HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Truckee Donner Public Utility District Post Office Box 309 i 11570 Donner Piss Road Truckee, Cailif rr ia 95734 . .. .. eMrM Manager Board of Directors Peter L. Holzmeister Joseph R. Aguera Jahn L. Corbett James A. Maass Patricia S. Sutton Karen F. White SPECIAL MEETING 7 .00 P.M. - Monday, ©Ctober 30, 1989 TDPUD Board ROOM A G E N D A . Call to order 2 . Roll call 3 . Interviews with prospective Board members 4 . Review of 1990 interdepartmental allocation factors; passible action 5 . Workshop on Assembly Bill 1600 ; possible direction 6. Adjournment C E R T I F I C A T I O N I hereby certify that the foregoing agenda has been pasted in the District office and Government Center, provided to the U. S . Past Office an County Library for posting, and mailed to the `I'DPUD Directo . on October 26 1989 . ySusan M. Craig, Deputy Dist ct Clerk r'T Ca 9 5 34 Oc t c, Wr 23, 198 7f- -�y -TQ,---Q<.'E- C lRo--d, ?'0. T De a r 'Pllo r d Q 7,i �ritig o xp:ess i -I ntrest -n te "bo r__c -te. ,.;4--h this e1 awry Ml Led. EMclOsing -y res�-- e as request -n additiOn to t-- ex_r-elicnce listed in resume, T-,.y is,, a-(3 and oparaited a local n C -; Ow 'ilc 0 -37�T�c _C a I .� I T-, - -,ter R i r 2,o o,,, a n d '2e a," -from 19-76-197191. -."-e hav� livea' L-i Tr e,- for JL-�!-La 7ciast iffoufteen -"'7ea rs and during thi- t-'17, c0i=,,Unity affa-irs s 'm.ainly cent-ered aroun,3 district sc'll"Do'L s. issues co- t-c-l-cher and w-riter, my pfofessional Sk4 j lS are -L -L - in 'Clhe -realm Of -'u-i caf- On. In ord��r to ':x� an e�fjfec'cive co7iznt-?lcator, coa a pe-Y'son IMOU',t- 'i��t-e,-i and I-earn. Wee e -1-am. a r i z,-- I T t 10 t h i s 3: �s a s 01-.e 0`7 the ir-OST",- imi -rtan'- rojeS 0� T W-" learri. I share our co,-,.��-iunJtyfs co-cern,,, jr�te]j.ic-entl, planne�5 growMi, and -for the protE=cl'--'oQ of jf,-ot' h Con s:lmelrs a-5 the enviro-n-,-J,en� C 01: ClEf I ';-)�214-ve we av-e beginning SO -i7c-ajjz(� which sometimes seem, at odl--ds t(D oif-� alre LY !Delneficial and inclusive, Cert.ainly there is no &,,, -Y level, mvofc- im�--Ortant than the -esponsiblE,- Use of lif'if e rcUcurces such as water and pD>,Ter. T hope YOU'll accept :,T:y r.a-,e a F p r r c- lacem iacancy. Thanks very ycL2r cc.,isi;,,Brat jojb. Sincerely yours, Joanne oanne T'lllleschery . . ... ....... �.0. BOX 1297 Ca. 955734 _ele �., _a_. (916) 5187-6 76 Position. instructor of Creative ,-riti ng fiction Wf ti;:C r:crkshops In t _'e !r ft Stol--,,7 Or T,,OVel and relate CoUrSes. 1933 -- University of" Oregon; 'Eugene, Oregon; Center nor Creative Writ- ng ;PrC>,,ram, Visiting P'"oressor of Fiction -,rjt1ng, winter and spring terins. Und'ergraduatte and Graduate `,,rit'ng 4,orkshop S, Tndepol-dent Study and Thesis AdViSOr. 11083--89 - Squaw Valley Center for Cbeative Arts; Oly..pic Ila!_ley, Ca. Instructor of SUl—,LTef �.CtLOi1 rrlt g `v10rk51:GpS. 1.984-86 - Artist in the Cc,=:Unity Progrd�i. California State Arts Council and tx e Squaw Valley Center for Creative Arts; Olympic Valley, Ca. Cofmm�unity .<ritirg -orkshops, fiction and nonfiction. Fall and winter. 1983 -- "astern `tJashington University; Chleney, =;ash. r Creative t riti ng Progralm. Guest instructor of fiction r'riting a;A Conte-, �orary Literature. Und<ergra€��at and Grc dLate courses, winter q=ar ter. 1975-76 --- University of Crean; Eugene, Oregon; Center for Creati,.�e Writing. Guest instructor of Fiction Writir1 . Under- graduate and Graduate courses. IM' A thesis advisor. 1974-75 --- University o_ lc�,.a; Iowa City, Iowa; Creative Writing t%orksn p. Teaching fellow of fiction writing on under- graduaite .level. RE-SITE page 2 PUBLICATIUO A novel, A Gentleman's guide to the Frontiar; forthcoming from sjmo:, aln� ch"Istei; March, 1990. e i l 9A nov , n a ace; Simon and Schuster; fall, 181 Also P'�blisl- y "inie 3, odley Head Publishing Co. ; London, England Soft cover edition, Peny0in Books; fall, 1984. Berkley ZooKs; fall, 1965. Short stories and novel excerpts have appeared in: BON N.Y. ,N.Y. Mademoiselle, N.Y, , N.Y. Western Humanities ReviT 7; University 6T-TTJE�anT�ic f t;on N Y. " _ 0 tl I � - , Sity f California, Berkeley.- I Cut hank Five, UniVe7lij OF Montana, Willow SPrinas, Eastern Washinq7TAniversity. :4-1 Intro, 7, Anchor DOOks, -N.Y. 'The Best of intro, selected Short Stories and poems fron, the past 13 years, The Associated Writing Programs, Norfolk, Virginia. A took of nonfiction, Truckee, an illustrated history of the town and surrOunjing Sierra Nevada; Rocking Stone Press, 1978 AWARDS & HOMaRS 1985 - National Endowment for the Arts, grant for fiction writing. 1983-84 - California State Arts Council, grant for Artist in the Community. 1932 Co.a-mor.,-,,,;ealth Club of California Award for outstanding first novel Q a California a0hor. 1980 National Endowment for the Arts, grant for fiction writing. 1978 Award of Merit for took, Truckee, California State Historical Society. 1976-77 - Wallace Stegner Fellowship, Center for Creative Writing, Stanford University. Grant for fiction writing. 1974-75 - Teaching4writing Fellowship, Creative Writing workshop, University of Iowa. Fiction writing, . .... . ............ . ........................... ........................... � as a3a S2 RESUME page S gam. 1 O 1976-77 - Stanford University; Stanford, C. Center for Creative Writing, Fiction «£iti. workshop. 16 5£, postgraduate credit. 1973-75 - University of l a; iowa City. Iowa. Creative Writing Workshop. MFA, Fiction Writing. 196E - College of Notre Dame; Belmont, Ca. Fifth year require- ment,nt, SecMdarY Edocation Teaching Credential, State of California. 1959-63 - University Nevada; Reno. Nevada. BS degree. � � � October I/, I939 Son Pc chnie P. 0. Box I485 T©uckee, C& gb/ji Board of Directors Truckee Donner Pubic Utility District P. 0. Box 309 - Truckee, (A 95734 Dear Board Ken5e£s, I an interested in applying for the vacancy on the board of directors of the Public Utility District. I have enclosed a resume which I hope will provide you With sufficient infor ation about myself. Thank you for any consideration, Sincerely, Don McKechnie � RESUME PERSONA1 Donald Mckchnie Health: Excellent P. 0. Sex 1485 Sirthdate: january 18, 1944 Trackee, CA 95734 Married with three children 916 537-206,D EDUCATION I. Red Bluff Elementary School SysU'i Red Bluff Union High School Grad. june, 1962 2. Chico State College Grad. Feb, 1967 Chico, CA Degree: B.A. Medical Technology with a minor in chemistry 3. O'Connor Hospital School of Grad. Feb, 1963 Medical Technology Degree: License elgibility .4. Other educational courses a, Business Law Sierra College and short schools b. Real Estate School Anthoney Schools c. Wastewater Treatment Palomar College Topics d. Operation of Waste- Sacramento State College water Treatment Plants e. Accounting Sierra College f. Nanagement Topics Calif. Assoc. of Nedi cal Laboratory Technologists g� Supervision Fred Pryor Courses K Basic Computers Sierra College i . Chemistry of Paz- National Fire Academy ardous Materials LICENSURE REGISTRATION, ANO PROFESSIONAL ORGANIZATIONS 1. Water Pollution Control Federation Member 048760 2. California Water Pollution Control Chemist Grade !I! Association Voluntary Certification Collection Syst Grade I Mechanic Grade I Industrial Waste Plant Operator Grade 1 3. American Society of Clinical Pathologists Registry j963188 4. Clinical Laboratory Technologists License #14777 5. Energency Medical Technician-! Certification #3693 . . .. .... ................................ '^ WORK EXPERIENCE I. Tahoe Truckee Sanitation Agency Laboratory Supervisor and Safety Officer; P. O. Drawer B Duties, personel supervision, invenEorJ con- Truckee, Ca 95734 troT and purchasing, interdepartmental March 1930 to present communication, and bench chemistry and microbiology as well as biological mon- itoring of the recisviAg waters. Also management of our safety program. S3124/rmn0i 2. Ron Beckman, Builder Carpenter and self employed builder Pen0nia Road Truckee, CA 95734 April , 1978 to March, 1980 3^ Tahoe Forest Hospital Managing Medical Technologist: Duties, P. U. Box 759 Clinical laboratory testing, personel Truckee, O\ 95734 supervision" inventory control and pur- 3ept. , 1971 to April , 1978 chasing, interdepartmental communication, hiring and firing. ' ^1550 plus call /month VOLUNTEER ACTIVITIES l. Truckee Volunteer Fire Department Volunteer Fireman P. O. Box 666 Lieutenant Truckee, CA 95734 1977 to present Z~ Truckee Donner Recreation & Park Director District December 1934 to present P. 0, Box 1087 Truckee` CA 95734 ` 3~ Truckee High School Boosters Director P. O. Box 1I84 ' Truckee, CA 95734 4° Truckee Little League Equipment Manager -- P. 04 Box 74I0 Team Manager Truckee, [A 95734 1978 to 1986 5, Truckee Youth Football President Tahoe Nevada Football Confcrance 1982 @ 1583 CREDIT INFORMATION (for investigative consumer report) I~ Bank of America Checking Acc. #04783-02662 Truckee, CA 2, Hells Fargo Bank Master Card (number availiab7e upon request) 3° Social Security Number 551-56-4968 ' .DEFE�E�CES PrOfessiOna7 I~ Crn 00d5 General 0anager 0I6-587-��2� Tah0e Trucke e n Xgency P. Truc�ee~ [A 95734 2, 0 9��-54�-34I8 CalifOrnio Wati-�!r Ouali-ly C0ntrol EEO ard LahOn�a-n RegiOn P. O. 8oX 9428 3Ou�b ["Ke T�hoe, CA -3573I-2/428 3. Greg �chleusner Chemi�t �I�-587-2�2S Tahoe Truckee 3ani tatfon Ag2ncy P. O^ Drawer 8 Truckee, CA 95734 4, MarCia BeaI s Admini3trntive Secretary 9I6-587-2535 Tahoe Truckee SaniCati0n Agency P~ O" Drawer B Truckee, CA 95734 Reference3 P�rsOnal I~ Joe Copeland Fire Chlef 916-387-43l2 TruCkco Fire Protection District 2, Rnd Hisken Principal 9I6-587-4I44 Sierra Mountain Middle School 3^ Jack Bayer Captain, Truckee Substation 91I6-587-461I N'2vada County Sheriff's Department ` 4, Ron Est8brook Insurance business owner 9I6-68,3-85bg 916-53/-3503 Board of Directors Truckee Donner Public Utility D:strict Honorable Members Of The Board Of Directors, 1 ,-vould J'!<9 to be considered for appointment to the Truckee Donner Public Util'ty District Board of Directors. I am appElyirg or thie seat vacated by the reslonanon of L Karen Wlh Ie. I have many years of experience in local grovel-Ement both as a board mornber and as an administrFtor. 1 sl-rvecl as a comrni:ssioner and c1liairperson for t1he City of Sam, Bruno Parks and Recreation Gomm ssion for four years and I have be-on a m,anager for local govfOrm—rent for the past fifteen year. 1 feel this experience will allow r-,.e to evaluate both policy and ad min strativ-- decisions of the Distr'�ct. Additionally, riny understanding of the public sector and the working relationships I have developed with other Special Districts would help facilitate the PUD Board's interactions with other agencies. I have also maintained an amiable working relationship with the other members of the PUD Board and feel this would help to more quickly fill the void laft by Karen's resignation. When one, feels comfortable from the beginning with the other members of a board, the business of a DiStrict can commence more quickly and e ifflci--fitly. On a personal side, I have resided in Truckee for approximately five years and am deeply concerned about the welfare of the town and its citizenry. My current comrnuqity affiliations include membership and board positions on the Truckee Donner Chamber of Commerce and Truckee Rotary, membership in the Truckee Danner American Association of University Women and Truckee Donner Historic al Society, as well as cool d1nator for Truckee's 4th of July celebration. If You have any further questions or are in need of references please do not hesitate to call me. Thank you for vour time and consideration. I look forward to hearing ff-onq you. Sincerely, Steve Randall P.O. Box 3236 Truckee, CA 95734 587-3687 work 587-5970 home ........ .......................... STEVEN RANDALL TELEPHONE: P.O.Box 3236 (916) 1187-5970 - home Truckee, CA 95734 (916) 587-3587 - work EXPERIENCE 2/8 - P�,esent GENERAL MANAGER Truckee Donner Rec. & Park District 5 Administrativa head of a -Special district arisvvoring directly to an elected board of directors. Responible for the planning and direction of a full service program and delivery system of park a recreation services with a 1.6 million dollar annual operating budget and seventeen full-time er-nployees. Responsibilitilas include t1hKa preparation, presentation and administration of the district's annual budget; grant I L adminisiraiion; master planning; acquisition and development; policy initiation and follow through; personnel management including parks, maintenance, recreation., aquatics, office and finance; presentations to boards, commissions and community groups; construction contract administration; public relations; purchasing; and assessment of community attitudes for development of new programs and facilities. 8/75 - 2185 DIRECTOR OF RECREATION City of Sausalito Depmtment head position responsible for a community wide program providing a full range of recreation and park services. I created the department from its inception as the city had never had a department before. Responsibilities included developr-nont and implementation of goals and objectives; policies; supervision and evaluation of recreation and park programs including -,,.,outh and adult sports, senior citizen programs, pre-school activities, special classes, and special events-, supervision of community center program; participation in coaching and teaching activities; select, train and evaluate recreation staff; meet with individuals, community groups and school officials to assure the programs were meeting the changing needs of the community; preparation and administration of the department's annual budget, scheduling of facHifles, transportation and activity supervision; publicity including press releases, brochures and flyers; purchasing agent-, grants administration: fundraising activities; staff representative for City's Parks and Recreation Commission. Part-Time Work Experience 6174 - 8/77 CHILDREN'S CENTER TEACHER San Francisco School District 9/73 - 5/75 RECREATION LEADER Daly City Recreation & Parks Dept. 9/72 - 3/73 CoMMUNI'IF' CENTER LEADER Pacifica Park, Beach & Rec. Dept, 7/72 - 5/75 1-1ECREATION DIRECTOR San Francisco Recreation & Park Dept. ........ .............. ................................... EDUCATION 1974 BACHELOR OF ARTS, RECRE-ATION San Francisco State Uiniversi'ly 1984 MASTER OF SCIENCE, RECREATION & PARK ADMINISTRATION San Francisco State University EXTRA CURRICULAR ACT;VITIES: Recreation Club President, Junior & Varsity Football, Fra ernity pressiderit, treasurer and pledge master AWARDS & CERTIFICATES Registered Recreator & Supervision Certificates, Calif. Parks & Recreation SoCliety Recognition Award, California Parks & Recreation Society Certification of Appreciation, City of San Bruno Resolution of Appreciation and Cornmendation, City of Sausalito Rotarian Of The Year-Service, Sausalito Rotary Club Rotarian Of The Year, Truckee Rotary Club PROFESSIONAL CONTRIBUTIONS Cornrnissioner & Chairman, San Bruno Parks & Recreation Commission, 1978-82 Director, Truckee Donner Chamber of Comrinelce, 10.88-Present Boird Member, Truckee Rotary Club, piesent Founder & Coor inator, Truckee Donner tin of July Celebraillon Cornm.. 16 98 -Present ,d t PROFESSIONAL TRAINING Pacific Revenue Sources Management School, N.R.P.A. . I Recreation Facilities Design & Managoment School, N.R.P.A. Maintenance Management School, N.R.P.A. MEMBERSHIPS California Parks & Recreation Society National Recreation & Park Association California Asso(-iation Of Recreation & Park Districts American Park & Recreation Society REFERENCES - Provided upon request ........ ......... & Y5,ra,n-Amirui' S CONSTRIUCTION Ti-uclkee, (916) Mease , eccert my mlication for consider-tion for amointment to the Truckee Donner PUD Bo-rd of Directors, Thank you, Scott Branlos PO Box TDR # 02 Truckee, Ca. 93734 587-3543 What are Your goats as Cal boc'-:1rdi—nel-aber of the district`s '(Why are -you rumn; ifs for office-) --'as4l-cr rcc-Plonse on w a 2 a ks ard c ectr-ic-a out a(�eS I -I I aand water -fe-' ivered tc 7 V cur Custc—lers S'-'re crc-'�- -7 L C 5Z 0-7 E r S ntain - ,D o,-- yee -na -a , e -ina assure re�erve� J ........................ What .-re the main iSSUICs facing ttic istriCt? n cu,3Ie S is ?.;g sc-e tcu,ch d e C 4 S?0 n S _R t,e "'CaZ `L..a L,,- Le , vur --cing ester SVSt 't ..._S ploqued with destroy our roads , ,water clui 1 tV , aT- C✓S the -rate 1ak'er for .��� t .,..-� ,,;Gt L_e.- -th..,a E.. �..� F_�� u� Gt�.}s4�-,_�r C:'ems 7 c— _ o:.w _n rot W n ,,-a Cn e-- dirty `dv(-r re=?�S !u s 'j DOv 1 1 w F 4.�..C.� V Ct_�.__ .: .....e r ?'1C:t -,as not- taken the Wnat is vour r u p. /experience? i, r2i;..�#. us C.A`s..1 a u l yourself) :'c)ved to rn-c ea in l3 i . e4 m a c sta—e a(C7 = a_ si; Ce is 18 , _.uaw estate ;fir �nce Jc,n n e r stz. r; u S o cive v 3,oa �.;-.r CE_i�rs u u u- 't_-_ �.. C_ Cs�- uK z .a.i z a_:a i What specifically about your hackground unakes you qualified for this office? From my work on the Tahce Donner Board of Directors I have experience in budgeting 3 . 5 millica dollarsi reserve studies , long-range planning , employee relations , ASsociation/County interactions . water projects and the ability to work Min people of contrasting opinions to achieve a comnon goal . With my construction. real estate and husiness experience . have learnei to make goodr sound business del isions ; something uhe DUD has been lacking on recent real estate and constructicTI grojects . Kith my experience as Cha±rman of H. P,A,C, i have learned to work with Coanty officials , which is not always an easy task . . .. ................................................................. ffA llCkz2f: Daii Ier -P',I b I 1.0 U t i i.it.t 1)1StriCt 'Srar� ivaE%e : ?ic'saard K , Curran .'age . 61 Occuption : Supervisor ir'itia Truckee Sanitary District 1ti0 x P er?e2aCe : i worked 1R 'wi:e i°ii�3die �zS�. gar 14 yearS as a7a ail and po%,,-er dispatc ier . I worked for Edison _Co . in bong Beach Calif . I was with P . C . & t . as a operator and dispatcher . Education : ET Universtiv of Pacific , Stockton , Calif . I was born and raised in California alai have reside; zn Truckee for 14 ycar,s . I plan to retire i;a Truckee in a year or two and would like to participate in the community as a Board Mlember of '1'. D . ? . U .D. Sincerely , Richard K . Curran n� 7 V +L C: I t h T ............... - 'M l A. ig � 3 AY 11417 ' . Amon SGLU I,GN .u_^ �P 0_ KW� �S OF _. , 1 J t tt '� ." J-RASv Yam' „�� � .. r.� uAS, Syu.Y'xlen K. t _ ,L_ .rhe iG,`s' eiec_e"''d1.t,fJ ._Ca__r of -,ri.2"ector§ . fla r ckee-Do ne ecrea io_-a .a:}_'i '2.ar:{ _..Cwr uG_:. fl g4"va"..',3r S'a., d.nq . Y_.EFi.EA.J�t: Yt �'�'Pi '�f{._ -Z?.. 1..-.t.. uC�0 C8 a5 rr. .i ...:a�" .O. _:G' .,....'.C%:fe-'. 'Dahner ecreaticn and .'..i"{'.I315L �Cl- Gam:' _. �.tRE- county 'a Nevada - S*ctE', �0_ .0 ? ..�vr;113z h;I` t-n - C G w`f Uv.:.hC "a; !6 ��d - s`z FtiEAS,: Kary K. Zjrbel served a .C._a erson of'the 5oard from. J'-i YS -Jr�- 11/8 tojc'-iSau�_r y r.. -1'N95 E��!'.. v��� a: .3C� 'VC- ,.,_s""� O_ -r.e Board, , '�; �CiLG 1° �rOVc.^ cr C1�, 5 :` r'.:'1Cb Tl R_:ASS a-' ref lection, y.-,-i7At; ..GL :t:"ro :..e di2_,gence, ' det%Otiqp.,s.O..,d_;j.y.'cn.&.G0Q-_a'i._.ionI tcAbet'.e �'.Q'GJ� Ka:y e;.'._.`. ',. Ik K. Zlr}3Cj and Cw .� _,,, '� _ - t form.c.'i.].Gn. .v.�. nowl i�C ekt ma �a. asterh Nam^-..bkCd=.L. . cunty be "O?" -ale' f�Q i? ?id -" WHEREAS r her ?.eader Si7.), i t W 6nd,I "� 'h-' n"" coope.:a� _on. - f3i7' t:_!e' "Card' ' I�has been- 5reatly a��receat�d. r Ira't i7 .ram �i.C,R�`, '. . >, :'�, S�'�V .� - 1'i G'_,`I'r i,C.KE-' D is er e.atio 2 eartd Plt"k istrict,' <-.cti� t ,)y. land 1.W ?'.,ugh t:.S -GOa.t'd` of"" ,'��r LCrcr, that djBgoiq:G�'.D-.'rec ors-:�Oes.,n--L:c-�,*Z. ex2Ie.'Ss.,,.',its',appreCi�-,t ..PT1 and 'r'd .S., uud -i0:.K`aren: W. Z.L7'ueffor_ .".EY'.= eQ'3Gcrt''JY - 1_-r -�C.S"�� u'=Ca., S3.I'tC�'.'C'o.. service 3 I0. -RTHER--R:SGLVED ''dam : �'co- Cis'. �t'it.7" Rc3 O l.k'tCr.,13 M '.SC'rtt'_�'t',��t'_c3-';C': 'I.':t. 'Z7..?"7G' 'c5•`c"2 %C�:�'1 a e i.e 5teem in �SSFD T hD I DG$ `� t,J' day o � $, s i NM � �ti e SEN one HF, Ci''A ;ter.?SSG r C LA RE nF OR - RES 7 to 0 aICC T' ADOPTED, IN SO G DF'4ED IQ cm _ � � 1 _ /�yy�/22, Mw AM fo2j, Ott r sJ { spy r, �epu�y District CIer|� �ahoe Donne� Pu�lic Utility Di �trict P. O. Box 309 Truckee, Cal . 95734 �e� A��oint�ent to fiIl Karen White' s position �tt�ched is my current re�ume. I retired in 19B7 from International Busi�ess Machines after 28 years, to �ursue areas where I could further utilize my extsnsive fin�ncial background . Since then I have w�rked with Truckee River B�nk as a �art time employee in various areas wit� the intent of working with the business people of Truckee. Also, I have initiate� my objectiv� nf establishing a Bookkeeping/Tax service in Truckee. ��� I was raise� in Grass Valley an� in 19B8, Marie and I built our house in Tahoe Donner . Therefore, I am very familiar with %evada County. WiLh my extensive finenacial management background, I feel I would be �n asset to thr Board of Directors of the Truckee Donner Public Utility District . Please consider this letter of intent as a very strong interest from a candidate who fee] s quali [ied to help with a growing organizati�n in a growth community. ely yours� ack R. StiIlens \ /P. O. Box 9413 Truckee, Ca. 95737 (916-587-6036) - JqCK F. STILLENS 11638 SCHUSSINS �A� p. O B�X 9�13 T�UCKEE, CALIF. O�JECTIVE- To utilize my bunine= ex1erience with a snaIl to medium size organizstion. EDUCATION B. S. AccounLing , San Jose State University MIA Credits , Marist College , New York EMPLOYMENT HISTOR'( -------------------- loss- Present Truckee River Bank - parL time supporting Finance, Administration and as a teller. Established a Bookkeeping/Tax service in the Truckee Area-, 1959-19B7 IBM Corp. - management positions in Financial Planning , Business Planning ` Accounting, information Systems, anE� Human Resources. 1555-1957 Bank o[ America- bookkeeper ' ke: Candidate Dan Cooley Delivered orally by Jim ;Maass , President , TDPliD Board --October 30 , 1959 I view your application for the vacant seat and your candidacy for election to this district board with great concern . Your recent attacks against this district , its directors , managment and staff smacks of politics in their lowest form. I am not going to take the time to rebutt each and everyone of your statements , but I am going to make some important observations. In your candidate's statement which appeared in last Thursday ' s Sierra Sun you say that there are some 35 public officials in Truckee "pulling the purse strings and you better know who they are. " You continued by saying that Truckee needs "to clean house. " The entire tone of your article was one of innuendo that all the elected officials in Truckee are less than honest men and women and should be replaced . In their stead , you stand as the bastion of freedom waiting to take their place . I BEG YOUR PARDON MR. COOLEY! "Drug testing for all public employees in Truckee" you proclaimed two years ago while you were a sitting director on this Board. How dare . you attack the people 's 4th Amendment rights of due process and protection from illegal search and sekzure? "The Last Temptation of Christ should be censored" you cried. How dare you attack the people ' s lst Amsendment rights of freedom of speech while excersing your own first amendment rights time and time again in Letters to the Editor. "PUD Board meetings in Florida, Napa Valley and Santa Barbara" you say. Let me remind you that conferences attended by three or more board members are posted as meetingsin order to comply with the Ralph M. Brown Act . Yes, Mr. Cooley , the Brown Act ? Let me also remind you that as a member of this board you attended such conferences or meetings . How dare you attack this district when you, yourself participated in the same type of LEGAL activies when you were a board member. "This campaign is a campaign of exposure. The truth on what really goes on. " More or your political buzz words? How dare you sap that this is a campaign of truth when you place in the Sierra Sun two UNSIGNED advertisements attacking this board , this district and a candidates night that failed to come off . How dare you say that this is a campaign where you will expose the truth when you have not attended one single PUD meeting in nearly two years. How dare you imply that all the board members of the special districts F be replaced when you do not really know hat is going ern . . How dare you attempt to use the Sierra Sun through the letters to the editor column in an effort to gain political support for a run for this board . Last year it was the Hospital Board . ghat Board will it be next z ea How dare you send around a survey to all the special district purporting to be developing an article for the Sierra Sun. (As you know the Sierra Sun sent all the special districts a letter stating that you had no authority from them to conduct such a survey and that you were doing it on your own . ) How dare you attemp, to use the Distract Attorney and the taxpayersZ dollars in a effort to bring CIVIL charges against this board for alleged Browa Act violations. It ' s out of his jurisdiction and I challenge you to hire a lawyer yourself and sue us if you believe we have violated the law. From the Bible in John .) hapter 8, comes the following story. A woman accused of adultry was brought before Jesus by the Scribes and Pharisees who wished to have her stoned to death. Jesus , being tested , said to them, 53Let him who is without sin among you be the first to throw a stone at her . " They all left . How dare you put yourself on a pedftstal as at- messiah, come to save Truckee from all that corruption in local government. How dare you think you are so perfect that you can "cast that first stone . " Mr. Cooley, you do not have me fooled , you do not have this board fooled , you do not have the Sierra Sun fooled , and above all you do not have this community fooled. I have no intention of voting for you next week, nor will I vote to appoint you to fill the vacancy that currently exists . Response to Scott Brandos October 30 , ! ;;89 Delivered orally at TTPUD Board "ef::ting by .Jim :Maass , Pros-dent of t. .e ',oard The application of Mr . Brandos for the vacant board position and his submission to this board of comments and statments , which appeared in last week ' s issue of the Sierra Sun , will gave the voting public a unique oppotunity to examine not only a challengers position , but also the rebuttal from the District on many issues he has raised . I wish to make it clear that I are not a candidate in next week ' s election . I do , however, speak as President of the Board and with the full authority of the position I hold . Item One : Mr. Brandon says that the District Board has made a real estate deal on the 1 . 9 acers across from the Bank of America in which the buyer can "walk away and the District gets nothing. " NOT TURN. In a letter Mated July 24 , 1989 from the developer and approved in August by this Board , the developer will forfiet $30 , 000 plus interest if escrow does not close by May 15 , 1990. te--iTwo -1 Mr . Brandos in his candidate 's statement questions the reasonableness of the District ' s consumer deposit policy . When people fail to pay their bills , and it is impossible to collect, the District loses money. In essence , ALL the distict customers must pay the bill for those few who do not. Several years ago the Board determined that the write-off of non--paid bills was excessive and something had to be done. We could no longer tollerate a situation where the good customers were subsidizing the non.-paying ones . A more strict customer deposit policy was adopted . In 1984 the write--offs were . 23%. In 1988 that figure had droped to .14%. Please keep in mind , this is a percentage of the TOTAL revenue collected. Since the district has grown considerably in five years the TOTAL revenue is up quite a bit. Therefore , the total amount of dollars in "bad payments" had dropped off quite substantially. By comparison, in 1988 Sierra Pacific Power was at .25%, Plumas-Sierra (Quincy) as . 29% and SMUD was at .53%. PG&E doesn't like to talk about these things. To relax the current deposit policy most certaily will see a rise in the uncollectable dollars , a loss which will have to be passed on to the good rate payers as a rate increase . ���ee : In Mr. Brandos statement , he questions the quality of our water . Our staff is constantly monitoring the bacteriological water quality. On occasion, positive counts are found and the situation corrected . during the past year, only ono- , such incident occurred and it was very minor . All water systtts experience minor incidents from time the time . The Truckee water system is no different. However, when you look at the total picutre , the Truckee system it in great shape. Incidents rarely occur and are immediatly delt with . . ...... ......... ......... ...... ... .- In addition to the bacteriolocgical reports are detailed studies about all kinds of other constitutents found in the the water such as calcium , magnesium, sodium, sulfates , nitrates , arsenic , copper , iron , lead , and the list goes on and on . A detailed study was submitted to the board last year showing the District ' s water quality to be exceptional . Based upon the figures on the chart , I would guess that our water is as good as any bottled water you can purchase. Chlorination is a big issue and Mr . Brandos suggests that the reed for chlorination can be severely reduced or eliminated . As much as I , or any other director on this Board , would like to eliminate the need for chlorination, it will not happen. It is beyond our physical control . The California Department of Health requires this District to maintain small residuals of chlorine in the water system. Furthermore, The Federal Safe Drinking Grater Act will mandate that all water systems in the Ignited States be chlorinated by June of 1990 . This includes the TDPUD. As much as we may complain , there is little we can do. Any campaign promise otherwise , probably cannot be kept . llteK� Mr. Brandos claims the PU D is in "trouble. " He promises to "push for better maintenance and a long--range replacement plan for our water system. f' This distract is not in trouble. Mr. Brandos will lead you to believe that not much has been done, and there are no plans for the future. Let me outline what major water projects have been completed in the past five or six years. 1 . Entire new water system for the community of Hirschdale. 2 . Soma Sierra Tank replaced . 3. Water lane replacements as follows: a. Alder CreeiK Road, Tahoe Donner b. Lines in Ponderosa Palasades C. Lines out HWY 257 4 . Well (source) upgrades a. Airport well b. Prosser Hts Well c. Southside well d. Wells A and B in Tahoe Donner 5 . Booster Pump upgrades a. Donner Trails b. Southside Complex C. Innsbruck , (Tahoe Donner) In addition. plans for improvement of the water system over the next 2 few years are extensive . Under the SAFE DRINKING WATER BOND LAW of 1986 (Proposition 55) , this district will receive $5, 000, 000 of tow interest financing for water impro vements . In September of 1988 this district submitted its long range plans . Construction on phase one should begin next spring . The plans are as follows: al--- all are 1 . Downtown pipeline replacement $1 ,045 ,000 est . costs 2 . Disinfection Stations Northside Well $ 74 , 000 Airport Well $ 141 ,000 3. Cross Connection Program $ 475 ,000 4 . New Source Facilities (Wells and distribution) Martis $3 ,350, 000 Prosser $ 930,000 5. Water Storage Tanks Donner Trails $ 133,000 Danner Creek $ 930,000 6 . Purchase Joerger Well and construct pipeline $ 835,000 7 . Tahoe Donner Pipeline replacement $ 588,000 Because of the seriousness of the Tahoe Donner Pipeline replacement project , the Board recently put into motion plans which will culminate in the replacement of the Tahoe Doner Water System with long-life Ductile Cast Iron pipe regardless of whether or not funding will come from Prop 55 money. The bottom line is clear. The district has been working on , and continues to work on , maintaining and improving the water system for Truckee. Item F ve: Mr . Brandos claims the "electric side" is not much better than the water . He states that "we pay a premium price for our power but in return we get dirty power" which he defines as brown outs , black out and power surges making "people experts in setting thi2;r clocks on their VCRs". He claims that he will correct this problem. To begin with, every utility district in the country supplies "Dirty Power" to use Mr . Brandos ' term. It is inherent in power systems . Here in Truckee we have to reset our digital clocks whenever there is a "bump" in the system. How and why do these "bumps" occur .` Lightening could strike a line a mile away causing momentary loss of power . As the system corrects itself your power will be off for a few seconds causing the need to reset your digital clocks . 3 The lightening strike does not need to be on the Truckee system. Strikes as far away as Idaho , Utah and eastern Nevada may cause our system to go down for a few moments. In addition , birds , squirts and other animals have been know to cause these brief power outages . Car accidents involving a power pole can cause loss of power in some areas while other areas experience a momentary outage while the system adjusts itself. The built-in protection system is complex . It consists of power circuit reclosers on each circuit located at the substations . Each branch line on the circuit is fused and each transformer is fused . The purpose of the fusing is to limit the extent of any outage to the least number of customers possible . Each time one of these fuses blow, it looks like a fault to the circuit._,,..recloser which closes the circuit immediately. A momentary loss of power is experienced on the entire circuit . The only long term loss occurs behind the fuse , which then must be replaced . During high wind and snow conditions , frequently the line slap together causing the circuit to "go down" for a moment . The system clears and the power is restored in a second or two. The recloser cannot be eliminated because of safety requirements . This is how the system is supposed to work. IT_t_e_m_'S_1x:J In 1982 this District , as did Sierra Pacific, experienced major outages as Mother Nature in her fury swept a major Pacific storm into our region. Power was out for several daps . I can only look at Hurricane Hugo and the recent San Francisco earthquake and say that no one can be ABSOLUTELY prepared to prevent wholescale loss of utility service under these rare natural occurrences. Mr. Brandos claims the "district has not taken the necessary steps to prevent this from happening in the future. " When natural disasters strike, there is not much anyone can do. However, his claim that this district has done nothing is not true. In the interest of time, I am just going to list what has been done since 1982 in a effort to minimize power loss when major storms hit. 1 . New reclosures at Donner Lake Sub and Truckee Sub. 2 . Installed larger substation transformers at Tahoe Donner Sub and Donner Lake Sub. 3 . Built Martis Valley Sub giving more power capability to transfer loads. 4 . Reconductor feeder lines out of Donner Lake Sub giving them more capacity. 5 . Increased line crew personell by 50 percent and purchase of . additional line truck in a effort to continue to rebuild the system correcting potential problems . 4 i 5 . Converted many vertical taps to Horizontal taps in Tahoe Donner--- this in an elort to eliminate the slapping together of power lines during wind and snow conditions . 7 . Phase balancing in Tahoe Donner 8 . Replace many old poles in Donner Lake Area 9 . Replace open wire secondary at Donner Lake 10 . Tree trimming program in an effort to prevent branches heavy with snow from falling through power lines. Dote that during major storms , the trees themselves might fall through lines as they did in 1982 . Removal of trees one hundred feet from the power lines would be the only solution for this problem, however the community would not stand for this . 11 . Storm emergency fund of about $175 ,000 is in place for repairs . and the hiring of additional temporary people in the event of an emergency . 12 . ReconducTor feeder from Martis Valley sub increasing capacity 13 . Upgrade circuit protection througbourthe system 14 . Reconductor feed tie from Martis Sub to Truckee Sub 15 . Joined NCPA--sister cities will be able to offer assistance in case of major natural disaster in future. The list goes on. The plans for the future are extensive . T refer you to a memo dated May 31 , 1989 from Tom Buckhouse outlining our future plans. This district has responded to that 1982 disaster and continues to plan, build and improve upon the system in an almost impossible task of providing the most reliable electric power humanly possible. 5