MARCH 17, 1983
TDPUD Board Room
3:00 P.M.
1. Call to order
2. Roll call
3. Discussion of the water quality complaints on South River Street -
Possible direction
4. Adjournment to closed session
a) Discussion of legal and/or personnel matters
5. Reconvene from closed session
6. Possible direction from closed session
7. Adjournment
I hereby certify that the foregoing agenda has been posted in the District
Office, United States Post Office, Government Center and Nevada County
Library, Truckee Branch, and mailed to the Directors and interested parties
on Wednesday, March 16, 1983.
L na J. ossack, Deputy District Clerk
March 15, 1983 MIN
The meeting was called to order by Director Karl Kuttel at 3:30 P.M. Present
were as follows Dick VanTandingham, Dan Cook, District Engineer, James M.
Ward, General Manager, and Dave Toussaint, reporter from the Sierra Sun. it
was noted that this meeting was called by Directors Dick VanLandingham and Karl
Kuttel and the District Engineer.
The purpose of the meeting is to discuss the problem since December, 1982 of
the unstable situation of the water being delivered to the public in the down-
town area.
Question: Karl Kuttel asked Mr. Ward, "Is the water drinkable?" Mr. Ward
answered, "Yes, Mr. Kuttel.** Mr. Kuttel asked, "Did we find the source of the
problem?" Mr. Ward answered, "We won't know until we receive the State tests
back. " Question by Mr. Kuttel, "Where did it originate? Mr. Ward answered,
"The Airport Well, the well itself. "
Question: Mr. Kuttel, "When did you discover the problem of the two feet of scum
in the tank?" Mr. Ward answered that this is the depth as You pump up and down
that the scum was in the wall 12" to 1811. Mr. Kuttel asked, "How thick was the
scum on the wall?" Mr. Ward answered that it was variable, less than two to
three inches. Mr. Kuttel asked when this was discovered. Mr. Ward answered,
"I think it was around the 9th of February. " Mr. Kuttel asked, "Did the
airport stay on line?" Mr. Ward answered, "No. " Samples were taken to Anlab
in Sacramento, which had been done twice before. This report should be back on
Thursday. Previous samples were identified as a paraffin base. Various tests
have been performed, that the percentages were so light that it can hardly be
measured. Mr. Kuttel asked, "When did you turn the well off?" Mr. Ward said
We turned it on this morning to get the scum off and that it should be recleaned.
Mr. Kuttel asked. "You took it off line? People have not been drinking the
water for the past four to five days?" Mr. Ward answered that it was shut off
last Thursday.
March 15, 1983
Mr. Kuttel asked, "Did you do anything with the Northside Well?" Mr. Ward
answered that we have done the same thing with it. It was cleaned February
1983, and put back on line. Mr. Kuttel asked, "Was the same scum there?" Mr.
Ward answered "Yes, a slight oil scum.,, Mr. Kuttel asked if any other tanks
had been cleaned. Mr. Ward answered that last fall two tanks were cleaned in
the Innsbruck area. Mr. Ward explained that after cleaning the tanks at
Airport and Northside, last Thursday they were checked. Again, they found the
film. Today, the film was at the Airport again and Northside has the same film.
The progression seems to be from the Ai `
p g sport Well tol.t4li , 1,�6 _ J Tank with
the same substance in both. We are now',g4eeki ill the s e have not
checked above Hilltop as we cannot get to it now becan' lith nbw,
We have
checked Tonini and Southside. The process now is to start upstream and clean
back down the line.
Question by Mr. Kuttel: "Did you feel it was not necessary to call in
additional crews?" Mr. Ward answered, I don't think this would have done
anything until we isolated the problem. We have continued to serve good
drinking water except for Karl's street. " Mr. Ward explained that we checked
out the line on South River Avenue thoroughly by cutting a piece out of the
line using the "pig" and found no slick and no residue. We have been serving
.- good quality water according to Mr. Ward. We started out testing on Karl's
line, then expanded the testing across the street, expanded further to Martis
Drive, and kept going out with the samplesto locate where we were hitting
a positive coliform over 2.2%. We never did get it. All tests from June 1982
through January 1983 were all less than 2.2% coliform. There were only two tests
above the 2.2%. Mr. Ward pointed out that the only other problem as far as
a high count was the situation on Trout Creek.
Mr. Kuttel asked Mr. Ward if what he was saying is that the tests are okay now.
Mr. Ward said that the tests have been good since January 1, 1982. Mr. Kuttel
then asked if we have been testing the T-TSA Well according to the contract.
Mr. Ward said that we have not pulled any samples from there. Mr. Cook pointed
out that we are suppose to take samples there. Mr. Ward said that we have not
checked it because it is so far away that it would not influence it. If the
tests had been greater than 2.2%, we would have been up in arms with T-TSA.
March 15, 1983
Mr. Kuttel requested that he be given copies of the T-TSA well samples up
to the present date. Mr. Ward asked why and Karl stated that if anything iq,
wrong , he should know about it as a Director. He is accountable to the public.
-- Mr. Ward replied that every test that we have taken from now on, Mr. Kuttel
will receive a copy. Mr. Kuttel feels he should have copies in order to inform
people. It is up to the other directors as to what they wish to do. Mr. Ward
said if he copies one Director, he should copy them all. Mr. Van Landingham
stated he does not wish to receive copies. cx�<f� -Fon �"y^' c3 f'
Mr. Kuttel asked regarding the Southside Welland dam; r he
Airport Well, do we use the Southside system? Mr. Ward explai d t when the
demand is there, it does pump-
Mr. Kuttel said that the Board in accordance with a four to one decision had
instructed Mr. Ward to write a letter to the various agencies about three
weeks ago. Mr- Kuttel asked "Has it been done yet?" Mr. Ward replied, "No.*'
Mr. Kuttel asked, "What is the reason?" Mr. Ward explained that he needs to
get with Jim Simon. Mr. Simon says that the letter has to be written carefully.
Mr. Kuttel would like to read the letter before it is mailed out. This was
according to Board instruction, and it has not been done as yet. Dick VanLand-
Ingham mentioned that it could possibly be ready for the meeting March 21. 1983.
Mr. Kuttel asked if any Director can supply input into the letter. Mr. Ward
stated that he would be more than happy to have Karl sit down and write the
letter with the attorney.
Discussion followed with Dan Cook regarding how many septic tanks are presently
in use; how many not on line that have been approved; average flow of a home
and sewage going into the ground. Mr. Kuttel asked Mr. Cook if he sees any
Problem in including this information in the letter. Mr. Ward commented that
he thinks the Board should sit down and discuss the letter before it is written.
He recommended that the statements that the District makes should be general
and that specific statements should be proven. Mr. Ward is hesitant about the
letter at this time unless discussed thoroughly with Mr. Jim Simon. Mr. Kuttel
then asked, "We have no concern as far as Prosser Heights Well, Sanders Well,
Airport Well, Southside and Tonini -- are they safe from the septic tanks?"
Mr. Ward replied that he is saying that all well water is good water and well
March 15, 1983
within the standards of the State of California. Mr. Ward said that he cannot
predict when the septic will affect the water.
Mr. Kuttel then asked when the Health Department was called in the first time.
Mr. Ward stated January 5, 1983 he called Gunther Sturm and discussed what
we were doing. Mr. Ward has been in contact with him since then. Mr. Kuttel
asked, "Why did we turn off the Airport Well?- Mrs Nd replied that after
cleaning the system, we found Northside clear andA,f � te ,PoWkde to be the
Airport Well. <9.® J
Question by Mr. Kuttel, "Why did we tell people to buy bottled
Ward replied that it was Karl who was telling people to drink bottled er.
Mr. Ward said we had good water all along. Karl replied that Mr. Rich had
come to his house and said that he was suppose to drink bottled water, that
Mr. Ward said to drink only bottled water.
Mr. Kuttel explained to Dan Cook that he realizes that Mr. Cook was not called
in, not by Karl or the Board regarding the oil slick. Karl asked if an oil
slick would show up on the coliform sample. Dan Cook replied no. He explained
that different tests are performed to identify an oil slick. Karl asked if
we ever -tested for an all slick? Dan replied that these are separate issues;
one is coliform, the other is chemical properties. Mr. Ward said that we have
kept track of the oil the pumps were using in the last couple of months and the
amount has been negligible. We do not have the problem of leaking the oil into
the system; it has to be down in there. We now have a test at Anlab where they
can compare our oil to lubricate and the oil in the water.
Discussion followed regarding last summer the airport put in jet fuel storage
and a well out there under a slab and samples from the well. Mr. Ward pointed
out that he has talked with Mr. Edmondson regarding an accounting of fluids
and that there is no leakage in their tanks as far as they know. We have not
been able to get to the well at the airport. Mr. Ward is under the impression
March 15, 1983
that the well has been cut off. Mr. Dan Cook said it was designed to be
disconnected but he thinks that it was not done.
Mr. Kuttel stated that Mr. Daly still has oil in his water. Mr. Ward took
a samples yesterday from Sassarini, Kuttel and Daly's houses. Mr. Cook asked
if we had taken samples from Kohler. Mr. Ward stated that no we had not ta)cop
samples from Kohler but we have taken samples from the source, Tonini, and had
found no problem. Mr. Cook stated that it stems like Hilltop would be a goon
indicator. Mr. Cook asked Mr. Kuttel if he had seen a film in the back of
his toilet tank. Mr. Kuttel answered yes. HoweveF, ,,Karl feels he has a problem
because he is a Director and perhaps he has been 1 a.i "h n.'`the $*:tuation. He
checked his solar panel to make sure that no leak,,,-, , Y�isr sy,Pt�� as" got�ng into
our water system. He stated that the oil slick is st et" 014 °-
Mr. Kuttel said that he would still like to double check Mr. Koch s s ce
regarding cross connection. Mr. Ward stated that he feels he is not on our
line. We have checked the County, Coors, Crawfords and have found no problem.
Mr. Kuttel asked Dick VanLandingham if he had any questions. Mr. VanLandingham
stated no.
Mr. Kuttel stated that he would like to IgOOM the Board and ask the resident
engineer to check out the system. Mr. Ward stated that first we should go
back and clean the farthest point away, cleaning back down the line. Then
we should go through the testing. During this time, the Airport Well would be
off. Mr. Kuttel again stated that he would like to have Dan Cook check the
system to protect himself from criticism and for public safety and
welfare. Mr. Ward stated that he does not think we have been derelict
in safety to the public. Mr. Kuttel stated that what he would like to see is
whenever there is a problem, such as an oil slick, that we seek a second opinion.
Mr. Ward recommended that before he proceeds in testing that the people who are
sick must give the District a medical report as far as what they were tested for.
Mr. VanLandingham stated that he thought this would be a good idea because it
is just that one area. The State Laboratory should have the report back on
Thursday as to the oil in the water and if it can hurt a person. Mr. Sturm is
taking a film of the oil to determine what it is to further isolate it down.
According to Mr. Van Landingham, what Mr. Ward is trying to say is for the doctor
to say.✓hat the problem is, to tell the District what to look for. Mr. Cook
March 15, 1983
asked if the symptoms from house to house are the same. Mr. Kuttel stated
they are the same. Mr. Kuttel asked Dan cook as to what we have done, do yoµ
think you should go through the system and double check it. Mr, Cook Stated
that if we can pull it back to the Airport Well, we should look for the souro
from there. He also stated that any place where water is stored, that we
should look on both sides of the river. We should check Hilltop. If the
source is found, 95% of the problem is taken card of. He suggested that maybe
we should take a complete chemical analysis from the well. He would also be
interested if there is continuity, and he does not rule out the cross connection
with pump and fuel storage at the airport_ Mr. Vatd .Pointed out that at the
time the well was developed, a tremendous amount ,o-f "briq6nViiWere used to
install it. If this could be the case, what wo
the casing? Mr. Cook stated that he didn't think this;*44,6 a
He stated that if Mr. Edmondson is using the well at the air
, t he shaµld
have the same problem that we do. Mr. Kuttel stated that he would qN&e to sea
Mr. Cook involved to determine where the oil comes from, why and how come and
in the future if the District is at fault. He would like to have the resident
engineer involved for future lawsuits, etc. , to find the problem and protect the
District. For lawsuits, the District needs all the back-up material we can get.
Mr. Kuttel wishes the District would do everything possible to protect itself
and that this would have to be a Board decision. It was suggested that the
Directors be called together to make a decision. Mr. Ward again pointed out
that he would first like to have the State report back and also clean the system.
Mr. Kuttel pointed out that he recommends getting at it as soon as possible
since it has been almost three months since the problem started in December.
Mr. Kuttel telephoned Director Corbett who approved of calling a special
meeting on Thursday, March 17, 1983. Mr. Maas could not be reached at 5:00 P.M.
Mr. Maas will be contacted and the proper procedure followed to call the special
meeting. Meeting adjourned at 5:20 P.M.
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