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Procedure for the Implementing the California Environmental Quality Act of 1970
I. Intent
It is the intent of the Truckee Donner Public Utility District to comply with all applicable
California laws and regulations, including, but not limited to, the following:
1. The provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) of 1970, set forth in
Division 13 of the California Public Resource Code (PRC) §21000 et seq., or as such laws
maybe subsequently amended,
2. The regulations set forth in Title 14 of the California Code of Regulations (CCR) §15000 et
seq., or as regulations may be subsequently amended,
3. The mitigation monitoring and reporting requirements as set forth in the California Public
Resources Code §21081.6, or as such laws may be subsequently amended,
4. The local procedures hereafter set forth.
II. Adoption of State of California CEQA Guidelines
The regulations currently set forth in Title 14 of the CCR, and Appendices A through L, inclusive,
(State CEQA Guidelines) as such regulations may be subsequently amended, are adopted as the
District’s procedures.
III. Procedure
In administering protection of the environmental qualities of the District, careful consideration
must be given to the effect on all other resources and activities. The objective will be to cause
the least possible conflict with other uses and activities while making full and proper provision
for preservation of environmental qualities. Environmental needs must be given equal
1. Project
Each Department of the District which proposes a project which may affect the environment
shall complete the CEQA compliance required and shall incorporate environmental
considerations into the project conceptualization, design, and planning.
2. Initial Study
A determination as to whether a negative declaration or an EIR shall be prepared shall be
made and the initial study shall provide documentation of the factual basis for the finding of
an exemption, negative declaration, or EIR. As soon as practicable, a determination as to
whether a negative declaration and/or an EIR shall be prepared. The initial study shall
provide documentation of the factual basis for the finding of an exemption, negative
declaration, or EIR.
3. No Significant Effect – Decision to Prepare a Negative or Mitigated Negative
A decision to exempt the project or prepare a negative declaration shall be determined
based upon the regulations as currently set forth in the CCR Chapter 6. Negative Declaration
Process Sections 15070 - 15075 of the California Environmental Quality Act
The District may determine a finding to prepare a negative or mitigated negative declaration
based upon the classes found within Article 19.Categorical Exemptions. The below
mentioned sections are by no means inclusive.
i. Existing Facilities
Class 1 consists of the operation, repair, maintenance, permitting, leasing, licensing, or
minor alteration of existing public or private structures, facilities, mechanical equipment, or
topographical features, involving negligible or no expansion of use beyond that existing at
the time of the lead agency's determination. The types of "existing facilities" itemized below
are not intended to be all-inclusive of the types of projects which might fall within Class 1.
The key consideration is whether the project involves negligible or no expansion of an
existing use.
Existing facilities of both investor and publicly-owned utilities used to provide electric
power, natural gas, sewerage, or other public utility services;
Restoration or rehabilitation of deteriorated or damaged structures, facilities, or mechanical
equipment to meet current standards of public health and safety, unless it is determined
that the damage was substantial and resulted from an environmental hazard such as
earthquake, landslide, or flood;
Additions to existing structures provided that the addition will not result in an increase of
more than:
The project is in an area where all public services and facilities are available to allow for
maximum development permissible in the General Plan
ii. Replacement or Reconstruction
Class 2 consists of replacement or reconstruction of existing structures and facilities where
the new structure will be located on the same site as the structure replaced and will have
substantially the same purpose and capacity as the structure replaced, including but not
limited to:
Replacement or reconstruction of existing utility systems and/or facilities involving
negligible or no expansion of capacity.
Conversion of overhead electric utility distribution system facilities to underground
including connection to existing overhead electric utility distribution lines where the surface
is restored to the condition existing prior to the undergrounding.
iii. New Construction or Conversion of Small Structures
Class 3 consists of construction and location of limited numbers of new, small facilities or
structures; installation of small new equipment and facilities in small structures; and the
conversion of existing small structures from one use to another where only minor
modifications are made in the exterior of the structure. The numbers of structures described
in this section are the maximum allowable on any legal parcel. Examples of this exemption
include, but are not limited to:
Water main, sewage, electrical, gas, and other utility extensions, including street
improvements, of reasonable length to serve such construction.
iv. Annexations of Existing Facilities and Lots for Exempt Facilities
Class 19 consists of only the following annexations:
(a) Annexations to a city or special district of areas containing existing public or private
structures developed to the density allowed by the current zoning or pre-zoning of either
the gaining or losing governmental agency whichever is more restrictive, provided, however,
that the extension of utility services to the existing facilities would have a capacity to serve
only the existing facilities.
(b) Annexations of individual small parcels of the minimum size for facilities exempted by
Section 15303, New Construction or Conversion of Small Structures.
An opportunity for public review and comments shall be provided for a negative declaration
in accordance with the CCR.
v. In-Fill Development Projects
Class 32 consists of projects characterized as in-fill development meeting the following
requirement that the site can be adequately served by all required utilities and public
4. Significant Effect – Prepare EIR
If the project is deemed too may have a significant effect on the environment on the basis of
the provisions of the CCR, staff shall then prepare, or cause to prepare, an Environmental
Impact Report (EIR). The steps to be followed after determination that an EIR is required are
to be followed as found in the CEQA Statutes and Guidelines, Article 7. EIR Process, Section
15080 - 15097.
i. Notice of Preparation and Determination of Scope of EIR
Immediately after deciding that an EIR is required for a project, the District or lead agency
shall send to the Office of Planning and Research and each responsible agency a notice of
preparation stating that an EIR will be prepared. The notice is to include sufficient
information describing the project, the location of the project, and the probable
environmental effects to enable the responsible agencies to a meaningful response.
ii. Response to Notice of Preparation
Within 30 days after receiving the notice of preparation the Office of Planning and Research
and each responsible agency will provide specific responses to their areas of responsibility
to the District. Should there be no response from any of the responsible agencies; the
District may presume that none of the agencies have a response to make.
If any responsible agency requests a meeting, the District will convene a meeting within 30
days after a meeting is requested. Notice of the meeting will be sent by the District to any
responsible agency.
iii. Early Public Consultation
Prior to completing the draft EIS, the District may also consult directly with any person or
organization that it believes will be concerned with the environmental effects of the project.
iv. Preparing the Draft EIR
The draft EIR shall be prepared by or under contract by the District, or by using a previously
prepared EIR. The required contents of the draft EIR are to be found in CEQA Statues and
Guidelines, Article 9, Sections 15120 – 15132.
v. Consultation Concerning Draft EIR
The District will consult with and request comments on the draft EIR from any responsible
agencies, agencies with resources affected by the project and any other state, federal and
local agencies which have jurisdiction by law with respect to the project and any city or
county that borders the city or county within which the project is located.
vi. Public Review of Draft EIR
The District shall provide public notice of the availability of a draft EIR at the same time it
sends a notice of completion to the Office of Planning and Research. Additionally there must
be at least a onetime publication in a newspaper of general circulation in the affected area,
posting of notice by the District and a direct mailing to owners and occupants of property
contiguous to the parcel(s) on which the project is located.
The notice must contain a brief description of the project, including location, start and end
dates of the review period, date, place and time of the scheduled public meeting, a list of
significant environmental effects anticipated as a result of the project, and address where
copies of the Draft EIR will be available. The District will make copies of the draft EIR
available to the public through the use of the public library system and any other
responsible agencies.
The time frame for public review shall not be less than 30 days but no more than 60 days.
When a draft EIR is submitted to the State Clearinghouse for review by state
agencies, the public review period shall not be less than 45 days, unless a shorter
period, not less than 30 days, is approved by the State Clearinghouse. The District
shall use the State Clearinghouse to distribute draft EIRs to state agencies for their
vii. Evaluation of and Response to Comments
The District shall evaluate all comments on environmental issues received during the
public review period and shall prepare a written response to each. All written
comments are to be given to any public agency at least 10 days prior to certification
of the EIR. The written response shall describe the disposition of significant
environmental issues raised; there must be good faith, reasoned analysis in
response. Responses to comments may take form of a revision within the draft EIR.
viii. Recirculation of an EIR Prior to Certification
If there is significant new information added to the EIR after public notification, the
District will be required to recirculate the EIR. Information may include changes in
the project or environmental setting as well as additional date or other information.
New information added is not considered significant unless the EIR is changed in a
way that deprives the public of the opportunity to comment on a substantial
adverse environmental effect.
Recirculation is not necessary where the added new information is used to clarify or
makes insignificant modifications to the EIR. The decision to not recirculate an EIR
must be supported by substantial evidence in the administrative record. All revisions
are to be summarized within the revised EIR.
ix. Preparation of Final EIR
The District shall prepare a final EIR prior to the approval of the project. The
contents are to consist of a revision of the draft, comments and recommendations
received, a list of persons, organizations and public agencies commenting on the
draft EIR. The contents are also to include the responses of the District as it relates
to any significant points raised during the review and consulting process and any
other comments made by the District.
x. Certification of the Final EIR
Prior to the approval of the project the District shall certify that the final EIR has
been completed in compliance with CEQA and the final EIR was presented to the
District’s Board of Directors.
xi. Findings
The District shall not approve or carry out a project for which an EIR has been
certified which identifies one or more significant environmental effects unless the
District makes one or more written finding for each of the significant effects,
accompanied by a brief explanation for each finding. The findings need to be
supported by substantial evidence in the record and the District shall also adopt a
program for reporting on or monitoring the changes which were either required in
the project or made a condition of the project.