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ACTION Emergency Standby GeneratorContract for the Ponderosa Palisades Consideration for Awarding a Purchase Emergency Standby GeneratorContract for the Ponderosa Palisades Consideration
for Awarding a Purchase July 20, 2016 ITEM #12
Consideration for Awarding a Purchase Contract for the Ponderosa Palisades Emergency will require the construction of a new facilityand has determined that it has reached the end of
its useful life and Staff has assessed the condition and reliability of the pump station •elevations of the Ponderosa Palisades subdivisionProvides domestic water pressure and fire
flow to the upper •in 1972Pump Station was constructed HydropneumaticPonderosa Palisades •BACKGROUND / HISTORY Standby GeneratorConsideration for Awarding a Purchase Contract for the
Ponderosa Palisades Emergency Standby Generator
NEW INFORMATION generator setdeveloping specifications for a correctly sized 125kW diesel The water department staff has worked with generator vendors in •demand at full loademergency
standby generator is not sized to meet the electrical In developing the pump system staff has determined the existing •to meet the needs of the Ponderosa Palisades pressure zonesystem
design engineers in developing a new package pump system The District’s water department staff has been working with pump •Standby GeneratorConsideration for Awarding a Purchase Contract
for the Ponderosa Palisades Emergency Standby GeneratorConsideration for Awarding a Purchase Contract for the Ponderosa Palisades Emergency
NEW INFORMATION three bids were receivedA bid opening was held on July 13, 2016 at 2:00PM, at which time •Generatorfor the Ponderosa Palisades Pump Station Emergency/Standby On June
23, 2016, the District publicly advertised a request for bids •Standby GeneratorConsideration for Awarding a Purchase Contract for the Ponderosa Palisades Emergency Standby GeneratorConsideration
for Awarding a Purchase Contract for the Ponderosa Palisades Emergency
NEW INFORMATION$42,597YesW. Sacramento, CACummins Pacific, LLC$35,417YesLivermore, CABay City Electric Works$33,850YesSparks, NVCummins Rocky MountainPriceTotalResponsiveLocation Vendor
chart:A review of the received bids has been provided in the following •Cummins Rocky Mountain, to be the lowest responsive bidder.compliance with District specifications, staff has
determined Following the review of the received bids for accuracy and •Standby GeneratorConsideration for Awarding a Purchase Contract for the Ponderosa Palisades Emergency Standby
GeneratorConsideration for Awarding a Purchase Contract for the Ponderosa Palisades Emergency
FISCAL IMPACT will be funded from the Water General Fund udget and Bapital CSufficient funds exist within the FY16/17 Water •Consideration for Awarding a Purchase Contract for the Ponderosa
Palisades Emergency Consideration for Awarding a Purchase Contract for the Ponderosa Palisades Emergency
RECOMMENDATION plus a 15% contingency, for a total not to exceed $38,927, plus taxcontract with Cummins Rocky Mountain in the amount of $33,850 the General Manager to execute a purchase
agreement Authorize 2.Emergency /Approve the purchase of the Ponderosa Palisades Pump Station 1.Standby GeneratorConsideration for Awarding a Purchase Contract for the Ponderosa Palisades
Emergency Standby GeneratorConsideration for Awarding a Purchase Contract for the Ponderosa Palisades Emergency