When the group called Planning for Tomorrow in Truckee (PTT) defined its recommendations for
incorporation of the town government, it conducted a survey of citizen satisfaction with Truckee's
special districts and found that the districts were providing a high level of service and meeting the
expectations of the Truckee community. As a result, the town incorporation measure was
presented to the voters without consolidation and was approved on that basis.
Recently the town prepared a draft sphere of influence document in which it discussed
consolidation of special districts into town governmental departments. The special districts raised
concerns regarding the document and after discussion with town staff, the town concurred and
removed that element from their draft report. However, without special district consultation, LAFCo
staff reinserted the discussion of consolidation in its review of the town's draft report.
In March, the town reconfirmed its position that the consolidation issue should not be merged into
its sphere of influence report and would best be studied in the future.
As a result, the discussion of economy and efficiency in Truckee's system of local government is
again a topic of discussion in the Sierra Sun and at Nevada County LAFCo. Much has been
assumed about the opinion of the special districts on this important matter. In an effort to make
their position clear, the boards of directors of the Truckee Donner Public Utility District, Truckee
• Fire Protection District, Truckee Sanitary District and Truckee Donner Recreation and Park District
met on March 18, 199T At that meeting, the TDPUD Board agreed to adopt the following
statement as an expression of its opinion.
1. TDPUD agrees with the motion of the Town of Truckee that the issue of consolidation
should be removed from the town's sphere of influence report. We believe that the
discussion of economy and efficiency in Truckee's system of local governance is far too
important to be merged in a sphere of influence report.
2. The Truckee special districts have a long history and tradition of providing service in the
community. They are effective providers and have a highly dedicated core group of
employees and volunteers. Currently, services are being provided and the risk of disturbing
these services should not be taken lightly.
3. The Town of Truckee is a new service provider which may need more time to deal with the
many issues already on its agenda such as road maintenance, snow removal, flood
damage, railroad merger, general plan, downtown specific plan and public safety before it
is reasonable for it to undertake the services already being successfully provided by special
4. Now is not the proper time and the sphere of influence is not the proper vehicle to
comprehensively consider how key community services will be provided. At the appropriate
time it would be reasonable to consider a comprehensive evaluation of the structure,
• function, efficiency, effectiveness and viability of Truckee's local governance and the
services these entities provide. Such an evaluation should look at the needs of the
community and how well both the town government and special districts have met the
needs and expectations of the Truckee community since their creation. in addition, the
relative abilities of these entities to continue to provide such services should be considered.
The town incorporated and the special districts were formed with certain goals and
expectations in mind. The evaluation should determine whether these goals and
expectations have been met and function as a report card which can inform the electorate
(a) whether the town should continue as an incorporated entity; (b) whether, and which,
special districts should continue to provide services; (c) whether any combination of districts
should be consolidated into the town.
Any evaluation of Truckee local governance should look at the efficient expenditure of local
funds, the best way to involve citizens in grass roots democratic local government and
effective and responsive provision of services to meet the expectations of the Truckee
5. After a full and unbiased evaluation, the final decision should be made by all affected
Specific Actions
1. The special districts should write letters to LAFCo supporting the town's recommendation
that consolidation be removed from the sphere of influence process.
2. The management staffs of the districts and town currently meet on a regular basis to
discuss issues of common interest. This process should be expanded to include joint action
where such is feasible and would result in improving the efficiency and effectiveness of all.
3. The body of research that concludes that multiple local governmental agencies working
together is the most efficient and effective structure for the provision and production of local
government services should be widely distributed and dialogue encouraged. Citizen
awareness is a key element in good government.
4. At the appropriate time the evaluation of local services and government should be jointly
initiated by the special districts and Town of Truckee and kept free of outside influence and
5. That any action, discussion or information gathering by LAFCo on any of the above items,
including but not limited to manager's reports, occur at properly noticed meetings held in
Truckee with the topic itemized on the agenda.
DonnerTruckee Public UtilityDistrict 3.a1d of Directors
Josepr,R. Aguera
J. Ronald Nemig
Business Office (916) 587-3896 FAX(916) 587-5656 Robert A.Jones
James A. Maass
Patricia S.Sutton
7:00 PM, Wednesday, March 19, 1997 Peter 1. Hoizmelster
TDPUD Board Room
1. Call to order
2. Roll call
3. Public Input - 7:00 PM (or as soon thereafter as possible) Any member of the audience desiring to
address the Board regarding a matter on the agenda is welcome to do so. Matters not specifically listed on the
agenda may be brought up under public input.
4. Consideration of adopting the draft water system master plan
5 Consideration of a request from Sauers Engineering for additional compensation for
services related to preparation of the draft water master plan
. 6. Glenshire Drive well pump building project:
a) Consideration of a close-out change order
b) Consideration of a resolution accepting the project as complete and authorizing the filing of
the notice of completion
7. Consideration of participating in funding of a radio station to serve the Truckee area
8. Discussion of paint color for the Gateway water storage tank
9. Discussion of use of the McGlashan property as a site for an educational and recreation
10. Discussion of an irrigation water rate relating to water served from Southside Well No. 1
11. Monthly staff reports
NOTE: The complete packet of material relating to the agenda is available for review at
the PUD office and at the Truckee Library
® Posted and ailed on Ml4rch 14, 1997
{ t
' Susan M. Craig, Depu#y District Cterk f.%
Post Office Box 309 * 11570 Donner Pass Road Truckee, California 96160