HomeMy WebLinkAbout10 CEQA Electric Agenda Item # 10 Public Utility District ACTION To: Board of Directors From: Joe Horvath Date: February 18, 2009 Subject: Adoption of an Addendum to the CEQA Electric System Distribution Project Mitigated Negative Declaration 1. WHY THIS MATTER IS BEFORE THE BOARD Board authorization is required to approve an addendum to the previously approved California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Electric System Distribution Project Mitigated Negative Declaration (MND). 2. HISTORY On January 15, 2008 the Board adopted the CEQA Electric System Distribution Project MND and approved these projects for the purposes of CEQA. These projects include three major components: • The complete rebuild of the Donner Lake Substation; • Installation of 12,000 feet of new distribution feeder to be under built on an existing transmission line that connects Donner Lake and Tahoe Donner Substations; • The replacement of high voltage fuses with a circuit switcher and associated relay protection at the Tahoe Donner Substation. 3. NEW INFORMATION The project actions specific to this CEQA Addendum involve minor changes at the Tahoe Donner Substation project not previously described. These changes include the replacement of three existing 4-inch feeder circuit conduits with 6-inch conduit and one new vault structure. The feeder circuits exit the substation via underground conduits before rising up on poles located near the substation on adjacent streets. If the existing feeder circuit cables were to fail, the District could not pull in equivalent capacity cables into the existing 4 inch conduits. This necessitates the replacement of these feeder conduits with a larger size conduit. The District's current standard for main line feeder circuits is 6-inch conduit. 4. FISCAL IMPACT The source of funding for the Tahoe Donner Substation Upgrade project is rates. 5. RECOMMENDATION Recommend that the Board take the following actions regarding the Addendum to the CEQA Electric System Distribution Project MND: a) Find that the District has officially considered this Addendum in light of the Administrative Record on file for the adopted CEQA Electric System Distribution Project MND (SCH# 2007122022) in compliance with California Code of Regulations Section 15164. b) Find that minor additions contained in the Addendum document will not have a significant effect upon the environment due to the following: (1) The project does not have the potential to reduce the habitat of any plant or wildlife species identified in local or regional plans, policies or regulations, or by the California Department of Fish and Game or United States Fish and Wildlife Service; (2) Mitigation measures are incorporated into the project to minimize any potential impact to biological or cultural resources and water quality. c) Approve and adopt the Addendum to the CEQA Electric System Distribution Project MND (SCH#2007122022). d) Authorize the General Manager to sign the Addendum and attach it to the existing CEQA Electric System Distribution Project MND on file with the District. Stephen Hollabaugh Michael . Holley Assistant General Manager General Manager CaliforniaTRUCKEE DONNER PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT i Addendum t• the Electric System DistributionProject MitigatedNegativei 2007122022) bf lI11 Prepared For Board of Directors Truckee Donner Public Utility District 11570 Donner Pass Road Truckee, CA 96160 Prepared By Inland Ecosystems 3239 Reno Vista Way Reno, NV 89512 February 2009 Contact: Glenn Merron CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT ADDENDUM TO THE ELECTRIC DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM PROJECT MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION (SCH#2007122022) NAME OF PROJECT: Electric Distribution System Project LOCATION: Truckee, California LEAD AGENCY: Truckee Donner Public Utility District REGULATORY FRAMEWORK: A California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Initial Study of this project was undertaken and prepared in accordance with Section 15603 of the Environmental Impact Report (EIR) Guidelines and the Truckee Donner Public Utility District (District) Environmental Guidelines for the purpose of ascertaining whether this project might have a significant effect upon the environment. A copy of the Initial Study is incorporated herein by reference. Such Initial Study documents reasons supporting adoption by the District of the Mitigated Negative Declaration (MND) prepared for this project (SCH#2007122022). This Addendum to the adopted CEQA MND will comply with CEQA Guidelines Section 15164 that specifies the lead agency shall prepare an Addendum to a previously certified CEQA document if some changes or additions are necessary but none of the conditions described in Section 15162 calling for preparation of a subsequent CEQA document have occurred (See Appendix A). The District will adopt this Addendum and be responsible for implementation of the additional changes to the original project description. PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The District owns and operates an electric distribution system serving approximately 13,000 residential and commercial customers in Truckee, CA. Capital improvements to the electric system are required to provide for load growth, increase system capacity, and to maintain the operational flexibility of the system. The Tahoe Donner Substation currently consists of 60 kV class fuses. The fuses no longer coordinate with Sierra Pacific's or PG&E's 60 kV transmission line protection relays. The project actions specific to this CEQA Addendum involve two additional changes at the Tahoe Donner Substation not previously described as follows: 1) Two existing main electric distribution circuits which deliver power to the Tahoe Donner subdivision exit the substation in a northerly direction, terminating at TDPUD—CEQA Addendum 1 February 2009 Cultural Resources Mitigation Measure CULT-1: Retain a Registered Professional Archeologist to Minimize Construction Impacts on Cultural Resources During construction the District will have a Registered Professional Archeologist on-call. In the event that evidence of cultural resources is encountered during construction, the archeologist would be notified to record such resources and gather available information. The District will coordinate any findings with the appropriate state, federal, and tribal entities according to standard reporting procedures to avoid disruption of any cultural resources. Hydrology and Water Quality Mitigation Measure HWQ-1: Implement BMPs to Control Discharge of Construction-Related Storm Water Sediment The District will construct the project elements in accordance with the State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB) statewide National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) General Permit for Discharges of Storm Water Associated with Construction Activity that includes development of a Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan(SWPPP) for the protection of water quality. FINDING: The District has considered this CEQA Addendum in light of the Administrative Record on file for the adopted Mitigated Negative Declaration (SCH# 2007122022). It is hereby found that the minor additions to the adopted CEQA document will not have a significant effect upon the environment due to the following findings. (a): The project does not have the potential to reduce the habitat of any plant or wildlife species identified in local or regional plans, policies or regulations, or by the California Department of Fish and Game or United States Fish and Wildlife Service. (b): Mitigation measures are incorporated into the project to minimize any potential impact to biological or cultural resources and water quality. Date: By: Michael D. Holley, General Manager TDPUD—CEQA Addendum 3 February 2009 APPENDIX A CEQA GUIDELINES TDPUD—CEQA Addendum 5 February 2009 I'Vith the,oxurcisV,or reasollabIc ddigcricc at the tinic the previous TIR Yias cLqIiErd as couipkic or the Negative Declaration was adopted.,shows any ofthe following: (A)The project will[hive one or niore significzia effects nol discusscd in 0'ac,previous,Elk or restive. 40claratior; (B)Sig-afficant effects previoaMy exanlined'will he snhstatntially more were 11nat shown in the prc"otls EIR: ic)Mitigation trtc�1111�a.S or alkeniaoves previot0y fowid not w be lea able would it)fact be fi,asible,and w':Iuld substanwillY reducv nine or wore signili".nT effee,s of the project,but the project proponents decline to"Adopt the mitigation me,aire or alternative;or (D)Mitigatiqll rneasulv-�rat allcomilv<-s w1u,11 are considcrabiv(Ifferert trot tLose analyz"I.its the previous FIR would suhstantiMly reduce one or more significant effects on the environnivii,but the prvrjeut propoimas tICA11C W adopt the mitigation measure or alterative ib)if changes w a prqicc.t or its 4:jrcumaanccs occur or new infornixg.)a bicornvs available Aftel awirtgon of ncpativc declaration.the lead agoncyshall prepare a subsequent EIR if required sondes snYndivis`tnn 11a).Otherwise the leadagoucy shall determine whobar to prcpatei a;ubLquvol ncga is&vlatatmn.an addendum,or no Anther docannentation. fc)Once a project has been approved,the kad agency's role in ptoject ipp ovx is cornpleted,unless further dwcycfionary approval v91 that project is required.Infonnation appir1rin",after an approval does rift icquire reopcninge ot'llun approvak.If after the project is approved,any ol'9hc conditions th:scribod in ,mbdivision(a)occurs,asul),,equent ETR or negative declaration shatforify be prepareal by the public agency whieli grants than next disc noionaryapproval for the patTieet.ill'arty.To thi,,situation no other lesponsihic agency shalt grant an approval for the project until the subsequent Elk has been"rtlfiv4ol subsequeW nq;ative dcclzra6un adopted. (d)A subsequent EIR or suh.scquent negative declaration shall be given the saine notice and Public review as required under Section I 54IN"?ot,Sccuon 15072 A subsequent LIR of ncgativc declaration shall state where the previous document is available and can be reviewed. Note;Authority cited:Public ltcaources UAc Section 21083;Reference,Section 2.1'160,Public Resources Code;Sm,man v. oiPetaluma(19N6)N5 Cal-App.A 10(6 Benton 1'.Board of fit9 1)2,26 Cal,App.3d W,7;and rort.Alojave Indian Tribe r.(ah,,krwa Depar"Inenr of Heoilh Servires el ai,;I 994z),S UnI AppAth I514 15163. Supplement to an EIR (1)The Lead or Responsible Agency tnay choose to prepare a supplertient to an EAR masher than a subsequent PIR if t I)Any ofihc eowh600s descrixJ in Seaton 15162 would Yequfic the preparation of EIR, and (2)Only minor additions oi Lhangesxvuld be necessity to rnake theprevwus FIR adequately apply to the pro ect 11)the chaujfcd situation. (b)The supplevoun't to the EIR neat curtain only the information necessary to make dic previous KIR wtftqoate tk)r the prqIck;t as rcvAwAl. TDPUD—CEQA Addendum 7 February 2009