HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Truckee Donner Public Utility District Board of Directors Joseph R.Aguera Jahn L.Corbett Business Office Engineering Services Richard K. Curran (916) 587--3896 (916) 587-3944 FAX (916) 587-5056 .tames A. Maass Patricia S.Sutton General Manager REGULAR MEETING peter L.Holzmeister 7.00 PM, Monday, October 5, 1992 TDPUD Board Room 1. Call to order 2. Roll call 3. Public input (7:25 PM or as soon thereafter as possible) - Any member of the audience desiring to address the Board regarding a matter on the agenda is welcome to do so. Matters not specifically listed on the agenda may be brought up under public input. SPECIAL BUSINESS 4. Natural gas - status report by Chris Herschberger of Southwest Gas UNFINISHED BUSINESS 5. Conflict of Interest Code - possible direction to conduct a public hearing or establish a written comment period 6. TDPUD Financing Corporation - possible appointment to Board 7. Tahoe Donner Pipeline Replacement Project a) Consideration of change order from T&S Construction for flagging b) Discussion of status of meadow staging area and sewer lateral issues; possible. direction NEW BUSINESS 8. All wheel drive bucket truck - consideration of bids and possible award 9. Geologic Test Hole Prof°ect a) Consideration of bids and possible award bJ Consideration of invoice from Simon Hydro Search 10, Truckee River Bridge Water Line Relocation Project a) Status report b) Consideration of progress payment request 11. Airport Tank Rehabilitation Project a) Status report b) Consideration of progress payment request c) Resolution accepting the project and directing filing of a Notice of Completion 12. Consideration of a policy regarding the financing of fees and/or line extensions ROUTINE BUSINESS 13. Consideration of minutes - September 21, 1992; possible direction 14, Correspondence 15. Bills for.approval 16. Staff report CLOSED SESSION RETURN TO PUBLIC SESSION ADJOURNMENT Post Office Box 309 0 11570 Donner Pass Road ® Truckee, California 96160 NOTE: The complete packet of material relating to the agenda is available for review at the PUD office and at the Truckee Library i Posted and mailed October 1, 199 Su�§"art M. raig, Deputy Distrr Z Jerk I " SN'AF REP RT . . . . t Ccto.. . 1 1992 Ta: 'Re ter L.. Hetzmeister, General Manager FRG�M: Joan' tor.Price, Sec Clerk SUBJECT: . . BILLS FOR BOARS? i4PPROiIAL'. AGENDA # 1 Attached is a copy of the bills for hoard consideration. Among the bills that are listed is a bill from Sandel/Avery Engineering in the amount of $16,631.36 for work performed on the SCADA system project. Since the funding for this project is scheduled to come from the COP financing, it is respectfully requested that the Board take the following action: 1. Authorize payment of the bills in the usual manner; 2. Authorize the staff to transfer the money for payment of the Sandel/Avery bill out of the Certificates of Participation funds on deposit with the Local Agency Investment Fund to reimburse the general fund. smc Attachment TRUCKEE DONNER PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT HILLS FOR BOARD APPROVAL - OCTOBER 5, 1992 L TOTAL ELECTRIC WATER DESCRIPTION -------------------------------... ------....-----------------.._......___-------------------- R. W. BECK AND ASSOCIATES 446.28 446.28 REDISTRIBUTION OF LOAD FROM TAHOE DONNER SUBSTATION. DE SCHRYVER CONCRETE CONSTRUCTION 4,800.00 4,800.00 RETAINING WALL AT DONNER LAKE SUB STATION. GENERAL PACIFIC INC. 3,925.56 3,925.56 METERS WITH COVERS AND INVENTORY SUPPORT GRIPS AND CONDUCTOR. PORTER SIMON GRAHAM PHELPS AND CUTTITTA 10,613.83 7,498.87 3,114.96 GENERAL REPRESENTATION (9474.38) LABOR ISSUES (154.95) SCHOOL DISTRICT DEV AGREEMENT (92.00) TAHOE DONNER PIPELINE REPLACEMENT (7.00) KOELL AND OLIVER HENRICKSON (862.50) KENDALL DEV (23.00) . R SUPPLY COMPANY INC. 9,831.18 9,831.18 PLUMBING SUPPLIES FOR THE WATER INVENTORY. SANDEL-AVERY ENGINEERING 16,631.36 16,631.36 WORK COMPLETED TO DATE ON THE SCADA PROJECT. SPIEGEL & MC DIARMID 494.79 494.79 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES THROUGH AUGUST 31, 1992. UTILITY TREE SERVICE INC. 5,687.20 5,687.20 TREE TRIMMING SERVICES IN AUGUST 1992. --------------....__---------------.._._ 52,430.20 39,04.06 12,946.14 . .. . . . .... .. STAFF REPORT . . . . . .. . . . . . October 1, 1992 TO. Board of Directors FROM Peter L. Holzmeister, General Manager SUBJECT. STAFF REPORT AGENDA #/ A) FINANCE REPORT - Attached are the financial reports for August 1992, including investment report, statement of general fund, electric and water balance sheets and electric and water income statements. B) NCPA LETTER REQUESTING THREE PARTY MEETING - Please take a look at the attached letter from Mike McDonald to Robert Haywood. NCPA is beginning to see some progress in getting PG&E to come to terms with our request for transmission over the summit. I am expecting a meeting to occur during October between NCPA, PG&E and SPPCo. I am planning to attend that meeting. C) ELECTRIC COMMITTEE - I would like to schedule a meeting with the Electric Committee for some day during the week of October 5 to discuss the following items: 1. The Bernese Circuit 3 Project 2. The Northwoods Blvd. Project 3. NCPA/PG&EISPPCo 4. Electric Master Plan 5. Electric Superintendent selection process D) COMMUNICATION COMMITTEE - Now that Scott Terrell is on board, we are eager to resume publication of our newsletter. I have asked Scott to begin by meeting with the Communication Committee to develop an approach to the newsletter. Scott will be in touch with Jim and John to schedule a meeting. E) WATER COMMITTEE - The Water Committee, consisting of Joe and Pat, held a series of productive meetings with staff concerning Water Department issues. We would like to resume these meetings on this Thursday, if possible. PLHIsmc Attachments Truckee Donner Public Utility District Post Office Box 309•11570 Donner Pass Road•Truckee, California 95734 (916) 587-3896 General Manager Board of Directors Peter L. Holzmeister Joseph R.Aguera John L. Corbett Richard K.Curran James A. Maass September 24, 1992 Patricia S. Sutton :y MEMORANDUM TO: Peter L. Holzmeister, General Manager FROM. Mary Chapman, Office Manager € � SUBJECT: Investment report As of August 31, 1992 the District had the fallowing investment comprised of the funds as detailed. INVESTMENTS YIELD AMOUNT LOCAL AGENCY INVESTMENT FUND 4.958% 7,879,002.90 ELECTIC FUNDS REA RESERVE * 19,000.00 GENERAL FUND 955,729.69 FACILITIES FEES--PRE AB1600 * 704,096.83 FACILITIES FEES-POST AB1600 * 313,054.47 STORM DAMAGE FUND * 184,381.92 BUILDING FUND * 810,108.38 --------------- TOTAL ELECTRIC INVESTMENTS 2,986,371.29 WATER FUNDS FACILITIES FEES-PRE AB1600 * 629,301.23 FACILITIES FEES-POST AB1600 * 299,054.21 BUILDING FUND * 720,089.91 RESERVE FOR FUTURE METERS * 749,544.28 TAHOE DONNER WATER SYSTEM FUND* 190,672.16 WEST RIVER ST. ASSESSMENT DISTRICT BOND REDEMPTION FUND * 16,370.73 PREPAID CONNECTION FEES * 72,592.61 TELEMETRY RESERVE * 50,904.71 TSA (SAD II IMPROVEMENT) 36,831.94 ACQUISITION FUND * 2,127,269.83 --------------- TOTAL WATER INVESTMENTS 4,892,631.61 --------------- TOTAL DISTRICT INVESTMENTS 7,879_002.90- * RESTRICTED FOR SPECIFIC USE PER BOARD RESOLUTIONS TRUCKEE DONNER PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT STATEMENT OF GENERAL FUND AUGUST 31, 1992 HISTORY OF ACTIVITY FOR MONTH: BALANCE IN GENERAL FUND 07/31/92 1,270,137.71 --------------- RECEIPTS ELECTRIC REVENUE 564,360.51 WATER REVENUE 199,291.96 STANDBY ELECTRIC 118.61 STANDBY WATER 997.35 MISC. BILLING REVENUE ELECTRIC 1,237.06 MISC. BILLING REVENUE WATER 5,522.12 CONSUMER DEPOSITS, ELECTRIC 10,308.75 CONSUMER DEPOSITS, WATER 2,752.50 CUSTOMER ADVANCES-CONNECTION FEE ELECTRIC 32,205.00 CUSTOMER ADVANCES-FACILITIES FEES-ELECTRIC 7,800.00 CUSTOMER ADVANCES-OTHER ELECTRIC 25,341.96 CUSTOMER ADVANCES-CONNECTION FEE WATER 11,655.00 CUSTOMER ADVANCES-FACILITIES FEES-WATER 1 ,333.00 CUSTOMER ADVANCES-METER FEES-WATER 4,995.00 CUSTOMER ADVANCES-OTHER WATER 14,449.48 MISC. REVENUE ELECTRIC 493.64 MISC. REVENUE WATER 208.75 ---- - TOTAL RECEIPTS 883,070.69 DISBURSEMENTS ACCOUNTS PAYABLE DISBURSEMENTS 1,011,262.19 LESS VOID CHECKS PREVIOUS PERIOD (157.82) TRANS. TO ELECTRIC RESTRICTED FUNDS-FACILITIES FEES 7,800.00 TRANS. TO WATER RESTRICTED FUNDS-FACILITIES FEES 1,333.00 TRANS. TO WATER RESTRICTED FUNDS- FACILITIES FEES TFPD 758.00 TRANS. TO WATER RESTRICTED FUNDS-FUTURE METER FEES 4,995.00 --------------- TOTAL DISBURSEMENTS 1,025,990.37 --------------- BALANCE IN GENERAL FUND 08/31/92 1,127,218.03 DISTRIBUTION OF NON-RESTRICTED FUNDS AT MONTH-END: PETTY CASH/CUSTOMER SERVICES OPERATING FUNDS 600.00 TRUCKEE RIVER BANK GENERAL FUND 170,888.34 LAIF GENERAL FUND (NOT RESTRICTED) 955,729.69 --------------- 1,127,218.03 3RUCKEE DONNER P.U.D. ELECTRIC BALANCE SHEET FOR PERIOD ENDING AUGUST 31, 1992 CURRENT LAST YEAR Y-T-D AMOUNT Y-T-D AMOUNT ASSETS UTILITY PLANT 8,498,424.<S 8,5,81,048.46 FES-iRICTED FUNDS ADMINISTRATIVE BUILDING LEASE FUNDS &0,219. i7 284,772.35 EMPLOYEE DEFERRED COMPENSATION-ICMA 302,15ry.84 299,586.97 REA RESERVE FUND 19,000.Op 14,000.00 FACILITIES FEES 1 .417 ,151.3D 844,671.48 STORM FUND 184,38i.92 174,I29.23 BUILDING, F13ND 8I0,108. 38 61?,918.59 m ,- 2,€�13,C�17.61 2,231,078.62 1: , TOTAL R.SaRICTED FUND CI RPENT ASSETS GENERAL FUNDS 1 ,127 ,21$.03 1,281,536.35 ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE, NET 544,898.S3 421,101.85 DUE FROM WATER 193,488.97 56Z,710.54 KATERILLS AND SUPPLIES 311 631,20 312,011.52 INTEREST INCOME RECEIVABLE 26,467.32 37 ,147.41 PREPAID EXPENSES AND OTHER 85,854.02 8.3,793.94 TOTAL CURRENT ASSETS 2,682,158.07 2,b9C,39i.21 b LUNAMORTIZED DEBT DISC AND ISH E COSTS 149,10-6.04 156,919.QO PRELIMINARY SURVEY COSTS AND OTHER 2,301.05 3,141.20 ------------ TOTAL ASSETS 13,945,007. 11 13,670,488.49 2 0+ * TRUCKEE DONNER P.J.D. ELECTRIC BALANCE SHEET FOR PERIOD ENDING AUGUST 31 , 1932 CURRENT LAST YEAR Y-T-D AMOUNT Y-T-D AMOUNT E Q U I T Y & L I A B I L I T I E S -------------------------------------- RETAINED EARNINGS 8,572,962.16 8,513,937,03 DEBT ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICE BUILDING LEASE. 2,780,000.00 2,840,000.00 REA 73,573.52 16,573.52 IDAHO FIRST - IBMi CDMFJTER LEASE '00 32,240.65 LINE TRUCK UNIT 10 153,882.13 168,02.70 ------------ ------------ TOTAL DEBT 3,007,455.65 3,137 ,386.87 4 ' ' CURRENT LIABILITIES ACCOUNTS PAYABLE 955,467.62 829,449,44 CONSUMER DEPOSITS 160,443.22 167,258.94 ACCRUED INTEREST PAYABLE 21,133.42 18,785.58 DEFERRED STANOBY FEES .00 '00 ACCRUED COMPENSATION & RELATED COSTS 140,074.46 E4,086.40 TOTAL CURRENT LIABILITIES 1,277318.72 1,069,580.36 CONSTRUCTION ADVANCES 684,712.94 649,917.26 EMPLOYEE DEFERRED COMPENSATION - ICKA 302,156.84 299,586.97 13,945,007. I1 13,670,488.43 TOTAL EQUITY AND LIABILITIES ? 0 { TRUCKEE DONNER P.U.D. . ELECTRIC INCOME STATEMENT FUR PERIOD ENDING AUGUST 31, 1992 CURRENT LAST YEAR Y-T-D AMOUNT Y-T-D AMOUNT )PE'RATING REVENU. RESIDENTIAL 2,141,9i6. 19 2,127,670.33 COMMERCIAL 1,663,859.25 1,482,597.S2 LARGE COMMERC'fL 382,f�51.3? 392,993.15 w ES TO PUBL :>JtrICr1IIES 7 1.37. 14 60,554.56 FUEL CHARGE 136,944.68 104,784.13 'hTERUEPART� = L 304,963.91 370,259.?1 TOTAL ENER,: SALES 4,736,838.`4 4,538,595.70 ?SC 0PERATI REV ENUE 73,148,78 72,834.66 ISCEr.rANEO =:"TITS 31 02=.24 28,359.54 A?JDL'r' RE3' 23,913.04 25,4-67.50 INTERDEPART'- -L PENT 79,224.0fl 76,815.36 TOTAL OPE :.NG REVENUE �, 44,'47.56 4,742,192.'6 AERATING EXPENSES PURCHASED POWER 3,547,345.52 3,257 ,741.6E DISTRIBUTION OPERATIONS s53,739.92 339,316.76 DISTRIBUTION MAINTENANCE 59,633.52 57 ,624.90 CUSTOMER ACCOUNTING & INFOP.'MATICN 217,295.00 187,007.28 ADMINISTRATION & GENERAL 581,944.54 449,1iv.55 DEPRECIATION `'63,247.58 251,0?6.30 OTHER OPERATING EXPENSES 50,123.78 45,435.57CR TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES 5,033,330.86 4,45b,841,94 -------------- NET OPERATING REVENUE 89,183.?OCR 285,350.85 DT"ER REVENUE (EXPENSE) INTEREST INCOME 138,689.64 157,831.03 INTEREST EXPENSE 165,315.50CR 166,087.1�CR 115,810.16CR 277 ,094.70 NET REVENUE (LOSS) * TRUCKEE DONNER P.U.D. ' . WATER BALANCE SHEET FOR PERIOD ENDING AUGUST 31, 1952 CURRENT LAST YEAR Y-T-D AMOUNT Y-T-D AMOUNT A S S E T S UTILITY PLANT 8,428,293.46 3,870,363.00 RESTRICTED FUNDS WATER SYSTEM IMPROVEMENT PROJECT CERTIFICATE PAYMENT FUND 13.5? .00 ACQUISITION FUND 2,127 ,261.83 6,=13,0158.30 RESERVE FUND 828,949.72 829,064.75 CAPITALIZED INTEREST FUND 651,121.$5 1,4G9,195.61 FACILITIES FEES 928,355.44 795,125.49 TRK SAD II IMPROVEMENT ACCT 36,831.94 29,520.52 WEST RIVER STREET ASSESSMENT DIST 16,370.73 15,45u.35 BUILDING FUND 720,089.51 680,063.74 RESERVE FOR FUTURE METERS 749,544.28 666,341.14 TAHOE DONNER WATER SYSTEM FUND 190,672.16 147 ,034.42 PREPAID CONNECTION FEES ?2,592.61 68,542.27 TELEMETRY 50,a04.71 48,04 6 TOTAL RESTRICTED FUNDS 6,361 ,811,95 20,953,411.55 41 9 CURRENT ASSETS GENERAL FUNDS v0 D0 WEST RIVER STREET ASSESSMENT DIST 00 .00 ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE, NET 136,389.66 100,880.84 DUE TO ELECTRIC 583,088.97CR 562,710.S4CR MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 109,423.09 81 ,952.59 INTEREST INCOME RECEIVABLE 47 ,298.93 145,39i.29 PREPAID EXPENSES 71,065.02 70,790.93 ------------ ------------ TOTAL CURRENT ASSETS 5,142,899.71 10,789,715. r0 43 1 PRELIMINARY SURVEY COSTS AND 0THER 00 }0 UNAMORTIZED DEBT DISC AND ISSUE COST 460,782.77 613,r01. ? TOTAL ASSETS 15,082,880.65 15,322 ,027,5b 2 * 4 TRUCYEE DONNER P.U.D. x WATER BALANCE SHEET FOR PERIOD ENDING AUGUST 31 , 1942 CURRENT LAST YEAR Y-T-D AMOUNT Y-T-D AMOUNT E Q U I T Y L I B I ! I T I E S ----------------------- --------------- RETAINED EARNINGS 3,618,320.83 3,586,574.42 DEBT WATER SYSTEM IMPROV PROJECT LEASE 10,328,671.04 10,510,000.00 UTILITY TRUCK UNIT ? 52,262.1E 57 ,i59.G3 TOTAL DEBT 10,3$0,933.22 10,5fi7,159.03 1 $ CURRENT LIABILITIES ACCOTJNTS PAYABLE 288,343.57 477 .967,?2 CONSUMER DEPOSITS 33,503.62 31,230.96 ACCRUED INTEREST PAYABLE 173,777. 22 186,194.22 DEFERRED STANDBY FEES 00 .00 ACCRUED COMPENSATION & RELATED COSTS 28,126.?4 -?2,E�25A22 ------------ TOTAL CURRENT LIABILITIES 523,751.35 717,417.72 27 0 CONSTRUCTION ADVANCES 559,875. 25 450,876.39 ------------ ------------ TOTAL EQUITY AND LIABILITIES 15,082,880.65 15,322,027.r6 i 6 M TRUCKEE DONNER P.U.D. WATER INCOME STATEMENT FOR PERIOD ENDING AUGUST 31, 1992 CURRENT LAST YEAR Y-T-D AMOUNT Y-T-D AMOUNT OPERATING REVENUE RESIDENTIAL 1,034,073.41 887,214.42 COMMERCIAL 20,775.44 172,663.23 iNTERDEPARTMENTAL 365.92 365.92 TOTAL WATER SALES 1 ,2S9,214.77 1 ,060, 243.57 HYDRANTS 35,00.92 35,106.00 MSC OPERATING R.EvENUF 15,on s 14,134.86 'MISCELLANEOUS RENTS 654.93 892.12 STANDBY REVENUE 169,482.50 10,507.50 TOTAL OPERATING REVENUE 1 ,479,979.66 1 ,121,SS9.05 OPERATING EXPENSES PUMPING - POWER PURCHASED 317,108.S7 377,36$.6$ DISTRIBUTION OPERATIONS 236,623.74 2SS,225.79 DISTRIBUTION MAINTENANCE 217,462.08 141,523.10 CUSTOKER ACCOUNTING & INFORMATION 67,249.06 56,163.72 ADMINSTRATION & GENERAL 274,27S.86 321 ,952.04 INTERDEPARTMENTAL RENT 79,224.00 76,815.36 DErRECIATION 199,853.64 ?S,85I.20 OTHER OPERATING EXPENSE 15 613.52 794.60 TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSE 1,409,115.47 1,305,700.49 NE,T OPERATING REVENUE 70,864.19 184,111.44CR OTHER REVENUE (EXPENSE) 1NTEREET INCOME 263,239.08 317,627.58 INTEREST EXPENSE 475,584.88CR 1E8,437.13CR EXTRAORDINARY INCOME 5,576.24 28,522.55 NET REVENUE (LOSS) 135,905.37CR 26,348.44CR r N C PA A Public Agency Northern California Power Agency 180 Cirby Way,Roseville California 95678 MICHAEL W. McDONALD 7�,� IF �i, General Manager � � (916)781-4218 September 21, 1992 Mr. Robert J. Haywood ADVANCED TELECOPY Vice President Power Planning and Contracts Pacific Gas and EIectric Company 77 Beale Street, Room 2313 San Francisco, CA 94106 Subject: Summit Transmission of 30 MW to Truckee-Donner PUD Dear Bob: In discussions last month with your staff,we requested that a three-party meeting between PG&E Sierra Pacific and NCPA be held for discussing technical and contractual issues regarding 30 MW's of firm transmission service to Truckee-Donner PUD over Summit. We understand that PG&E, and Sierra Pacific are currently discussing the"Atlantic" alternative of PG&E transmission system reinforcement to accommodate Siena Pacific's 108 MW of firm transmission over Summit. We believe that it is timely to hold three-party discussions at this stage. My staff informs me that NCPA identified the "Atlantic" alternative during the review of PG&E's transmission studies to bring down the cost of transmission reinforcements for Summit transmission service to Truckee-Donner PUD. We request that the three-party meeting between PG&E, Sierra Pacific and NCPA be arranged expeditiously. This meeting could be held in San Francisco or Roseville as convenient to the three parties involved. If you have any questions, please call me. Sincerely, MICHAEL W. McDONALD General Manager LP/cp cc: Pete Holzmeister, General Manager, Truckee-Donner PUD . Yilma Hailemichael, PG&E W. Kent Palmerton Paul Cavote Matt Foskett Les Pereira RESOLUTIO N�. 9^ 8 F THE TRI�CKEE DONNER PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT APP OVING AND ACCEPTING THE AIRPORT.TANK.R EHABILITATION.:P.ROJ.EC*t.AND.� .�. DIRECTING THE FILING OF THE NOTICE OF COMPLETION WHEREAS, the Board of Directors of the Truckee Donner Public Utility District approved the specifications and called for proposals on the Airport Tank Rehabilitation Project;and WHEREAS, the project was awarded to the low bidder, Resource Development Company and the contractor entered into an agreement with the District to perform the project;and WHEREAS, the project has been completed by the contractor and he has conformed with the provisions of the contract; and WHEREAS, the District's Consulting Engineer, Sauers Engineering, has recommended that the project be accepted by the District; NOW, THEREFORE, BE lT RESOLVED by the Board of Directors of the Truckee Donner Public Utility District as follows: 1. That the District hereby accepts the Airport Tank Rehabilitation Project. 2. That the Clerk of the District be directed to fife with the County of Nevada the Notice of Completion, a copy of which is attached hereto. 3. That 35 days following the filing of the Notice of Completion, the 10% retained from contractor payments be released to the contractor if no claims have been made to the District by material suppliers or laborers. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of Directors at a meeting duly called and held within the District on the 5th day of October 1992 by the following roll call vote: AYES: Corbett, Curran, Maass, Sutton and Aguera. NOES: None. ABSENT: None. TRUCKEE DONNER PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT By J s p R. Ag a, President ATTEST: F Susan M. Craig, Deputy Drict Clerk Smc RECORDING REQUESTED BY: Truckee Donner Public Utility District WHEN RECORDED, RETURN TO: TRUCKEE DONNER PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT Post Office Box 309 Truckee, CA 96160 NOTICE OF COMPLETION NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN: 1. That the name and address of the public entity for whom the improvement project was done, as owner thereof, is the TRUCKEE DONNER PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT, Post Office Box 309, Truckee, CA 96160. 2. That on the hereinafter described improvements were accepted as completed pursuant to a resolution of the Truckee Donner Public Utility District, the awarding authority. 3. That the subject improvements of the Notice are generally described and identified as follows: AIRPORT TANK REHABILITATION PROJECT, a project located in Truckee, Nevada County, California. 4. That the name of the contractor for such project was: RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT COMPANY, 2305 Glendale Ave., Suite 10, Sparks, Nevada 89431. Dated:_ TRUCKEE DONNER PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT By Peter L. Holzmeister, Oeneral Manager STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF NEVADA On before me, personally appeared PETER L. HOLZMEIST&, personally known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he executed the same in his authorized capacity, and that by his signature on the instrument the person or the entity upon behalf of which the person acted, executed the instrument. Capacity claimed by signer: Corporate officer - Clerk/Ex-officio Secretary of the Truckee Donner Public Utility District. i Witness hand nd off icia al. a F. OFFICIAL SEAL z s. SUSAN M CRAIG NO ARY PUB! c- CA'_<<"J-�R'A Rk� NEON CJ M Susan M. Craig, Notary E Wy comet e . re 22,