HomeMy WebLinkAbout19 Proposed Green Electricity Rate Program
WORKSHOP ITEM #19 Rate ProgramProposed Green Energy Rate ProgramProposed Green Energy June 6, 2018
Proposed Green Document was provided to the Town in October, 2017•programto describe a proposed document prepared a draft Staff •BoardStaff asked for written assurances before proposing
a program to the •participationDistrict had a REC program in 2008, but it was canceled for lack of The •rateselectricity request regarding 100% renewable or green Town •2017staff met
with representatives from the Town in August, District •BACKGROUND / HISTORY Rate ProgramEnergy Proposed Green Rate ProgramEnergy
Proposed Green Energy Rate Program Council in June, 2018The Town FY19 budget will be considered for approval by the Town •electricityfunds for renewable includes budget Town the May,
2018, In •electricity”districts and all utility customers to shift towards 100% renewable with and encourage special the Town will “engage Resolutions states •2020sources by was to
procure electricity for the Town from 100% renewable One goal •goalsestablish several renewable energy November 28, 2017 the Town Council adopted a resolution to On •BACKGROUND / HISTORY
Proposed Green Energy Rate Program
NEW INFORMATION The Program is separate from and incremental to the RPS requirement•excess of 60 percent over last 2 yearsin The District has achieved a RPS •utilitiesare stable and
very competitive compared to other Rates •portfolio over the last 10 yearsto the power energy has proactively added renewable District The •would be entirely voluntaryProgram Participation
in the •rateon -an addcustomers as will be made available to all rogram PThe •proposed rate premium is 4 cents per kWhThe •electricity can be purchasedrate where an additional kWh charge
that represents 100% renewable Rate Program (the Program) is a new Energy proposed Green The •Proposed Green Energy Rate ProgramProposed Green Energy Rate Program
NEW INFORMATION projectsand participate in other renewable energy Develop •Horse Butte Wind and Transjordan Landfill GasOffset •participation in the Program will help the District toCustomer
•Landfill Gas project in Murray City, UtahTransjordan •Butte Wind project located near Idaho Falls, IdahoHorse •renewable energy facilitiesfor the Program will be delivered from 2 of
the District’s Electricity •Proposed Green Energy Rate ProgramProposed Green Energy Rate Program
Proposed Green Energy Rate Program Decrease greenhouse gas emissions•sourcesfree -Drive further expansion of wind energy and other renewable or carbon•marketconscious energy -an environmentallyPromot
e •renewable energy sources-the District’s dependence on nonReduce •100% renewable resources to cover their loadPurchase •Programin the will receive the following benefits when they
enroll District customers •NEW INFORMATION Proposed Green Energy Rate Program
Proposed Green Energy Rate Program projectsthe District to develop and participate in other renewable energy elp H•projectsof the Horse Butte Wind and the Transjordan Landfill Gas power
costs high purchase will be used to offset the revenue -Revenue •12 monthswill automatically renew for an additional nrollment E•outwindow every year to drop day -30•timecustomers can
enroll any -Enrollment •firstdiscontinued by a customer, whichever occurs minimum term is 12 months, or until electric service is -Term •-add-Class Rate •4 cents per kWh-Energy Cost
Premium •Programstaff proposes the following for the District •NEW INFORMATION Proposed Green Energy Rate Program
NEW INFORMATION October 1, 2018New Rate Effective 60 days after ApprovalAugust 1, 2018Possible Approval of the Program–Action August 1, 2018Conduct a Public Hearing1820July 18,Consideration
of Setting a Public Hearing–Action , 2018June 6Discussion of Proposed Program (tonight)–Workshop DateMilestones Proposed Implementation•Proposed Green Energy Rate ProgramProposed Green
Energy Rate Program
FISCAL IMPACT this Workshop itemis no fiscal impact associated with There •Proposed Green Energy Rate ProgramProposed Green Energy Rate Program
RECOMMENDATION Provide input and direction to staff•Proposed Green Energy Rate ProgramProposed Green Energy Rate Program