HomeMy WebLinkAbout1979-02-13 Min - Board SPECIAL MEETING
FEBRUARY 13, 1979
The Special Meeting of the Board of Directors of the Truckee Donner
Public Utility District was called to order by the Chairman at 7: 10 P.M.
in the District office.
ROLL CALL: Directors Hatch, Kuttel and Maass were present. Di rectors Huber
and Sutton were absent.
EMPLOYEES PRESENT: A. Milton Seymour and Susan Craig were present.
CONSULTANTS PRESENT: No consultants were present.
OTHERS PRESENT: Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Canning, Frank G i ovannon i , S r. and
Don Strand were present.
Mr. Seymour reported that he and Director Huber met with representatives
of Sierra Pacific Power Company on February 12, 1979. It was determined that
each organization would carry its own costs and a proportional share of the
substation land use/preparation costs. The TDPUD and Sierra Pacific were st i 1 1
i n ag reement that the s i to of the j o i nt pro j ec t be a corner of the 15 acre
plot owned by Sierra Pacific Power Company located south of the river (across
from Quintana's property) and currently leased by the Truckee Donner Recrea-
tion and Park District. Environmental concerns were discussed at the meeting;
it was noted that the Lahontan Water Quality Control Board would probably be
one of the concerned agencies inasmuch as the substation would be adjacent
.... to the river. The des i gn wou 1 d have to take i nto account the poss i b i 1 i ty of
oil spills . No problem is anticipated, Mr. Seymour noted. Potential prob-
lems and possible solutions related to rights-cf-way were also discussed at
the joint meeting . Mr. Seymour advised Sierra Pacific that he would investi-
gate the zoning requirements. Mr. Canning of Sierra Pacific noted Sierra
Pacific wants to obtain a legal opinion prior to Mr. Seymour's investigation.
Mr. Seymour indicated he and Director Huber expressed an interest in having
Sierra Pacific design and contract the entire substation, which was agreeable
to Sierra Pacific. He noted Sierra Pacific has designed a similar substation
at Round Hill , Nevada, which is very attractive, with a low-profile design,
color coordinated with the surrounding terrain. (Mr. Canning presented pic-
tures for review by the Board.) Mr. Seymour noted that joint venture pro-
jects between a public utility and a privately owned utility are not uncommon.
The Manager stated that it was his recommendation and, he believed,
Director Huber 's recommendation that the Board proceed with the joint project.
Several matters require direction - a letter of understanding between the
TDPUD and Sierra Pacific, and a commercial agreement setting up an additional
delivery point.
In answer to a question posed by Director Kuttel , Mr. Canning advised
that the District would pay all the cost of the high-side protection for the
District's transformer, the metering, the distribution equipment and trans-
former. As far as the station itself, the District would pay a proportional
share of land - the design would be based on the actual cost. The project
is hoped to be completed in 1979 Mr. Canning stated.
if, for any reason, the project is delayed, Sierra Pacific has some
unused capacity at its Truckee Substation which the District may use to
obtain an additional 2 megawatts of power.
Director Hatch moved, and Director Kuttel seconded the motion, that
the Board authorize Mr. Seymour to work with Sierra Pacific Power Company
and come up with an agreement of intent concerning design and construction
of the new substation; when done, it is to be reviewed by District Counsel
and Engineer - thereafter, it is to be reviewed by the Board at the March
5, 1979, Board Meeting. ROLL CALL: Hatch, aye; Huber, absent; Kuttel , aye;
Sutton, absent; Maass, aye. SO MOVED.
2/13/79 pg. 1
Mr. Seymour requested the Board authorize the call for bids on l20kV
transformers. Mr. Merriman advised him, he stated, that the specifications
are prepared.
Relating to the commercial rate agreement, the Pres i dent noted that
the Manager and Mr. Giovannoni would confer regarding an amendment to the
current SPPCo - TDPUD agreement.
Mr. Seymour advised of the necessity for going to bid now for the
transformers in order to assure a timely delivery. Mr. Canning noted the
need for the District to order a l20kV interrupter which also has a fair
lead time. Mr. Seymour advised that Mr. Merriman of R. W. Beck could have
the specifications and contract documents to the Board prior to Tuesday's
meeting. The President asked that Beck and Associates be instructed to
ship the material by air rather than through the mail . The Manager ad-
vised that the Executive Secretary would prepare the necessary resolution;
also, he noted the specifications and call for bids will be an amendment
to the original contract documents. The Chairman noted this as being the
Board' s direction; the matter will be placed on the February 20, 1979, meet-
ing agenda.
The Manager referred -to the letter relating to this matter from R.
W. Beck and Associates dated February 2, 1979. A copy of. that correspondence
has been attached to these minutes. Mr. Seymour stated that, in general ,
Mr. Merriman approves of the drawings proposed by Dart Industries. Mr. Sey-
mour also stated there would be some field modification where -the plans did
not fit the terrain. Dart has gone to bid on a unit price basis.
Mr. Seymour advised of the need for the District to have its own in-
spector. The only qualified person presently working for the PUD is the
General Foreman, Bob Slattery, and he does not have time available to pro-
vide the necessary inspection. Dart has agreed to pay for costs incurred
by the District for inspection, the Manager noted. It was his suggestion
that the District hire a qualified person who is retired from an electric
utility and who understands G095.
Mr. Strand of Dart Industries indicated construction may begin as
early as A-pr i 1 of 1979. The contractor wi i l purchase surplus wire from
the TDPUD for use in this project.
Director Hatch moved that the Board approve the specifications and
plans, with the modifications outlined by R. W. Beck and Associates, for
the el ectr ca 1 distribution system for Tahoe Donner Subdivision Units 8
through 11 . Director Kuttel seconded the motion. ROLL CALL: Hatch, aye;
Huber, absent; Kuttel , aye; Sutton, absent; Maass, aye. SO MOVED.
The President requested that a copy of the February 2, 1979, letter
from R. W. Beck and Associates to him be attached to these minutes.
Due to the weather, Special Counsel Marron and his associates were
unable to attend the meeting. Therefore, President Maass noted, an Execu-
tive Session would not be held.
There being no further business before the Board, Director Hatch
moved, and Director Kuttel seconded, that the meeting be adjourned. ALL
The President declared the meeting adjourned at 8:00 P.M.
By ��a
Ja e A. Maass
Susan M. C r a ig
Deputy District Clerk
e"'41 L
.%VW J L..
T?r,b,0 C31t E" DC).NINER, P.L1.0.
District Coutis%�.,I GENERAL 0 F IF I C L
FASIGN oremon
ANALYSES 206-622-5MO
fitf NO. W-1-111 5.ED1-MX February 2,, 1979
�O 2
N11_18\91, jiies A. Maass,
PresidN�*; of the Brl,)a.rd
-'I-. Titil-ity
Ili,uc Le e �,rl C -L 4-L ol_j.
F"ost 0-1�`f.ice pox.1 -Truckee Cali- rni&� a .9-734
Dart Industries Tahoe Donner Subdivision
Electricral Dis1trli-bution System - -Units -.8,9,10 & 11.
In accordc-Mce with our Work Order Agreement, this letter presents
our review and findings on th-is, subject. Included are a, relr*ew of planning
and des-1-gn criteria user! in preparation of detailed. plans and specifications,
and a review of bidding documents to evaluation adequacy for serving
loads for a forward per.-Lod of 10-15 ears consideringC> lcsses, voltage drl'-)ps,
switchi-n.g, section lizirig and compatibility with existing system,
SOURCE OF. INF0,1),�-'.A.TT(_").N
Princlipal sources of. information for this studYL were:
1 Pre.]_`L,rninaxy Construction contract specifications and
drawings prepared by Corammer Engineering and S.E.Al.
f or Ar.""o r t '1nd-uv s tr.-*Lq-::5 s.
.1 C-)
20 Telephone discussion -twith Mr. Joe Murin of S.E.A. Engineering,
3. Load data, existing :3-,Tstem and cost data from the 1977-1978
worl.-_ plan prepared by R.W. Beck in 1977.
Our review covers the general design criteria and mailor features
of tl.,,e proJect canid. no-'L'.. details such as pole height, ground clearance at
individ-i..ial locacion, or structwal cade quacy of individual poles, guys,
anchors, etc,
The is a .13"Lst of' design criteria items which we
have reviewed. M,-j.ny of -these items -P,iahe recaimendations for revision
of the prirl-.1-Iiiiii - (I * L dewed,
and spec: cations which we rei,
14r. Jairie,(j,A. 2'
ebruary 2, 1-979
1 :Nlr. J�Iurin of S.E.A. Engineering Las indicated. that
'the desig ,.4
,,n does comply with GO-9 (Rules Foyb
Overhea- d Electric Line Construct-ion) . These -I,biLles
defLaf!D general clearances and s�,ructural requirements
on whic-h detailed design and construction are based.
2. The draw-ings do n,,-)t clearly indicate conductor size.
I ze.
O.E.A. Engineering has indicated that phase conductors
wil 1 bel 2/0 ACSE and neutral conductors No. 2 AC SR.
This conductor size appears adequate for anticipated
long range loads.
3. The spe cifications should indicate NESC heavy loading
to apply, to conductor sagging as reqU'Ired by G.O. 95
for altitudes above .3000 feet.
4. Pole; class should be specified on the drawings or
-nd' ated. in the specifications
5, Line cutouts should be installed at a-11 major tap
loccations for system, sectionalizing. Only a few of those
needed were sll-lown on the, drawing. The,, fuse sizes can
be selected and installed later.
6. )elect on of ma�terials should, be coordinatE!C1. with the
DistricAls stock -to avoid future unnec,essary stocking of
add1tional items. S.El .A. Engineering has indicated that
t-.hiE.; h,-as been done.
7. Ijight-ninE; arresters should be installed at ends of lines
and at open dead end locations.
81 The neutral wire should close on all loops whether primary
is open or closed. '17his will reduce neutral and. ground
currents, reduce underground pipe corrosion and minimize
voltaG--�� on the systeri common neutral. VherE'. open loops
are, shown with one span of primary omitted, increased
conVenierice for transferring loads could be obtained by
J A.nstalling -the missing primary span and leaving an. open
j-URP er
Most of the above listed. --*-teins have been discussed with Mr.
Murin of' S.E.A. Engineering who inn:sated general agreement to including,
the above listed items in the final drawings and contract documents.
New loads to be added on. this project wild be connected. to
an exist-ing 210 ACS.R 12.47 kV line -looped through the area, -served from
tvro feeder recloser-L,-, at the Tahoe-Donner Substation, The loop is
I ap.prox-ir.i,a-V,e_?_y 6..0 -iTciics in longth w.ith a normally open midpoint.
February 2, 1979
James A.- MWass
9_.'he 2/0 A.G'fl conductor bas, a, nominal capacity of 5800 KVA
��v0 Amps) or, 550C) KV EA-t 95% powe-r f,-ictor. This would provide a
total poss-_`Lble Ca,p,9t,.j.tjy- of 11000 'K;4 for the two feeders.
Voltac:;e drop I'laits may be based on 1 6.6'/0 (8V-120V base)
d i 3.9, Work Plar. by R.W. Beck datrad December
as recommca-f I idc n ely 4000 to
19rT`f. On `,,,his basJ_SDO, -Load is lim,J_ted_ to approximat
5000 KW per feede-t- (8000 to 1.0,000 total.) depending on pattern
of "Load dev e 1 op-rr,'-ie Ilt&
Line losc,.;es wrl-,�re evaluated.. assim,.ing current wholesale
a the Dart DeVEIlopment*
Polwer cost and h-ist,o-Y,-:*L.Ca1 load fa%,.-�-tor 11.1 n7 per feeder
Results -J.ndicate a load of -,above approximately 5000
Would. be required to justify conductor r l epacement or additions
inuo the a-, Ca.
The above thermal capacity) volt age ,drop, and loss
viJe limits of 8000 t( _W for total.
cons iderations, pro -, ) 10,000 K
load.-J.ng of" the t'�Wo cllrcuits ()40oo to 5000 KVT per circuit) serving
the area. Because of 'the practical -Droblem of.dividing load
equally between _111-cuits, and the need for some reserve for
6 .L
ixtifor sea,"ole needs, we recoiimend thp,t for planning purposes, loading
be limited to -the 1-ow de of the above mentioned limits, about
- 000 n\-q for the two feeders
3500 to LK)00 KW pe.r feeder, 7000 to 3
serv-ing, the entire a-r,,ea. These recommended loading limits (10
,not, provide capa:bi'Lity for serving all loads with one circuit, out of sere-1-cep-1-cepduring thle annual peak _J.oad. However, such peak perio(fts are a,
p,-:i,r-t of the
The present peak load in the area is app-,-roximately L-500 KW,
at the recent rate- 0',-:' 'r-rowth of 8% per year, the approximate 7500 KW
for the ti�i-o exa.Sting feeders wculd be reached in seven years by 1986.
At that t-.,'Lme an --),ddiII.-,ionaI feeder 7,,Totild need -to be constructed. into
the are(,,.i based. on -the above crit��ria. A more rapid build out rate
in the rie.�-I-t few ye,�,J,rs and./or a gr,-eatler percentage of -the new houses
u,c,,inr1- e1ectric I.-ILea-IC, ecluld resialt in the need. for the third feeder
w-I denend on. the
a t dcate. The exact A� .11 of course A..
actu,!D-1 -rate of [-,;ruATth experienced ,),,J-er the next -few years.
The substatic�n has a, transfo-rmer with an OA rating of
3750 n,- ' and a wii.--t (--:r loc-,).ding limit of approximately 5000 KVA per
ANSI loading guide. Existing loadin[�,; is near this limit. Accord-
ingly increased c.--_�pacity is needed in the near Pature as recommended
the, 1977-1978 -v7ork plan.
Exist-I.ngr fe(-;,der reclosers have 1G5 Ampere coils and 400
Ajapere f r,-imes wideK is adequate for cS-ervi ng the planned 4000 KAIA
P(:-,-r feeder but lin-,-'I.t's ability to transfer load between circuJi-ts.
R(:-,,Closer adequa(.--.- -, - I during planning of trans-
y- c�hould be conslder�,--%d further
former r c pl ac ement
Mr ame s A Maa s s Q0 February 2, 1979
The recomriendations herein, --','Lf adopted, should in our opinion
riet 1.0 provide an acceptable level of service to its
endble Dist
customer s ire. the Dart developinent. Please contact us if. you have further
Very truly yours,
Kenneth P. Merriman,
K TIM/lp
cc-. A. Milton Sey-ni.ouArl.,
General Manarre'y