HomeMy WebLinkAbout10 CEQA Brockway Road Transmission Pipeline Agenda Item # Memorandum To: Board of Directors From: Neil Kaufman Date: August 12, 2005 Subject: Award of a Contract for CEQA Preparation Associated with the Brockway Road Transmission Pipeline 1. Why this matter is before the board: Board Authorization is required to award a contract for consulting services. 2. History: The Brockway Road Transmission Pipeline is a proposed 24" pipeline that will connect two previously constructed 24" pipelines. The western end of the pipeline is at the intersection of Bridge Street and Indian Jack Road just north of downtown Truckee. The eastern end of the pipeline is at the intersection of Mantis Drive and Ranch Way in the Ponderosa Fairway Estates subdivision. This pipeline is identified as a needed project in the District's current Water Master Plan. 3. New information: In July of 2005, 1 requested that Inland Ecosystems provide a proposal to perform all necessary field and office review work associated with the CEQA review of the Brockway Road Transmission Pipeline. Almost the entire route of the project lies along roadways or previously disturbed areas. However, it is still necessary that the District perform that required investigations as part of the CEQA process. Inland Ecosystems submitted a proposal for$7,590.00. Inland Ecosystems has prepared a number of CEQA documents for the District in the past and I believe that the price quoted is reasonable. The anticipated funding source for this project is Facility Fees. 4. Recommendation: 1) The Board of Directors accept the proposal submitted by Inland Ecosystems and award a contract for preparation of the CEQA Initial Study associated with the Brockway Road Transmission Pipeline in an amount not to exceed $7,590.00. I 2) The Board of Directors authorize the transfer of $7,590.00 from the Water Facility Fee Account to the Water General Fund. r : f t INLAND ECOSYSTEMS 1135 Terminal Way, Suite 204A Reno,NV. 89502 Phone: (775) 786-3223 Fax: (775) 786-3229 ECOSYSTEMSEmail*. emcrroniaiulnndecnsystems.aom Mr. Edward Taylor August 12, 2005 Truckee Donner Public Utility District 11510 Donner Pass Road Truckee, CA 96160 Subject: Proposal to Prepare a California Environmental Quality Act Initial Study for the Brockway Road Transmission Pipeline Dear Mr. Taylor: Inland,Ecosystems is pleased to submit this scope of work and cost estimate to assist the Truckee Donner Public Utility District (District) with preparation and circulation of a California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Initial Study for the Brockway Road Transmission Pipeline. This proposal includes the environmental and cultural resource tasks associated with completing the pipeline. Carolyn Chamey-Davis and Mark Chainey will conduct the Biological Resources surveys. Dr. Susan Lindstrom will carry out the Cultural Resources surveys. I will coordinate all components of the project and complete the CEQA document. Our cost estimate for the survey work and preparation of the environmental document is a "not to exceed" contract amount of $7,590. Table 1 provides a breakdown of all estimated costs associated with this proposal. Our goal is to ensure that the District is provided with an exceptionally high quality of environmental and cultural documentation to ensure that the project is carried out with the least amount of environmental disturbance. Should you have any questions please contact me at (775) 786-3223. We look forward to assisting the District with this important project, Sincerely, � Glenn S. Merron, Ph.D. s 1 4 f E t9 39Vd SW3ISAS003/QNV-1NI 6ZZE9AIG1l cr'rr TABLE OF CONTENTS Transmittal Letter Section 1 Scope of Work Section 2 Cost Estimate s i t 2 30 39VJ SW31SAS003/GNVINI 6Z7.F9R1ctt cT'TT _ . SECTION 1: SCOPE OF WORK Brockway Road Transmission Pipeline TASK 1: Background Research and Reconnaissance Level Survey Inland Ecosystems environmental scientists Dr. Glenn Merron (Project Manager), Carolyn Chainey-Davis (Botanist), and Mark Chainey (Wildlife Biologists) will conduct a reconnaissance level survey of the proposed pipeline route to confirm the presence of special-status plant or animal species within the project footprint and identify any sensitive habitat types(e.g. wetlands). A search of the USFWS database and the California Natural Diversity Data Base (CNDDB) will be conducted in order to develop a target species list of rare and sensitive species potentially occurring in the area. TASK 2: Cultural Resources Assessment Dr, Susan Lindstrom, a registered archeologist, will conduct a formal cultural resources record search to include all available sites, surveys, National Register, State and National Landmarks, other historic references, and Historic Properties Inventory that fall within a 1/2 mile radius of the project area. TASK 3: Preparation of a CEQA Document The District as the lead agency must evaluate the project components to determine if there is a possibility that there may be a significant effect on the environment. This entails the District preparing an Initial Study to determine whether any specific areas of concern including Biological Resources, Cultural Resources, Mineral Resources, Hydrology, Water Quality, Noise, Transportation/Traffic, Land Ilse/Planning, Air Quality, and Recreation would be "Potentially Significantly Impacted" as a result of the project. Tnland Ecosystems will prepare the Initial Study checklist for the District. Resource agency staff will be consulted during the development of the Initial Study to facilitate feedback pertaining to any potential project impacts. Based on the findings of the initial Study, Inland Ecosystems will suggest an appropriate environmental determination for the project to the District- 3 CO 39Vd SW31SAS003/GNV-1NI GZZ698LSLZ ET:TT 499Z/bT/69 a- TABLE 1. Estimated Costs for Brockway Road Transmission Pipeline,Truckee Donner Public Utility District EvIfiam ofhou by fade --- TAsi.. TOTAL 4 2 24 .30 S.Lindxdam 16 16 8 4 12 4 12 16 C.(Main.Y-D.,k 8 4 12 IMATHOO—RN 2-4 bi RKM C',Mcmm SHR W2 $176 32,112 52640 CO $95 > $1,520 51,520 9) 169 5552 $176 0 FM (3 C.wd.m $69 $276 3828 91,104 C.Llmimyl>,Mc S69 -IS52 z TOTAL Iz FI'Ti2 �1,696 33 4W, T6 9Z4 O ;FA-9K I TASK 2-- TASK 3 TIJM DrRlt(-'r 'n TIM, MUXAM 035hndt Vs S25 SIS $115 GIS AMAKIICS 125 725 $21 $75 corers $50 ssoitck 110 VII) Flo V3 0 Record Swrcfi 33% TOTAL — 435D silo ism $100 - TMAL CWTS s1,842 52.156 14,305 97.5,90 rn TAWC I bmf TASK 2 Culn=i R,sovacea Su y TASK 3 ffopv(TQA huhAl Study ti ct 71 71