rord and i.x. vosepiz were uli.dui- coiacerxlede ih.e- were tj a ssured zc• �� e . i t,ri �t ��� acq:=sired this ro pert in good faits and that �_iey, ��1��e-re onI oiz�� to dispose o� that part %'Jhich had no vaiae to he gist ict. moth iix. t)oseph and Gifford asserted Ur i► �, ����Y did not oelieve that the District had any lecral ri AT, Uo en -age in the real estate D.!siness or to mal-rze any sales o:.: this-propertiy and they in tilmat ed that tf.ey maj taxLe ie�3al irieans to endeavor to stop Lhe District troih'.disposint-) o: �� lis 'Oro?erzye -No ac�tio l 'jas �ca�en o�r the Boards �oJlurtnier bus in c,ss a-ra-pearing , Board adjourned. president .max-oflicio secretary