HomeMy WebLinkAbout1978-03-20 Min - Board 71 REGULAR MEETING MARCH 20, 1978 The Regular Meeting of the Board of Directors of the Truckee Donner Public UtilityDistrict was called to order by the President in the District office at 7:02 P.M. ROLL CA LL: Directors Huber Kuttel and Maass were present. Director Sutton was absent. EMPLOYEES PRESENT: A. Milton Seymour and Susan Craig. CONSULTANTS PRESENT: Steven E. Grumer, District Counsel was present. Dan J . Cook, District Engineer, was not able to be present. OTHERS PRESENT: Lynn M. Duffy, Katy Meyer, John L. Brand, Don Strand, Mar igrey Fish, Betty O'Neal , Wes Bentley, Herb Crenshaw, Larry Jul iot and Grover Curtis. CORRECTIONS AND APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF JANUARY 4, JANUARY 16, and MARCH 13, 1978 Director Huber advised that she had previously submitted corrections to the minutes of January 16, 1978. Director Kuttel moved that the Board ac- cept the minutes as corrected of January 4th, January 16th, and March 13th. The motion was seconded by Director Huber. President Maass noted that Director Sut- ton had corrections which were rather lengthy to the minutes of January 4th. Director Huber moved that Director Sutton's corrections to the minutes of Jan- uary 4th be attached to those minutes. The motion was seconded by Director Kut- tel . President Maass noted that there was a motion to amend the previous motion that Director Sutton's corrections to the January 4th minutes be attached. All b voice vote si nified they were in favor of that amendment. SO Directors y g ORDERED. President Maass stated the motion was before the Board to approve the minutes of January 4th, January 16th, and March 13th, with the notation that Director Sutton' s corrections for January 4th be attached and not included. ROLL CALL: Huber, aye; Kuttel , aye; Maass, aye. SO ORDERED. BILLS FOR BOARD APPROVAL AND STATEMENT OF GENERAL FUND Director Huber questioned the $20 payment to the REA Athletic Fund, realizing it related to the REA Managers Conference, but having questions as to what this specific payment to the Athletic Fund was for. She stated she would not approve this payment until her questions were answered. President Maass noted that this payment should not have appeared under approved billings, but should have been listed under bills for Board approval , the Board not hav- ing authorized any registration fee as yet. Director Huber moved that the bills be approved with the exception of the REA Athletic Association payment, and that the District discern the purpose of the Athletic Fund payment. The motion was seconded by Director Kuttel . ROLL CALL: Huber, aye; Kuttel , aye; Maass, aye. SO MOVED. REVIEW OF BIDS RECEIVED ON THE 10,000 SQUARE FOOT PARCEL LOCATED ON HWY 267 President Maass noted that the District had two bidders on the parcel of land located on Highway 267, Grover Curtis and Larry Jul iot in the amount of $301 per month, and Herbert Crenshaw in the amount of $125 per month. Mr. Grumer reviewed the invitation to bid which was published in the newspaper and the property description and conditions of the bid which were made available to prospective bidders upon request. It was clarified that the District would provide the survey of the property, but the lessee would bear the costs. Mr. Curtis noted that there were no stakes designating the property boundaries at the present time, but stated that he and Mr. J u 1 i of would pay the costs the District incurred to resurvey and have markers placed. Mr. Crenshaw verified that there were no stakes. It was determined that both bids were acceptable for consideration, but that Mr. Cook should be consulted for his opinion. Director Huber moved, and Director Kuttel seconded the motion, that the Board take the bids under advisement until the engineer had been consulted, the matter to be placed on the April 3rd agenda. ROLL CALL: Huber, aye; Kuttel , aye; Maass, aye; SO ORDERED. President Maass noted there were others present in the audience and asked if any of them wished to speak on other matters. Wes Bentley advised he was interested in leasing a parcel of District land. President Maass stated this would be an item covered .in the Manager' s Report which was next on the agenda. 7A MANAGER'S REPORT General status of District Mr. Seymour reported as follows: a.} OUTAGES - no significant electrical outages have occurred during the past two weeks. b} WATER CONSUMPTION - Water consumption is normal for this time of year; source and storage are adequate. The Donner Trails Tank has been cleaned and placed back into service. A continuing investigation is in progress to locate illegal water hookups . It appears that there may be ten or more such illegal hookups in the Olympic Heights Area. These apparent illegal hookups are being checked to determine whether or not water is being paid for and whether or not connection fees have been paid. When this survey has been completed, the matter wi 1 1 be brought to the Board' s attention for direction. ReP ort on meeting with Sierra Pacific respecting fuel charge fluctuations Mr. Seymour advised that he and Director Huber met with Mr. Bill Branch and his staff at the Sierra Pacific Power Company' s headquarters in Reno on March 14th to discuss Sierra Pacific' s billing procedures and the fluctua- tion the District is experiencing in the fuel charge. Mr. Seymour reported that he and D i rector Huber learned the fol low- ing: a} Sierra Pacific is generating most of their own power through their Tracy Steam Plant and purchasing the balance primarily from Utah Light an and Power Company. Very little power is being purchased from PG&E because they r Y claim the rate PG&E is charging them is greater than their cost of generating or the cost of purchasing power from Utah Light and Power. b} They explained that the recent fluctuations of the fuel charge are being caused by rapidly changing cost of fuel and by the amount of power they are purchasing from Utah Light and Power. They are occasionally able to obtain power from Utah Light and Power on an economic basis which is con- siderably cheaper than their own generated power. The mix of purchased power and power ower is computer controlled to provide the lowest possible cost. 9 c} They anticipate that fuel costs wi l 1 remain fairly stable or decline during the next several months. They also pointed out the difference between fuel charge and energy cost adjustment clause as used in their Cal- ifornia retail rates. The fuel charge as used in their wholesale rates and charged to the District is strictly that; a fuel charge. it represents the cost of fuel p e r kilowatt-hour in excess of the base cost of fuel of 0.514+ per kilowatt-hour that is included in their regular per kilowatt-hour charge. The energy cost adjustment clause (ECAC) which is used in determining their retail rates in California includes all of the fuel costs plus all of the cost of power purchased from other systems such as Utah Light and Power and PG&E. Therefore) these two figures are not directly comparable. We deter- mined that they are applying the loss correction factor to the District' s fuel charge and that this loss correction factor may change from time to time depending upon what their losses are. d} We also learned that there is a possibility that they wi 1 1 ap- t to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission ssion (FERC) for a wholesale rate y s Y increase in Jul of this year. They indicated, however, that this time they d involve the District early in rate establishment procedures so that the District doesn' t learn about it suddenly and without ithout forewarning. They be- lieve, agree, and I that if they are involved in a rate change the District be involved in the earl stages so that the District will be able to avoid costly confrontations and litigation before the Federal authorities. e} Lon term plans of Sierra Pacific include the completion of g Va1my Steam Plant in 1981 and a high voltage tie between Sierra Pacific and Idaho Power. The latter tie line will give them direct access to low cost powe r from the Pacific Northwest. The Va lmy Steam Plant, which will use low cost coal from Utah, will also tend to hold the District's purchased power costs in line with ordinary inflation. Mr.n that it Seymour stated that he believed the meeting was very worth- while gave ave Director Huber and him a better insight into the costs involved in supplying electricity to the District and thought it would be helpful in the future in establishing better relations with Sierra Pacific. Mr. Seymour tentatively suggested, while at the meeting, a cooperative project between Sierra Pacific and the District that would involve hydro plants at Stampede and Boca. Report on advice obt ained from bond counsel McElligott respecting AB394-395 Mr. Seymour reported that, as yet, he had been unable to contact Y Mrs. McElligott. Report respecting detail s of borrowing funds from the Federal Financing Bank Mr. Seymour S had nothing to report at this time. He had talked to a representative of R.E.A. but promised material has not yet arrived. Status report on unresolved problems in service to Donner Center Mr. Seymour advised that, since August of 1977 when the Donner announced that he was going to provide separate electric metering Center owner n 9 for each of the tenants, no further action has been taken on his part. He reported further that basically, the water problems are as follows: All of Donner Center is presently being served without a meter at the flat 2'' commercial rate; the total water b i l l i ng for Donner Center is $20.75 per month regardless of how much water is used. Some units in Donner Center have water meters; however, the meters are very poorly located and for t p he most art unreadable. The District has not been able to find the connec- tions for two of the units on the West end of the center. As for the electric service, the center is served through three meters. One meter is for the laundromat, one for the 7-11 Store, and a third -- is a master meter serving the remaining shops and offices. The master meter that serves some ten or eleven shops and offices is currently showing a con- sumption of 10,000 to 14,000 kilowatt-hours per month and a demand of 35 to 80 kilowatts. This meter is currently being billed at the GS1 rate. The new rate recently enacted will increase the cost of electricity from approx- imately $360 per month to about $460 per month plus fuel charge. There is also the matter of an outstanding bill f o r relocation of one of our poles that remains unresolved. The District has just received a request from Raymond Vail and Associates for a commitment to serve water and electricity to a new building proposed for the Donner Center. His recommendation is that a commitment to serve the proposed new building be withheld until all of the unresolved prob- lems related to water and electric service to the existing buildings are re- solved to the District's satisfaction. On the basis of the Manager's recommendation, Director Huber moved that the commitment to serve the proposed new building described in Raymond Vail & Associates' recent correspondence be withheld until the problems have been resolved. The motion was seconded by Karl Kuttel . ROLL CALL: Huber, aye, Kuttel , aye; Maass, aye. SO MOVED. Report on District' s preventative methods in regards to the theft of electricity Mry.. Seymour reported that the District' s approach to theft pre- vention depends largely upon the observations of the meter readers and other personnel . Meter readers are instructed to look for unusual changes in elec- tric usage, to inspect meters for proper seals and any other evidence of tam- pering. When evidence of tampering is found, meters are replaced and sealed with meter locking rings which fairly effectively prevent the removal of the meter by the customer. The District has recently noticed some increase in meter vandalism and there have been two thefts of meters within the last year. Based on the ratio of kilowatt-hours sold to kilowatt-hours purchased, it does not appear that the District has a major problem in electricity theft. Report and recommondat i ons respecting proposals received from financial consultants At this time, Mr. Seymour noted, the District has received no i, proposals from financial consultants. Report on interest in leasing TDPUD land Mr. Seymour noted that Wes Bentley was present and had expressed an interest in leasing the 1 .9 acres of District land across from the Bank of America. Mr. Bentley introduced himself and his partner, John Brandt. He stated that the wished to have an informal discussion regarding the lease of the District land for the purpose of developing a shopping center and the problems related thereto. Mr. Grumer stated that, should the Board decide the parcel un- necessary for District use, capable of being leased and generating some revenues the Board should go into the feasibility of doing so under the standard plan. Mr. Grumer also noted that he felt that it should be commercially expedient for everyone involved and suggested developers come to the District office to present and explain their plans. Mr. Bentley stated they would like to tie up the property in order to complete studies and feasibility tests, bearing all costs. Kr. Grumer stated he wi l l draw up the call for bids for publica- tion in order to eliminate problems. Mr. Seymour noted there had been an appr i asal of the property in the amount of $149,000 in 1975; the property is, at the present time, being appriased again. Mr. Grumer advised that the District would notify Mr. Bentley when the current ap priasal is available. He stated that it would be reasonable for the Board to work out a bid plan which allows for approvals and contin- gencies. REVIEW OF AMENDMENT TO ORDINANCE 7801 ; POSSIBLE ACTION RESPECTING CHANGE IN BILLING PROCEDURES TO COMBINE FUEL CHARGE WITH USAGE CHARGE FOR RESIDENTIAL CUSTOMERS It was Mr. G rume r' s opinion that an ordinance amending O rd.i nance 7 801 was unnecessary becuase the manner of bookkeeping and the manner of the bill is a managerial decision. Mr. Grumer stated that he felt public input was valuable, but that the decision regarding manner of billing was manager- ial in function with Board direction and not proper for an ordinance. Pres i dent Maass stated he was of the opinion that the fuel charge and energy charge should be combined. Director Kuttel stated that he had, at random, contacted 20 people; 18 of those people were in favor of combining the charges. Director Huber stated she had also conducted an informal survey; nine out of ten customers were for consolidation of the fuel and energy charges. She .noted she was in favor of st i l l showing the rate at which the fuel charge was computed. President Maass stated only one out of the several people he spoke with was in favor of the separate fuel charge; after an explanation of the proposed change, that person altered their opinion. Director Kuttel advised that three customers asked if they could be sent an itemized statement of the District's expenditures on a yearly basis. President Maass advised that the budget would be published yearly so that the customers could become informed. Mr. Seymour stated that in combining the fuel and energy charges , one line on bills would be eliminated and also noted that new customers would not becom e confused by this separate charge. He noted one aspect of combining the charges that he was not in favor of; with the new rates, it is very easy for the customers to figure out the bill - with the combined fuel charge, it will be slightly more difficult. Director Huber moved that the manager be directed to combine the fuel and energy charges on the billings with a reaffirming resolution to be prepared b Mr. Grumer, and that the rate of the fuel charge wi 1 1 continue to Y be shown on the bill . The motion was seconded by Director Kuttel . ROLL CALL: Huber, aye; Kuttel , aye; Maass, aye. SO MOVED. FARMERS HOME ADMINISTRATION LOAN AND GRANT PROJECT a} Revised award of bids for Project 77-1 Mr. Seymour a dv i s ed that at the bid opening the District received bids on all schedules from Henderson Construction and Roen Construction (Byers Construction also bid on all four schedules, but being the highest bidder, was not mentioned) . Henderson, in the body of his bid, noted they would only ac- cept an award of all four schedules; Roen's bid included a cover letter indi- cating Y the would accept an award of all four schedules only. After discussion and agreement with Henderson and Roen, Mr. Cook recommended the District change th e award of schedules B, C , and D from Henderson to Roen, since Roen had the lower bid. Director Huber moved that the District officially change the award of bid to delete Henderson Construction from schedules B, C, and D, and sub- stitute Roen Construction' s ruction' s bid in the amount of $132,780. The motion was seconded b Y Director Kuttel . ROLL CALL: Huber, aye; Kuttel , aye; Maass, aye. SO ORDERED. b} Status report on preparation of budget for FmHA Mr. Seymour reported that the Electric and Water Cash Flow Budget Y P is nearing completion. When completed, which will include the change in water P rates, the FmHA budget will be prepared. The District is presently awaiting work from the State Controller' s office respecting exemption from certain ac- counting requirements. It would be feasible to hold the Public Hearing con- cerning both the new water rates and budget at a Special Meeting. 3 STATUS REPORT ON BILTZ TRACT BettY 0'Nea 1 , a resident of the B i 1 tz Tract, informed the Board that a formal complaint had been registered with the Public Utility Commission with signatures from 15 property owners. The P.U.C. has notified M r. Williams of the existence of the complaint. The property owners will be meeting with Mr. Williams on Monday, April 3rd or shortly thereafter. This meeting will have all necessary persons present. An appraisal of the system will be available at that time. The property owners wi 11 be attempting to make some finaliza- tion with Mr. Wi 1 1 iams as to how he wi 1 1 release the Bi ltz Tract portion of the system to the property owners. There is the possibility that the entire system may have to be condemned. Mrs. O'Neal further reported that the prop- erty owners are receiving full cooperation from the P.U.C. President Maass thanked Mrs. O'Neal for appearing and reporting to the Board. RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING DISTRICT POLICY RESPECTING TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF LEAVES OF ABSENCE FOR MANAGERIAL EMPLOYEES At Mr. G rumer's request, this item was tabled until the next Regular Meeting. DISCUSSION OF QUINTANA WATER MAIN EXTENSION AGREEMENT AND PROPOSED AGREEMENT WITH SOUTHERN PACIFIC Mr. Seymour noted that the Water Main Extension Agreement between the Truckee Donner Publ i d Ut i 1 i ty District- and Quintana Construction Company had been previously accepted with the exception of the Southern Pacific portion of the agreement. The Board discussed the location of fire hydrants and de- term i ned they were correctly positioned. Director Huber moved that the Board direct the President to sign the two copies of the indenture between the Truckee Donner Public Utility District and Southern Pacific Transportation Company as 9 - si ned with Deed Audit No. 58522 and Lease Audit No. 182695. The motion was seconded by Director Kuttel . ROLL CALL: Huber, aye; Kuttel , aye; Maass, aye. SO ORDERED. It was noted by President Maass that former President Sutton had not executed or dated the three duplicate originals of the Water Main Extension Agreement between the Truckee Donner Public Utility District and Quintana Con- struction Company for a water main extension on East River Street; she should be requested to do so. -7k FURTHER CONSIDERATION AND ELABORATION OF THE PROPOSED ELECTRIC AND WATER CASH FLOW BEDGET FOR 1978 NAD INCORPORATION OF THE NEW RATE FIGURES Mr. reported Seymour that the District had made a few changes and Y corrections to the proposed budget. As requested by Director Sutton, adminis- trative trat i ve salaries had been broken down into management employees and hourly employees. He noted that if the water rates were increased enough to cover inctease cted o eratin ex enses, the District would have to have a projected operating P and also borrow $99,7 02 from the Electric Department to make up the total of 6. At the end of the year, the Water Department would end up with a $13 '95 -O- balance. In the Water Department, the percentage of rate increase over Y current rates necessaryto field a 6% margin, 35.2%. The 1979 budget will have to include Water Department payback of borrowed funds to the Electric Department. Mr. Seymour further noted that the analysis indicated that, within the next year, the electric rates may have to be increased. The $10,00 0 refund to the District Water Department caused by the Sierra Pacific rebate and refunds not claimed by former customers have not been shown on the proposed budget. Director Kuttel questioned as to whether the District should pub- lish names of former customers not responding to prior ads and postcards con- cerning the refund. District Counsel G rumer will check into this matter and report to the Board. President Maass stated, "this is my kind of .budget - it' s clear, concise, and to the point.'' It was noted that Mary Chapman, District Bookkeeper, cons Milton SeY mour Manager, and Director Huber worked on the budget. Mr. Grumer complim ented those involved in its preparation. (a copy of the proposed bud- get et has been attached following these minutes.) Mr. Seymour commented respecting the new water rate schedule which pumping will g um i include n charges. The Directors discussed an itemization of how fees collected by the Water Department were spent; Mr. Seymour will prepare a "p i e" for presentation at the Public Hearing. The bill will show the zone in which each customer is located. Mr. Seymour noted that Mr. Cook would be available for conference g res ectin the new water rates next week; a meeting between the Manager, respecting Director Huber, and Mr. Cook is to be scheduled for wither Marcy 37th or 2t 8 h. The Directors agreed to hold a Special Meeting to include a Public Hearing on Wednesday, March 29, at 7.30 P.M. REPORT BY BILL NORK ON SANDERS WELL Mr. Nork, the District hydrologist, not being present, this item was tentatively set over to the next Regular Meeting. SUTTON MEMO RE MINUTE PREPARATION: discussion and possible direction President Maass stepped down from the Chair and noted that the felt the minute preparation b Susan had been exceptional considering certain cir- cumstances p Y ces concern i ng corrections and proposed corrections. He stated he felt th e memo from Director Sutton related more to chronicles than minutes; he further noted that he felt it would behoove the District to save money by doing "minutes" and not a verbatim transcript and thereafter moved to reject the proposal sal submitted b Director Sutton regarding minute preparation. The Y motion was seconded b Director Huber. ROLL CALL: Huber, aye; Kuttel , aye; Maass , aye. SO ORDERED. MISCELLANEOUS Refund (S.P..P.CO.) Director Huber had questions concerning the most recent R. W. Beck bi 1 1 ing , which included a charge related to the refund. Mr. Sey mour mour noted that refunds to the commercial accounts were being processed. The computer m ram for residential accounts is due tomorrow and program 9 billi ng,ng, including the refund credit, wi 1 1 be promptly started. HYDRO ELECTRIC Director Kuttel requested that the District pursue the develop- ment of a hydro dro electric plant in conjunction with Sierra Pacific as suggest- ed by Mr. Seymour. it was decided by the Directors that the development of 77 dro eleCtr p h is lants would be a recurring agenda item at one Regular Meeting r m�nth 1 y under the Manager's Repo t. SUTTON'S MEMO REGARDING SIERRA PACIFIC'S REQUEST President Maass stated that o memo had been received from Director 9 Sutton dated March 15th regarding Sierra Pacifics request for the District to serve customers within their service area. Director Sutton requested this memo become an attachment to these minutes. President Maass indicated a nghimself, meet- ' O had been scheduled between h i msel f, Mr. Seymour and Mr. G i ovannon i of Sierra Pacific for the purpose of clarifying the District's v i ew of Sierra Pacifies request, since Mr. Giovannoni understood Director Sutton's memo to reflect the Board's opinion, which it did not. REVIEW EW AND POSSIBLE DIRECTION REGARDING MANAGEMENT GUIDELINES Mr. Grumer reported that the management guidelines have not yet been completed. It was decided that an Executive Session would be tentatively scheduled for the Special Meeting of March 29th, at which time these guide- lines will be discussed. DISCUSSION OF DEPRECIATION IN THE ESTABLISHMENT OF THE PROPOSED 1978 BUDGET Mr. Seymour spoke regarding depreciation and the relationship to repairs, maintenance of the District's systems and equipment, and plant replace- ment reserve. President Maass explained that, in the proposed budget, there is no separate, specific account into which funds are being set aside for replace- ment p p ur oses- what is included in the budget is the maintenance of systems and equipment to dela large replacement expenses as long as possible. Direc- tor Huber noted that there was a problem with depreciation with respect to the water system. RE VIEW OF BIDS RECEIVED ON GASOLINE AND DIESEL FUELS; MANAGER'S RECOMMENDATION Mr. r Se mou reported that the District had received no bids on gas Y P and diesel fuels; therefore, the District wi 1 1 maintain its present system of purchasing. MISCELLANEOUS Ed Corum Billing President Maass noted there had been correspondence received from Mr. Corum concerning a problem with his bill . Mr. Seymour explained that his bill had been computed at the old rate. Since most of the b i 1 1 i ng period oc- curred after the rate change, it will be refigured at the new rate and Mr. Corum will receive the appropriate credit. DISTRICT COUNSEL'S REPORT Discussion of l ega 1 i ty of making attachments to minutes Mr. Grumer advised that any director or member of the public may, by request, make an item part of the meeting and have that item attached to the q minutes if it relates in any way to the meeting or to the District. The executive secretary asked for clarification respecting Director Sutton's request at the Special Meeting of March 9th to attach to the minutes correspondence relating to that meeting. It did not appear to her that all of the correspondence was related to the meeting. Mr. Grumer will review '14`-oft those items and advise the District by memo. California Environmental Quality Act Ordinance District Counsel Grumer reported that, under present policy, the entire CEQA Ordinance should be published in the newspaper once - exhibits attached to the guidelines need not be published. BYLAWS President Maass noted that consideration of the bylaws should be an item on the April 3rd agenda. PLANNING DEPARTMENT NOTICES Y Mr. Seymour advised that the District had been notified of a Public 2 1 Hearing respecting Gateway Estates on March 3, 978. Mr. Seymour expressed the desire that the District be able to agree to serve new development without the District bearing the total cost of main- not i f the property i s developed. Mr. Grumer suggested assessment tenance p districts. Director Huber expressed concern relating to planned development ...;.ti and Gateway Estates' tentative map which shows a change from R-15 acre zoning to R-1 1/2 acre zoning. Director Huber noted that she would be attending the meeting as an individual . President Maass indicated that he had talked with Don Cas 1 er regard- ing the Michael Fowle request that his property be annexed into the District. Mr. Cas 1 er noted to President Maass that Mr. Fowl e had been informed that the Di strict would not be serving him with electricity (the Sierra Pacific request to serve the 20 acre parcel located within their district) . Mr. Cas 1 er re- quested that 9 an item relating to Michael Fowle's request be placed on the April 3rd agen da.. President Maass noted that a meeting with Sierra Pacific had been sched uled ed to discuss this matter prior to the next Regular Meeting. Mr. Sey- mour advised that arrangements had previously been made between Sierra Pacific and th e District. As a result of a copy of the memo written by Director Sutton, a copy of whi ch ch she forwarded to Mr. G i ovannon i -of S.P.P. , and a telephone call fro m Director Sutton to Mr. G i ovannon i , Mr. G i ovannon i advised that Sierra Pacific c would withdraw their request. Director Kuttel noted he wished it known 9 that he was still agreeable to serving the 20-acre parcel as requested with a memo of understanding between Sierra Pacific and the District. Director Huber was in agreement. CORRESPONDENCE Mr. Seymour advised that correspondence had been received from Limber Construction concerning annexation, Raymond Vail & Associates re- garding Donner Center, Ace Harkware respecting a discount available to the District. Also received was a copy of correspondence written by Ed Ness , Bond Counsel , to John Williams concerning the Biltz Tract. President Maass stated Director Sutton had written requesting that the two letter s addressed to the District by Mrs. O'Neal dated March 8th be attached to the minutes. He also noted that he received a letter from D i r.ec- u ton (regardingBarrington Brooks - a copy of this correspondence was for S t provided by Director Sutton to Mr. Brooks.) President Maass stated he felt this le tter directed attacks towards him - ''it' s okay for certain people to have opi nions it's not okay for others." By letter, Director Sutton asked that this letter be attached to the minutes. It was President Maass' opinion that, as a personal letter, it should not be attached - but will be attached si nce nce request was made by Director Sutton. For the record, President Maass stated he would not be responding to the letter - he further stated he would not. "p 1 ay that game - it grovels in the dirt.'' Mr. yexplained Se the planned annexation procedure presently being looked into by Mr. Cook for Mr. Duffy' s benefit. My r. Seymour advised that there was a claim for damages from Don Caller due to a brown out. Director Kuttel moved the claim be rejected and referred to the insurance company, Mr. Caller being noticed of the re- jection. Th e motion was seconded by Director Huber. ROLL CALL: Huber, aye; Kuttel , aye; Maass, aye. SO MOVED. ADJOURNMENT Directo r Kuttel moved to adjourn the meeting. SO MOVED by general consensus. President Maass adjourned the meeting of the Board of Directors at 10: 15 P.M. TRUCKEE DONNER PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT By: Jim s A. Maass, President Approved: Ap r i 1 17, 197