HomeMy WebLinkAbout1977-08-03 Min - Board SPECIAL MEETING
August 3, 1977
The Special Meeting of the Board of Directors was called to
order by President Sutton at 11 :06 A.M. in the Truckee Donner Public
Utility District office.
ROLL CALL: Directors Kuttel , Maass , and Sutton were present. Director
Huber was absent.
OTHERS PRESENT: Jerry Glor, Farmers Home Administration representative.
No records were taken of this meeting; however, the workshop
consisted of a general discussion between the Board members and Jerry Glor,
FmHA representative, regarding the Farmers Home Administration Weatheriza-
tion program. President Sutton's summarization of her recollections of
the workshop have been attached hereto for reference.
The meeting was adjourned by the President at approximately
1 :50 P.M.
BY �—✓
James A. Maass, President
Approved: 8/7/78 - as written
4A. Miton Seym ur
Clerk of the Boar
G �1
Au�,`ust ll , 1 '77
1,,1E1WRAI'vDUr.-i TO the Uther Directors and tiie r.iana=ter
F RGIN: Pat Sutton
re : REA-FriiA ;''ieatherization Lo=in Pro7=m
Since no i, inut p
es ,ere ket of the SiPecial board y or cshap meld on
Au7u:t with Jerry W . Glor of the Farr.ers r ome Administra-
tion, I ' rn su.brritting this summary from my notes to be attached for
the record to t;,e I,'ieetin.7 notice & A�-enda_ in the Linute book.
This new '°Ie�ti,,erization Prw ram r
is a joint roject of the Rural
Electrification AdminiF'Itration and the Farmers Home Administration
to encour,-e the more efficient use of energy. Under it, rural
electric cooperatives , the T.D.P.U.D. , and other F.r:A borrowers can
set up a loan rro.7ram .for home owners for the purpose of installing
instil?tion, sidinc-, caulkinu, weatherstripping, attic fans , and
other mcas: Tres , which could include storm windows , etc .
If i::';e Truc'cee T)onner Public Utility i�ir;trict decides to partici-
p,Tocte in this pro-ram , an i=ee7, ent ivith Farriers home Administration
-ould be necessar,;r, and the r.ro-re.m v'-ould have to r;eet FmhA require-
rents . The District �F7ould advance the money for each weatherization
,job authorized under its program , and the FrnhA would reimbur,'e the
District for the actual job cost 30 da.'s after receiving certifica-
tion that the District had paid the contractor. The District would
collect the individual loan payments each month from the borrowers
-rid forward there to the FmiLA. Tlie costs of setting up and administer-
in.- t`.e loan -cro�-ram at the local level would be borne by the
"] e maximum loan available under this rro7ra.m is '1 , 500 at �3i
interest for a 5 year period, and would be available to owner-occupants
of r or es w ho,:,)e j ucted -ross incorl-e does not exceed $15, 600 annually.
In or: er to be eliF-ible for a FrrEA loan, the a. p1_icant rruct meet the
Frr,'%A criteria , iricludin7 the maximum ad j u ted ?ross income and the
inability to niz-ali_fy for the loan .from private r�ources .
A Frecial loan i)ro-ra.m for homeowners over the a;-e of 62 years is
,vaiJ.able directly_ throu^'h Fm3-IA , -and the i;i:-trict woul" assist those
r_arties in making" contact with the FmriA office in Auburn. {This
snccial_ rr. o-ram for persons over 62 years and t'_rre regular Fanners
-ome loan nro,7ram in rural areas is available whet'_her or riot the
District sets up its own REA-Fr,IIA 'lead:erization Loan Program. )
} :
fro(" I-"7,t 'I)tton
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If e J_ t r] c e c., t r 17, On L ko,�n 1 j.,L), r'a!'.� t, e
-1 1 o�ii i . .I 1y 1j(' Coll-o c U_'d rr-():,'t c onveri'L rit ly
on t__e borrowe-2s, p ov:e r bills A 1-c,n of '",1 , 000 interest
forTear,-, a -m3yr, ent of "',"G.2C po i Orl'�.'1 . T i,0
c u - I
y lo.an IZ-1 note which (.-:.fires tide iie propc, in:divid-
for lo-i an
d nd t U to be
I r t,y
i�' provc>d i2: not involved. If defaulli' on hip !(:)an :;ay-
fLl JjtS , t'-,e Di r t1rict wouldbe obliqed to make an effort to collect
F would taile over the
t'l e P.a i-,t F: fc,r a y e?.r s i,, e teen 1� r,,,l
Collection T h '�'�')Ul(l 110 be liF.ble for loans in
Lj 1�; 1� L
default . A rl Un U S Ua 1,1 Y 11 i.-1-1 r c e r i t, of default:; , 1,ov;e v e r, w c)u 1 d
2 c)"D
111 '3. re eval u.-A ti on, of tj1C Di": trict' ,3 pro f fn by the
If e District decides to -et involved in this -Pro,7ram , it will
be r(,Emomsibl.(, for settinp-, up all aspect-1 of the' Tr'oFram Including
u.to notify c -to(,-,Or.s of the pr'67ram, taking
avr)llcations , determining eli7ibility, -Processinv tl-ie loan applica-
tions , setting E- tand,-rc-'s or materials and workmanship, certifyinga list of contractors , insrecting- viork, �,rTinF, the contractor, pro-
CU'rtd.fic,-vtion to FFiLA in order to obtain reirnburse ent ,
recor,.. and b,,)c),,-r, on the loan pro ram, billing the customer
and receiving_- rPv,: (_,nts , 'tor,:?,rdinf- the monthly payments to FFUIA,
etc .
,'],or a. T;'--)'Ck('t of info-".-fi:atioll v:ould be _"Cnt to
-the Di�-trict soon. IT ,
e said, that he 'v�,oujcl r(,com,,m�ond to F! I r A t:iat
F7(3v(llral encies, and co-ops in U Part of ti-le; * t,-ite in(7-cate
in'U",re,�.t in 'I-,e A'Ielrizatl on Loan Fro�'-r-,Irin. that :i workshoo be set
t,p on tl-,e det--3i.l.s of aciministeri1w ti-ie project .
I'lie _2o-�rd "lor1k.si-ion on Aulp.W-t 3 was attended by Lilt Seyrn,our,
Fnd Directors K=irl Kuttel and Jim 1',:aass and myself,
Submitted by
Pre,dden-'U' of the 1soard
c o-r) t c)
-teve Grumor , Counsel