HomeMy WebLinkAboutConsulting EngineersJAMES HANSEN and ASSOCIATES ■; owed CONSULTING ENGINEERS B- 1* I Truckee-Donner Public Utilit P.O. 309 y District Truckee, CA 957(4 ATTN: Roberta Hub, Presjdent try U 1981 'roposal: I n.' 11 iriup Sorviy Obtai nin? a Cost- wer Supp] Dear Robert! relati proposal details the engineering work and technical th apply tor Tru ocation an ee-Donner t'ubl i > t a I n I n l' it-el cectivi 1. 't 11 i I- All potential power Buppli livd ydrogenerat i :»n f ron Friant utkori tv, iiit i power supr onl i ,'estern Area :ific Northw< nu'ration and ■r Ada solar power i n is Lrat i on, r coal fiivi ,-pl 1 pli It ah I Slippl IV! Friant i plans f( lor Truckee-Dom ■:■•-■ r Authority K, In th.' ii ! . t 1 r:-; is power ' power 11 to .11 ■nepared and comments oi ■.'Al\ rket ing he additional 102 mw will be prepared. The u proposal contained herein is contingent on the approval of the Board nffir >i Directors for Trt anaeer a nd ,nlor Engineer. wi -Donncr PUD. 11 bi ■nnoih Peten to the pn iiil orni a •t and 11 be assisted as Be 'ofessional Ensi neers 'OS';ary by Jar in the State Hanson and John Boudreau, Registered if C.nl i foru i a . HJALIFICAHON AND EXPERIENCE For th past five years. Jar ics Hanson an d As consultants to the State )f Cali forni: pnssi :iates, as engineering apartment of Water Resources, has bilities of anti-trust actions al 1KI10S C f nation of renewable energy ill lie hvdrc I ltc been involved in the evaluation of Liu against California public power companii sources, and preliminary feasibility st located within California. The assigned engineers have extensive experience. in determining the value of power and the appropriate wheeling rates, and in power negotiations iu California, Oregon and Washington. Also, the firm has had extensive expe and particularly in the states of firm's "Qualifications and Experi in similar work in the Northeastern United States <ev York and Vermont. Attached are the * Roberta Kuber February 12, 1981 SCOPE OF SERVICE I James llansen and Associates proposes to undertake the following engineering services for Truckee-Donner 1'1'i): 1) 1981 analyze ana prepai techr for a proposal to answer Friant Power Authorit\ ,1 in i or mat i on ■quest fur 11 to purch i w of hydroelectr ic power, 2) Iw V, !7, 1081 prepan market in", plan of Jan uary I-I, >resented in the J81. Included and iblic fuf. A on their power rn.it ion Form:, nie.il information ami reasoning fruckee-Bonnet PUD, a preferenc ihl.Tt cent tnuous ev tions have been made ion of N'APA arkel plan unt i anil provide final alloc iletion is December, 1981 are the m ■ngiiii'i'i11ne dat< assistance in pvi ii nary ingot i at i on:; ihoel ini supplies throughout Pacific Gas and Electrii Pacific Power systems. 0 Ob rve the development of 11 ii.t11 prep. :ind do assistance in answering anv requests ti aiv proposal obt .ain pos- iible future power supplies. I r>) As requested, results of services will be reported, written or verbally, to the Hoard. 6) Our continuing services will be provided on demand by the board Directors or its de ited representative ESTIMATED COST ilt i n;. For calendar year 1981, we estimate the cost of providing the outlined above at $S,0O0 and agree not to exceed such amount without prior approva 1 fi the Hoard of V. i rectors. Billi for consulting services will be by monthly invoices based upon actual time and expenses in accordance with our Standard Hourly Rates, a copy of which is attached. ACCEPTAHCE OF PROPOSAL Acceptance of this proposal by Truckee-Donner may be indicated by returning one copy with the authorized signature of the appropriate Truckee- Donner official in the approval block provided below. toberta Huber Fel.ru.irv 12, ] 0R 1 I We look forward to working with Truckee-Donner in its planning lor a long range power .supply. It" you have any questions, please contact KBP/cl James llanscn APPROVED BY Sincerely y< //,'. j ■ . (, Kenneth B. Peters Califc Llornia utri.ce Manager ano Senior Engineer (Tit le) I DATE * JAMES HANSEN and ASSOCIATES CONSULTING ENGINI I n 5 4 James C rtansen John J. Duutjfutiu P.O Bo* 161564 Sacramt H I, C tliloi i .1 95816 SpnngfiflO, Vermont Sacramento, California MamOHx." 316 366-6455 I STANDARD HOURLY RATES February 3, 1981 The Consulting Engineers' Standard Hourly Rates allow for basic sal: a anal benefits, Including liability insurance, medical :mce, .sick leave, holiday and vacation pay, Federal insurance tributions, workman s compensation insuronc con- cc, unemployment compensation, retirement cc are as follow mtribwtions, and similar items. The Standard Hourly Halt Kir uork per! witness: ■pt for seivic an expert Gon suit inn Engineer frinc i p. Profess il Staff /Ar smen/Anal Draft Secretarv/Cl. its/Tech ?/Hc $50 $25-45 $15-?.r> S10-20 I tlis ts - - Th to exec 103 ibe.id For services as an expert witness, spent in preparation oi d St. rates not ultino Engi' uve of tin* indby which Otild be determined pursuant to paragraph II) abf it the hourly rates in p 11lit' r.'i',i 1) pi. 3) A di of 1 shall apply for p, lvmi'iit receive wi tlii u 30 da ys of the inVOK (O (3) An interest chaii if I. per month shall begin after 60 days of the invoice date. Travel time between Sacramento and Truek. round trip. 150 pi (L) Travel expense? - S .20 per mile.