HomeMy WebLinkAboutcorespondanceI� 4 TRUCKEE-DONNER PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT POST OFFICE BOX 309 TRUCKEE, CALIFORNIA 95734 TELEPHONE 587-3896 DATE: lurch 11, 1981 TO: Gene Holt, General Manalier FROM: Bob Slattery, General Foremar. .;ubJECT: Cut-out Arrestor Combination Device bid Attached and below are the bids for the 1981 supply of Cut-out Arrestor combination Devices. Supplier Manufacturer No. Each Total 1, north Supply Co. Mc Graw Edison 100 $ 40.05* $ 4,005.60 North Supply Co. Me Graw Edison 88 47.20 4,.153.60 2. Graybar Electric Graybar 88 $ 75.60 $ 6,652.80 A. Maydwell & Nartrell Kearney 88 $ 57.75 $ 5,082.00 4. General Llectric Mc Graw Edison 88 $ 49.95 $ 4,395.60 `. Weste111 States Ju::lyn 88 $ 45.75 $ 4,026.00 r ,11 d'ac i I i'' Joslyn 88 y i.'i.OU 5, 104.1it1 M,: Graw Edison 88 $ 52.00 $ 4,576.Ou 'i'he ',id ,,. ifications called for 88 units and as you will note, bidder number 1, Mirth Supply Company, bid on 88 and 100 units, and was the low hi,d+d r for bath total units. I woulci ic-corrunend that we accept thu 100 unit bid on a 21, day firm price Ind let them do the warehousing for us. RES/nj TRUCKEE-DONNER PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT Jrt POST OFFICE BOX 309 TRUCKEE, CALIFORNIA 95734 TELEPHONE 507-3096 MIiMOP14ADUM DATE: March 1.1, 1981 TO: Gene Holt, General Manager FROM: Bob Slattery, General Foreman SUBJECT: 1981 Meter Bid Analysis The following suppliers are, the low bidders her attached Schedules A through I. Each No. Total A - Western States Electric Duncan Type MS 200 $ 22.90 576 $ 13,190.40 B - General Pacific, Inc. Duncan Type MS 4S $ 33.90 4 $ 135.60 C - General Pacific, Inc. Duncan Type MS E 320 $ 35.75 D - Maydwell Ilartr.,,l1, I'll:. Sauyamo Type S1.'S a 64.00 3,ili2.U0 E - General Pacific, Inc. Duncan Type MT 125-101J $ 85.20 4 340.W) F - General I'ar.it ic, Inc. Uuncau '11'+10 M'I' 12S-200 $106.55 + 4'-t'• =' G - Gon+cal Pacific, Inc. Duncan Type MT 16S-2U8 $158.40 II - General Pacific, Inc. Duncan Type MT 1GS-277 $158.40 4 $ 033.6u I - General Pacific, I::c. Duncan Type MT 9X $135.30 4 $ 541.2U The above meters meet sl,_vie i.• I requirements with satisfactory deliver.ik and 1981 price protectio:,. RES/nj TRUCKEE•DONNER PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT 10 POST OFFICE BOX 309 r TRUCKEE, CALIFORNIA 95734 TELEPHONE 587•3696 i41:M0RANM1,d DATE: March 12, 1981 TO: Gene Holt, General Manager FROM: Bob Slattory, General Fuioman SUBJECT: Pad Mounted Transformer Bid Attached i_; an analysis shading the initial bid ousts (Column 1) and the bid cost, plus transformer lust; costs over the life of the trans- fomer (Culumn .:). 'Phc low I-ir was Nortll :u:1-1y Cump.,my witIi Ph,;tin,lhoun 'I'rans;formers, 1-.19cd cut .t film wi thi:, '1 clays OI ti:A bid openirnt date and a ale shipment ilea I . Thin; unA: shil,m llt. [I'll .i:: • iI,, a:: wo will it -iv- usr fot the tt'ansfurmers this summer and !,All. '�L: /tl) RTE AL KVA WT&7 LOSS COST LOSS S 1,6�,4.G3 934.00 $ 1,112. q,sqnsg 3 ,cameo S 5,04A. ?AD MOUNT TRJANAIWS :Ass �GT Lms LASS X.3 SRN STY.",; .�' � i i:.'•L �:d PAD MOUNT TRANSF ide,DCO ti'r LC0 N )RTH SUPPLY 47ES'i IC Gti )US ;F'... ['JI MC vR"';: EDI6),`I TRUCKEE-DONNER PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT 11� POST OFFICE BOX 309 TRUCKEE, CALIFORNIA 95734 TELEPHONE 587-3896 MEMORANDUM DATE: March 12, 1981 TO: Gene Holt, General Manager FROM: Bob Slattery, General Foreman SUBJLCT: Pole Mounted Transformer Bid Attachud is an analysis 5howinq the initial bid costs (('olumn 1) and the bid costs plus transformer loss costs over the life of the trans- former (Column :') . The low bidder was North Supply Company with Westinghouse transformers, based on a firm order within -1 days of the bid opening date and a one shipment dual. The SUCOnd low bidder was the RTE Cc111t. with satisfactory dolivury increments through the laat thee. quartors and on thu ha,is of need. Inasmuch as w� have n11 • :;t,-,. ,11 irm"ediate nc­ci Cnr seventy tr.ln_:formers, I would 1 )Intl, :i i i1 ,. .. pur%h,u;1• I rom the: R99: Corp. and urdur for third a: 1 t ,urt :, 1: ! i'' 1 i . 17. $ 1 , 7. 594. Otj $ :,622.40 x3 x 1,782.00 $ 7, 4-IIA",-.1 �i---2,478.64 4� 5 118 . 15 3 , 84 36,768.00 $168,557.84 GF%i1'n,R NTSTER, FTAT£S ELECTRIC GENERAL EL-CTRIC LOSS COS'P LDS: 1,GOr.f4 IU7.00 1 i G.?u c. x30 x 0 ; i 54,734.00 i•,250.', 54,5- ..- 1,559.59 S x6 x 2,200.48 s - o.O� 1 :, x3 x' -i;.JG ,bi.G., $ 6,601.44 21190.C•" 5 4E,378.00 $135,114.95 S 4+ ,367.15 $135,124.10 $ 47,836.00 $134,572.95 d� KvPI M7*i 21 - GV JV "oral GRAND TOTAL 36,147.40 3C, TRUCKEE-DONNER PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT POST OFFICE BOX 309 TRUCKEE, CALIFORNIA 45734 TELEPHONE SB7-3696 MEMORANDT::! DATE: 2-larch 12, 1981 PO: Gene Holt, ir, FROM: Bob SLittsr;, nural P'or,:,.: SUBJECT: Tripl,X S—rvico Wirt, Bid 'Plu, ,,ilcwincl ar, tiw hiei5 i„r the 1981 supply of u,�3 .'i'0 9:-I{-i,x North SuppLy GrayLar WEIR '1) „ 344. Up $ 31`+.90 $ 313.00 *(A)$ 2.9i.()0 * (B) 37',.00 PE (A) $ 290.00 (B) 30Y.40 XLP (A)$ 310.00 (B) 318.60 XLP $ 2IiI,.02 (1' iIt M) Wo (,1,') J. UU I,,"), 110 624. OU * (A); `_, /-1.01) * (is) 617.00 (A);. 1 ' .00 (1+) t,,M.110 (A )$ 57r,.00 (R) 610.50 1 would recommend , .. 1 oUr requ i l , nt r,, ', h, y arcs a Rt,nu based 111 1! ,: t ury have delivery or price Ri'q/10 v TRUCKEE -DONNER PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT POST OFFICE BOX 309 TRUCKEE. CALIFORNIA 95734 TELEPHONE 587-3096 DATE: Match 12, 11131 0oncIal M.i:ia,wi BoL. x.latLety, Foroinan Generator; Alternator Bid 11'0 tluu yuotud I'liccS 111,1 at l'-ar; that wo "r the disc ibutors for thL vari,mm; sir.,.!; "f 6t-iwratot:;. ., 1 '11, '712 KIN' 10 KW 12.5 KW 14 Kw K-W. 4 15i1. D, - $52:!!, 51 - $57')I. oo P i oo - '40 I.AJOTI.: ';'04 3 1. (M) "ll I ,�a ® E E V E D M.irch 17, 1931 I RUCKEE DONNER P.U.D. TO:E>" BOARD -OF -DIRECTORS TRUCKEE-DONNER PUBLIC_ i UTILITIES DISTRICT'���� FROM: JAMES E. SIMON, DISTRICT COUNSEL; J'JHN M. PHELPS, ASSOCIATE COUNSEL RE: PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT; USE OF TAHOE WORLD FOR PUBLICATION OF NOTICES You asked that we research and determine whether it would be possible for the [IUD to use the Tahoe W,.)rlrl, rather than the Sierra Sun, fur the publication of loyal notices. Section 16075 of the Public Utilities Code provides: No ordinance passed by the board takes effect le:;s than 30 days after its pa: -,:;age. At least onc. week before the expi rat ion of :;aid 30 days copies; of the ordinance shall be posted by the clerk at three public: places at the district, and if there is i newspaper of general circulation printed and published in the district, the ordin- ance shall be published in the newspaper pursuant to Section 6061 of the Government Code. The term "newspaper of general circulation" i:; a term of art and is defined in Section 6000 of the Government Code: A "newspaper of general circulation" is a newspaper published for the dissemination of local or telegraphic news and intelligence of a general character, which has a bona fide subscription list of paying subscribers, and has been established, printed and published at regular intervals in the state, county, or city where publication, noti,�e by publication, or official advertising is to be given or made for at least one year proceeding the date of the publication, notice or advertisement. Government Code Section 6027 provides that. a newspaper is not of "general -1- circulation" unless it has obtained a )IIdi"ial 1102i7r0l' tAishing it as 190 . such. Therefore, it is not sufticient. that a newspaper meet the requirements of the Government Code applicab.e to "newspapers of general circulation,"; it must also obtain a court dec.rom, establishing it as such. in :,cpalato t'elophon'. ails to Oio Tahoe World -ind the Sierra Sun we wero informed that the Tahoo World h,j:; obtained a court decree c:;t.�blishirnl it as a newsp,ipor of genor.il --irt:ulation In Placer County only, and that the Sierra Sun has obtained a similar decree with respect to Nevada County only. Apparently neither newspaper his obtained a court decree with respect to the Public Utility District itself. It is doubtful that the Tahoe World could meet the strict requirements of Government Code Section 6000. Thus, it if, not "printed" in the district; it is actually printed in South Lake Tahoe. On the other hand, the Sierra Sun cannot meet the strict requirements of the Government Code, as it is also printed in South Lake Tahoe. If, as the Sierra Sun indicates, it Has obtained a court decree with respect to Nevada County, then the standards of Section 6000 must not be strictly applied. It might, therefore, be possible for the Tahoe World to obtain a court decree with respect to the Public Utility District even though it does not meet the strict requirements of the Government Code. Although apparently neither the Sierra Sun nor the Tahoe World has obtained a court decree with respect to the Public Utility District, since the Sierra Sun has been used consistently for some time, we believe there would be some risk in shifting to the Tahoe. World before the Tahoe World has obtained a court decree with respect to the Public Utility District. There is a real risk that ordinances published in the Tahoe -2- Although apparently neither the Sierra Sun nor the Tahoe World has obtained a court decree with respect to the Public Utility District, since the Sierra Sun has been used consistently for some time, we believe there would be some risk in shifting to the Tahoe World before the Tahoe World has obtained a court decree with respect to the Public Utility District. There is a real risk that ordinances ixthlished in the Tahoe World might b.� challenged as ineffective since not published in accordance with Section 16075 of the Public Utilities Code. We recommend, theroforo, that before the District switches newspapers it approach the Tahoe World to determine if' t.tuit newspaper would be willing to obtain a court decree establishing it as a newspaper of general circulation for the Di trict. A draft of the letter to the Tahoe World —•lurr:;tinq that it obtain :uu:h a court decree i.^, attached hereto. -3- AhK 41 V E D NIAit 1 6 1`361 TRUCKEE DONNER P.UX, TO 5'___V B0ARD 'Dr DIRECTORS ,mac. / TRUCKEE-DONNER PUBLIC 3;y../ UTILITY DISTRICT FROM: JAMI:S E. SIMON, DISTRICT COUNSEL; JOIIN M. PHELPS, ASSOCIATE. COUNSEL REs' PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT/INITIATION OF LIEN PROCEDURE FOR NON-PAYMENT OF UTILITY RILLS You asked that we research and determine the feasibility Of the Public Utility District establishiny, a lien on the property o%med by the individuals who are deli.n(Iuent on the payment of utility bills. Section 16469 of the Public Utilities Code provides: Charges unpaid at the time specified for the fixing of the rate of taxes may be added to become part of the annual assessment levied upon the land upon which the commodity or service was used, if the property is owned, controlled, or in the possession of the same person who owned, controlled, or was in posse,,- sion of it during, the time that such service charp,es were incurred or if the only transfers made of the property since the date such charges were incurred have been transfers by gift, descent, bequest, or devise. Pursuant to this section, the owners of land for which utilities were provided may be assessed the amount of the unpaid utilities. Section 16470 further provides that charpcs added to an assessment are it lien on the land, unless the land has been subsequently transferred to a bona fide purchaser or unless a bona fide encum- brance has been created and attaches to the land prior to the date that the first installment of the assessment would be delinquent. In the event that there is a prior conveyance or encumbrance, then the lien shall not attach to the property but the District may file with the County Recorder a certificate specifying the amount of the assessment and the name and address of the person liable for the assessment. On the date of the recordation of the certificate the amount listed on the certificate becomes a lien upon all real property in the County owned by the person liable for the assessment. J9� • BOARD OF DIRECTORS March 17, 1981 Page 2 We are not aware whether the District has rude use of the County Assessor's Officv with respect. to the levy of taxes and/or asscssnients on property located within the District. Section 16648 of the Public UtiIitics Coda provides that the District may elect to nvatil itself' of t lit• as w: :sments ntnde by Lhe County Assessor's Office in which the District Is located. The District must elect by ordinance to do so and must file a certified copy of Lhe ordin- ance with (lic Auditor,,; of the Cortnty in which flit, District is located. PurSuatrrl_ to Sccl ion 106/10, an QI ction to make use of the Assessor's Office ire t-ffective with respect to all assessments on tilt- Fchruary 1. ntf. r flit. filing, of the ordinance with the CO tit Itv. We arc presvnl I.; I r^inr, to contact the County Assessor's Office to determine the exact proccdury slut tilt. District. should follow in ttirder to muse unpaid utility hills to become assessments on properLy. We will mppIcmvni this; u-mm-andun; :w shun as we have this information. W ORDINANCE NO. 8105 OF THE TRUCKEE DONNER PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT ORDAINING THE ACCEPTANCE OF WATER DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM RELATING TO TRUCKEE CROSSROADS SHOPPING CENTER; PHASE I, DEERFIELD LINE WHEREAS, E.H.K. Investment Company, Lucky Stores, Inc. and Longs Drug Stores, Inc. developers of Truckee Crossroads Shopping Center, located at Highway 89 and Deerfield Drive, Truckee, California, and the Truckee Donner Public Utility District entered into a Development Agreement dated September 9, 1980, calling for the construction of a water system for said shopping center; and WHEREAS, the plans, specifications and contract documents for the various construction phases of the water system have been reviewed and approved by the Board of Directors; and WHEREAS, the construction and installation of the water system has been completed by said developers' prime construction contractor, Murchison Construction Co., of Sacramento and various subcontractors; and WHEREAS, the District Consulting Engineer has provided day to day inspection of the water system construction in progress by each contractor and subcontractor, and has further provided written recommendation that the system be accepted by the Truckee Donner Public Utility District for ownership, operation, and maintenance, pursuant to paragraph 8(b) of the Development Agreement; and WHEREAS, the Truckee Donner Public Utility District has determined that the best interests of the public will be served by accepting the water distribution system in two phases: Phase I being the improvements related to that portion of the water line lying within the Shopping Center property and within State Highway 89 and Deerfield Drive to the north of the gate valve located in the main driveway at the eastern boundary of the Shopping Center known as the "Deerfield Line"; and Phase II being the improvements related to that portion of the water line commencing at the gate valve referred to above, and from that point running southeasterly along State Highway 89 and then northeasterly along West River St. to a point where it connects into an existing 12" water main, known as the "West River St. Loop Line." NOW, THEREFORE, be it enacted by the Board of Directors of the Truckee Donner Public Utility District as follows: 1. The "Deerfield Line," consisting of the improvements related to that portion of the water line lying within the Shopping Center property and within State Highway 89 and Deerfield Drive to the north of the gate valve located in the main driveway at the eastern boundary of the Shopping Center, as described on the attached legal description, marked Exhibit A, attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference, is hereby accepted by the Truckee Donner Public Utility District for ownership, operation, maintenance, repair, and replacement. 2. This Ordinance shall become effective thirty-five (35) days from the date of adoption provided the acceptance of the facilities is not challenged as provided by law. The Clerk of the District shall immediately cause a copy of this Ordinance to be published once in the local newspaper and copies shall be posted in at least three (3) public places within the District. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of Directors of the Truckee Donner Public Utility District, at a meeting held within the said District on the„_'+"day of call vote: 1981, by the following roll AYES: I r NOES: ,- ABSENT: �- ATTEST: usan Craig Clerk Thereof G TRUCKEE DONNER PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT BY Roberta Huber, President of the Board of Directors EXHIBIT A yQy DESCRIPTION OF ON -SITE !;ATER MAIN AND A PORTION OF STATE 1HGH`'.AY 89 EATER `L;IN AND DEERFIELD DRIVE 1';ATER 'LAIN A portion of the 1•,,ater Distribution System, said portion lying within that certain real property described as follows: ON -SITE A Wrtion of all that certain property as shown and so ? 'iynatod on that certain parcel map filed in the office of the t:••rpr;? r of Nevada County, California in Book 14 of Parcel Yaps ,it 1--ige 169, being a portion of Parcels 1, 2, 3, 5 and 6 as shown (-tr lid parcel map described as follows: A strip of land the uniform width of ten (10.00) feet, meas- ured at right angles lying five (5.00) feet on each side of the roll(,t;ing described centerline: 1:�?.0 � L "A" • Beginning at a point in the most Easterly line of said Parcel 1 from which the most Fasterly corner thereof bears along the arc of a 1312 foot radius curve to the left, said arc being subtended by a chord which bears South Fast 11.56 'Feet; thence, from said POINT OF BEGINNING and lr�ving said most Easterly line South 61°24'39" West 12.61 Beet; thence, South o3°39'31" West 61.69 feet to a point hereinafter referred to as point "A", thence, continuing South 3°39'37" 'lest 273.00 feet to a point nereinaft-r referred to as point "B" being the termination point of said 1,ARCFL "a" Brtjinning at the above described point "A", thence, South 01'20'23" Ens 214.00 feet to a point in the Southerly line of said Parcel 6, being also the ;t'rmir,ation of said easement from which the Southeast corner of said Paine) 6 bears North 88°3937" East 9.66 feet. PARCEL "C" Beginning at the above described point "B"; thence, North 01*11'00" 1'es 64.53 feet to a point in the common line of said Parcels 1 and 2 from which the Easterly terminus of that certain course (North 88°49'00" East 195.00 feet bears Easterly along said course 5.00 feet; thence, continu- ing North 01°11'00" West 253.59 feet to a point in the corrnon line of said PdrC21s 2 and 3 from which the Southeast corner of said Parcel 3 bears South 20°19'40" West 20.98 feet; thence, continuing North 01°11'00" West 109.12 feet to a point in the Northeasterly line of said Parcel 3 being the tennination•point of said easement from which the Northeast corner of said Parcel 3 bears South 69*40'2.0" East 39.97 ferc. PARCEL "0" Eeginning at the above described point "B"; thence, South 01'11'00" Eas 120.27 feet to the tercaination point of said easement. STATE H7GHWAY 89 L ALL that portion of Section 16, Township 17 ':orth Fuinge 16 East, :.fount Diabl.o Meridian, located in the County of r:cvada, State of California described as follows: BEGINNING at a point located in a 8 inch water main, being a point located on the easterly line of Parcel 1 of that certain Parcel 'dap as filed in Book. 14 of Parcel Maps at Page 169 records of said county, from which the most easterly corner of said Parcel 1 hears a chord of South 28° 20' 12" East, 11.56 feet; thence from said point of beginning in and coicident with said 8 inch waterline North 610 24' 39" EIist, 60 feet more or less to the intersection of an existing 12 inch waterline lying in a north -south direction, said intersection lies westerly 5 feet from the existinq westerly edge of State highway 89 pavement; thence in a northerly direction in and coincident with said 12 inch waterline lying 5 feet westerly of said pavement 290 feet; thence continuing in said 12 inch water- line North 11° Wost, 250 feet to an angle point therein; thence continuinq in said 12 inch %..,itf�rline west 100 feet to a ooint of ir.' }ion with an -xi sting 10 inch waterline and ', '.:: ;ht2 t­r-,'nus of this description. DEERFIELD DRIVE n1,L that-?.)ortion of the Southwest 1/4 of Section 16, Inx,:nshio 17 North, Range 16 E,3st, 41ount Diablo Meridian, located in the Ci)unty of ':o:'ada, State of ral ifornia dr•scr i!Jr•d as BEG1:;NiNG at a pint 1� ::lain, bein,: . • Parcel 3 of I'.. ii - Book 14 of P,+ i l county, frr>:n •a i, }+ +',., :-aid P :i r_rl i 1 thence from • , i � i r with said 8 in -Ai more or lo-s to tho ',i: waterline lying +n n tc.rminuvi (it 1111•, A, I.. + t r.a t•, , :' irh al: r 1 in !'I,. „' I t herly line of r, 1 ,+p .,s filed in •ords of said v corner of +,'+' 10' .'0" east, 39.9 feet; .—Iir,ninq in and coincident ,+th 01* 11' W-st, 30 feet r ,rut r,f ,+n existing 8 inch •+ iron and tieing the As used licivin, thu `.'atl•r histiiloition System" shall be as de t i nod in I ha t ,-i- t 1 ,tin I)f;VF'1,OP1Ih:NT AGREEMENT B1ST'ti'T N 'I'NUCF:F:h: h,ir�tJF-R I1'11LIC UTILITY DISTRICT AND FHK 1NVi.S1MF.NT Ccl'111ANY, IMCI%Y `'Pt)'�1:5, INC., AND LONGS DRUG STORES, INC. I,I;r'}'Ft"TINS TI:Ut`w1:F' C':USSItOADS dated September 9, 19N0. III