HomeMy WebLinkAbout19, Proposed Electric AMI Meter Opt-Out Program
WORKSHOP ITEM #19Out Program-OptProposed Electric AMI Meter Out Program-OptProposed Electric AMI Meter June 5, 2019
Proposed Electric AMI Meter Opt AMI is a mature technology with many benefits compared to AMR•and UAMPSLeveraged experience of other agencies such as NCPA, CMUA •Advanced Metering Infrastructure
(AMI) systemsIn 2014, staff actively began studying AMR replacement options using •AMR system is 20 years old and is at the end of its useful life•The conversion to AMR meters was completed
in 1998•informationusage to obtain monthly energy AMR meters personnel must drive by District •metersMeter Reading (AMR) meters with Automatic read electric -District In 1996, the •BACKGROUND
/ HISTORY Out Program-Proposed Electric AMI Meter OptOut Program-
Proposed Electric AMI Meter Opt ompletion goal end of 2019 (on target to complete by mid July)C•Approximately 11,200 AMI meters installed to date•AMI meter installations began in April,
2018•Approximately 13,700 meters and 32 data collectors •metersusing the Tantalus system and Itron meters wide deployment of electric AMI -and General Pacific for a DistrictTantalus
with approved agreements the Board 2017, , On November 15•300 meters and 1 data collector•systemTantalus Systems (Tantalus) for an AMI the Board approved a Phase 1 agreement with 2017,
On April 5, •BACKGROUND / HISTORY Out Program-Proposed Electric AMI Meter OptOut Program-
BACKGROUND / HISTORY out program-Discussed a possible opt•the electric meter replacement projectreview workshop was presented to the Board to 3, 2019, a On April •serviceout -Many also
expressed support for paying for the electric meter opt•emissionscited medical concerns related to RF out option -majority who articulated reasons for requesting an opthe T•out option
-make public comment requesting an optcustomers have come forward at recent Board meetings to Some •Out Program-Proposed Electric AMI Meter OptOut Program-Proposed Electric AMI Meter
BACKGROUND / HISTORY possible approval at a future meetingout program for review and -Board directed staff to develop an opt•shift between customer classes-create a costConsistent with
previous Board policy, District programs should not •80range from $40 to $will (without an RF module) a special meter manually read that the monthly cost to Staff estimated •labor to
enter information into the billing systemStaff •labor to read meters and vehicle usage chargesStaff •programfront costs to develop and administer the -Up•itemsprogram costs would include
the following out -Opt•Out Program-Proposed Electric AMI Meter OptOut Program-Proposed Electric AMI Meter Opt
NEW INFORMATION labor to read meter $38, transportation $5, billing labor $8–$50 •HDR calculated the need for a monthly charge of $50•meterscharge to manually read onthly mStudy results
for the •Setup and exit charges•Monthly charge to manually read meters•out-Assumed no more than 0.5% of customers (about 65) would opt•Goal is to establish fair and equitable rates
and charges•customersservices to acquainted with District operations and the costs to provide -is wellHDR •out program-proposed optperformed a cost of service study for the HDR •Out
Program-Proposed Electric AMI Meter OptOut Program-Proposed Electric AMI Meter Opt
NEW INFORMATION of $36Meter cost •Administrative costs of $38•setup costsresults for Study •radio equipped meter-Meter cost for a non•Administrative time to setup account in billing
and mapping systems•Setup costs include•knownRecommend that the monthly charge be reviewed after actual costs are •out program start with a fee of $30-Recommend that the proposed opt•Staff
believes that the current miscellaneous fee is outdated•has miscellaneous fee of $30 to read meterDistrict •Out Program-Proposed Electric AMI Meter OptOut Program-Proposed Electric
AMI Meter Opt
NEW INFORMATION of $38time administrative cost -Charge a one•single “Setup and Exit Fee”front setup cost and exit cost into a -Staff proposes to combine the up•Labor cost to change to
an AMI meter of $84•Administrative costs of $38•exit costsresults for Study •Meter costs not charged upon exit•Labor to change to an AMI meter•systemsAdministrative time to modify customer
account in billing and mapping ••Out Program-Proposed Electric AMI Meter OptOut Program-Proposed Electric AMI Meter Opt
NEW INFORMATION$30Monthly Charge to Read Meter$158Total Setup and Exit Fee $84Exit Fee–Labor ChangeoutMeter $36Meter Cost$38Administrative CostSetup and Exit FeeCostDescription Out
Program costs-Proposed Electric Meter AMI Opt•Out Program-Proposed Electric AMI Meter OptOut Program-Proposed Electric AMI Meter Opt
NEW INFORMATION out program-optto continue to read meters on a monthly basis for the Recommend •for the Districtmeters are truly revenue meters Electric •bills and responding to high
usage concernsEstimated •staffreads create additional work for monthly -Non•Loads can vary dramatically month to month•usewinters and other seasonal Severe •has been committed to reading
meters on a monthly basisDistrict •Out Program-Proposed Electric AMI Meter OptOut Program-Proposed Electric AMI Meter Opt
NEW INFORMATION impediments to access or personnel safetySnow/ice accumulations, locked gates, fences, dogs, other obstructions or •periodto manually read the meter twice in any 12 month
Unable •meter if reverted back to an AMI out customers would automatically be -proposes that optStaff •accessibleout customers to keep meters -critical for optEspecially •disconnectsreading,
testing, inspection, and meter connects and Meter •timeslocation accessible at all District Code, it is the customer’s responsibility to keep the meter Per •Out Program-Proposed Electric
AMI Meter OptOut Program-Proposed Electric AMI Meter Opt
NEW INFORMATION excludedrentals or leases (i.e. ski leases) be specifically Seasonal •out program-the proposed optthat net metering accounts be specifically excluded from ecommended
R•billingMissed reads problematic for •registersMeter reading costs increase for 3 •unitcost about $150 to $200 per eter M•customers who choose to net meterout -required for optradio
equipped meter would be -special nonanother contrast, In •quantities, delivered, and net Three registers for received•batteries)(solar, wind, and/or in capability to be used for net
metering -have the builtAMI meters •Out Program-Proposed Electric AMI Meter OptOut Program-Proposed Electric AMI Meter Opt
NEW INFORMATION$30-Monthly Charge to Read Meter •$158-•Charges and fees•ProgramOut -Meter AMI Optsummary, staff proposes the following for the proposed Electric In •considerationadjustments
up or down will be brought to the Board for review and Fee •costsand fees will be reviewed and reevaluated against actual Charges •programout -optall costs associated with offering
an If implemented, staff would track •Out Program-Proposed Electric AMI Meter OptOut Program-Proposed Electric AMI Meter Opt
NEW INFORMATION metering accounts and seasonal rentals or leases are excluded-Net•approvalwho rent need to obtain landlord Customers •onlyto residential customers Limited •Customer Class•meterOther
residential meter types would be based on the actual cost of the •(200 amp) digital meterClass 200 includes the cost for a residential type Form 2S, Fee Exit Setup and •Meter Cost•Out
Program-Proposed Electric AMI Meter OptOut Program-Proposed Electric AMI Meter Opt
NEW INFORMATION AMI meter will be installedoccur, an When any of these events •property•ownershipChange in home •periodto read the meter twice in any 12 month is unable District •exitCustomer
requests to •occurscontinues unless one of the following events Enrollment •yearcan enroll at any time during the Customers •Enrollment•Out Program-Proposed Electric AMI Meter OptOut
Program-Proposed Electric AMI Meter Opt
NEW INFORMATION October 4, 2019ImplementationOctober 4, 2019Ordinance effective, if approved by the BoardOut Program via Ordinance-Possible approval of an OptConduct a Public Hearing;
andJuly 17, 2019Consideration of scheduling a Public HearingJune 5, 2019Out Program (tonight)-proposed OptReview –Workshop April 3, 2019out program-Reviewed possibility of an opt–Workshop
DateMilestones out program-Timeline for a possible opt•Out Program-Proposed Electric AMI Meter OptOut Program-Proposed Electric AMI Meter Opt
FISCAL IMPACT$30-Monthly charge to read meter •$158-ee fSetup and exit •Out Program-roposed costs for the Electric Meter OptP•program would be cost neutral to the District-If participating
customers pay the full cost of an opt•Fundfrom the Electric Capital Reserve Funded •PlanFinancial Master through the project The District has planned for the electric meter •Out Program-Proposed
Electric AMI Meter OptOut Program-Proposed Electric AMI Meter Opt
RECOMMENDATION Provide input and direction to staff•Out Program-Proposed Electric AMI Meter OptOut Program-Proposed Electric AMI Meter Opt