HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Public Utility H District Truckee Donner E oard of DirP.Ctors Joseph R.Aguera 00 .;fJhC! L. Corbe=t Business Office Engineering Services Richard K.Curran 916) 567-369 9°f) 567-`944 FAX (9 i ) 587-5 56 awes A. Maass Patr�ria S. Sutton REGULAR MEETING General Manager 7:©U P.M. , MOND", 11/4/91 Water'L Holzmeister TDPUD BOARD ROOM A G E N D A 1. Call to order 2 . Roll call 3 . Public input (7 : 25 PM or as soon thereafter as possible) UNFINISHED BUSINESS NEW BUSINESS 4 . Tahoe Donner Pipeline Replacement Project: a) Status report b) Consideration of approving progress payments and invoices c) Authorization to make loan payment 5. Natural gas study: a) Possible authorization to schedule a hearing on 11/18/91 to receive public comment and to make appropriate expenditures for related display . advertising b) Consideration of authorizing the General Manager to develop a presentation for the public hearing 6. Proposition 55 water Tine replacement project: a) Discussion of downtown replacements b) Consideration of photogrametry proposal 7 . Discussion of proposals for SCADA system design; possible action S. Discussion and possible approval of a resolution authorizing a credit card payment program 9 . Consideration of approval of pension plan annual statements/reports ROUTINE BUSINESS 10. Consideration of minutes of October 7 and 21, 1991; possible action 11. Correspondence 12 . Consideration of bills and possible approval 13 . Staff report CLOSER SESSION RETURN TO PUBLIC SESSION ADJOURNMENT NOTE -- The complete packet of material relating to the agenda is available for review at the PUD office and at the Truckee library. Post Office Box 309 0 11570 Donner Pass Road Truckee, California 9616 C E R T I F I C A T I O N I hereby certify that the foregoing agenda has been posted in the District ffice and Government Center, provided to the U. S. Post office County Library for posting, and mailed to the Directors District i ereste partie on October 31, 1991. Susan M. Craig, Deputy DisbrAct Clerk TRUCKEE DONNER PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT BILLS FOR BOARD APPROVAL - NOVEMBER 4, 1991 TOTAL ELECTRIC WATER DESCRIPTION --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- R. W. BECK AND ASSOCIATES 2,443.38 2,443.38 CONSULTING SERVICES IN CONNECTION WITH SIERRA PACIFIC POWER COMPANY (635.78) WOLFE ESTATES (379.23) STONEWOOD AT TAHOE (603-53) PITSC (824.84) . GENERAL PACIFIC, INC. 5,954.42 5,954.42 PULSE INITIATOR (5.3.63) CONCH NRS, RUNCINA AND WAKEFOREST WIRE (5900.79) . JAMES MAASS 84.89 84.89 EXPENSES FOR NCPA COMMISSION MEETING IN ROSEVILLE. MBNA AMERICA BUSINESS CARD 101,A8 70.83 30.35 BUDGET RENT-A-CAR 'FOR TOM EDGMAN IN BURBANK (63.18) RESTAIIRANT (8. 50) PAT & OLLII.,"S (24.50) . PORTER, SIMON, GRAHAM, PHELPS AND CUTTITTA 5,906.62 3,940.65 1,965.`37 GENERAL REPRESENTATION (5629,50) KENDALL DEVELOPMENT ( 11.50) OLYMPIC HEIGHTS PIPELINE (254. 12) TAHOE DONNER PIPELINE REPLACEMENT (11.50) . WAYNE RICHARDSON COMPANY, INC. 1,025.00 1,()25.00 ANNUAL ACTUARIAL SERVICES FOR T11E T.D.P.U.D DLYTNED BE'NEFIT PENSION PLAN. TAB PRODUCTS CO. 6, 177 .60 6,177 .60 PURCHASE OF' NEW IN'IER BURSTER. UTILITY TREE SERVICE, INC. i1,546.40 li,546.40 TREE TRIMMING AND REMOVAL SERVICES. WESCO 3.4,544.31 :14,544.31 1.0 ABB 225KVA 3 1111 PAD MOUNT (5430,07) CA13LE SEALTNG, KITS (2S7 .40) 10 CARLON BOOTS AND MOULDING 10 ABB 112.5 3 PH PAD MOUNTS (7842. 12) . -------------------------------------- 47,783.80 45,737 .48 1,996-32 i TDDD STAFF REPORT AGENDA ITEM NO. October 31, 1991 TO: Board of Directors FROM: Peter Holzmeister, General Manager SUBJECT: Staff Report A) FINANCIAL REPORTS FOR SEPTEMBER 1991 Attached are the financial reports for September 1991 consisting of the investment report, the statement of general fund, the electric and water balance sheets and the electric and water income statements. Items worthy of note are: the general fund balance stands at $1, 328,583 ; electric income for the year to date stands at $327, 771.72 ; and water income for the year to date stands at $42 , 982 . 99 . Our District has its disagreements and tough issues to address, but we can take comfort in the fact that our District performs quite will financially and has the strength to solve problems. B) CONFERENCE ON ORGANIZATION DEVELOPMENT There is a conference of organization development that I would like to attend. "Organization development" is a term that applies to the art of helping an organization change, either a growing or a shrinking organization, or even an organization changing its business product line. Our District has been changing and will continue to do so. We haven't always handled change as smoothly as we could. A course in "OD" will reacquaint me with the techniques for introducing change into an organization. There is money in the budget to cover the expense. It is a four day seminar in San Francisco from December 16 to December 19 . AMA seminars are not cheap, but they are excellent. The total cost should be right around $2 , 000 including registration, hotel., meals, parking, travel. O) TAHOE DONNER SUBSTATION REPAIRS On August 5, 1991, the Board authorized that the Tahoe Donner Substation transformer be repaired at an estimated cost of $62 , 217 , which would include removal, transportation and reinstallation costs. once the damaged transformer arrived in Portland and was pulled apart for repair, additional damage was discovered. Please review the attached letter from Jim Cranston of General Electric. GE now needs an additional $17, 934 to complete the repairs. I needed to give the authorization to proceed in order to keep them on schedule; it is critical that we get the rebuilt transformer back before Thanksgiving. This brings the total repair cost to $80, 153 . The question may come up as to why we would spend $80, 000 on a rebuilt transformer when we could probably buy a new one for that same price. Rebuilding is much quicker than ordering a new transformer. We would never get delivery on a new transformer by Thanksgiving. The spare transformer in service at this time will not handle the winter peak loads. PLH/smc Attachments Truckee Donner Public UtilityDistrict Post Office Box 309 • 11570 Danner Pass Road Truckee, California 95734 (916) 587-3896 tictober 30, 1991 ?EMORANDUM €n; Peter L. Halzmeister, General Manager FROM: Mary Chapman, Office Manager :SUBJECT: Investment report As of September 30, 1991 the District had the following investment comprised of the funds as detailed. !INESTMENTS YIELD AMOUNT LOCAL AGENCY INVESTMENT FUND 6.859%-10,558,000.00 E€LECTIC FUNDS REA RESERVE * 19,000.00 GENERAL FUND 1,241,424.61 FACILITIES FEES * 850,971..48 STORM DAMAGE FUND * 174,129.23 BUILDING FUND * 612,918.59 --------------- TOTAL ELECTRIC. INVESTMENTS 2,898,443.91 v ATFR FUNDS FACILITIES FEES * 821,887.49 BUILDING FUND * 680,063.74 RESERVE FOR FUTURE ?DETERS * 669,583.14 TAHOE DONNER WATER SYSTEM FUND* 164,034.42 WEST RIVER ST. ASSESSMENT DISTRICT BOND REDEMPTION FUND * 15,458.35 PREPAID CONNECTION FEES * 68,542.27 TELEMETRY RESERVE * 48,046.26 TSA (SAD II IMPROVEMENT) 29,520.52 ACQUISITION FUND * 5,162,419.90 --------------- TOTAL WATER INVESTMENTS 7,659,556.09 - TOTAL DISTRICT INVESTMENTS 10,558,000.00 * RESTRICTED FOR SPECIFIC USE PER BOARD RESOLUTIONS TRUCKEE DONNER PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT STATEMENT OF GENERAL FUND SEPTEMBER 30, 1991 HISTORY OF ACTIVITY FOR MONTH: BALANCE IN GENERAL FUND 08/33./91 1,281,905.72 --------------- RECEIPTS EL1'cTRIC REVENUE 09 WATER REVENUE 180,897.32 MISC. BILLING REVENUE ELECTRIC 3,658.84 MISC. BILLING REVENUE WATER ,35 CONSUMER DEPOSITS, ELECTRIC 10,349..50 CONSUMER DEPOSITS, WATER 2,140.00 CUSTOMER ADVANCES-CONNECTION FEE ELECTRIC 17,275.00 CUSTOMER ADVANCES-OTHER ELECTRIC 13,495.00 CUSTOMER ADVANCES-FACILITIES FEES-ELECTRIC 6,300.00 CUSTOMER ADVANCES-CONNECTION FEE WATER 6,385.00 CUSTOMER ADVANCES-OTHER WATER 1,780.00 CUSTOMER ADVANCES-FACILITIES FEES-WATER 26,762.00 CUSTOMER ADVA_NCES--METER FEES-WATER 3,240.00 DISC. REVENUE ELECTRIC 532.07 MISC. REVENUE WATER 133.66 UNRESTRICT AQUISITION FUNDS 1,150,267.03 --------------- TOTAL RECEIPTS 1,887,531.79 DISBURSEMENTS ACCOUNTS PAYABLE DISBURSEMENTS 1,787,612.58 LESS VOID CHECKS PREVIOUS PERIOD/PLUS CKG.ADJ. (60.27) TRANS. TO ELECTRIC RESTRICTED FUNDS-FACILITIES FEES 6,300.00 TRANS. TO WATER RESTRICTED FUNDS-FACILITIES FEE 26,762.00 TRANS. TO WATER RESTRICTED FUNDS--METER FEES COLL. 3,240.00 TRANS. TO WATER RESTRICTED FUNDS-INTERFUND LOAN 17,000.00 --------------- TOTAL DISBURSEMENTS 1,840,854.31 --------------- BALANCE IN GENERAL FUND 09/30/91 1,328,583.20 DISTRIBUTION OF NON--RESTRICTED FUNDS AT MONTH-END: PETTY CASH/CUSTOMER SERVICES OPERATING FUNDS 600.00 TRUCKEE RIVER BANK GENERAL FUND CHECKING 86,187.22 (ACQUISITION CHECKING FUND) 371.37 LAIF GENERAL FUND (NOT RESTRICTED) 1,241,424.61 --------------- 1,328,583.20 . * * TRUCKEE DONNER P.U.D. 3 s 3 ELECTRIC BALANCE SHEET FOR PERIOD ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 1991 CURRENT LAST YEAR Y-T-D AMOUNT Y-T-D AMOUNT A S S E T S UTILITY PLANT 8,617,114.96 8,150,763.66 REST 7CTED FUNDS A➢MINISTRATIVE BUILDING LEASE FUNDS 282,112.38 279,438.76 EMPLOYEE ➢EFERRED COMPENSATION-ICMA 304,017.96 187,071.01 REA RESERVE FUND 19,000.00 19,000.00 FACILITIES FEES 850,971.48 700,371.20 STORM FUN➢ 174,129.23 160,515.66 BUIL➢ING FUND 612,318.59 545,836.16 TOTAL RESTRICTED FUNDS 2,243,149.64 1,892,232.79 18.6+ % CURRENT ASSETS GENERAL FUNDS 1,328,211.83 1,313,693.86 ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE, NET 433,351.20 418,865.71 DUE FROM WATER 5-6,669.88 158,609.44 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 305,087.11 272,771.31 INTEREST INCOME RECEIVABLE 55,720.52 53,598.00 PREPAID EXPENSES AND OTHER 76,085.06 78,032.67 TOTAL CURRENT ASSETS 2,765,125.60 2,295,570.99 20.5+ X UNAMORTIZED DEBT DISC AND ISSUE COSTS 156,919.00 164,732.00 PRELIMINARY SURVEY COSTS AND OTHER 3,141.20 3,030.41 TOTAL ASSETS 13,785,450.40 12,506,329.85 10.2+ X s TRUCKEE DCNNER P.U.D. ELECTRIC BALANCE SHEET FOR PERIOD ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 1991 CURRENT LAST YEAR Y-T-D AMOUNT Y-T-D AMOUNT E Q U I T Y & L I A B I L I T I E S -------------------------------------- RETAINED EARNINGS 8,564,614.05 7,778,951.99 DEBT ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICE BUILDING LEASE 2,840,000.00 2,895,000.00 REA 96,573.52 118,573.52 IDAHO FIRST - IBM COMPUTER LEASE 32,240.65 62,452.00 LINE TRUCK UNIT 10 168,572.70 .00 TOTAL DEBT 3,137,386,87 3,076,025,52 2.0+ % CURRENT LIABILITIES ACCOUNTS PAYABLE 853,131.72 773,868.02 CONSUMER DEPOSITS 162,660.57 175,027,59 ACCRUED INTEREST PAYABLE 38,332.79 38,202.98 DEFERRED STANDBY FEES .00 GO ACCRUED COMPENSATION & RELATED COSTS 54,393.42 27,161.79 TOTAL CURRENT LIABILITIES 1,108,518.50 1,014,260.38 9.3+ : CONSTRUCTION ADVANCES 670,913.02 450,020.95 EMPLOYEE DEFERRED COMPENSATION - ICMA 304,017.96 187,071.01 TOTAL EQUITY AND LIABILITIES 13,785,450.40 12,506,329.85 10.2+ a $ * TRUCKEE DONNER P.U.D. ELECTRIC INCOME STATEMENT FOR PERIOD ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 1991 CURRENT LAST YEAR Y-T-D AMOUNT Y-T-D AMOUNT OPERATING REVENUE RESIDENTIAL 2,343,419,95 2,148,794.35 COMMERCIAL 1,684,049.26 1,669,557.46 LARGE COMMERCIAL 454,004.25 487,260.60 SALES TO PUBLIC AUTHORITIES 66, 21.14 62,51u.?3 FUEL CHARGE 92,893.44 333,056.02 INTERDEPARTMENTAL 440,987.45 364,938.18 TOTAL ENERGY SALES 5,082,275.49 5,066,125.54 MISC OPERATING REVENUE 80,324.41 80,666.70 MISCELLANEOUS RENTS 32,101.65 31,981.04 STANDBY REVENUE 25,28?,50 26,385.00 INTERDEPARTMENTAL RENT 86,417.28 42,003.00 TOTAL OPERATING REVENUE 5,206,406.33 5,247,161.28 PERATING EXPENSES PURCHASED POWER 3,620,768.44 3,477,978,25 DISTRIBUTION OPERATIONS 365,411.02 238,711.84 DISTRIBUTION MAINTENANCE 67,421.34 80,859.51 CUSTOMER ACCOUNTING A INFORMATION 208,182.85 224,601.75 ADMINISTRATION & GE14ERAL 467,692.00 568,674.97 DEPRECIATION 283,435.54 273,872.07 OTHER OPERATING EXPENSES 42,800.OSCR 124,376.19 TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES 4,970,111,14 4,989,074.58 NET OPERATING REVENUE 336,295.19 258,086.70 OTHER REVENUE (EXPENSE) INTEREST INCOME 177,744.57 175,263.72 INTEREST EXPENSE 186,268.04CR 184,636.29CR NET REVENUE (LOSS) 327,771.72 248,714.13 . * TRUCKEE D0NNER P.U.D. WATER BALANCE SHEET FOR PERIOD ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 1991 CURRENT LAST YEAR Y-T-D AMOUNT Y-T-D AMOUNT A S S E T S ------------ UTILITY PLANT 5,701,187.44 1,997,577.36 PESTRICTED FUNDS WATER SYSTEM IMPROVEMENT PROJECT ACQUISITION FUN➢ 5,162,791.27 .00 RESERVE FUND 629,071.26 .00 CAPITALIZED INTEREST FUND 1,409,216.26 .00 FACILITIES FEES 821,887.49 750,315.91 WEST RIVER STREET ASSESSMENT DIST 15,458.35 10,126.52 BUILDING FUND 680,063.74 626,436.17 RESERVE FOR FUTURE METERS 669,583.14 584,364.96 TAHOE DONNER WATER SYSTEM FUND 164,034.42 103,075.57 PREPAID CONNECTION FEES 98,062.79 65,566.30 TELEMETRY 48,046.26 44,299.33 TOTAL RESTRICTED FUNDS 3,898,214.58 2,184,184.76 353.2+ CURRENT ASSETS GENERAL FUNDS •00 •00 WEST RIVER STREET ASSESSMENT DIST .00 4,792.91 ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE, NET 86,385.66 51,227.55 DUE FROM ELECTRIC 566,669.86CR I58,609.44CR MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 83.,5I6.19 70,857.22 INTEREST INCOME RECEIVABLE 217,054.16 36,663.00 PREPAID EXPENSES 63,082.05 58,288.65 TOTAL CURRENT ASSETS 118,627.82CR 63,219.90 287.6- X UPdAMORTI2ED DEBT DISC AND ISSUE COST 613,901.60 .00 TOTAL ASSETS 16,164,676.20 4,244,982.02 281.3+ % * * + TRUCKEE ➢ONNER P.U.D. • WATER BALANCE SHEET FOR PERIOD ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, IS91 CURRENT LAST YEAR Y-T-D AMOUNT Y-T-D AMOUNT E Q U I T Y & L I A B I L I T I E S -------------------------------------- RETAINED EARNINGS 3,655,955.85 3,782,699.57 DEBT WATER SYSTEM IMPROV PR00ECT LEASE 10,510,000.00 .00 BACKHOE LEASE .00 .00 UTILITY TRUCK UNIT 3 57,159.03 .00 ------------ ------------ TOTAL DEBT 10,567,159.03 .00 100.0+ CURRENT LIABILITIES ACCOUNTS PAYABLE 1,176,384.53 33,683.27 CONSUMER DEPOSITS 29,526.10 33,893.75 ACCRUED INTEREST PAYABLE 24$,632.0 .00 0 . 00 DEFERRED STANDBY FEES . ACCRUED COMPENSATION & RELATED COSTS ?2,025.22 15,455.44 TOTAL CURRENT LIABILITIES 1,476,567.93 83,032,45 678.3+ % CONSTRUCTION ADVANCES 484,993.39 379,249.99 TOTAL EQUITY AND LIABILITIES 16,184,676.20 4,244,982.02 * * c TRUCKEE DONNER P.U.D. � WATER INCOME STATEMENT FOR PERIOD ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 1991 CURRENT LAST YEAR Y-T-D AMOUNT Y-T-D AMOUNT OPERATING REVENUE RESIDENTIAL 1,014,752.44 725,546.57 RESIDENTIAMERCIAL 207,846.23 201,003.63 INTERDEPARTMENTAL 411.66 411.66 i1'ALFTuR S<TL.. i,223,01G.29 926,961.96 HYDRANTS 40,428.61 36,477.17 MISC OPERATING REVENUE 15,893.26 33,271.98 MISCELLANEOUS RENTS 947.12 1,050.00 STANDBY REVENUE 10,507,50 .00 TOTAL OPERATING REVENUE 1,290,786.78 999,761.01 OPERATING EXPENSES PUMPING - POKER PURCHASED 446,893.29 384,982.43 DISTRIBUTION OPERATIONS 279,625.79 139,698.33 DISTRIBUTION MAINTENANCE 157,358.41 164,493,60 CUSTOMER ACCOUNTING & INFORMATION 62,355.63 62,667.23 ADMINSTRATION & GENERAL 296,507.07 239,873.65 INTERDEPARTMENTAL RENT 86,417.28 42,003.00 DEPRECIATION 85,332.60 83,737.92 OTHER OPERATING EXPENSE 153.45 8,524.05 TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSE 1,414,643.52 1,125,980.21 NET OPERATING REVENUE 123,856.74CR 126,219.20CR OTHER REVENUE (EXPENSE) INTEREST INCOME 389,312.61 1O6,412.41 INTEREST EXPENSE 254,995.43CR 1,868.19CR EXTRAORDINARY INCOME 28,522.55 335,81$.20 NET REVENUE (LOSS) 42,982.99 314,143.22 leant the skills you need or contraefng...a.ssessing:..planning... mplementing... and controlling change in your Ear ardzation- THE ORGANIZZATION DEVELOWMENT PRO("'Ess 17 Ways to Put OD to Work for You . Identify solvable, high-payoff problems in complex organizations and systems Hecom mend cha.r,ges to--or develo,p 'he structure of—the organizatioi, Analyze the workings of organizations and systems and make appropriate recommendations , Improve information flow throughout the organization Suggest a plan to implement change or solve problems related to change . Be an active force for achieving organizational objectives 7. Interview groups or individuals to assess situations and problems . Help senior management see the underlying cause of problems in the wcci i place . Improve productivity in product and service areas . Mediate conflicts and differences 1. Help managers achieve consensus and teamwork 12,Smooth out transitions in management, mergers, acquisitions, or new systems and technology . Plan and administer surveys and seminars . Maximize organizational strengths and overcome weaknesses 5. Analyze the impact of leadership styles . Help senior management define roles and responsibilities 17, Evaluate the benefits of OD and the success of interventions (Copyright O 1984 Synergistic Systems. Reprinted by permission.) `© register, call 5 8) 89 -0065. Your bonus when you attend this AMA seminar... Discount coupons that can save you hundreds of dollars! After you attend this AMA seminar,you'll receive bonus packages of discount coupons that can keep saving your organization money for an entire year!Coupons you can use for... ■ Top-of-the-line AMA seminars m Books published by AMACOM—AMA's business publications division a Award-winning videos ■ self-study programs offering training in critical business skills ■ On-target business periodicals On-site training for your organization's team Your AMA experience keeps paying off for a tuil year! Register today! Call (51€3) 891-0065. ` GE Industrial & fbwer $$stems Seles /a3u�r�tva�rn=ic�rJrr���R,f.:r :=If7 NSr'.ialh. rMUC, "4{Itnd, TR Sii10 ootober l8, 1991 Amending # 91.7245 JC Dominic Sub j ect z Truckee Donner PUU D-ue to catz�,,strtphic - .i?pare cf primary winding core Iron waa displaced on top yoke and both leg irons. ITo load tap changer and cable -mount wood structuring Qre also damaged. Core iron to be res tacked and cleaned, no load tap changer to be replaced and all Gable mounting structure has to be rQ-rlaced. The ti ne for this project will be approximately two (2) weeks. Need a responga as scan as possible to continue work on project and meet customers shipping date. Photos to follow week of 10/21/91. Price for the above work is . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17i934 . 00 sincerely Jim Cranston Powor Del.ivtry Manager 1�' 'FI RA IFcRmC(z 22/2 8 OT:TT TS, 8T .1�0