HomeMy WebLinkAbout1957-05-09 Min - BoardAt this point neA Reid of Donner La',e entered the Co_-_muni cation eras read under date of April 23rd fro, L Y2u1 H.,_ C':=amberlain in ans- er to one of Apr' 1 19th from the District, covering instructions and envlosing a copy of t'rle ballot to be used at t1�e general election on ia-\r l&l 7th. oa:ae was referred to the a icager. The Mana7ar informed the Board thet fir. T u Scl^L�itt of Clark3dale, Tyiss. was on his way to investigate the possibility of accepting the job as superintendent of the District. He was due to arrive this a a but 'rsis ; ia~ne was grounded and he could not be in until late this p .m. hex L'ei.d asked t he Board what District property was available for a housing project which he was .interested in buildin in cooperation with the Deirmey Logging Company and the Burney Ltraber Co ipany to house Erm-ployees of these concerns. A discussion took place relative to various properties which right be suitable and 1, r. Reid stated that the Forest Service had advised that ?aropertV along Highway89 in the vicinity of the Ce �.etary - ght be jade available if a request was received fro:_t the B.strict . It was decided that '-�r. Reid and 'Vlana,ger _=ids would look over various parcels of land in and a.rou��d Truckee on Sat urday : orni.n 3 tWr-i l 27th. Auditor Y�j'hite's report for the ectric aid Later Dept. for the -onth of a.rc'' were prese-1ted to the Board and after perusal of the sa.- e tie., were ordered filed. Mr. Cook asked the Chaim-nlan if special ? eeti _cgs without- due public notice were legal. He was advised that sucI, ieetin s were only held when it was necessat7 to facilitate th!� completion of sol:1e action v hich had a.lreac,, been acted upon and authorized by the Board, and that no new business was taken up at such , .eetzzgs and that in the opinion of t'-,e Board it t-ras legal. He stated that he had doubts about the le a1.ity of sacii ;-.eetings and ,could enquire further.into the ;utter. Teo further business appear i n ', .Board adjourned. ficting-Secretary President Truckee, California -:a*y 9, 1957 The members of the Board of Directors of the Truci{ee " ubllc Utj_litvT District met in regular = eeting at the office of the District on sin St., at 2:30 p m C i�eller, president., .res' ding. Upon roll call the follovr_i.n:7 Directors were noted present: Hal yJelch Chas. H. :feller Jci-c k,. �,ieu ebauer (absent) Also present was A113 Cook. The -2�inutes of the re ular meetin ;7 of April 25th were read and approved, and the following bills were -read and u-non ~-iotion ade and carried were ordered, Laid: x E C 3avi.er- sta :cps for -mL1 n g bi lls, etc 30.00 State IM') � ees net ire?rent 1:)t 1i-i���SI 6. 77 Patsy R. Andres- off 'r:elp_4. 16 to 4-30 103.73 C. _!Jdmunds- sa,l 11 r- Apr "3.12 eve D . Hallett- sal bill C 1k It 133.12 iini_fred Kamp- sal treas " 152.91 George W. rLenyon- sal line _ian 23S'.12 S K Kolos- it it It 192.35 3 : Quartl-v cr a pn 171.02 J R Souter- sal app li ne,-_lan- 4-16 to 4-30 163.95 Y Vieu_ it It It IT 143928 11asonic Taniple tIsso-of f rent 11=iay 65 . J Chas. R. feller -sal dir kor 15.00 Hal - delch c' " c' 15.00 J2.c?c Iileugebauer " c' " 10.00 Pacific Tel Tel Co- kpr sery 16.85 Sier-ra Sun- envel-ballot s-ordinance 142.3 5 Maydwell (c is rt z ell- wire- tools 11624,68 Kitc-Ifen ,,, ec Supp Co- tools 38.64 S & C Electric Co- liquid power fuses 2 171.2 9 Sierra Pacifsv-,r Co- A. sery 1.23.C2 Richfield 0' 1 Corp- gas o i 1 09.�0 State ColApens at ion in s ar anc e F-m-m- 3 90.00 Laoille Rick—:i' ecti on Bd-31"ay 7- II1sp 10.C}f0 Laura . or-:1w— cc " 10.01) ,jo r.ma Russell- " 't 10000 Sierra Pacif is !Power Co- corrected bill 5O8.00 (Karch) From, the 'relater Fland- Chas . J . ha.rvey- labor 4-10 to 4-30 67.30 E J :Hintz- !' c' 100.76 ,V4 1�lJ bl e s " ' i 148 . 20 Union Oil Co- gas �� oil 2.53 ;.. ,ater Associated Jil o ,1 9,lide ;sierra Oxygen Co— o)Tgen tan��s 5.93 Osaurns Super 3ervi ce- �Leroseme 1.44 Truckee Tahoe Lbr Co- ;ravel- felt l9 e 62 0 E Lev i s- sand 9.27 Jasc! ver- ,.a,r��enin tools ?l. 50 Peavi Ze Transfer Co- dralya e pipe -flan es 39.22 Russ' Texaco Sery Sta-exhal~st pipe install 5.98 rLecord Suppler Co- p-L _ a flanges 981.25 0� 1ith-Blair- service clay -.ps 77.24 necord Supply Co- 0 j_Mn7 Sealvalves 606.06 The 1,.anacrer reported that he had notified the Sierra Pacific Power Co. of asta'�e in their liar cif bill ofY. 58.00 and had received a corrected bill to that a count . A letter was read under date of F-Aa:r 2 fro-.:; Paul fJ C1L.a::,ber1a . n to the District and enclosing a letter dated Apr 30 fro�1 Joan S. RIrd to Hr. Char.berlain relative to tiZe PowviCii option, and another letter dated I -lay 7th fro;i1 : Chamberlain to tie District enclosing final copies of the a ree .lent, a supple_nental agree: Lent and an option, all of wh ch were read and acted upon separately. It was ,paved aid carried that the Chairman and Acting - Secretary be authorized to sign each of the documents on behalf of the District. The i-'lanager reported that i'lr. Hedlund had called at the office and asked that a deed be dm7m ulj for the property along the Brockway Road that had been sold by agreement to him in September of 1956. The ' lanager presented a deed which he had prepared and stated that the sum of 4133.28 was due on t je sane &ad that 11111r. tTedlund had stated he would place t:ii s sun in escrow with the Title Co. at Nevada City. After reading of the deed it was :loved and carried that the Chairman and 1�ct ice -Secretary be authorized to sign the wa:Tne on behalf of the District, and to place the sane in escrow pendin the rece'_pt of the siL.q due, The 1,11anager reported that ors. Bernice Collier, owner of the Donner Dog mouse, located on the -property of the District, who had been given notice o f vacating sale., hal phon' ed and asked for an extension o f time,, but had been advi sed that the land was being sold a.Lt.,id �e District had no authority to extend aiav more time. The Manager read the official results of the !general :election showing that Ueorge Kasnian had received 81 votes, earl iielhoier 60 votes and that the Proposition to increase the Board of Directors to five -.ieriYbers received 103 votes and 20 against and advised the Board that under t 1he litilily Code it would be necessary for the Board to __.eet on lvronday, a.- 13th to offic = cGnvass the votes. 75 The i.1,na,er advised that for the first t i �cie in the history of tt-1 e District, absentee ballots had been applied for and there were 2 absentee ballots issued, and that on Liar 24th it will 1)e necessar r for the i�ard to tally the absentee ballots cast. The liana Jer reported that h e had been served it -pith complaints to quiet title in the na_.ie of John and 1-.iary Wolert in respect to certain property in South Truckee, ad joinin7 property owned by the District, but that so far as he knew fro,.l the description accompanrinl-T the s x--Yilons, the interests of the District were not affected. No action was taken. CorTr unicat-i ons were read under date of April 2 th and Mh-v lst fro.-.i 1 H Chamberlain to the District relative to the Sanders '.4ater 'irSte-q and advising i that the matter 11ad been subm 'tied to t'rle Publ1c Utilities Co _n, ission for a:}proval. The ,-ianarrer re ported that work had started to connect up the Sanders k'ater 3 yste..1 with the District's system and advised the 3oard of so_-ie of the nrobleY.is involved. ri letter was read under date of April 30th frond John 3. Corbin, Supt. of Talioe- Truckee Unified School District, advising; that the School Board desired to _�leet rite tale Utility Board to discuss the purchase of District property alonrf 11 :-hilrair 40 and 89. T1-e reported that "tie had written to the H.-i-lllvrar Depart :lent requesti n a a.p of tine area, showing wh vt la_ld was needed for t1 e ?reewar and what rai 73zt rel:.ai to be discussed with t;_e Scho:,l Board. '�'he -tap 1-Lad not yet '►peen received. After so,-ie discussion t_le :i���la.�er ;eras instructed to advi��a the achool bard that - andin.71 a discussion wit'. tie _i.s,h `YaJr Dept. relat;.ve to the land t?:ey ,Hound need for the i�reez-,ray, the District would e; in -no position to open negotiations for t1ie re:,lainder of tk,e District's la.&gd. i t t'-,is � paint i-ir. look asked ghat had been tt1�; result of tile trip w1 th li:C. _=�eid to look over la. -ad in the Trucliee vicinity. 10'1-te -lenar;er reported tt,�,t _r. meld 12C 11t�t S�10`v 1 up d � ,e- had planned, lbut �G�"ic��; a 'wr. Day is Y ro "'i �w-1 i"'u�►JlQ i ad called at t -le office on Saturd aq '-lay 1_;., that _ e had spent cons-]_dercable ti?,lu sho :0rin cr !-La va.rioizs nro�erties that. - yl ht be available for subdivision purposes a.,c. t -.at he had s1.lown an+ interest in the Mason property 4_n t'.-,e So��th `i'ruckee area, a td ; ntenaed to encl uuz re into it's availability, tour of t ne sa Le a_ ems, with "r. 1 i rpo ' , "e:" r also 'e ?Orted that lie waS ?_lei! 1n a i �" `� ? - a ld }r. Apple with reference to a, building project b r local business men who a_esir :d -Io het so.ae available laLria . No furth,r business a�peari n , 3aard adjourned. Acting-aecret ary rresi dent Truckee, California Liar 132 1957 T11e e-Ileof the Board of Directors of the Truckee Public Utility District yet for t�,e purpose of canvassing the returns of tl�e General election, held on i` ay 7th, as ?rovided by lawat 11:00 a m, at the office of the District on 1����ain St., Chas. ti. iiei.1 er, president, residin, . Upon roll call the following Directors were noted present: Jack 1leuyebauer Chas. 1R. He ..ler Hal jIca, lchabsent account of business) The Board proceeded -to canvass the returns with the followin-; results: For Director at lar;ge- George Kaspiall 81 Karl ii elho f er 60