HomeMy WebLinkAbout1981-09-02 Min - Board r SPECIAL MEETING September 2, 1981 The special meeting of the Board of Directors of the Truckee Donner Pub Zic Uti Zity District was ca Z Zed to order by President Huber at 5:30 P.M. in the TDPUD Genera Z Manager's office. ROLL CALL: Directors Corbett, Duffy, Kutte Z Maass and Huber y be were present. P CONSULTANTS PRESENT: District Couns e Z Simon was present. EMPLOYEES PRESENT: Susan M. Craig was in attendance. OTHERS PRESENT: Among those present were Fifth District Supervisor Sutton, Frank AieZZo and his engineer, ShirZey Rosamond (Director of the High Sierra Senior Citizens) and Jo Brown. CONSIDERATION AND POSSIBLE ACTION RESPECTING THE TDPUD - AIELLO (SENIOR CITIZEN HOUSING) DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT The special meeting was scheduZed at the request of Directors Duffy, y Corbett and Kutte Z because of their concern re Zative to the aZ Ze9'ed hardship being pZaced upon the Senior Citizens. Both Director Maass and President Huber expressed their displeasure with Mr. AieZZo for the manner in which the de Zivery of the draft agreement and scheduling of the meeting was handled. Director Maass noted he feZt he had been purpose Zy exc Zuded; President Huber stated she feZt it was an insuZt to the office of President of the Board not to have been contacted by Mr. AieZZo. Both Directors indicated they were in the area and readi Zy avai Z- '° ab Ze. Mr. AieZZo exp Zained that he received on Zy three copies o f the draft agreement from Mr. Simon, and de Zivered them to the first three Directors he couZd Zocate (Directors Corbett, Duffy and Kutte Z). The Board and District Counsel Simon reviewed the draft deveZo ment agree- ment p between the TDPUD and the Ate Z Zos and agreed upon the foZZowing changes: Paragraph 3, a fourth exhibit is to be added - the approved Engineer's estimate. Paragraph 5, "complete" is to be changed to "approved. " Paragraph 7 wiZZ real as fozzows., ". . .as shown on Exhibit Z, construct 400 ZineaZ feet of eight inch diameter ductiZe iron pipe along access road, then easterZy 600 feet along Estates Drive, past the intersection of Estates Drive and Riverview Drive, thence 390 feet connecting to a tee to be constructed at the southeast portion of the project on the southerly side of .Highway 267, aZZ as shown on Exhibit Z. " Some discussion ensued as to whether or not the Ca Zi fornia Depart- ment of Transportation would provide the necessary bore. Paragraph 8 is to read as foZZows. ". . -construct 2300 ZineaZ feet of eight inch diameter ductiZe iron pipe, 840 feet northerly, along the western boundary of the prof ect, thence 1660 feet norther Zy, a Zong the western boundary of the project, thence 1660 feet easterZy to the existing eight inch tie-in stub near the Truckee Sanitary District shop facility. 11 Paragraph 9 wiZZ be changed to read, ". . . pay to the District the s zen of $25,900 representing water facilities fees, and the sum of $17, 750 representing p g �z a water connection fee. . . " An additional paragraph is to be added addressing eZectric facilities fees (presentZy being estabZished). The paragraph is to note that the deveZop- er agrees to pay aZZ fees as determined to be reasonable by the District. There was some discussion by Mrs. Sutton and Mr. AieZZo as to whether or not these fees could be negotiated due to the fact that Mr. AieZZo granted Zand to the District for the purpose of constructing the new substation. (The property was deeded in exchange for certain considerations as set forth in the written agreement dated October 15, 1980. ) Paragraph 11, second Zine, "from" is to be changed to "near" - Paragraph 13, the third Zine is to read "forming the easterZy portion of the on site loop, to service a fire" - Paragraph 14 wiZZ read, ". . ,water main between the. . . Director Maass suggested that maintenance of certain on-site facilities 912181 - pg. 1 be inc Zuded in the agreement. Paragraph 17 shaZZ read, "the District 's guide Zines and standards, and to the satisfaction of the Truckee Fire Protection District. " Paragraph 20 shaZZ be changed to read, ". . . the District a surety bond, Zetter of credit or certificate of deposit in a form satis factory. . . " Paragraph 2Z wiZZ be amended to read, ". . .water and eZectricaZ distribu- tion system, but not Zess than $26,800, which bond shaZZ. . . " Paragraph 22 shaZZ be changed to read, "fina Z Board approval" rather than "final approval. " Paragraph 23 shaZZ inc Zude the statement, "The easements and rights of way shaZZ be provided to the District prior to the issuance of an oc- cupancy permit. " Paragraph 25, twe Zve months shaZZ be changed to eighteen months. Para- graph 26, 90 days shaZZ be changed to 30 days. Paragraph 27 shaZZ be changed to read, ". . .inspect the construction continuous Zy. . . " Paragraph 32, "archi!- tecturaZ" shaZZ be changed to "as-built." The question was asked as to whether or not Mr. Aie Z Zo has been bi Z Zed and reimbursed the District for its Attorneys ' fees and costs incurred in preparing, negotiating and finaZizing the deve Zopment agreement (Paragraph 36). Paragraph 38 is to inc Zude the facilities fees and connection fee total- ing $43,450. Paragraph 44 is to make note of the fact that RuZe 15 wiZZ be in effect for ten years and, further_, that the District wiZZ estabZish pay back fees ^} relative to adjacent property owners. District Counsel Simon advised that he would have the second draft in- corporating the necessary amendments and additions ready for the Board to pick up at the District office on Friday afternoon (September 4, 1981). The agreement wiZZ be considered at the September 8th Board meeting. Directors Huber and Maass Ze ft the meeting at 6:30 P.M. After some discussion between the various Directors, Counse Z and members of the audience, Director Corbett moved that the meeting be adjourned. Direc- tor Kutte Z seconded the motion, and the meeting was adjourned by the Treasurer at 6:55 P.M. TRUCKEE DONNER PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT By Roberta C. Huber, President J Su an M. Craig, Deputy DigOict CZerk 912181 pg. 2 September 2, 1981 Dan Cook provided the following information by telephone: 1. Relating to Assessor's Parcel Numbers - #19-450-46 and #19-450-47. (The substation is #19-450-45 - the three parcels were created out of #19-4 50-03) 2. Revisions are necessary to the on-site and off-site descriptions - Dan will provide Jim Simon with the necessary information 3. Exhibit 2, the electrical distribution system, has been reviewed by the District's General Foreman and approved as submitted. It is filed in his office. 4. Relating to easements and rights-of-way - five required easements have not yet been provided (Winters, Sierra Pacific, TSD, Green and TDPUD) . Dan suggested the follow- ing language be added to Paragraph #23 - Developer will provide necessary easements prior to the occupancy permit being applied for. 5. Relating to fees - Paragraph 9 - Facilities Fee - $25,900 - Connection fees - $17,500. Dan suggested a provision covering the yet to be established electrical facilities fees be added. smc f