HomeMy WebLinkAbout12 CEQA District Pipeline 2006 Agenda Item # i0 i Public Utility District Memorandum To: Board of Directors From: Neil Kaufman Date: January 11, 2006 Subject: Award of a Contract for CEQA Preparation Associated with the District Pipelines -2006 Project 1. Why this matter is before the board: Board Authorization is required to award a contract for consulting services. 2. History: During the Fall of 2005, Ed Taylor and I made a few presentations to the Board of Directors regarding the need to continue with the replacement of failing water pipelines throughout the District. 3. New information: Based upon the need for continued pipeline replacement, I have been working on the design of a pipeline replacement project to be constructed during the Summer of 2006. The overall project tentatively includes about 15,200 feet of pipeline, all located in the Tahoe Donner area. For Bidding and construction purposes, the project will by broken into two contracts (Contract A and Contract B). The attached figure shows the planned 2006 project. Currently, a larger project is planned for 2007, that will include pipeline work in Tahoe Donner as well as other parts of the District. As with all Water Department construction projects, it is necessary for the District to complete a CEQA review of the project. Since 1999, (when I began working at the District) all of the pipeline replacement projects have qualified for a Categorical Exemption under the CEQA process. The documentation for the Categorical Exemption has been completed by Staff and filed with appropriate agencies. For the 2006 project, there are two components that do not qualify for the Categorical Exemption. The replacement pipelines along portions of Chalet Road and Swiss Lane are planned as 12-inch pipe and total about 5,300 feet in length. This 12-inch pipe is needed to serve as backbone pipelines in the Tahoe Donner area to ensure that adequate quantities of water can be transferred under high demand conditions. All other pipelines in the 2006 project are planned as 8-inch pipe. In December of 2005, 1 requested that Inland Ecosystems provide a proposal to perform all necessary field and office review work associated with the CEQA review of the two pipelines that do not qualify for the Categorical Exemption. Inland Ecosystems submitted a proposal for $4,893.00. Inland Ecosystems has prepared a number of CEQA documents for the District in the past and I believe that the price quoted is reasonable. The anticipated funding source for this project is Rates. 4. Recommendation: The Board of Directors accept the proposal submitted by Inland Ecosystems and award a contract for preparation of the CEQA Initial Study associated with the District Pipeline Replacement— 2006 project in an amount not to exceed $4,893.00. Attachments: Figure 1 r,-ee'rvnthrm wit Nc�At, f i„A;JNANNE*A t.AUUf,t 4.`.tANk := TRUCKEE DONNER District Pipleine Replacement-2006 Public Utility District Project . .... . ....... .. ...... ... ....... ..... .... . ..... ..... 1," I". Y, ""' ,"�'�.....�"v............... ..... .......... 12/27/2005 16:37 7757863229 INLAND/ECOSYSTEMS PAGE 01 • ♦ Prepared For Prepared By Mail Kaufman, P.E. Glenn Marron, Ph.D. Truckee Donner Public Utility Inland Ecosystems District 1000 Bible Way, Suite 16 11570 Donner Pass Road Reno, NV $9502 NLA ISP70 COWS 5 December 2005 AA INLAND ECOSYSTEMS 1000 Bible Way, Suite 204A rL - N M Reno,NV. 89502 1 A, i 7DPhone: (775) 786-3223 Fix: (775) 786-3229 ECOSYSTEMSEmail: LmerronCainlaiadecosystems.coin Mr. Neil Kaufman, P.E. December 27,2005 Truckee Donner Public Utility District 11570 Donner Pass Road i Truckee, CA 96160 Subject: Proposal to Prepare a California Environmental Quality Act Initial Study for the Tahoe Donner Pipeline Project Dear Mr. Kaufman: i Inland Ecosystems is pleased to submit this scope of work and cost estimate to assist the Truckee Donner Public Utility District (District) with preparation and circulation of a California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Initial Study for the Tahoe Donner Subdivision Pipeline Project. Environmental concerns apply to approximately 4,400 feet along Swiss Lane and about 875 feet along Chalet Road for a total of 5,275 feet. This proposal includes the environmental and cultural resource tasks associated with surveying the pipeline. Mark Chainey will conduct the Biological Resources surveys. Dr. Susan Lindstrom will carry out the Cultural Resources surveys. I will coordinate all components of the project and complete the CEQA document. Our cost estimate for the survey work and preparation of the environmental document is a not to exceed" contract amount of $4,893. Table I provides a breakdown of all estimated costs associated with this proposal. i Our goal is to ensure that the District is provided with an exceptionally high quality of environmental and cultural documentation to ensure that the project is carried out with the least amount of environmental disturbance. Should you have any questions please contact me at (775) 786-3223. We look forward to i assisting the District with this important project. Sincerely, NK✓.'TlTIG���i' -��C - Glenn S. Merron, Ph.D. 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS Transmittal Letter Section 1 Scope of Work I� I Section 2 Cost Estimate i j I I i I I 2 SECTION 1: SCOPE OF WORK Tahoe Donner Transmission Pipeline TASK.l: Background Research and Reconnaissance Level Survey Inland Ecosystems environmental scientists Dr. Crlenn Merron (Project Manager) and Mark Chainey (Wildlife Biologists) will conduct a reconnaissance level survey of the proposed pipeline route to confirm the presence of special-status plant or animal species within the project footprint and identify any sensitive habitat types. A search of the USFWS database and the California Natural Diversity Data Base (CNDDB) will be conducted in order to develop a target species list of rare and sensitive species potentially occurring in the area. Mr. Chainey will provide a report of the survey and recommend measures to mitigate impacts to biological resources where appropriate. TASK 2: Cultural Resources Assessment I Dr. Susan Lindstrom will conduct the cultural resources assessment. Prefield research will entail a literature review of prehistoric and historic themes for the project area. This will include a review of prior archaeological research and of pertinent published and unpublished literature. In addition, the Washoe Tribe will be consulted in order to assess any Native American concerns. The required records search at the North Central Information Center (NCIC) at California State University at Sacramento (CSUS) will be conducted in order to identify heritage properties that are listed on the National Register, state registers and other listings,including the files of the State Historic Preservation Office(SHPO). Dr. Lindstrom will provide a report of prefield research and present the findings of the field survey, summarizing heritage resources inventoried, and recommending measures to mitigate impacts to these resources where appropriate. If heritage resources are encountered, their formal recordation and evaluation of significance, along with the development of specific impact assessments and implementation of mitigation measures would need to be accomplished under separate contract negotiations. TASK 3: Preparation of a CEQA Document The District as the lead agency must evaluate the project components to determine if there is a possibility that there may be a significant effect on the environment. This entails the District preparing an Initial Study to determine whether any specific areas of concern including Biological Resources, Cultural Resources, Mineral Resources, Hydrology, Water Quality, Noise, Transportation/Traffic, Land Use/Planning, Air Quality, and Recreation would be "Potentially Significantly Impacted" as a result of the project. Inland Ecosystems will prepare the Initial Study checklist for the District. Based on the findings of the Initial Study, Inland Ecosystems will suggest an appropriate environmental determination for the project to the District. ...,...... _,. ......... . . i SECTION 2 } COST ESTIMATE TABLE 1. Estimated Costs for Tahoe Donner Pipeline Project,Truckee Donner Public Utility District. Fsfimatc of hows by task TOTAL TAB(I TASK 2 TASK 3 Puisannel: 25 O.Mearon 4 1 20 8,Luxdstrom 10 10 M.Cba ney 8 4 12 TOTAL HOURS 12 11 48 47 47 RATE ti.Herron $89 3352 $88 $1,7F1J S2,200 50 S.lindetmm 51,2 $125 $1,250 1 M.Chaincy $69 $552 $276 $828 1 TOTAL COST $904 $i 338 52,036 54,278 _ J O CCHER nniE r COBTS TASK I TAW 2 TASK 3 TOTAL i MILEAOF. 035hnile $90 $I5 $15 $120 UIS IURAPHICS $15 $25 $25 $65 COPIES $50 $SO Phone $10 $10 $100 Record Scsmh $350 3350 TCYI'AL $1.15 $d00 S100 $615 TOTAL COSTS $1 019 $I 738 $2,136 $4,893 T' TASK 113iologicel Rwuwr S�cy TASK 2 OdIwal Re oms Sl ey p TASK 3 Prepare CFQA Initial Mudy 0 i i a r i i i ..�.m«wwswVRwVn3'Y'4✓.'4�'fi'�d.:SYX"YN'KMM1+RJ6`Y..'w'.18t).""..