HomeMy WebLinkAbout1951-05-07 Min - Boardry
e� t
l ruc.,. ee, Calif.
Rea -% ? 19 5
The members of the Hoard of Directors of the Truc : ee Public Utility
zstrict met in special meeting at the District office on IJain mot. ,
Truckee, at 1:30 p m. , E. L. Loynd, president, rresidinc,, .
Unon roll call the following directors were noted Dresent :
e ]. -ter .,,� Lei r10 ld s T: LoS,rnd
The directors having met in accordance *th t?�e law to canvass the
.returns o.��' the General Election, .eld on YIaz- 1-st, thev Proceeded
...... to count the 11--allots. The resin t- of the count eras as f01_lozfls
T j'il
<arold Lang lle ;1 L T it -nd 69
Ametta Firpo 63 James _�Kc Iver 1.2
.? ,e'S'noldS T''�a _t To�rrr 3
Johnn yr R i c'-' a rd S l tJa C'' T.T� et l
7ere;eing twoairectors to rle elected and Taro.ld Langille and
Lo r , nd a . ing received t1_.e ;reatest u h r of votes, -ev are
and are herewith declared duly and legal"I.y elected to t� e office
of director of this District,
3�- o ,ouszness arear.n� ozrned�urher _//10� /xz
Ex-uff is io Secretary `f Pte�s' dew
Truckee, California
i ay a, 1951
The me.m'; ers of th e Eoard of .direct ors of t r e Truc I: ee Public Utility
Ji strict met in regular meeting at the District office on 11,11ain St.,
Truckee, at 2:30 p . , E �mL. L. Lovnd, president, Presiding.
TJpon roll call the following directors were noted present:
C L �= ell.er E L Loynd ,_f �e�.rnolds (abse..nt)
hr i J t
The minutes o-F' the meetincr of .�rril 25tr were read .end arnroved.
Th' e f llo _L_ I- j_ 11s were read and uron m)ti on made and carried.
were ordered Paid:
F .11 Torr4.,- - linework-'52.8O
Graff. bar Elec ICJ o-ro?_es 1397, 30
Carlisle ; Co-elec sup 59.86
Sierra Sun-ellec - al lots 14,..94
mruc':ee erca _le. -eater �: rn --. 55
Sierra Oxvgen Co-oxTT act t'__s '7.71
J R 1 radley Co- tools 115.59
. Sierra PAc Pw Co -Apr ser 2915.12
Union 0 1._ Co -gas 'C. oil 22.14
Osborne Dermodv--sure 1r ..25
rt�� R �' ,�r 1 1T- c n
Del°°lai Auto Suw�;.,_; �ju�� 2*46
F 1J, T o r r i* - line law or' 1.4. X`
E Hintz- la or 3C.60
�-- j rs . HB Fo1 rar.1crl- ,lav rent 75.00
Ardell Lottel-off help 40.20
Chap b.Dr of Co- .L e-advan c e
Sec salary '_1A._12 . Co
From the ',;Tat e r Fund -
Rennselaer valve Co -hi, d.r 263.58
.Feavine Trans Co- dra JFaoe 4.63
Tidewater Asso Oil Co -gas
&c oi, 15. C8
Manager Edmunds reported that he had met withthe directors of the
Tru c 'ee CemetaryY District and that they had renuested that the District
install a Line from the east end of_ � urkr_alt er Five . to the cemetartr
with distribution lines inside the c er e tar-T. Some t entat ve
figures on the cost of this work had been SUrmitted to the Cemptary
Board. `they had s assed a moti on au.thori�ing the �Tt it tlr District
to do this work and to bill the Cemetary District for the actual
cost of lam or an �d mat el� ial . It was moved and carr_L Pd th:�t th e
manager be -authorized to C,o aheadJL.tl th.� s work -and that he re-
cuest t- e Cemetary Board to furnish a letter i�.rr~ere--n t1''e-T would
a - -l-ee. to ra.v tJ' e cost of all mat er�al and 3 ? � or .
The managr'r to t! e nt-t ent ion of -I- e Foard the t th e Tru ee
Sanitary District was Basin- the mar'rar_e true- Leon .%Tyiich t!^e na.me
of the Uti li.ty District was di s Laved , Fp was Instructed to
hot t'ne Sar Tary District to have the ,. a, e of the Uti IitTT ...-�
District removed from the true'<_,
Chairman Loynd stated that the Ta��e_`�'ruc'-ee Unified School
District desired to enter into an agree1�ent °-.r �th the Truckee
Ball Club, to use the t-.all nark for th_e scro:�1 team, _ut
could onl;= do so if the Truckee =all.- Clue: had a lease on the
ball park. It was moved and carried that C�.airrian Lo:.7 �e
asl-ed to have the interested parties draw ur a lease in which
all lia'c'lity on the. part of the District would .e amply pro-
tected and submit the sarne for the consideration of this Board.
Manager Edmunds reported on his trip to Sacramonto on Tues Ja V
Mira yr 8th to appear before the Senate riublic Ut ili it Cordd ttee
in an endeavor to have AB 908 defeated. He stated that there
were representative f r=... the Fallbrook F UD and the Shasta Dam
,area PUd . also present, but that the co�-=ittee gave the hill
a do -pass vote. The only hone of defeating the bill now appears
to be a veto on the part of the governor. He stated that AB906
which as amended was the hill introduced by this District
to provide for consolidation of other Districts with the Tit i li.t-t:r
District had passed the Asseml-)_171T BU Committee last week. lie
reported that he h.ad met with =fir. C amk-%erlain with reference
to these hills rrevious to �; is ar- rearance 1efore the Cor mittee .
T!e :natter of a Blanket Bond to cover the Directors and nff�._cers
othe District was diof-scussed and the manager reported t �t he
1�ad asked V _r. R Little a s ol).r In su`," anc e A�ent �Fo �..,et 1-1-. e tear -
t iculars of such. a 1- and .
Manager Edmunds rep>orted that th.e tra _s 'or Qrs for t_h.e newHizh
School had arrived aid th:t the Jrorf- 0f Fit e r_ our lines
ar:d installing tr e transformers, as we? _ as replacement of ou.r
present prirnary lines into t1- J s area TTith larger 1_i_nes vrould
E'. and er'tai+T. en in t r, e near future.
The reports of auditor �rTh it e for t - e electric and :rater Dert for t. ,, e
month of�larch were stm�itted and after perusal ,r the L=oard memo ers
were ordered filed.
rJ.lo further L:usine ss a.npearing, oard adj ourned .
Ex-O.i'.f icio Secretary V+ dint ••