HomeMy WebLinkAbout8 Insurance package renewal Agenda Item #
To: Board of Directors
From: Peter Holzmeister
Date: April
Subject: Insurance package renewal
1. Why this matter is before the board
Each year during April, we renew the District's property and liability insurance package.
The package expires on May 1s` each year and we need to renew it to make sure we are
covered. This item appears on the board agenda each April.
2. History
We have retained Marsh Risk Management Services as broker of record for our
insurance. They help define the insurance coverage that is appropriate for our District
along with the suggested deductibles to balance risk management and cost.
3. New information
We do not yet have the renewal proposal. We are expecting it any hour. We will get it
to the board as soon as we get it. Robb Hubbard of Marsh Risk Management Services
will attend the meeting to explain the package and answer questions.
4. Recommendation
Once the renewal package arrives, we will be able to develop a recommendation for the
board's consideration.
Robb Hubbard
MARSH Vice President
Marsh Risk&Insurance Services
3 Embarcadero Center
San Francisco.CA 94111
California License#0437153
415 743 7741 Fax 415 743 7778
April 11, 2003
Mary Chapman
Truckee-Donner P.U.D
11570 Donner Pass Road
P.O. Box 309
Truckee, CA. 96160
Dear Mary:
Re: Renewal for 5-1-03 to 04
We have attached a copy of our brokerage proposal for reference as a part of the 5-1-03-renewal
process for property and liability coverage.
Coverage options include St. Paul, the incumbent carrier and Public Utility Risk Management
Association's captive program. Both offer similar coverage concepts for your consideration.
The coverage offered on renewal is the same as carried last year. Of special note is that overall
property values on real and personal property increased about 15% from last year, which is
included within the pricing shown on both programs.
The total pricing for the program last year with St. Paul was $354,634. Renewal pricing is
$368,981. The chart attached shows the variances by line of coverage with the premium
differences. The PURMA offering totals $343,401. Brokerage fees would be added to both
totals as we are handling your program, as per the original proposal attached on a fee basis.
You will see references to various terms on the spreadsheet: CIGA and TRIA. Those terms
■ CIGA, California Insurance Guarantee Association
■ TRIA, Terrorism Risk Insurance Act
CIGA covers the cost of the California State guarantee fund and is a mandated charge on
coverage placed using admitted insurers. Figures shown do not include CIGA charges unless
otherwise noted. TRIA is the mandated Federal Terrorism Act Coverage. This is the assessment
cost if an insured wants to purchase coverage for terrorism from a carrier. We will discuss this
in more detail with the Board during our presentation.
Marsh x McLennan Companies
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April-11, 2003
Overall, we are pleased with the results of the marketing efforts this year. In the face of
continuing market conditions where many accounts are receiving rate increases in excess of
35%, the increase for Truckee Donner is in the range of 13%including fees and slightly less
than that if the PURMA program is selected. This increase includes the cost of the higher
property values. Neither includes costs for cable operations should the Board elect to move in
that direction.
We anticipate that by the time of the Board meeting that we may have one other option for the
Board to consider,but wanted to have our base program provided for Board review ahead of
time. The option we are looking at is whether or not a separate property placement outside of
PURMA will make any premium difference.
The essential differences between the plans are straightforward:
PURMA carries a limit of liability of$25 million compared to St. Paul at S10 million.
PURMA's property/boiler program has a$25,000 deductible whereas St. Paul has a $5,000
Unless we can find an alternative with the same coverage as carried on the property portion of
the risk, since PURMA property cost is significantly higher, we are recommending continuing
coverage with St. Paul.
I will be at the Board Meeting to answer questions.
Robb Hubbard
Vice President
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April 11, 2003
¢My aocumemsuapua+anewal tlomtlOc
Robb Hubbard Marsh Risk&Insurance Services
Vice President 3 Embarcadero Center,Suite300
San Francisco,CA. 94111
Phone:415 743 7741 Fax:415 743 7778
California License No.0437153
April 11, 2003
Mary Chapman
Truckee-Donner P.U.D
11570 Donner Pass Road
P.O. Box 309
Truckee, CA. 96160
Dear Mary:
Truckee-Donner P.U.D. (TDPUD) is a very special client to our team. We are pleased to
outline herein, our proposal for Insurance Brokerage and Risk Management Services. We
stand ready to resume a level of experienced service to TDPUD and to continue a committed
partnership of which we can all be proud.
In your evaluation of Marsh, you have the benefit of a 10-year "report card" on the
professional services, commitment and leadership our team has displayed to TDPUD. Our
team has skillfully guided TDPUD through hard and soft markets, and provided highly
competitive insurance programs in both environments, achieving a very solid track record of
performance. We have striven for the highest possible satisfaction in our service to you, a
difficult goal in this business. We believe we have achieved the trust of the Board and staff
over the years.
Marsh is the largest insurance broker in the United States. Marsh has not worked with
TDPUD, but Marsh's San Francisco based Public Entity / Public Utility account team
assigned to TDPUD has experience working with you over the last five years. In that time,
we provided TDPUD with coverage innovation,pricing consistency combined with a strong
service proposition.
We are a highly specialized service team that works with nothing but public entities. We
have direct experience with a variety of water and power agencies; moreover, we also
understand the concerns facing all agencies in the days of tight budgetary constraints.
Added to the existing concern is the impact of 9/11/01 on the insurance marketplace. After
9/11, the market has experienced significant change resulting in coverage restrictions and
pricing increases. We see very little chance of improvement in the marketplace over the
next 24 months.
It is exactly that reason why Marsh is the best choice for TDPUD. We understand your
operations. We have placed coverage on behalf on TDPUD and have as well, significant
experience dealing with insurance carriers in a tough market. Marsh has market clout that
other brokers can only talk about. 'Thus, our experience handling your account,clout with the
An MMC Company
Marsh Risk&Insurance Services
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April 11, 2003
Mary Chapman
marketplace and our understanding of public accounts, makes us the right choice to be your
We would propose that the TDPUD appoint Marsh as your broker of record; as we detail
below, we would propose to work on a fee basis versus a commission on the following
insurance policies:
^> General Liability
➢ Property
➢ Umbrella
Y Automobile
➢ Inland Marine
Boiler and Machinery
➢ Public Officials Errors and Omissions
➢ Earthquake
➢ Aboveground Pollution
Fiduciary Liability.
We would work on a standard commission's basis if you prefer.
We will market all lines of coverage with commercial insurance carriers and we will
ascertain the best coverage and pricing for TDPUD. With the experience of our service team
and our strong marketing credentials, we are the best bet for keeping your overall costs in
line to the extent possible.
Marsh is generally the largest producer for many insurance carries. For instance, Marsh is
the largest broker sending business to St. Paul, your current lead insurer. This market clout
not only with St. Paul, but many other insurers means that we have a great deal of leverage
with these insurers. We also focus our marketing efforts though our Global Broking
Division. Global Broking, in concert with the Client Executive, directly negotiates with
carriers creating a "client triangle" where our Client, Global Broking and the Client
Executive work in concert with the designated market. We encourage our client's to become
part of this process both to make certain "your" story is told correctly and also to provide
you with direct understanding as to how the marketplace is viewing your risks. Specifics
would include:
➢ Negotiation of coverage terms with various carriers
➢ Review of your account with carriers
> Development of coverage and pricing options
We cannot guarantee what will occur on renewal. In today's marketplace we would be remiss in not
telling you that conditions projected for next May would indicate that a further pricing increase will
be likely.
Marsh Risk&Insurance Services
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April 11, 2003
Mary Chapman
We will provide all the routine but necessary services directly with the TDPUD; we do not
use a service center that is located in a distant City. Your service team will be located in San
Francisco. Marsh will also assign an Account Administrator to work on our account with
Mr. Hubbard. This allows you to have several direct contacts that know your account and to
whom you can communicate. We will handle the necessary backroom work as a part of our
services including:
Issuance of certificates
➢ Completion of policy summaries and policy handbooks
7 Issuance of additional insured requests
Preparation and handling of specifications to go to the market
5 Issuance of binders
➢ Policy reviews for accuracy
Processing underwriting and risk changes such as adding new vehicles or equipment to the
Regular reports and communications
Marsh.com is our communications portal and is an easy means for our accounts and their
service teams to keep abreast of existing or new issues. A description of the service, which
is included at no expense, will be submitted under separate coverage.
Risk Management
Perhaps one of the chief areas where we believe our prior experience with TDPUD will be
the most useful is for us to complete a risk management survey on your behalf.This process,
called a Business Needs Risk Assessment, or BNRA, is designed to allow us to evaluate
your exposures compared to the coverage carried. This allows us to assure that you both
have appropriate coverage with exposures dealt with as needed. As the TDPUD grows by
purchase or acquisition of other water/power customers, having a strong understanding of
your exposure allows us to do a better job on your behalf.
The BRNA process would include:
y An insurance policy review
r Completion of risk analysis using a risk quantification survey(questionnaire)where
members of the TDPUD staff would be interviewed to compare their understanding of
risk/exposure to that which actually exists
To include a survey of perception of risk to allow for the completion of a risk map,
quantifying exposure on a frequency and severity axis
> A financial analysis comparing balance sheet and ledger items with actual schedules
presented to the commercial marketplace
Interviews with not only management, but other staff would be included in the process
i Completing a summary report setting findings
Marsh Risk&Insurance Services
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April 11, 2003
Mary Chapman
Claims Assistance
As needed, Marsh will supply claims assistance to the TDPUD in the event that problems
arise in the manner in which claims are handled. Please refer to our work plan.
Presently, we estimate that the TDPUD is paying about$44,000 annually in commissions on
the business being handled by our competitor. That figure would not include workers
compensation. Renewal tennis will likely increase the income on the account even further.
We would propose a fee of $35,000 annually, with changes based on changes in the
consumer price index or if other services, as noted in the proposal are requested. If we were
appointed to handle the workers compensation placement, there would be an additional fee
for that service. If placement required a commission (some insurance carriers will not issue
a policy without a commission),we would reduce the fee to offset that commission received.
Full disclosure is the rule within Marsh Risk& Insurance Services.
Other Services
Our risk-consulting professionals keep us advised of new developments in the law as well as
new products and services available to our clients. As the leading provider of brokerage and
consulting services to the public sector, Marsh has a wealth of insurance-related information
of potential value to TDPUD. We will constantly review Marsh's database or resources for
topics of interest to TDPUD, and make them available electronically and in hard copy at
Board meetings or retreats.Typical other services would include:
➢ Consulting relating to work force strategies, including behavioral risk management, absence
management, cumulative injury management;
➢ Environmental risk consulting services;
F Claims services other than those specified above, including catastrophic claims, mass tort
claims, claims advocacy services and archival research;
➢ Non-recurring insurance placements involving significant quantitative or actuarial analysis
or modeling, placements of risks with financial institutions other than insurance carriers, and
placements of risks not customarily accepted by insurers; and
A Employee benefits services
These services would be priced separately.
We have included for your review various draft documents, including a fee for services
agreement, a sample broker of record letter, my bio, and our services plan outline tailored for
TDPUD. These documents are designed to demonstrate our commitment to the handling of
your insurance and risk management program.
In closing, we appreciate the opportunity to present our service proposal. We hope you will
choose Marsh Risk and Insurance Services to be your risk partner. We are eager to work
with you as you begin to address the challenges of emerging risk management issues in a
very hard and difficult market.
Marsh Risk&Insurance Services
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April 11, 2003
Mary Chapman
Robb Hubbard
Sr. Client Executive
Public Entities
Truckee Donner Public Utility District
Premium Comparison 02-03 versus 03-04
§fin - .,�'. _ — t _.._.
'flytckee Odmllar,PUtY-Peiec f3
? f
Premium ' Other callers to
percentage' complete
Premium Premium 2003 TRIA Coverage increase fnbfr. ' PURMA
Insurer Coverage 2002-03 04 03-04 fnciadin TVHA pro osal
5t.Paul Insurance Company _ �4� � -� — -- - i
Equipment Inland
Marine $ 62,412 $ 678 16%'.. $ 119458 121%
Crime $1,500 $ 1,350 included above -10% $ 2000 Great Amencan 33
General Liability $123247 $ 130349 $ 1,155 6% $ 40726 67% '
Automobile Liability $40,216 $ 44,627 $ - 11% $ 74 800 Crum 8 Forster, 86% '
-- -- Umbrella $48,278 $ 33,818 $ 231 .30% $ 31 254 35%
- Pollution Liability $3,542 $ 3,706 5% Included XS$500000
- --_- Voluntary Property ---- -
Damage $5903 $ 6177. 5% sPo lncl-PURMA checking 100%
-- EMF Damage $2361 $ 2471 _ 5% s/b mci-PURMA checking -100%
',,,'?rs11'K 1
Continental Casualty Company, -
iiBodler&Machinery $12 930 $12 387 I included 4% $ _ - included wl prop 100%
- -- - _- - ciga included included
Royal Indemnity Company - - -
Earthquake 8 Flood $30,632 $ 35,24700 ', $ 30.000 _ 15% $ 39,163 _.. -28%
_. _... $ 70500 $ 600
U S Speaalty Insurance Expiring
Federal Insurance-Rer i Fiduciary Liability $2 000,,$ 1,870,00 Included J% $ 3 000 50
Royal Indemnity Company I -- - -
Public Officials D80 $30600 $ 29,700 tool -1% $ 33000 Royals pricing 10%
- -- above est only i$12631,PURMA _
Total for coverages $354634 $ 36898i. 4016 r
Total for St.Paul only $279,072 $288,441 3%TINT",ffllll