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Avr ir. August 2004
California Debt and Investment Advisory Commission
Douglas Skarr
CDIAC Policy Research Unit
The Auction Rate Securities market has Securities must carefully evaluate the current
expanded significantly in the public finance environment, their objectives, and consider how
sector since 2001. Nationwide, issuance of this debt will be managed over the long term.
auction rate securities, including the public This Issue Brief provides an overview of the
finance area, grew from $100 billion in the market, mechanics, costs, benefits and risks
first quarter of 2002 to $200 billion by the end associated with Auction Rate Securities.
of the fourth quarter of 2003. Public finance
has become the fastest-growing sector to use I.DEFINITION AND PURPOSE
auction rate securities, with total issuance
projected to grow at double-digit rates in the Auction Rate Securities (ARS) are long term,
future(see Figure 1). variable rate bonds tied to short term interest
rates. ARS have a long term nominal maturity
Figure 1—ARS Issues Outstanding with interest rates reset through a modified
ARS outstanding 2002-2003 Dutch auction, at predetermined short term
250 intervals, usually 7, 28, or 35 days. They trade
zoo at par and are callable at par on any interest
payment date at the option of the issuer.
150 Interest is paid at the current period based on
m 100
the interest rate determined in the prior auction
s period.
o Although ARS are issued and rated as long term
i. °� °' °° bonds (20 to 30 years), they are priced and
s zoos zoos zoos
icipal traded as short term instruments because of the
liquidity provided through the interest rate reset
mechanism. Frequent issuers of municipal
The use of auction rate financing is becoming ARS include traditional issuers of tax-exempt
more attractive for many reasons, especially debt such as municipalities, non-profit
in comparison to variable rate demand hospitals, utilities, housing finance agencies,
obligations (VRDO). Auction Rate Securities student loan finance authorities and universities.
have no "put" or tender feature, no letter-of- Municipal ARS issues are typically of high
credit requirement, and no need for an annual short term bond rating, all of which increase credit quality. Historically, over 75 percent of the cost of issuance and maintenance of the issues sold have received the highest credit
rating available from the major credit agencies,
VRDO. However,these securities may not be generally because of bond insurance.
appropriate for all municipal issuers.
Municipalities planning to issue Auction Rate
CDIAC 04-08 1 California Debt and Investment Advisory Commission
Figure 2-Example of Sales Process F.. ...3 D-i.a...... f.Auction Process
$25,000,000 ARS Issue Current Holders New Bidders
OUTSTANDING 1,000 SHARES @$25,000 EACH Hold at Market Buy
-- ^-
—.. Orders--------------------
Sell s
Order Filled
Placed Bid Bid @ 1.00% Receive Orders
Bidder Shares Type Solicit Orders
Minimum (clearing
Rate rate)
;. 1 100 £ Buy Any 1 100 ( Broker/Dealer
2 Y 200 Hold .90% 200
Clearing Allocation � � Order Information
at Rate
3 100 Hold Auction Agent
Rate .................._................
4 200 Buy 1.00% 100
(P '�� . Investors specify the par amount of
- 5 100 Sell Any es
are Sold securities they want and what they are
100 -Hatold 1.03% Shares are Sold willing to pay.
� . The broker/dealer(s) conveys the bids to the
7........ 300 Buy �- 1.03% Not auction agent.
Filled . The auction agent,who is a third-party bank
8 1 200 1 uy 1.10% Not l selected by the issuer, collects all the bids
� from all participating broker/dealer(s) on
behalf of the investors.
Figure 2 illustrates how the "clearing rate" is • The auction agent assembles all the bids in
determined for an ARS offering of 500 ascending rate order and determines the
shares, made up of (1) orders to sell and (2) clearing rate.
orders to hold at rate. In this example, orders . The bids at or lower than the clearing rate
for 1,300 shares of different bid types were will receive the bonds. In the event of
placed. The clearing bid is 1.00 percent multiple bids at the clearing rate,the auction
because it provided the last share purchase to agent will allocate securities on a pro-rata
clear the auction total of 500 shares. basis. Existing holders receive preference
over new bidders at the same rate.
The entire orders for bidders 1, 2, and 3, . After selection, the auction agent notifies
totaling 400 shares, were filled at the clearing the broker/dealer(s)of the auction results.
rate of 1.00 percent. Bidder 4's 200-share . The broker/dealer(s) record and settle the
order was partially filled for 100 shares trades for next business day settlement.
because a maximum of 500 shares available at
this auction was reached. The orders for A "failed auction" can occur due to a lack of
Bidders 5 and 6 were sold. Bidders 7 and 8 demand and no clearing bid received. In the
had buy orders that were not filled. event of a failed auction, existing holders will
hold their positions at the maximum rate set in
III.ARS AUCTION PROCESS the official statement until sufficient bids are
entered to set a clearing bid at the next auction.
Figure 3 provides a diagram of the auction Although the underwriting broker/dealers are
process. not required to do so, they can provide a
CDIAC 04-08 3 California Debt and Investment Advisory Commission
The interest rate on ARS is usually slightly
higher than that of VRDO, which would The following items should be reviewed and
generally result in a higher cost of funds for analyzed when considering the issuance of
the borrower. In addition, the upfront fee ARS.
(e.g. initial placement fee) associated with
ARS is generally higher than that of VRDO- ARS have lower interest costs than fixed rate
However, the cost of obtaining a letter of debt
credit in an issuance of VRDO, along with -
risks associated with the elimination and/or Over the past 10 years (through 2004) the
renewals of the letter of credit, can make the spread between long term(fixed)and short term
cost of funds for an issuance of VRDO on par (variable) debt has been significant. Figure 6
or even more expensive than that of an shows the 10-year historic interest rate
issuance of ARS. advantage comparing The Bond Buyer 20 Year
GO index (fixed rate average) with the Bond
All costs associated with the issuance (e.g., Market Association Swap Index (variable rate
bond insurance, broker and auction fees) average). For 2004 the spread is about 3.5
should be considered in the decision to issue percent.
ARS (see Figure 5).
Figure 6-Historic Trends in Interest Rates
Figure 5-Cost Comparison ARS versus VRDO
, Long Tenn vs Short Term Municipal Bond Rates 1995 2004
+-BMA Index +-BMA Index 6
N/A +65 Bp** 5
N/A 4
+3 B g
2 ( _�BondBuyer20Year G0 Ind ex
+9 Bp Ind (BMA) iy
+1 to+3 Bp N/A 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004
*Estimated costs are current as of 2004. **+Bp=additional costs
measured in basis points associated with issuance .
ARS have higher risk than fixed rate debt
ARS, as shown in Figure 5, have additional
unique and required costs. The nature of the ARS are long term variable rate debt with
instrument requires a broker or remarketing interest payments determined on a 7, 28, or 35-
agent to solicit investors, an auction agent to day basis. In periods of sustained rising rates,
facilitate the periodic auctions, a trustee to interest expense and volatility will rise. Issuers
manage payments and in most cases, bond must be aware of the potential impact rapidly
insurance to elevate the credit quality of the rising rates will have on forecasted debt service
issue to an AA or AAA rating. and cash needs.
CDIAC 04-08 5 California Debt and Investment Advisory Commission
ARS can be a valuable alternative and
complement to fined rate debt in a
government borrowing program.
Governmental issuers considering issuing
ARS must carefully evaluate their objectives
and how this debt will be managed over the
long term. Issuance of ARS or any variable
rate debt should be guided by the
government's overall financial and debt
management objectives and its financial
The use of ARS can provide significant
benefits including: (1) reducing total interest
costs, (2) diversifying the debt portfolio, (3)
allowing the opportunity to take advantage of
current short term variable interest rate trends,
and (4) matching the structure of assets to
ARS, however, carry more risk than fixed rate
bonds, but these risks can be offset with the
appropriate use of derivative products like
interest rate caps and variable to fixed interest
rate swaps.
ARS, like other variable rate debt
instruments, require a greater commitment of
time and expertise by staff managing the
program. In addition, specific policies
regarding the use of variable rate debt must be
conformed to the issuer's statutes and
addressed with credit rating agencies.
***Thanks and acknowledgement to:
Mr. Shafiq Jadavji, Vice President,
Deutsche Bank Trust Company Americas for
providing his input to this report.
CDIAC 04-08 7 Califomia Debt and Investment Advisory Commission