HomeMy WebLinkAbout1952-03-11 Min - BoardTruckee, Calif.
March 11, 1952
The :nor ters of the Eoar`d of Directors of the Truckee Fui, l i.c
Util_it-v District met in regular meeting at the office of the
District, Main St., Truckee, 2 :30 p m. , F I, Loynd, president,
Upon roll call the following directors were noted. present:
Chas R. Heller E L Loynd H T Langil_1_e (absent -out of town)
The minutes of the meeting of February 26 were read and approved.
The following tills were r6ad and upon motion made and carried
were ordered paid:
E Anderson- line work %p75.30
E, Hintz- labor 11.90
Mars. AB rolvanich-mch off rent 75.00
Marion Carmit ch el -off help 23.50
E Anderson- line work 42.90
T Patterson- sal to Mich 15 167.0c)
Chamber of Ccmme rc e-adv sec al 125.00
Osburn Derr-nody-supp 57.05
Osourn & Kitchen- supp 13.29
From the =rater Fund:
Sierra Oxygen Co-Cyl Oxy 5.67
Armanko Off ;supp- supp 3.85
Thorntons Garage -car towing 10.00
Union Oil Co- gas & oil 7.68
-- A communication was read from Iar. F L Sia.clair, under date of
jMarc1% 7, relative to Tarr. Joseph's claim for special treat- lent
for extension of our water mains i Lto his new s1.11-1division, a! -so
copy of a letter under date of. iMarcr, � from i,:ar:a pr Fdrmunds
to 14r. Chamberlain regarding the same. 1�'IRnafrer Edmunds also
reported that Mar. Chaml erlain had nho-ted this morning for some
further inforrrati�)n covering the position of the District in
regard to Mr. Joseph's desire for service. No actio,i was
taken pending further information from Er. Charm, erlain.
1Llanager Edmunds reported that he had had further conference
with : r. Gerald Lewis on :earch 2 regarding his interest in
purchasing our m eadow Lake -property. He stated that he had
a,_ivised that the final d-Lsposition of Lj is land would have
to be made by calling; for 'rids. A sample of a notice of
request for bids also the notice of proposal of sale covering,
ce1,tain withholdinbs and restrictions, as drawn up by the
i,ianager were read to the Board, and received a proval of the
-`card members.
The j,-anager reported that he had received a verbal offer to
purchase the lot no�T owned jointl-Nr by the District and 11irS.
u . Cabona (Firpo) from -irs. Cabona for the sum of �200. This
lot is located along; Highway 40 in the Lakeside subdivision
of Donner Lake. The Directors expressed an interest it) seeing
the location of thi_i lot and cettin�; further information before
accepting the offer.
Chairmlan Loynd reported that the Superintendent or the Unified
SC -pool District had stated that the school was interested in
using the Truc'°ee Eall Mark grounds t' is season for school
activi*�ies. It was the refore decided t'r.a.t the proposed lease
of these grounds by the Truckee American Legion Post should 1:e
conditioned upon t'Pe school rav ar r-. the use or these grounds as
may be needed. The Post officers were to }.- e so notified.
Director lieller reported that the water supply to the
Tad, oe Forest Hospital showed signs of being rusty.
' vianager Edmunds suggested that this probably due to lack
of use and the water line in the long length of pipe ex-
tending to the hospital grounds. he stated that he would
have the line flushed out to see if this would clear up
trie situation.
No further business appearing, Foard adjourned.
EX-Cffic io Secretary
Truckee, Calif orr.ia
March 25, 1952
The members of the Foard of the Truc-"f.ee F ululic Uts lit�� ijistr-
met in re ,,ular rrieeti nb at the office of the District, T a i n St
Truckee, 2 :30 pm. ,E L Lcynd, president, presiding.
Upon roll call the following directors were noted present:
Chas. ii. Heller r T Lar�g.i_lle E L Loynd
Tre minutes of t'-,-e r;ieeting of T-1arch llth were read and ann,-r-)ved.
T'-e following bills were read anl� upon motionmade a -,-id
carried were ordered paid:
H T Langill_e- sal dir T c'-
CR Heller " "
L Loynd T' " '1
5. CC
C F it 't Acct
10. 00
TVinifred Kamp i' Treas
T L Chamberlain- :J-c'1', ret fee
C1 amber of Comm erce-adv sec
C- Edmunds- sal as i r
T Patt erS on- sal to ch 1
Sierra Sun- 11ch ad
racif is Tel I Tel Co-IX1ch sere
sierra r ac Pw Co- Feb ser-v
26�$. �7
`iexas Co- gas & oil
l,li s c l Cash ex -
52 .12
Basco -batteries
From the Water Fund:
L 'Anderson:- labor 37.80
i°,arion Carmitchel-off help 2G .00
"hell Oil Co- das xf oil 4"-00
E Anderson- Error 4 8.7C
:associated Oil Co- gas & oil 18.19
A communisation was read from T L C',lam.,erlai n under date of
:`:arch 20, relat,ive to an agree,!ient (-etvve s_'.e �a � ; t, a
�� �z: er a rlgl t of �_ .t Gat eiTat_ DvE,r wI- i cI h e ha d
l:. u i lt, a ui l Fi -ng . c opy of a nroros ed a `re e-n-er t c o -,rerr I n g
ties right of way and drawn ur Cl,amil erl.ain read
to tr e Foard a -dt received tt e unan imorsrnrova'_ If the