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B,,,d of Directors Truckee Donner Pubfic Utility Districtjaseph P.Rguera Jahn L.Corbett €siness Office Engineering Services F�c��aes �.Jones s (916)587-3896 (916) 587-394 (916) 7P� 6 James A. Maass Patricia S. Sutton General Manager Peter L. Holzmeister REGULAR MEETING AGENDA 7:00 PM, Monday, June 7,1993 TDPUD Board Room 1. Call to order 2. Roll call 3. Public input (7:25 PM or as soon thereafter as possible) -Any member of the audience desiring to address the Board regarding a matter on the agenda is welcome to do so. Matters not specifically listed on the agenda may be brought up under public input. PUBLIC HEARING (7:00 PM or as soon thereafter as possible) 4. a) Public hearing on draft Electric System Master Plan b) Consideration of comments and responses c) Consideration of adoption of the Electric System Master Plan d) Consideration of authorizing the filing of the final negative declaration and notice of determination e) Consideration aeDepartment of Fish and Game certificate of exemption with the ion tothe County Clerk SPECIAL BUSINESS (7:15 PM or as soon thereafter as possible) 5. Consideration of a request from the Town of Truckee for additional office space at the District headquarters building UNFINISHED BUSINESS 6. Consideration of a resolution directing that competitive bidding be dispensed with in connection with the District's purchase of a new telephone/voice mail/call accounting integrated system NEW BUSINESS 7. Proposition 55: a) Review of engineer's report regarding reimbursement to District for project expenses through March 31, 1993 b) Consideration of updated project budget c) Consideration of a proposal from Sauers Engineering for Phase 11 services d) Consideration of a proposal from Simon HydroSearch for hydrology services for Phase II 8. SCADA project: a) Consideration of a change order to contract for installation of SCADA equipment b) Consideration of an invoice submitted by Sandel/Avery Engineering c) Consideration of Progress Payment Request No. 1 from Mountain Electric d) Consideration of transferring funds from the acquisition restricted funds to the water general fund Post office Box 309 0 11 570 Donner Pass Road Truckee, California 96160 9. Report an Jibboom Street water line replacement project 10. Consideration of an agreement with NCPA to perform electric customer end use study 11. Consideration of a request for grant of easement for Affordable Homes Project 12. Consideration of a resolution directing that competitive bidding be dispensed with in connection with the District's purchase of a new computer system 13. Consideration of a resolution supporting the Town Council of Truckee protesting the proposed appropriation of the Town's property tax and its diversion to state purposes ROUTINE BUSINESS 14. Consideration of minutes of May 17, 1993 15. Correspondence 16. Bills for approval 17. Staff report CLOSED SESSION RETURN TO PUBLIC SESSION S ADJOURNMENT NOTE. The complete packet of material relating to the agenda is available for review at the PUD office and at the Truckee Library Posted pWd mailed;on June , 1993 !' �an rang, eputy tstric er FON DONN �I E T1H�a THAT C 14 P TITIVE IC � 1N ICE DISPENSED WIT ... # II I CNNECTIaN WITH T:HE DISTRICT'S p�iRHASE QF A HEW TELEPH01 E' VOI E MA1L{CAL . ACC UNTlN'G INTEGRATE SYST�HI WHEREAS, staff has determined that the District's telephone system no longer meets the growing needs of the District; and WHEREAS, due to the technology of the current telephone system it cannot be upgraded to add more extensions, voice mail features or to otherwise meet the needs of the District; and WHEREAS, a staff committee was appointed to review various phone systems on the market which would meet the needs of the District; and WHEREAS, the committee viewed presentations made by three different vendors who provide and maintain systems in the Truckee area; and WHEREAS, while the committee found that there were some similarities among the three systems presented, the unique features offered by one particular system better fit the needs of the District and are much more desirable than the others; and WHEREAS, the unique features offered by the Executone system, would allow staff to process customer calls quicker and more efficiently, resulting in better communications with customers and improving customer relations; and WHEREAS, when the District purchased the existing telephone system, the District went out to bid and awarded the bid to the lowest bidder. Since that time, the District has had a difficult time purchasing new phones, having phones serviced and adding or changing extensions since the company no longer exists; and WHEREAS, current telephone/voice mail/call accounting systems are far more complex than when the District bought the existing telephone system and include much more complicated software; and WHEREAS, the system selected is vital to the smooth operation of the District and the image that the District presents to its customers, and WHEREAS, various California court decisions, including Graydon v. Pasadena Development Agency, 104 C.A. 3d 631 (1980), hold that if the subject of a contract is such that competitive proposals would be unavailing or would not produce an advantage and the advertisement for competitive bids would be unavailing or would not produce an advantage, and the advertisement for competitive bids would thus be undesirable or impractical, a public agency may dispense with competitive bidding; and WHEREAS, due to the facts set forth above, competitive bidding would be unavailing and would not produce an advantage to the District, and the advertising for competitive bids would not produce an advantage to the District and would be undesirable; and WHEREAS, the Public Utilities Code Section 16034 and Government Code Section 53060 provide that the District may, without competitive bidding, contract for special services and advice in financial, economic, accounting, engineering, legal, administrative, and professional matters if such persons are specially trained and experienced and competent to perform the special services required; and WHEREAS, the District has determined that telephone/voice mail/call accounting integrated systems more nearly resembles a special service contract, within the meaning of the above-cited code sections, rather than a "good," as that term is used in Public Contract Code Section 20206.4, because a software package includes, as an integral part, specialized services in adapting the system to the District's needs, installing the system, training District personnel, and providing on-going services after installation; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Directors of the Truckee Donner Public Utility District, for the reasons set forth above, that competitive proposals for a telephone/voice mail/call accounting integrated system would be unavailing and would not produce an advantage to the District and the advertisement for competitive bids would not produce an advantage to the District and would be undesirable and costly. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the District finds that a telephone/voice mil/call accounting integrated system more nearly resembles a special service, for which no competitive bidding is required, as opposed to a "good." BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the District shall therefore dispense with competitive bidding for the acquisition of the telephone/voice mail/call accounting integrated system, and District staff is authorized to negotiate an agreement with Executone to purchase said system and ongoing services and that said negotiated agreement will be brought back to the Board for approval and acceptance. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of Directors at a meeting duly called and held within the District on the 7th day of June 1993 by the following roll call vote: AYES: Corbett, Jones, Maass and Aguera. NOES: Sutton. ABSENT: None. TRUCKEE DONNER PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT s#tf R. Aguera President Z A TIES T / Susan M. Craig, Deputy Distri Clerk MC/smc R O UT. O NO, 9328 G T"r R COINER PUBLIC JT1TYTRT SUPPORTt�G TEE T01t11' OF TRU KEE'S 'POSITION ANC? OPPOSING' TH.E RROPOSEC AP'FROPRIATIOI OF 'RRORERTY TAX ANI] 1TS CIIVERS[(. TQ TAT'E PRRSES' WHEREAS, the Town of Truckee, incorporated on March 23, 1993, has the fiscal problems faced by all municipalities and local government jurisdictions, but with a greater impact because of necessary start-up costs and lack of cash flowing to the Town Treasury; and WHEREAS, the Town of Truckee became incorporated upon the reasonable and conservative fiscal assumption developed by the Nevada County Local Agency Formation Commission and its consultants; and WHEREAS, the State of California, in its effort to overcome the fiscal effects of revenue losses due to economic conditions and the failure to control marginally useful expenditures has, in past years, turned to raiding local government revenues and shifting the cost of providing services to cities, counties and other local jurisdictions; and WHEREAS, the Governor and State Legislature has indicated the intention to raid local government property tax revenues, diverting those monies to State purposes; and WHEREAS, the Town of Truckee, by adoption of Resolution No. 9322, has objected to the proposed usurpation of anticipated property tax revenue and protested the continued confiscation of revenues long considered the fiscal foundation of local government; and WHEREAS, the Town of Truckee has requested that the State address its fiscal problems by extending, for the duration of the financial crisis, the one-half cent sales tax to expire at the end of the current fiscal year; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Directors of the Truckee Donner Public Utility District hereby offers its support of the Town's position and joins the cities, counties and other local districts in the protest against the continued threat to the ability of local government to serve the public health, safety and well-being of the citizens represented by local government. BE IT FURTHER RESOL VED that a copy of this resolution be provided to the following: Governor of the State of California President Pro-tempore of the State Senate Speaker of the State Assembly League of California Cities Board of Supervisors of Nevada County Town of Truckee Assemblyman Bernie Richter State Seantor Tim Leslie PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of Directors at a meeting duly called and held within the District on the 7th day of June 1993 by the following roll call vote: AYES: Corbett, Jones, Maass, Sutton and Aguera. NOES: None. ABSENT: None. TRUCKEE DONNER PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT .lasep R. Ague¢ , President A TTEST ' Susan M. Craig, Deputy Di t Clerk smc • LA�lin DONNE DIREO ""IIO TATPE.TIIQDINO BE DISPENSE CONNECTION :WITH THE D1S1'RIO:T'S PURO:HASE OF; A C�'JN�PUTE 1 STEM. SC?FIWARE: INSTALLATIONs,TRAINING AND St1P.P. 0RT SERVIOfES WHEREAS, the District purchased an IBM System 36 computer in 1987 and at the same time purchased software, training and support services from OrCom Systems, Inc.; and WHEREAS, the response time of the current system is very slow, it is virtually out of dish space for processing essential utility billing functions or to add additional programs;and adding terminals and printers would only slow the system down more; and WHEREAS, the District has determined that the existing hardware no longer meets the needs of the District and that it has reached its maximum capacity for expansion and that there is a need to upgrade its IBM System 36 computer to an IBM AS400 computer system; and WHEREAS, upgrading the computer hardware would also require an upgrade to the existing software, conversion of data files and training of staff to run such software provided by OrCom Systems, Inc.; and WHEREAS, various California court decisions, including Graydon v. Pasadena Devel© ment A enc 104 C.A. 3d 631 (1980), hold that if the subject of a contract is such that competitive proposals would be unavailing or would not produce an advantage and the advertisement for competitive bids would thus be undesirable or impractical, a public agency may dispense with competitive bidding; and WHEREAS, all of the District's utility billing and accounting functions have been converted to the current computer system at great expense to the District; and WHEREAS, converting all of these software packages to another vendor's hardware and/or software system would not be desirable and would be very costly to the District; and WHEREAS, the Orcom Systems, Inc, utility billing and financial software only operates on IBM equipment; and WHEREAS, due to the facts set forth above, competitive bidding would be unavailing and would not produce an advantage to the District, and the advertising for competitive bids would not produce an advantage to the District and would be undesirable; and WHEREAS, Public Utilities Code Section 20206,4 generally requires that the District seek competitive bids in connection with the purchase of goods, and WHEREAS, the District finds that the computer hardware, software and support services more nearly resembles a special service, for which no competitive bidding is required, as opposed to a "good', and WHEREAS, the Public Utilities Code Section 16034 and Government Code Section 53060 provide that the District may, without competitive bidding, contract for special services and advice in financial, economic, accounting, engineering, legal, administrative, and professional matters if such persons are specially trained and experienced and competent to perform the special services required, and WHEREAS. IBM offers to the State of California and local agencies a special s a far lume m e discounted price on computer hardware, which staff has favorable price than is available through any other IBM vendor, and WHEREAS, IBM also sells directly to 'Value Added Remarketers" who add their own software product and sell the hardware and software as a complete package; and WHEREAS, OrCom Systems, Inc. is an authorized "Value Added Remarketer" of IBM equipment; and WHEREAS, OrCom Systems, Inc. has agreed to match the discount offered by IBM to the District; and WHEREAS, IBM has said that if OrCom Systems, Inc. has offered to match IBM's price, the District would be better off purchasing the hardware from OrCom Systems, Inc. since OrCom would provide and conversion would be smoother le source ofpurchase, oared morersion effic efficient training and that the installation a because of it; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Directors that for the reasons set forth above, the District finds that competitive bids for an IBM AS400 computer system and utility billing and accounting software would be unavailing and would not produce an advantage to the District and the advertisement for competitive bids would not produce an advantage to the District and would be undesirable and costly. BE IT FURTHER RESOL VED that the District finds that computer hardware, software and support services more nearly resembles a special service, for which no competitive bidding is required, as opposed to a "good. " BE IT FURTHER RESOL VED that the District shall therefore dispense with competitive bidding for the acquisition of the IBMAS�00 authorized o negotiate directlyuter system and ated with hardware and software, and Districtstaff Orcom Systems, Inc. for the purchase of the IBM AS400 computer system and the upgrading of existing software services; and that said negotiated agreement will be brought back to the Board for approval and acceptance. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of Directors at a meeting duly called and held within the District on the 7th day of June 1993 by the following roll call vote: AYES: Corbett, Jones, Maass and Aguera. NOES: Sutton. ABSENT.- None. TRUCKEE DONNER PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT By Jo e VAguera, P ident ATTEST• Susan M. Craig, Deputy Di1' erk smc WIN MINIM,, REPORT . 9993 TO: Board of;directors FROM: Mary L. Ct�aprnan., , dmir istrat ve Services Manager SUBJECT• Bills for:hoard'consideration DA Attached is a copy of the hills for Board consideration. Among the hills are invoices for work performed on the SCADA project. The funding for this project is scheduled to come from the COP financing. RECOMMENDATION 1. Authorize payment of the bills in the usual manner. 2. if SCADA related bills are approved, transfer out of the Certificates of Participation funds on deposit with the Local Agency Investment Funs( to reimburse the general fund for the following: American Aerospace Controls $ 9,456.97 Mountain Electric, Inc. 9,311.45 Porter, Simon, Graham, Phelps & Cuttitta 23.00 SandelAvery Engineering 844.74 Wesco 3,115.61 Total 22,751.77 JP/smc Attachment TRUCKEE DONNER PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT BILLS FOR BOARD APPROVAL - JUNE 7, 1993 DESCRIPTION TOTAL, ELECTRIC WATER r- `-W-- -------- AMERICA14 AEROSPACE CONTROLS -9,456.97 9,45fi.97^ - AC CURRENT SENSORS FOR SCADA SYSTEM. A.RTHUR ANDERSEN & CO. 7,200.00 3,600.00 3,600.00 FINAL BILLINGAR IN CONNECTION, WITH THE AUDIT FOR TE R. W. BECK AND ASSOCIATES 9,563.69 9,563.69 UNDERGDONNERRSUUBS NTATIOR(222 DESIGN T'RUCKEE4SUBSTATION UPGRADE (6916.35) . BURT & BURT INC. 9,885.00 9,885.00 DELIVERY OF 20 X 40 METAL BUILDING. CARSON INDUSTRIES INC 4,250.38 4,250.38 GREEN POLY BOXES AND COVERS. CROQUETTES' & SON INC 4,628.37 508.37 4,120.00 AUTOMOTIVE FABRICATIONS. COOPER POWER SYSTEMS 3,352.64 3,352.64 CONVERSION UPGRADE KITS. HARKER & HARKER INC. 4,171.00 4,171.00 CONTRACT LINEMAN. 14BNA AMERICA BUSINESS CARD 1,704.66 1,704.66 ANNUAL FEES AND SEMINAR CHARGES FOR REYNOLDS AND QUINN MOUNTAIN ELECTRIC INC 9,311.45 9,311.45 486 COMPUTER SYSTEM FOR SCADA SYSTEM. PORTER SIMON GRAHAM PHELPS PERSONNEL MATTERS (14779.41) GENERAL REPRESENTATION AND CUTTITTA 2.8,762.87 28,762.87 (13329.46) FELTON WOODS (23.00) SCADA (23.00) GATEWAY WATER TANK (115,00) PROP 55 (23.00) NEW FRONTIER (309.00) KENDALL (161.00) . SANDEL-AVERY ENGINEERING 5,083.20 5,088.20 TWO IBM COMPUTERS FOR ELECTRICAL DEPT (4064.71) SANDER'S WELL (110.00) TAHOE-DONNER (68.75) SCADA ANTENNA CLAMPS (844,74) . SIERRA ELECTRONICS 5,072.68 5,072.68 RADIO PURCHASE AND INSTALLATION. SPIEGEL & MC DIARMID 358.39 358.39 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES. GLEN WAGNER FIELD SERVICE 5,242.50 5,242.50 COMPANY VEHICLE REPAIRS AND MAINTENANCE. WESCO 5,946.37 3,115.61 2,830.76 INVENTORY (2930.76) SCADA SYSTEM (3115.61) - WESTERN NEVADA SUPPLY CO. 6,998.25 6,898.25 PLUMBING SUPPLIES. WESTERN STATES ELECTRIC INC. 7,082.26 7,082.26 ELECTRICAL INVENTORY SUPPLIES AND FUSES. r-- 127,975.68 86,670.05 41,305.63 TA FF REPO .lane 3, 1993 7 Board 1tOM.` Peten L. Holzmeister, General Manager St1i J CT Staff ROPort AGED ; ';. 1. Ground source heat pumps Please review the attached memorandum from Scott Terrell regarding ground source heat pumps. We are developing the details of a demonstration project in Truckee. We would like to demonstrate that ground source heat pumps work in Truckee and are a cost effective way to heat a home. Scott will be at the meeting on Monday evening to talk more about this subject. 2. Damage to District property At the last meeting we talked about offering a reward for information on who vandalized the Martis Substation, Susan Craig found an existing policy that allows us to offer a reward. We shall proceed under the terms of the policy unless the Board instructs us otherwise. 3. CSDA and APPA conferences CSDA and APPA are holding their conferences in southern California, back to back. Mary Chapman, John Corbett and Bob Jones have registered for the CSDA meeting. John has registered for the APPA meeting. 1 would like to attend the meetings, also. 1f the Board does not object, 1 will register and attend. 4. Vacation for the General Manager 1 need to visit my 83 year old father. 1 haven't seen him in years. He lives in Hartford, Connecticut. i would like to be off the weeks of June 21, June 28 and return on July 7. 1 would miss the July 6 Board meeting, but 1 would place Mary Chapman in charge during my absence. She knows what is going on and will have Bob, Dave, Scott and Kathy to help her. 1 will remain in touch during my absence. 5. Financial reports Attached for your review are financial reports for the month of April, including the investment report, statement of general fund, water and electric balance sheets and water and electric income statements. PLH/smc Attachments D '. P f� ��93 J. ,' ' TE3: ward of Cirec#ars FI DIVI Scott Terrenj AanMw Director Stl�3JE�T: Ground source heat pump pilaf pragra� Truckee Donner Public Utility District is committed to "establishing policies and programs that address cost-effective conservation and support the efficient use of energy and water resources." Heat pumps have been identified to be the most efficient and cost-effective electric heating and cooling technology available to consumers of electric power. Up until the early 1970s, heat pumps extracted heat directly from air; refrigerants were used to exchange the heat. The heat pump works on the same vapor compression principle that central air conditioning systems and refrigeratorslfreezers use. In very cold climates, air source heat pumps are not very effective. Experimentation on using the warmer temperatures found in soil (below the frost line) for heat exchange began about two decades ago to take advantage of heat pump efficiencies in colder climates. This new technology called ground source heat pumps (GSHP) uses a long run of buried pipe distributed throughout the ground in a loop running from and to the heat pump. Water is circulated through the piping and used to distribute and exchange the heat from the soil to the interior of the house. Attached is information on the design of GSHPs provided by Western Area Power Administration. 1 recently visited Oklahoma State University for a three day workshop on ground source heat pumps. There were several experts on GSHP's and about 60 attendees. The speakers included University professors doing research, utility professionals who have implemented or will be implementing GSHP programs, equipment manufacturers, and GSHP contractors. Most attendees are members of the International Ground Source Heat Pump Association (IGSHPA) in which we have also become a member. A few of the conclusions of this conference are that GSHPs are generally performing as expected and that when installed properly they can out compete almost any other fuel source/technology. Natural gas heating is the primary competition for GSHPs. I believe the best approach for TDPUD to pursue involvement with ground source heat pumps is to set up a pilot project. This would allow us to monitor the effectiveness of GSHPs in this area before promoting them on a larger scale to our customers. I have discussed pursuing this pilot project with all five major manufacturers of ground source heat pumps while at the workshop in Oklahoma. They also were supportive of donating the necessary equipment and materials to set up between four and six installations. This does not include the cost of labor in which the installation of equipment and trenching or drilling is required. They want a description of our pilot project plans before committing to their donation. This document will be drafted for the Board's review at an upcoming meeting. My goal is to have the pilot project installations completed by October 1993 in order to monitor them for the entire 1993194 winter season. ST/smc .': i ..................... ...... .... I[ ay 28 193 TO. 8oard bt Direc;tors and Peter Hotzmeister FROM/ Susan Crag St1BJECT. ": Damad.67 to nistrict ro ert F P p :. Y At the last meeting, the Board discussed vandalism to District property and the possibility of allowing the Manager to offer a reward for information leading to the arrest and conviction of persons responsible for the damage. Following is the policy currently in effect.- CHAPTER 8.16 DAMAGE TO DISTRICT PROPERTY Sections: 8.16.010 General 8.16.010 General- In the event of damage to property owned by the District, which the Manager believes to be the result of intentional and malicious activity, the District Manager is authorized to advertise an offer of reward for information which reads to the arrest and conviction of those persons responsible for the damage. The amount of the reward shall be determined in the discretion of the District Manager, but in no event shall exceed the smaller of the sum of$1,000 or 10% of the amount of the estimated damage. (Res. 7843) ffi Truckee Donner Public lity District 8card of Directors Joseph _Aguera . John . Corbett Business Office Engineering Services Richard K.Currao (916) 87-3896 (916) 587-3944 FAX (916) 587-5056 James A. Maass Patricia S. Sutton General Manager Peter L. Holzrneister June 2, 1993 MEMORANDUM TO: Peter L. Holzmeister, General. Manager FROM; Mary Chapman, Office Managerr • SUBJECT, Investment Report As of April 30, 1993 the District had the following investment comprised of the funds as detailed. INVESTMENTS YIELD AMOUNT LOCAL AGENCY INVESTMENT FUND 4.605% 7,413,118.56 ELECTIC FUNDS REA RESERVE * 19,000.00 GENERAL FUND 998,289.52 FACILITIES FEES-PRE AB1600 * 620,060.56 FACILITIES FEES-POST AB1600 * 310,528.27 STORM DAMAGE FUND * 190,959.51 BUILDING FUND * 847,085.31 --------------- TOTAL ELECTRIC INVESTMENTS 2,985,923.17 WATER FUNDS FACILITIES FEES-PRE AB1600 * 595,143.51 FACILITIES PEES-POST AB1600 * 277,644.67 BUILDING FUND * 745,784.28 RESERVE FOR FUTURE METERS * 725,593.96 TAHOE DONNER WATER SYSTEM FUND* 231,943.14 WEST RIVER ST. ASSESSMENT DISTRICT BOND REDEMPTION FUND * 16,958.05 PREPAID CONNECTION FEES * 66,789.29 TELEMETRY RESERVE * 52,731.10 TSA (SAD II IMPROVEMENT) 38, 131.00 ACQUISITION FUND * 1,676,476.39 --------------- TOTAL WATER INVESTMENTS 4,427,195.39 --------------- TOTAL DISTRICT INVESTMENTS �7,413,118.56� * RESTRICTED FOR SPECIFIC USE PER BOARD RESOLUTIONS Post Office Box 309 11570 Danner Pass € oad Truckee, CaMor is 96160 TRUCKEE DONNER PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT STATEMENT OF GENERAL FUND APRIL 30, 1993 HISTORY OF ACTIVITY FOR MONTH: BALANCE IN GENERAL FUND 03/31/93 1,412,149.09 ---------------- RECEIPTS ELECTRIC REVENUE 734,807.85 WATER REVENUE 200,984.70 19 STANDBY ELECTRIC 6, 8. STANDBY WATER 16,638.66 MISC. BILLING REVENUE ELECTRIC 28,027.29 MISC. BILLING REVENUE WATER 5,543.42 CONSUMER DEPOSITS, ELECTRIC 4,356.79 CONSUMER DEPOSITS, WATER 500.00 CUSTOMER ADVANCES-CONNECTION FEE ELECTRIC 2,675.00 CUSTOMER ADVANCES-FACILITIES FEES-ELECTRIC 2,527.60 CUSTOMER ADVANCES-OTHER ELECTRIC 5,051 .69 CUSTOMER ADVANCES-CONNECTION FEE WATER 5,500.00 CUSTOMER ADVANCES-FACILITIES FEES-WATER 2,666.00 20 CUSTOMER AD VANCES OTHER WATER 207.90 MISC. REVENUE ELECTRIC 506.42 MISC. REVENUE WATER 691.42 UNRESTRICI` ACQUISITION FUNDS 169.10 ELECTRIC LAIF INTEREST INCOME 1ST QUARTER 86,217.26 - TOTAL RECEIPTS 1,120,059 29 DISBURSEMENTS ACCOUNTS PAYABLE DISBURSEMENTS 1,195,075.48 LESS VOID CHECKS PREVIOUS PERIOD (2,047 .78) TRANS. TO ELECTRIC RESTRICED FUNDS-INTEREST EARNED 21,925.05 TRANS. TO ELECTRIC RESTRICTED FUNDS-FACILITIES FEES 2,527.60 `.TRANS. TO WATER RESTRICTED FUNDS-INTEREST EARNED 49,902.56 TRANS. TO WATER RESTRICTED FUNDS-FACILITIES FEES 2,666.00 --------------- TOTAL DISBURSEMENTS 1,270,048.91 --------------- BALANCE IN GENERAL FUND 04/30/93 1,262,159.47 DISTRIBUTION OF NON--RESTRICTED FUNDS AT MONTH--END: PETTY CASH/CUSTOMER SERVICES OPERATING FUNDS 600.00 TRUCKEE RIVER BANK GENERAL FUND 263,269.95 LAIF GENERAL FUND (NOT RESTRICTED) 998,289.52 --------------- 1,262,159.47 TRUCKED; DO ER P.U.D. ELECTRIC BALANCE SHEET FOR PERIOD ENDING APR IL 30, 1993 CURRENT LAST YEAR —T—D AKOUNT Y_T—D AMOUNT ASSETS UTILITY PLANT S,55 ,111,73 Sb 92,44�e�'1 RESTRICTED FUNDS ADMINISTRATIVE BUILDING LEASE FUNDS 281,412,79 282,321.21 EMPLOYEE DEFERRED CO PEdS TION—IC 393,277,2 2 a 1 ,2R REA RESERVE FUND 19g 00,00 FACILITIES FEES 96 ,5E4,�� STORK FUND BUILDINGFUND C4?, 85.31 S1,4CC.27 TOTAL RESTRICTED FUNDS 2,6b2,323.6 t,531g27� 72 �, � CURRENT ASSETS GENERAL FUNDS I,2f2, 5 .47 2,aL$s269n47 ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE, NET 729,903.30 716,66 .61 ALE FRON A R 342,293.45 537,80 .SS MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 287,340,14 303,274.22 INTEREST INCOME RECEIVABLE 12,14,E 14,479.32 PREPAID EXPENSES AND OTHER 26,909.00 26,754,91 TOTAL CURRENT ASSETS 2,660,71 .24 2,517,263,41 5.6— U AMORTIZED DEBT DISC AND ISSUE COSTS 49, 6°Oo 156,919.00 PRELIINARY SURVEY COSTS AND OTHER 2,19e26 2,301.05 TOTAL ASSETS 34,032,441.91 13,600,205,1? 3,2+ TRUC EE DONNER P,U,D, ELECTRIC BALANCE SHEET FOR PERIOD ENDING APRIL 30, 1993 CURRENT LAST Y AR Y-T-B AMOUNT Y-T-D AMOUNT E U I T Y L 1 A b I L I T T E 5 -------------------------------------- RETAINED EARNINGS ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICE BUILDING LASE 2 7=5,C QR4C 2,780, 00,00 REA 69.oWoo U7,5a3.52 IDA O FIRST - HM COMPUTER LEASE � 14,955,52 LINE TRUCK UNIT 10 138,42 -80 155, 75.0 TOTAL DEBT .,922,423, Q 3,041,407,51 3.9- CURRE T LIA TLITIES ACCOUNTS PAYABLE 1,1?3,624,f2 I,uQ5, 4,s5 CONSUMER DEPOSITS 173,429.41 191,919.3 ACCRUED INTEREST PAYABLE 54,092,21 5�, 43,16 DEFERRED STANDBY FEES a40 C ACCRUED COIRPENSATION & RELATED COSTS 117,234.5$ .38,318.30 TOTAL CURRENT LIABILITIES 1,458,3 1 , 2 1,391,955,16 CONSTRUCTION ADVANCES 545,206e43 3��,99f,5B EMPLOYEE DEFERRED COMPENSATION TC A 93,2?7a24 28 ,018,2 TOTAL EQUITY AND LIABILIT'IH 14,032,441.91 3,2+ % i TRUC EE DUNKER P,U? D, . ELECTRIC !NCOKE STATE E T FOR PERIOD ENDING APRIL 3 , 1993 CURRENT LAST YEAR Y—T—D AMOUNT Y-T—D AMOUNT OPERATING REVENUE RESIDENTIAL 1,419,Z�G.�aE 1, 13,357.52 COMMERCIAL 822,5t}7,46 �?�,754.5 LARGE COMMERCIAL 139,13,32 49,53,9i SALES TO PUBLIC AUTHORITIES 32,053� 15 --2,796, FUEL CHARGE 20 ,980,05 °)4,977,23 INTERDEPARTMENTAL 171,566:92 130d30.39 TOTAL ENERGY SALES 2,835,598,95 Z, i1,65 3 ISC OPERATING RERE UE 36,19534 34,995,97 MISCELLANEOUS RENTS 13, 4S062 13,079,56 STANDBY REVENUE 22,535,00 23,910.00 !NTERDEPARTNENTAL RENT 42,716,00 39,612.00 TOIAL OPE A` INI RE ENUI 2,9SO,095.4I OPERATING EXPENSES PURCHASED POWER 2,167,I44.:1 1,971,566.38 DISTRIBUTION OPERATIONS 23 ,273.79 152,846.14 DISTRIBU"ION MAINTENANCE 35,966.63 30,477,88 CUSTOMER ACCOUNTING INFORNATION 121,946.03 1�7,5�8:C9 ADMINISTRATION & GENERAL 329;399,99 374,493,42 DEPRECIATION 10,905,24 113,603.4 OTHER OPERATING EXPENSES 21,376.48 63,848.90 TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES 3,044,011,97 2 813,634.61 ET OPERATING REVENUE 93,916.56CR 290,386,ISCR OTHER REVENUE (EXPENSE' INTEREST INCOME 62,OC9.66 73,209.9 LOSS OF DISPOSITION E PROPERTY .0 ,0 %NTEREST EXPENSE 75,981o03CR 79,774,22CR NET REVENUE (LOSS) 296,946,4 CR T UC EE DON ER P.0 , WATER BALANCE SEET FOR PERIOD ENDING APRIL 30� 1993 CURRENT LAST YEAR Y-TWU AMOUNT Y-T-D AMOUNT ASSETS ------------ UTILITY PLANT y83 ,986.5 8,12,712,9 RESTRICTED FUNDS WATER SYSTEM IMPROVEMENT PROJECT CERTIFICATE PAYMENT FUND ?p82,92 32CQ 53 ACQUISITION FUND 1, 76,4%6.3 2,437,048.70 RESERVE FUND 828,947.14 84d.48 CAPITALIZED INTEREST FUND 345,537,93 1, 36,63,36 FACILITIES FEES 872,788a18 903,5 4.74 TRA SAD 11 IMPROVEMENT ACCT 38,131e00 30,624,17 WEST RIVER STREET ASSESSMENT DIST 16,�5 .05 16,149,43 BUILDING FUND 745,784.28 710,219,98 RESERVE FOR FUTURE METERS 725,593.96 715,467.S6 TAHOEDO ER WATER SYSTEM FUND 231,943.14 188,060.83 iPREPAID CONNECTION FEES 66,769,29 71,59b.77 TELEMETRY 52$73i.1O SQ,27o6 TOTAL RESTRICTED FUNDS 5,569,Sb3,38 7¢ 21£529,1? 19,3- .' CURRENT ASSETS GENERAL FUNDS ,QU , Q WEST RIVER STREET ASSESSET DIST 80 ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE, NET 235,198.97 22 ,545,10 DUE TO ELECTRIC 342.,293,45CR 837,808,8 CR MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 105,310,15 INTEREST INCOME RECEIVABLE 16,634s18 PREPAID EXPENSES 9,120.08 8,975,89 TOTAL CURRENT ASSETS 24,969.65 191,542,0 C 113,6- . PRELIMINARY SURVEY COSTS AND OTHER 699.73 .00 U A CRTx2ED DEBT DISC AND ISSUE COST 450, 25,C5 458,618,13 TOTAL ASSETS 14,9 2,746.52 15,401,31m o 2a7- ! ! ! IggJ DONNA cCy A?q BALANCE SHEET FOR PERIOD ENDING &AIL g, 9g \ CURRENT, LAST YEAR mA; 2Am wmeAUAT \ EQUITY I L I A B 1 L I T I E 5 \ RETAINED EARNINGS :/D 2S 3a 3,672,809,26 GENT WATER SYSTER I»»«7 PROJECT LEASE 10,339,146,68 C 2 3 J9 27 UTILITY fAq UNIT G 24«2 53,926.62 TOTAL DEBT \\y6\w 3; 10,37S,625,34 2! %\ CURRENT QgISDq ACCOUNTS PAYABLE y5A!! S63,666.63 gmAq DEPOSITS 37,996,66 35,578,89 E»q ! ERSfPAYABLESaA=2a1 288,628,49 DEFERRED STANDBY FEES 3e 2e CASH COMPENSATION & RELATED COSTS //©/5 ------------ TOTAL CURRENT LIABILITIES 611,158,52 !R&ib 6 CONSTRUCTION ADVANCESG12%2 17 -TOTAL EQUITYAND LIABILITIES 14,982,746,52 a Say g«m 2« � \ TR1CKEE UGH ER P,U,D, WATER INCOME STATEMENT FOR PERIOD ENDING APRIL 30, 1933 CURRENT LAST YEAR Y_T-U AMOUNT T-T_U AMOUNT OPERATING REVENUE RESIDENTIAL 458,528,99 i:ompl ERCi Aia INTERDEPARTMENTAL 234-52 162aS6 TOTAL WATER SALES 615,556,30 5 7,317=6? HYDRANTS 17,315,42 15,616.54 HISC OPERATING REVENUE 6,665.84 5,870,02 ISCELLA SOUS RESTS 327.46 454,93 STANDBY REVENUE 159,72 .00 169,482,50 TOTAL OPERATING REVENUE 802,?85,a2 708,741.06 OPERATING EXPENSES PUMPING - POWER PURCHASED 166,848.53 134,212,22 DISTRIBUTION OPERATIONS 184,190,85 98,61 ,18 ISTRIBUTION MAINTENANCE60,964.14 101, 67,15 CUSTOMER ACCOUNTING & INFORMATION 31,852m53 33,563a60 ADMINSTRATION & GENERAL 14 ,902,14 z4 ,934,41 INTERDEPARTMENTAL ENT 42,716.00 39,612, Q DEPRECIATION 103,500.32 99,929,32 OTHER OPERATING EXPENSE 16, 54,34 10,792.38 TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSE 755, 2,8 35 666,?47,25 NET OPERATING REVENUE 46,956,17 41,9�3.80 OTHER REVENUE EXPENSE) INTEREST INCOME 49, 94,16 98,95c,42 INTEREST EXPENSE 216,465,81CR 2221361,16CP MISCELLANEOUS NON-OPERATING I CO E >00 .00 EXTRAORDINARY INCOME , G UC LOSS ON DISPOSITION OF PROPERTY ,0 NET REVENUE (LOSS) 121, 15,48CR 81,416.94CR Truckee Donner Public Utility District Board of Directors Joseph R.Aguera John L.Corbett Business Office Engineering Services Robert A.Jones (916) 587-3896 (916) 587-3944 FAX(916)587-5056 James A. Maass Patricia S.Sutton General Manager Peter L. Holzmeister MEMORANDUM Date: June 3, 1993 From: David Rully To, Peter Holzmeister Subject: Monthly Bacteriological Report - May, 1993 Attached is the "Summary of Bacteriological Water Quality" report for the month of May, 1993 . The May portion of the report shows that all 34 distribution system samples were free of coliform bacteria. The report also shows that 10 of the 14 source samples were free of coliform bacteria. We are continuing to experience the bacteria problem at the Northside Well . However, as the system samples indicate the problem has been confined to the well head. The district has met the State' s drinking water standards for the month of May. Post Office Box 309 11670 Donner Pass Road Truckee, California 96160 S TRUCKEE DONNER PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT System Source Samples Portions Percent Samples Portions Percent Yr./Month Collected Positive Positive Collected Positive Positive 1993 May (Truckee) 26 0 0 8 4 50 (Prosser) 7 0 0 6 0 0 (Hirschdale) 1 0 0 1 0 0