HomeMy WebLinkAbout14 CEQA ProceduresAgenda Item #14 T o: From: Date: Subject: Board o f Directors Kathleen N eus April 15, 20 15 Discuss io n of California Environmental Quality Act Procedures (CEQA) WORKS HO P 1. WHY T HIS MAT T ER IS BEFORE T HE BOARD This item is a overview of the Cal i forni a Envi ro nmental Qual i ty Act (CEQA). 2. HIST ORY In 1969 Presi dent Ni xon si gned the Nati onal E nvironme ntal Pol i cy Act (NEPA). In 1970 California Gove rnor Ronal d Regan sig ned the California Environmental Pol i cy Act (CEQA). The Cal i fornia State Legi slature established the CEQA statute whi ch is peri odically modified by the legi sl ature due to changes in the law and interpretations of the courts. The primary purpose o f CEQA is to provide information to the publi c and decisi on makers about the potential for significant environmental impacts of a proposed project. The objecti ve of CEQA is to cau se the least possibl e impact to the environment and to ide ntify ways to a void or reduce signifi cant imp act(s) through mi tigati o ns or feasi ble alternati ves. 3. NEW INFORMAT ION It is the i ntent of the Di strict to compl y with all applicable Cal i fornia laws and regulations. W hen any department of the Di strict that p roposes a project that may affect the environment, the department shal l follow an d complete the requirements of CEQA. Additi onally, al l envi ron mental consi deration s will be incl uded within the concept, design a nd planni ng for the project. Procedure: Decide i f the project is a project a s defined by CEQA, W hat are the potenti al i mpacts on the envi ronment, Michael D. Holley General Manager W hat are the potenti al i mpacts on the envi ronment, Do an Initi al Study (IS), The Initi al Study provi des the fact ual basis for the dete rminati on of an exemption, negative declaration o r EIR. No Signi ficant Effect: To exempt the project -Article 19 . Categ orical Exempti ons, Negative Declaration, Miti gated Negative Decl aration. Signifi cant Effect: Prepare the Environmental Impac t Repo rt (EIR), Notice o f Preparati on, Early pu bl i c consultati o n, Prepare the Draft EIR, Consul tati on concerning the Draft EIR, Public revi ew, Evaluation of and respo nses to co mmen ts, Recircul ati on of the EIR prior to ce rtificati on, Preparation of the Final EIR, Certifi cations of the Fi n al EIR, Fi ndings. 4. FISCAL IMPACT There is no fiscal i mpact associated with this workshop i tem. 5. RECOMMENDAT ION Review this report and provide commen t.