HomeMy WebLinkAbout1957-05-13 Min - BoardThe '.iana,er advised that for thILI
% first tiiae in the history of to-o District
absentee ballots had been applied for and there were 2 absentee ballots issued,
and that on 11ay 24th it will ��e necessar r for the card to tal1y the absentee
ballots cast.
Ti`ie anager reported that he had been served vzith complaints to quiet title
in the name of John and -Mary w olert in respect to certain property in South
Truckee, ad joining property owned by the District, but that so far as lie
knew fro -,,,I the description accompanying the sx-mrions, the interests of the
District were slot affected. No action was taken,
Coy�municat ions were read under date of April 2 th c:nd 114 ay lst ro.a Pa:al H.
Chamberlain to the District relative to the Sanders `dater 'Grste-ni and advising
that the matter 'lad been sub.�itted to t'rle Public Utilities Col_.i scion for a .,proval.
The r-lana�er reported that work had started to connect un the Sanders 41ater' yste�-11
with the District's system and advised the Board of so: -fie of the problems involved.
A letter was read under date of April 30th frog John S. Corbin, Supt . of Tahoe —
Truckee Unified jc'•lool District, advising; that the School Boc?°d desired to : eet
i,rith the 'J+ility Board to discuss the purchase of District property alon7 n ;,,-h1I
�0 and 89. T}-e I,r'_u.na er reported that '.{fie had written to the ' � hj�,ra�,T Depart.—nent
requestin, a -Lap of tne area, 3howin.� what la id was needed for t'-le Freewayand
t � ht re._;ain to be discussed with t; e School Board. '�'�e yap '-ad not vet.
bee��, received, , r ,s.,
After so, ,e dy lscusion t _� �� Z��,�er was instructed to Oa vis,
tale ac'hool _�oa.rd that - �endi z a discussion �'�:i.t l l'),e !�1 ,'1i��c'=Jr Dept, relative to the
land t;.,ev Hould need for the �"reei,,Tay, the District b:; in no ,position to open
ne;ot? ati_ons for t.e re:_ia.i:�der of i�_e Di str�ct's land.
t t: is point fir. Cook asked whathad been the result of t .e trip tirith r. c.
to look over ]-and in the �_'rucl�ee vicinity, a;er reported t'�at
C no�., snJn up a..) rye ,c.,d pl���fined, opt ' hE��, '-�r. Davis -ro i .pan l aolo iiaG called
c?, t le O t''ice on `Jc: G� rd z`�v 1YIce`,T ;.� c�.'.?c� t hit I .fie had spent cork _d era.ble ti.MO 3hol.,,, n a
I,Lta var'iQ ids vro`)ert_- es thi t� � ht, be ava.i!_l le. for subc.i;'1s �_on purposes a: �cs. t'".c� ; '.e
hlad .:)'-lown aninterest in tt-(:e -'ason property _n t'.-_e South 'Truckee areaa-,id -F nitended
to enc'uir e into it 7 availability.
a]Lso re�korted t�-lat 'ne was '_lwtin a tour of the sa,7 fie area wit' :'fir. i'irpo
ar d 12r. Apple wi tr? reference to a 'clxi_1 n - project b T local easiness ! ,en who desired
to het so ae available 1cLrid.
No further 'ausiness apmea.rin-T '.rd adjourned.
Acting-3ecre Lary
Truc'Kee, Ca.li_fornia
'ay 13, 1957
The iae-.ibers of the Board of Directors of the Truckee - ubiic 'atility District
Y!iet for the purpose of canva.ssin r t'le returns of the general election, 'field on
"ay LT 7th, as �rovided b lati�� at 11:00 a r , at the office of the District on Hain
St., Chas. t 'feller, president, presi.ding.
Upon roll call the fallowing Directors were noted present:
Jack 'leugebauer Chas. R. He _.ler Hal .-rFelchtabsent accoixnt of business)
The Board proceeded to canvass the returns with the followin, results:
For Director at la.rge—
Geor e Kaspima 81
Marl Ki elho f er 60
rV 1
For the proposition to increase the nia fiber of directors from, 3 to �
5� _ Cr
For increase -- 103
Against increase - 20
Acting Clerk {' ;unds announced that there were two absentee ballots issued,
one of wiii ch had been received at this date and that on Tla�r 24th it would
be necessa.r ;r accordin to lair for the Board to meet and to count and tally
the absen�., voter ballots. after so_ .e discussion it V-ras moved a�rid carried
that due to tr e next regular -.ieetin � f allincr u,Don 1emorial d av , the re�ulc�.r
:aeetin7 i•rould be held on Ila,- 24th, at 2:30 p me '+"4
The 1.1ana.-er brou rht up the question of escrow instructions on the deed to
Edwin edlund pronert-r alon -, the Fgrockway road .anOc explained t'-�a.t the
Title Co. had sent over escrow instruct; ons show_*D-k-,7 talat the District would
pay the title fee, revenue sta:,.os, and one-half of escroir costs. After
so_ie discussion it eras .roved and carried that the Lnstruc-ions b-r the
District to the Title Co. would be that the District would pay for Revenue
3t2.::.1ps only and all other expenses to be paid by �-1r. Hedlund.
Mana-rer �&), und3 reported that .,:e had been advised by telephone by the Title
Co. at 111evada City that tile description on t'rie deed to Eve Popovich did not
a ree with the boundaries set forth in the - ia.p of tale subdivision and that
it o zld be necessary to correct the descri tion ar.d have trae sa_.-e approved
by the. District before the deed could be filed.
Communications were read under date of May 2nd from t )e District to the
D].v-i sion of nigh -sways and on Lay 7th f_ro.-i the Division of jiighyvays to tie
District, relative to the purchase of Distr-i_ctI s property by the Tahoe
Truc+:ee Unified School District. The -iaatter was laid over for further
cons ideraLtion .
N o further business app e a ring :3o a.rd ad j o-a rn ed .
/r.ctJ__n 3ecretar y
Truck ee, (: al ifo rni a
,,.,air , ° �>7
T.^e _.embers of the Board of Directors of the Truckee h-ibl-i c Ut' lti_ty District
met in rerul�.r :,,Leetin�g at the office of the District on 1-`Lain at., at 2:30 p '_a.,
C R Hieller, president, presid es.
Upon roll call the followin,; Directors were rioted present:
Hal �4elch Jack 4euebauer Chas. R. Heller
Also present was A 3 Cook.
The Linates of the re ula,r meeting of if a„,r fth arid the, special :��.eetitig of�.]-Ia�r
13th were read and approved, and the follo ,,Tin; bills 4rere read and upon
motion Made and carried were orderer }aid:
Patsy ii, Andres - sal wia, 1
eve D. Hallett-ti
,4+inif red r` &:io
0eo r� e . -Ken ron
._ �uart ly rs
ri 5outer 'r
to 15- off rieln
bill clt�:
line :ian
170 , ob
�: ft