HomeMy WebLinkAbout20 Aspen Environmental AGENDA ITEM #20
MEETING DATE: June 7, 2023
TO: Board of Directors
FROM: Joe Horvath, Assistant General Manager/ Electric Utility Director
SUBJECT: Consideration of a Professional Services Agreement with Aspen
Environmental Group for Integrated Resource Planning Services
Brian C. Wright, General Manager
Authorize the General Manager to execute a Professional Services Agreement for
Integrated Resource Planning services with Aspen Environmental Group in the amount
of$199,900, plus a 10% change order authorization, for a total not to exceed the
amount of $219,900.
The District is facing multiple challenges over the next several years related to energy
growth and power supply resources. These challenges include increasing load growth
due to customer growth and electrification, new legislative and regulatory initiatives,
new and expanding distributed and demand-side resources and increasing amounts of
intermittent renewable resources in the power supply portfolio. While staff has engaged
in a variety of power supply planning, budgeting, and reporting activities over the years,
the District has never prepared a formal planning document that integrates both supply-
side and demand side resources to help electric utilities maximize their resources while
addressing sometimes competing needs. In the electric utility industry, this is known as
an Integrated Resource Plan (IRP). An IRP consists of comprehensive planning
document tools that lay out energy resource needs, goals, constraints and general
priorities, including customer-side resources for a long-term planning period. A
comprehensive long-term IRP will greatly help the District to meet energy growth and
power supply resource challenges. Staff anticipated the need for consulting assistance
with the development of the IRP.
In general, it is expected that the consulting effort would involve:
• Development of a load forecast;
• Assessment of current and potential power supply resources including financial
impacts; and
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• Consideration of the impacts of District-developed present/future energy
efficiency and demand side management programs.
The consulting effort would also provide resource planning expertise and support to
help ensure an economically and environmentally sustainable comprehensive strategy
for reliable service, competitive and stable rates, environmental goals, management of
market and other risks, changing conditions (such as climate or market regulations),
and new opportunities (such as breakthrough technologies).
The key outcome of the IRP is for the District to obtain a strategic power supply and
program "roadmap" to establish and optimize a long-term plan for energy resources.
The IRP will help balance critical District objectives including system reliability, fiscal
responsibility, environmental stewardship, and regulatory compliance.
On April 24, 2023 the District advertised a Request for Proposals (RFP) for consulting
services for the development of an Integrated Resources Plan (See Attachment 1). The
District identified known vendors and advertised the RFP in the Sierra Sun and other
locations. On May 22, 2023 the District received five proposals from the firms outlined
Firm Location
Ascend Analytics (Ascend) Boulder, CO
Aspen Environmental Group (Aspen) Sacramento, CA
Brattle Group, Inc. (Brattle) Boston, MA
GDS Associates, Inc. (GDS) Marietta, GA
Siemens PTI, Inc. (Siemens) Schenectady, NY
The proposals were evaluated based upon the following criteria as listed in the RFP:
• Technical Approach and Scope of Work
• Staff Experience and Qualifications
• Depth and Quality of Firm's Experience
• Management Approach and Quality Assurance/Quality Control
• Cost
An internal staff committee evaluated the proposals based on demonstrated
competence, professional qualifications, and technical merit according to the first four
criteria listed above for an overall Technical ranking. After completion of this review, the
proposals were ranked as follows:
Firm Rank— Technical
Aspen 1
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Ascend 2
Siemens 4
Brattle 5
The cost proposals were then reviewed by the committee. The cost proposals varied
significantly from a low of approximately $120,000 to a high of almost $300,000. The
results of the cost proposal ranking were as follows:
Firm Rank — Cost
Siemens 2
Aspen 3
Ascend 4
Brattle 5
Based on the technical reviews and cost proposals, the scoring committee unanimously
arrived at the following overall scoring:
Firm L Rank — Overall
Aspen 1
Siemens 3
Ascend 4
Brattle 5
Aspen Environmental Group received the highest evaluated overall score. Therefore,
staff has determined that Aspen's proposal is the most-advantageous and beneficial to
the District. Aspen's proposal includes the following strategic services for the
development of an Integrated Resources Plan:
• Meet with District staff to discuss IRP goals, project schedule, and key concerns;
• Develop a load forecasting model to determine District energy and capacity
• Review existing power supply contracts and the options available to the District;
• Review Western Area Power Administration's (WAPA's) contract proposal for
Stampede generation and assist with contract negotiations;
• Identify and create an optimal set of energy resources considering future load
scenarios, existing contracts, demand side resources, planning reserve margins,
transmission agreements, RPS standards, GHG regulations, and costs;
• Perform a sensitivity analysis to assess the impacts of variations to key input values;
• Develop a written IRP report summarizing the findings, analysis, methodology, and
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recommendations; and
• Present the IRP study to the Board.
Aspen has extensive experience in developing IRP's for both large and smaller electric
utilities such as the District. Aspen has a highly experienced project team that
specializes in strategic power supply planning, including transmission access and
financial modeling. They also routinely develop demand forecasts and analyze resource
adequacy for clients. Aspen specializes in supporting publically owned utilities (POUs)
in California, and are sensitive to local needs.
Based on the results of the competitive selection process by the committee, staff
recommends the Board authorize the General Manager to execute a Professional
Services Agreement with Aspen Environmental Group in the amount of$199,900, plus
a 10% change order authorization, for a total not to exceed the amount of$219,900 for
Integrated Resource Plan development services.
District Code 1 .05.020 Objectives:
1. Responsibly serve the public.
4. Provide reliable and high quality electric supply and distribution system to meet
current and future needs.
5. Manage the District in an environmentally sound manner.
6. Manage the District in an effective, efficient and fiscally responsible manner.
District Code 1 .05.030 Goals:
1. Manage for Financial Stability and Resiliency
2. Environmental Stewardship: Create a sustainable resilient environment for all our
4. Take the best of private sector thinking to modernize the utility and add value to our
Aspen's fee estimate to perform the work is a fixed cost of $199,900. Staff is
recommending a ten percent change order allowance for a total authorization not to
exceed $219,900.
The FY22 and FY23 budget includes $160,000 total each year for the Board's four
strategic initiatives (GL account 1.1.923.00.756). The FY23 funds have not been spent
to date, although the broadband initiative was the first to request access to these
budgeted funds during FY22. Staff recommends that the FY23 budgeted funds be used
for the consulting efforts to develop the IRP. There is also the potential that the Electric
utility's non-purchased power expense accounts combined will be under budget in
FY23 to sufficiently offset the cost of the IRP, thereby not reducing funding for other
initiatives. However, it is too early in the fiscal year to forecast this outcome with a high
degree of certainty. Assuming no savings in other expenses to FY23 budget, the
$60,000 overage in initiative expense would decrease Electric's operating reserve by
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0.9%. The Electric utility's operating reserve balance of $6.5 million as of December 31,
2022 is sufficient to fund this potential, but not forecasted, cost overage.
1. RFP Integrated Resource Plan 2023 TDPUD
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Integrated Resource Plan
RFP Issued
April 25, 2023
Proposal Deadline
Monday, May 22, 2023 by 5:00 PM PST
Joe Horvath, P.E. - Electric Utility Director
Phone: (530) 582-3969
Email: JoeHorvath@tdpud.org
Public Utility District 7
11570 Donner Pass Road, Truckee, CA 96161
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1. Introduction
The Truckee Donner Public Utility District (District) is soliciting proposals from qualified
consultants to provide professional services for the development of a long-term Integrated
Resource Plan (IRP). The purpose of the IRP is to evaluate and optimize the District's
portfolio of energy supply resources, including energy efficiency and demand response,
in order to meet our customer's electric needs while balancing various critical, but
sometimes competing, objectives. For the District, those critical objectives include: (1)
system reliability, (2) fiscal responsibility, (3) environmental stewardship, and (4)
regulatory compliance. Firms may be invited to an in-person or phone interview. The
District reserves the right to make a selection after review of the proposals without oral
The District is facing multiple challenges over the next several years. These challenges
include increasing load growth due to customer growth and electrification, new
legislative and regulatory initiatives, new and expanding distributed and demand-
side resources (including energy storage), and increasing percentages of intermittent
renewable resources in the District's power supply portfolio. It is anticipated that the IRP
will evaluate traditional generation, increasing carbon-free generation including
demand-side and energy storage resources, and variations of meeting and expediting
State of California mandated carbon-free resource goals. The selected Consultant shall
provide resource planning expertise and support to help ensure an economically and
environmentally sustainable comprehensive strategy for reliable service, competitive and
stable rates, environmental goals, management of market and other risks, changing
conditions (such as climate or market regulations), and new opportunities (such as
breakthrough technologies).
The District expects this effort to lead to the creation of a robust and flexible IRP looking
as far ahead as year 2040 and perhaps beyond, and be flexible enough to be modified
on "short notice" in response to sudden regulatory, business or operational changes or
new requirements. Through this Request for Proposals, we anticipate engaging the
services of a qualified consultant using the District's standard Professional Services
Agreement (PSA), a copy of which has been included in Appendix A.
2. District Information
The District was established on August 9, 1927 as a Public Utility District under Division
7 of the State Public Utilities Code. At the time of its establishment, the District provided
electric service only. Since 1935, the District has also provided water service within the
Truckee and Donner Lake areas, with the Electric System and the District's water system
maintained and operated separately. As of December 31, 2022, the District provided
electric service to 13,016 residential and 1,632 commercial, governmental, institutional
and other customers. Although residential customers comprise over 88% of all customers,
they consume only about 55% of total energy deliveries. The District is a winter, weekend,
and holiday-peaking utility with a peak demand around 35MW to 38MW, with a smaller
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but growing summer peak in July between about 23MW to 25MW. The District is the sole
provider of retail electric service within its service area. The District's mission is to provide
reliable, high quality utility and customer services while managing resources in a safe,
open, responsible, and environmentally sound manner at the lowest practical cost.
The District is a network transmission service customer under the currently effective joint
Open Access Transmission Tariff (GATT) with Sierra Pacific Power Company (SPPC)
d/b/a NV Energy (NV Energy). The District's load is located entirely with NV Energy's
Balancing Area (BA) and is not connected to any California BA. The District uses NV
Energy's network service to import into and transport across NV Energy's transmission
grid all of the energy that is necessary to serve the District's load.
The District is a Load Serving Entity (LSE) and does not generate electricity itself. The
District's sources of electrical power include resources owned and/or operated by Utah
Association of Municipal Power Systems (UAMPS), Western Area Power Administration
(WAPA), and Truckee-Carson Irrigation District (TCID). The District has entered into
various agreements with these entities for electrical power which is generated from wind,
solar, landfill gas, hydroelectric projects, natural gas, and other sources. UAMPS is also
the Scheduling Coordinator (SC) for all energy resources received by the District. Table
2-1 provides a summary of the District's existing and contracted power supply resources
as of this RFP with the approximate share of the District's capacity in MWs.
Table 2-1 Existing Power Supply Resources
F Share (MW) Notes
Horse Butte Wind Phase I UAMPS 15.0
Pleasant Valley Wind UAMPS 0.25
Trans-Jordan Landfill Gas UAMPS 3.2
Nebo Natural Gas UAMPS 5.0
Veyo Waste Heat Recovery UAMPS 1.7
Red Mesa Solar UAMPS 6.0
5-Year Market Purchase UAMPS 4.0
Stampede Powerplant WAPA 4.0
Central Valley Project WAPA 2.0 2025
Old Lahontan Hydroelectric TCID 2.7
Table 2-2 provides a listing of the several power supply resource possibilities as of this
RFP with approximate MWs of total project capacity and expected availability, if known.
There is also some interest in local generation primarily focused on biomass, but the scale
and scope is unknown at this time.
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Table 2-2 Future Power Supply Resource Possibilities
Resource Owner Capacity •
Horse Butte Wind Phase II UAMPS 60.0 2025
Geothermal Resource UAMPS - RFP in process
Solar Plus Storage Resource UAMPS - RFP in process
Carbon Free Power Project UAMPS 462.0 2030
Various Geothermal Projects OME' - 2025
New Lahontan Hydroelectric TCID 4.0 2025
3. Scope of Work
The Scope of Work (Scope) shall include, but is not limited to, the following work to be
performed and provided by the Consultant. Proposals may deviate or expand on this
Scope based on individual experience and judgment, so as to provide a complete work
product. Suggested changes to the Scope that result in improvements to the
performance, reliability, and financial impact of the District's resources and retail rates,
are especially encouraged.
In general, it is expected that the consulting effort will involve development of a load
forecast, and assessment and modeling of current and potential power supply resources
including financial impacts, while considering of the impacts of District-developed
present/future energy efficiency and demand side management programs. Resource
planning considerations should include, but are not limited to, regional transmission
constraints/rights, WECC mandated resource adequacy and capacity requirements,
current/probable future renewable portfolio standards, opportunities, costs, and California
regulatory greenhouse gas (GHG) regulations.
The key outcome of the IRP is for the District to obtain a strategic power supply"roadmap"
to include the acquisition of various simplified models/tools that will assist the District in
updating/reevaluating various power supply objectives after completion of the study. The
IRP shall include written reports, presentations, and electronic data. In its analyses, the
IRP shall give appropriate consideration to District input, infrastructure limitations, existing
resource commitments, prudent utility policies and practices, energy cost and other risks,
rate impacts, anticipated energy market conditions, and current and anticipated future
state and federal legislation, policies, and regulations that may be applicable to the
resource option, or program being analyzed or proposed.
The objectives, scope of work, and general responsibilities of the consultant are outlined
in the foregoing sections.
3.1. Governing Objectives
While the District will be an active participant in the study, and will be responsible to supply
the Consultant with power supply, financial and other data, the Consultant shall take the
OME—Open Mountain Energy, Lehi, Utah
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lead and be responsible for all activities necessary to provide a complete and thorough
work product.
It should be noted that the scope of work solicited by this RFP seeks to develop an
Integrated Resource Plan for the District which maintains balance across four overarching
objectives which include (1) System Reliability, (2) Fiscal Responsibility, and (3)
Environmental Stewardship, and (4) Regulatory Requirements. This is summarized below
in Table 3-1:
Table 3-1 Governing Objectives for District IRP
■ Maintain a peak demand planning reserve margin of at least
System Reliability Meet NV Energy requirements in compliance with the GATT; and
• Integrate remote and variable generation, demand side
management and distributed energy resources.
Fiscal Maintain stable, competitive rates;
Responsibility 0 Manage market volatility'; and
Minimize costs of greenhouse gas compliance.
Minimize the environmental impact of meeting the District's
electric energy needs;
Environmental Comply with all federal and state laws and regulations; and
Stewardship Meet or exceed required standards for renewables (RPS
percentage), carbon-free resources and GHG emission
Regulatory ' Compliance with SB 350, SB 100, and SB 1020.
3.2. Key Components in IRP
The expected IRP shall cover two planning periods:
Planning Period 1 — 2024 to 2030; and
Planning Period 2 — 2031 to 2040.
In general, Planning Period 1 coincides with what may be characterized as a more
relatively well defined period of regulatory initiatives for RPS and GHG requirements.
Energy/gas markets as well as operational and regulatory circumstances that may shape
Planning Period 2 are more difficult to foresee and forecast. As a result, Planning Period
2 will be viewed from a relatively higher and less focused vantage point, with likely higher
associated uncertainty.
2 Or WECC requirement
3 e.g., energy, capacity, RECs, and carbon
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The integrated resource plan developed by the successful bidder will contain the following
key components:
1. Load Forecast: Conduct a load forecast for each Planning Period to determine
the electric energy and capacity requirements of the District as a whole.
Develop a model for which the District may run scenarios based on values of
different variables. Include the model as a deliverable. Disclose all
assumptions utilized in the creation of the model.
2. Power Contract Review: Review all existing power supply contracts. Indicate
when those contracts will need to be renewed and/or that may be approaching
end of life. Evaluate the status of the contracts and address the options
available to the District regarding these contracts including, but not limited to:
renegotiation/renewal; modifications to capacity and energy; sell/transfer to
others; or termination. In addition, specific assistance is required for the
Stampede Reservoir energy resource contract as detailed below.
2.1 Evaluation of Stampede Contract Pricing Proposal -The District has
an existing agreement with WAPA for the purchase of all energy and RECs
from Stampede Reservoir and Power Plant (Stampede) located near
Truckee, California. Stampede is operated by the Bureau of Reclamation,
but energy purchases are administered by WAPA. The District and the City
of Fallon, Nevada have equal rights (50-50 split) to this energy, although
the District has entered into an agreement with the City of Fallon to replace
their half share of Stampede energy with energy from other District
resources at UAMPS. The District's existing agreement with WAPA expires
December 31, 2024, however WAPA is proposing new pricing along with a
contract extension which must be approved by September 30, 2023. The
Consultant shall evaluate the WAPA proposal, and prepare counter
proposals for review and consideration by the District. The Consultant shall
assist the District in negotiations with WAPA which are anticipated to take
place in the July-August 2023 timeframe. The Consultant shall also evaluate
the existing agreement and prepare a new proposed agreement with the
City of Fallon for Stampede replacement energy for review by the District.
3. Resource Utilization Plan: Identify the utilization of resources and types of
resources selected to meet future needs and other factors of interest to permit
an understanding of the potential future resource needs. In the plan, identify
strategies that would meet or exceed the minimum renewable energy and
greenhouse gas emission requirements established by California and the
4. Sensitivity Analysis: Recommend sensitivities to be examined in final
model(s). Include load growth due to electrification and EV charging, cost,
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reliability and resiliency, renewable expectations, and climate regulation as
mandatory sensitivities.
The District anticipates the following schedule associated with the project:
Notice to Proceed June 9, 2023
WAPA Contract Evaluation July 14, 2023
WAPA Contract Negotiations July/August 2023
Draft Report / Board Presentation October/November 2023
Final Report / Board Presentation November/December 2023
3.3. General Responsibilities of Consultant
Respondent are expected to maintain clear and timely communications with the District
with respect to project timeframes, progress to-date, any issues encountered, and
spending against the approved budget. Furthermore, the nature of this scope of work
requires that the successful bidder communicate results to a variety of audiences. To this
end, the successful bidder is expected to at a minimum:
Provide regular progress updates which include updated schedule, tasks worked on
and completed in the previous week/month, and tasks scheduled for the following
weeks. Information required from the District, issues that may affect schedule, and
risks that may affect successful completion of one or more parts of the project should
also be identified;
Provide a final and comprehensive report containing results from all tasks identified in
the Scope of Work;
Attend several in person meetings with District staff. The purpose of these meetings
will be to update the District on the progress of the project, answer questions, and
address potential scope changes that may be necessary as information is gathered;
Attend up to 2 WAPA meetings with District staff regarding Stampede contract
Attend two Board meetings. The first meeting will be held to present the initial draft
report, answer questions, and solicit feedback. The second meeting will be to present
the final report and answer questions; and
Appoint a single point of contact for interaction with the District.
4. Proposal Requirements
The intent of the RFP is to encourage responses that clearly communicate the
Respondent's understanding of the District's requirements and its approach to
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successfully provide the services on time and within budget. To facilitate the comparative
analysis and evaluation of all proposals, it is required that the proposals are submitted in
the format prescribed. The formats are designed to ensure that information essential for
a comprehensive evaluation is submitted in a consistent manner. Proposals must conform
to the requirements outlined in this section to be considered responsive.
Proposals shall take the form of two separate documents — a Technical Proposal, and
a Cost Proposal. The Technical Proposal and Cost Proposal must be submitted
separately as described in Section 6 — Instructions.
Respondents are encouraged to prepare submissions in succinct and clear language.
Submitted proposals must include the following:
4.1. Technical Proposal
The technical proposal will contain information about the respondent's qualifications and
proposed approach to the Scope of Work. Note that the technical proposal must function
as a standalone document. Supplementary information provided in the cost proposal may
not be considered during the technical review and scoring. Technical proposal must
include the following components:
4.1.1. Cover Page
Cover page must include a title, indication that the following document is the respondent's
technical proposal, date of submission, and the name of the firm submitting the proposal.
If the respondent is a proposed team of firms then cover letter will list all of the team
member and indicate the prime firm. Finally, cover letter will include a point of contact for
the proposal.
4.1.2. Transmittal Letter
The transmittal letter will include any information that should be highlighted from the
Proposal or any key considerations for the District to consider that are not covered in the
Proposal requirements. The Consultant shall also include any exceptions taken to the
District's standard Agreement, a copy of which has been included in Appendix A. The
letter must be signed by a corporate officer or other individual who has the authority to
bind the proposer.
4.1.3. Table of Contents
Technical Proposal must include a table of contents.
4.1.4. Company Information and Qualifications
Provide legal name of Company or Individual, physical street address, the name(s) and
title(s) of the individual(s) authorized to represent the Respondent, including telephone
number(s) and email address(s). Provide a general overview of the firm, the local
organization, and proposed project team. Include a brief description of the organization's
financial stability, capacity and resources.
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This section must also include a description of the respondent's qualifications and
previous experience on similar or related projects. This information should include:
Knowledge, experience, skills and ability to conduct proposed scope of work;
Understanding of and experience working with clients in the Public sector; and
Additional qualifications addressing requirements outlined in the Scope.
An organization chart should be provided depicting the relationship of all project team
members, including the District. Include a short bio for key individuals proposed in the
organizational chart.
4.1.5. Technical Approach
Provide a description of the approach and understanding of the work required, specific to
the District and the Scope of Work outlined in Section 3. The content of this section must
Respondents understanding of the Scope of Work and include any deviations
from specified scope;
Outline of implementation plan including expected tasks and deliverables;
Quality assurance approach for data analysis and reporting deliverables; and
Proposed project schedule.
Organize the proposed approach into expected tasks/phases for scope of work.
4.1.6. Management Plan
Respondent must provide a description of their project management processes and how
they will be applied to ensure success. If a team of contractors is proposed, respondent
will demonstrate how firms will coordinate to maintain clear communications and
4.1.7. References
Provide THREE (3) references from others who have enlisted the services of the prime
contractor in the past five (5) years. Include contact name, organization, title, and phone
number. Respondent must provide (2) references for each sub-contractor proposed to
take key leadership roles in project management.
4.1.8. Resumes
Include resumes for all key staff referenced in the project organization plan. Do not include
resumes for staff not identified as having key roles in either the costing proposal or the
management plan.
4.1.9. Additional Data
Respondent may include any other information that it deems helpful to the evaluation of
the proposal such as examples of completed IRPs that are representative of the District's
Scope of Work, letters of reference, etc.
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4.2. Cost Proposal
The Consultant shall provide a cost proposal with a breakdown of costs by task and a
total project cost. Costs shall be based on hourly costs as listed in the Cost Proposal for
project staff. Also include anticipated expenses such as printing, postage,
communications, computer charges, travel, etc. The Cost Proposal will not be opened
until after the District has evaluated and ranked the Proposals according to all other
selection criteria. Cost proposal must include the following components:
4.2.1. Cover Page
Cover page must include a title, indication that the following document is the respondent's
cost proposal, date of submission, and the name of the firm submitting the proposal. If
the respondent is a proposed team of firms then cover letter will list all of the team member
and indicate the prime firm. Finally, cover letter will include a point of contact for the
4.2.2. Transmittal Letter
The transmittal letter will include any information that should be highlighted from the Cost
Proposal or any key considerations for the District to consider that are not covered in the
Proposal requirements. The letter must be signed by a corporate officer or other individual
who has the authority to bind the proposer.
4.2.3. Proposed Budget
Respondent must provide a detailed cost proposal for completing all tasks outlined in the
Scope of Work in the proposed Project Implementation Approach. Costs are to be broken
down by task and labor category. The budget should also indicate the hourly rates for all
labor categories and well as any expected fixed costs associated with the work under
each task (e.g. travel, equipment, etc.).
4.2.4. Staff Loading Matrix
Provide a tabular listing of the anticipated staffing level for the project. The staff loading
matrix should be an itemized staffing breakdown in spreadsheet form by work task,
indicating personnel classification and hours for each Consultant team member.
5. Selection Criteria
Proposals shall be evaluated using the criteria listed below to ascertain which Consultant
is most advantageous to the District. The evaluation will use a point system, with the total
points available equaling 100. The District may conduct telephone interviews based on
information presented in the Proposals. Proposal evaluation criteria, with corresponding
weighting values, are as follows:
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Table 5-1 Proposal Scoring
Proposal Evaluation Criteria Points
Technical Approach 30
Staff Experience and Qualifications 25
Depth and Quality of Firm's Experience 20
Management Approach - QA/QC 10
Cost 15
Total 100
The District reserves the unqualified right, in its sole and absolute discretion, to:
Waive any immaterial defect or informality;
Reject any or all Proposals, or portions thereof; and
Reissue the Request for Proposals.
A response to the RFP is an offer to contract with the District based upon the Scope of
Work and the District's standard Agreement (Appendix A). Proposals submitted shall be
firm offers and may not be withdrawn for a period of sixty (60) calendar days following
receipt by the District. The District reserves the right to award a contract on the basis of
accepting the Proposal that is most advantageous to the District. The District is the sole
judge of the merits of the submitted Proposals. The District reserves the right to negotiate
the final terms and conditions including cost and modifications to the Scope of Work. If
the District and the highest ranked firm are unable to negotiate a Contract, the District
reserves the right to negotiate with successively lower ranked firms until a Contract is
made or all negotiations are terminated.
6. Instructions
The Respondent shall submit proposal electronically via email with the subject:
"Integrated Resource Plan Proposal". Email shall include respondent's Technical
Proposal and Cost Proposal as separate attachments which are clearly labeled as such.
All proposals shall be submitted in PDF format and submitted to:
Regina Cooley, Contract Administrator
Truckee Donner PUD
11570 Donner Pass Road
Truckee, California 96161
Email: contracts(cD-tdpud.org
Proposals must be received no later than 5:00 PM on Monday, May 22, 2023. Late
submittals will not be accepted
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6.1. RFP Not Contractual
Nothing contained in this Request for Proposals shall create any contractual relationship
between the respondent and the District. Any expenses incurred in preparing or
submitting proposals shall be at the sole cost and expense of the respondents.
6.2. RFP Schedule
The RFP schedule is as follows:
RFP Issued April 25, 2023
Questions Due May 12, 2023
Submittals Due May 22, 2023
Reviews of Submittals by May 31, 2023
Notification of Successful Firm by June 2, 2023
Board Approval June 7, 2023
6.3. Questions
Written questions regarding this RFP may be submitted by mail or email until
5 PM, May 12, 2023 to:
Regina Cooley, Contract Administrator
Truckee Donner PUD
11570 Donner Pass Road
Truckee, California 96161
Email: reginacooley(o tdpud.org
Correspondence must indicate that it is an "RFP Question" so as not to confuse it with a
sealed Proposal.
6.4. Addenda
Interpretations or clarifications considered necessary by the District in response to
questions will be issued by Addenda mailed or delivered to all parties recorded by the
District as having received the RFP. In order for the District to have an accurate list of
RFP holders, send an email to Regina Cooley at the above address with the necessary
contact information on or before May 12, 2023. Any addendum issued as a result of any
change to this RFP must be acknowledged in the Consultant's transmittal letter or a copy
of the Addenda must be attached to the Proposal.
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6.5. Consulting Services Agreement
The selected firm will be required to enter into an Agreement for Professional Services
with the District. A copy of the District's standard Agreement is included in Appendix A.
The Consultant should comment in the Proposal Cover Letter on any issues that may be
of concern with the District's standard Agreement.
6.6. Other Information
Other information including any answers to proposal questions and RFP Addenda, as
needed, will be available for download on the District's web site, www.tdpud.org, under
the "Request for Proposals" link.
7. Appendices
Appendix A — Agreement for Professional Services (Sample Copy — Do Not Sign)
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Appendix A- Professional Services Agreement
11570 Donner Pass Road
Truckee,California 96161
Project Name:
The terms of this Agreement are contained in the body of the Agreement and in Attachments A through D.
Each attachment is incorporated herein by reference and becomes an integral part of this Agreement between
the parties when the Agreement is signed. IN THE EVENT THAT THERE IS ANY INCONSISTENCY
For your protection,make sure that you read and understand all provisions before signing.
Instructions: Sign and return original. Upon acceptance by the TRUCKEE DONNER PUBLIC UTILITY
DISTRICT, a copy will be signed by the District's authorized representative and returned to you. Insert the name/s
of your authorized representative(s)in the place provided.
1.1 This Agreement shall be effective on the date that it is executed by the District.
1.2 The Consultant shall commence the performance of the Professional Services immediately after the fee and
schedule are agreed upon and a written Notice To Proceed is issued. Time is of the essence of this
Agreement. Failure to meet the schedule contained in this Agreement shall constitute a default by the
1.3 This Agreement shall expire on:
2.1 Consultant shall provide the professional services which are described in ATTACHMENT A, hereinafter
referred to as"Professional Services."
2.2 Consultant shall perform all the tasks required to accomplish the Professional Services in conformity with
the applicable requirements of Federal, State and local laws in effect at the time that the scope of work is
substantially completed by the Consultant. The Consultant shall comply with applicable standards of
professional care in the performance of the Professional Services. Where any circumstance exists for
which the Consultant must make a judgment that could result in a materially different change in condition,
the Consultant shall advise the Contract Officer in advance and request specific direction.
2.3 The Consultant shall,without additional compensation,correct or revise any Professional Services that do
not meet the standard of professional responsibility.
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2.4 The District's review, approval or acceptance of, or payment for, the services required under this
Agreement shall not be construed to operate as a release or waiver of any rights of the District under this
Agreement or of any cause of action arising out of Consultant's performance of this Agreement, and
Consultant is responsible to the District for all damages to the District caused by the Consultant's
performance of any of the services under this Agreement.
2.5 Consultant shall maintain all of its records related to the project for a minimum of five (5)years from the
date of final payment. Consultant shall permit representatives of the District to review all project related
2.6 Consultant shall not be responsible for means, methods, techniques, sequences or procedures of
construction selected by construction contractor for the project or the health or safety precautions and
programs incident to the work of such contractor,and shall not be responsible for construction contractor's
failure to carry out work in accordance with the contract documents. Construction contractor is solely and
completely responsible for jobsite conditions including the safety of all persons and property.
3.1 The amount of payment to Consultant for providing the Professional Services is set forth in
ATTACHMENT B. No payment shall be allowed for unless specifically described in ATTACHMENT B.
3.2 Consultant shall not be entitled to any additional fees for work incidental to the design, for any design
clarifications,or for changes resulting from errors or omissions by the Consultant or any Sub-Consultant.
3.3 A Project Schedule showing all milestones has been developed by the Consultant and is attached as
4.1 District shall furnish the required information and services and shall render approvals and decisions
expeditiously to allow the orderly progress of the Consultant's services as shown on ATTACHMENT C.
4.2 The District's General Manager or a designated District Representative shall serve as the District's
"Contract Officer" for this Agreement and has the authority to execute this Agreement, direct the
Consultant, approve actions, request changes, and approve additional services. Any obligation of the
District shall be the responsibility of the Contract Officer. Excepting the provisions pertaining to dispute
resolution, no other party shall have any authority under this Agreement unless specifically delegated in
5.1 The name and location of the place of business of each Sub-Consultant that Consultant will use to perform
work or render service to the Consultant in performing this Agreement is contained in ATTACHMENT D.
No change to any Sub-Consultant shall be made without the written approval of the Contract Officer.
5.2 If Consultant subcontracts for any of the work to be performed under this Agreement, Consultant shall be
as fully responsible to the District for the acts and omissions of Consultant's Sub-Consultants and for the
persons either directly or indirectly employed by the Sub-Consultants, as Consultant is for the acts and
omissions of Consultant and persons directly employed by Consultant. Nothing contained in the
Agreement shall create any contractual relationship between any Sub-Consultant of Consultant and the
District. Consultant shall bind every Sub-Consultant to the terms of the Agreement applicable to
Consultant's work unless specifically noted to the contrary in the subcontract in question and approved in
writing by the Contract Officer.
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5.3 The District may unilaterally reduce the scope of work to be performed by the Consultant. Upon doing so,
District and Consultant agree to meet and confer in good faith to negotiate a deductive change order.
The Consultant shall not perform work in excess of the Professional Services without the prior written
approval of the Contract Officer. All requests for extra work shall be by written Change Order submitted to
the Contract Officer and signed prior to the commencement of such work. Fees for additional work will be
negotiated on a fixed fee basis.
No verbal agreement or conversation with any officer, agent or employee of the District, either before,
during or after the execution of this Agreement, shall affect or modify any of the terms or obligations
herein contained nor shall such verbal agreement or conversation entitle Consultant to any additional
payment whatsoever unless approved by the Contract Officer.
8.1 In the event of Consultant's failure to prosecute,deliver, or perform the Professional Services,or where the
Consultant fails to perform the work in accordance with the project schedule (ATTACHMENT C), the
District may terminate this Agreement for cause by notifying Consultant by certified mail of said
termination. Thereupon, Consultant shall cease work and within five (5) working days, assemble all
documents owned by the District and in Consultant's possession,and deliver said documents to the District,
and ensure that all work in progress is placed in a safe and protected condition. The Contract Officer shall
make a determination of the percentage of work that Consultant has performed that is usable and of worth
to the District. Based upon that finding, the Contract Officer shall determine any final payment due to
8.2 This Agreement may be terminated by the District, without cause, upon the giving of fifteen (15) days
written notice by certified mail to the Consultant. Prior to the fifteenth(15th)day following the giving of
the notice, the Consultant shall cease work, assemble all documents owned by the District and in
Consultant's possession and deliver said documents to the District, and ensure that all work in progress is
placed in a safe and protected condition. The Contract Officer shall make a determination of the
percentage of work that Consultant has performed that is usable and of worth to the District. Based upon
that finding,the Contract Officer shall determine any final payment due to Consultant.
9.0 PROFESSIONAL RELATIONSHIP. Consultant shall serve as the District's professional representative
with respect to the Professional Services.
10.0 PARTIES TO ACT IN GOOD FAITH. District and Consultant agree to cooperate with each other in
order to fulfill their responsibilities and obligations under this Agreement. Both District and Consultant
shall endeavor to maintain good working relationships among members of the project team.
orders from any person other than the Contract Officer or the person(s) whose name(s) is (are) inserted on
Page 9 as"other authorized representative(s)."
12.0 PERFORMANCE OF WORK BY THIRD PARTIES. District acknowledges that Consultant is not
responsible for the performance of work by third parties including, but not limited to, the construction
contractor and its sub-contractors.
13.0 CHANGES IN SCOPE OF WORK--EXTRA SERVICES. District agrees that if District requests
services not specified in the scope of services described in this Agreement, District will pay for all such
additional services as extra services, in accordance with Consultant's billing rates utilized for this
Agreement. Any change in the scope of the Professional Services to be done, method of performance,
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nature of materials or price thereof, or to any other matter materially affecting the performance or nature of
the Professional Services will not be paid for or accepted unless such change, addition or deletion is
approved in advance, in writing by a supplemental agreement executed by the District's "authorized
representative(s)". Consultant's "authorized representative(s)" has (have) the authority to execute such
written change for Consultant.
14.0 PERMITS. Permits required by governmental authorities will be obtained at Owner's expense, and
Consultant will comply with applicable local, state, and federal regulations and statutes including
Cal/OSHA requirements.
15.0 TERMS OF PAYMENT. Payment,unless otherwise specified in Attachment C, is to be thirty(30) days
after acceptance by the District. For Professional Services performed by the Consultant, the District shall
pay the Consultant in accordance with monthly statements submitted by the Consultant based upon the
percentage of work completed during the preceding month. Payment for extra services shall be based on
monthly statements submitted by the Consultant for the extra services performed by the Consultant during
the proceeding month. The Consultant shall be paid interest on payments due from the District which are
not received within thirty(30) days of the date of billing. The interest rate shall be one percent(1%)per
month on the unpaid balance or the maximum legal rate that the District can pay,whichever is less.
16.0 INDEMNIFICATION. Consultant shall defend, indemnify and hold the District, its directors, officers,
employees, and authorized volunteers harmless from losses, liabilities, expenses, including reasonable
attorney's fees,damages and costs arising out of personal injury,death,or property damage,but only to the
extent such losses, liabilities, expenses, damages and costs arise out of, pertain to or relate to the active
negligence, recklessness or willful misconduct of Consultant under this Agreement. Consultant shall also
defend itself against any and all liabilities, claims, losses, damages, and costs arising out of or alleged to
arise out of Consultant's performance or non-performance of the work hereunder, and Consultant shall not
tender such claims to District nor to its directors, officers, employees, or authorized volunteers, for defense
or indemnity. Further, as respects Consultant's operations (as opposed to Consultant's Professional
Services),Consultant shall also provide the District a defense,and indemnify and hold the District harmless
from losses,liabilities,expenses,including reasonable attorney's fees,damages and costs through and as an
additional insured to Consultant's commercial general liability policy.
17.0 WORKERS' COMPENSATION INSURANCE. By his/her signature hereunder, Consultant certifies
that he/she is aware of the provisions of Section 3700 of the California Labor Code which requires every
employer to be insured against liability for workers' compensation or to undertake self-insurance in
accordance with the provisions of that code, and that Consultant will comply with such provisions before
commencing the performance of the Professional Services under this Agreement. Consultant and Sub-
Consultants will keep workers' compensation insurance for their employees in effect during all work
covered by this Agreement.
18.0 PROFESSIONAL LIABILITY INSURANCE. Consultant will file with the District, before beginning
Professional Services, a certificate of insurance satisfactory to the District evidencing professional liability
coverage of not less than $1,000,000 per claim and annual aggregate, requiring thirty(30) days notice of
cancellation(10 days for non-payment of premium)to the District. Any insurance, self-insurance or other
coverage maintained by the District, its directors, officers, employees, or authorized volunteers shall not
contribute to it. Coverage is to be placed with a carrier with an A.M.Best rating of no less than A-:VII,or
equivalent, or as otherwise approved by the District. The retroactive date(if any) is to be no later than the
effective date of this Agreement. In the event that the Consultant employs other Consultants (Sub-
Consultants) as part of the work covered by this Agreement, it shall be the Consultant's responsibility to
require and confirm that each Sub-Consultant meets the minimum insurance requirements specified above.
19.0 GENERAL LIABILITY INSURANCE. Consultant will file with the District, before beginning
Professional Services, certificates of insurance satisfactory to the District evidencing general liability
coverage of not less than $1,000,000 per occurrence ($2,000,000 general and products-completed
operations aggregate (if used)) for bodily injury, personal injury and property damage; auto liability of at
least $1,000,000 for bodily injury and property damage each accident limit; workers' compensation
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(statutory limits) and employer's liability ($1,000,000) (if applicable); requiring thirty (30) days for non-
payment of premium) notice of cancellation to the District. Any insurance, self-insurance or other
coverage maintained by the District, its directors, officers, employees, or authorized volunteers shall not
contribute to it. The general liability coverage shall give the District, its directors,officers,employees,and
authorized volunteers insured status using ISO endorsement CG2010, CG2033, or equivalent. Coverage is
to be placed with a carrier with an A.M. Best rating of no less than A-:VII, or equivalent, or as otherwise
approved by the District. In the event that the Consultant employs other Consultants (Sub-Consultants) as
part of the work covered by this Agreement, it shall be the Consultant's responsibility to require and
confirm that each Sub-Consultant meets the minimum insurance requirements specified above. For any
claims related to the Professional Services, the Contractor's insurance coverage will be primary insurance
with respect to the District's insurance. The insurance maintained by the District shall be excess of the
Contractor's insurance and will not contribute with it.
20.0 CONTINUATION OF INSURANCE COVERAGE. If any of the required coverages expire during the
term of this Agreement,the Consultant shall deliver the renewal certificate(s)including the general liability
additional insured endorsement to the District at least ten(10)days prior to the expiration date.
21.0 CONFLICT OF INTEREST. Consultant agrees that it will not undertake work for any other principal or
client which could pose a conflict of interest or provide for the utilization of the experience,knowledge and
work product produced as a result of this Agreement for the benefit of a party whose interests may be
adverse to those of the District. Consultant agrees that it will not undertake work in which a conflict of
interest may arise for a period of ten (10)years after the date of execution of this Agreement without first
exploring the nature of the work and the potential for conflict of interest with the interest of the District or
potential disadvantageous results of the undertaking or the utilization of the District's work products. If the
District reasonably determines that there could be a conflict of interest or will be a conflict of interest,
Consultant agrees not to undertake such work or to offer to perform such work until the issue has been
resolved if Consultant shall disagree.
22.0 WORK PRODUCT. Consultant agrees that if any work product involves the development of
methodologies, computer programs, or statistical or data gathering methodology, that work product
methodology, computer program, coding system, or similar method for gathering, compiling or appraising
data shall be a portion of the work product of Consultant which is owned by and shall be provided to
District upon its request. Consultant agrees that District, upon payment in full for services rendered and
expenses incurred, shall be entitled to all photographs, notes, maps, calculations, observations, computer
programs,runs or compilations, statistics, preliminary design, final design, work drawings, shop drawings
or calculations, or any and all other "work product" of Consultant, and upon early termination or
termination in due course or thereafter, may request that such materials may be copied and the copies
retained by Consultant and the originals provided to District. Any use, re-use or modification of
Consultant's instruments of service without Consultant's participation shall be at District's sole risk, and
District agrees to indemnify, defend and hold Consultant harmless from any claims, liabilities, damages or
expenses, including reasonable attorney's fees,to the extent arising out of such use,re-use or modification.
District shall also receive any and all documentation on computer diskette compatible with District word
processing or other computer programs, including input data as well as output data. The reasonable costs
of copying shall be a Project Cost payable by District. Files in electronic media format or text, data,
graphic or other types that are furnished by Consultant to the District are only for convenience of the
District. Any conclusion or information obtained or derived from such electronic files will be at the user's
sole risk. When transferring documents in electronic media format,Consultant makes no representations as
to long-term compatibility, usability, or readability of documents resulting from the use of software
application packages, operating systems or computer hardware differing from those in use by consultant at
the beginning of this assignment.
that in providing the Professional Services, Consultant will gain information, experience and
methodologies which may be usable in other work of Consultant, so long as that other work does not cause
a conflict of interest or work to the disadvantage of District. The District will have no claims for the
monetary value of the experience, methodology, or use of the work methods for other work undertaken by
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Consultant. However, Consultant agrees that it will not publish any articles,provide any interview, make
public comments, or supply copies of any work product of Consultant done for District except in
accordance with valid legal process served upon it or pursuant to the written direction of Consultant. In
those circumstances in which District notifies Consultant in writing that a matter shall be treated as subject
to this provision until further order of the District, Consultant will not provide any of this work product to
any third parry. District is a governmental entity and may be subject to the Public Records Act,Freedom of
Information Act, or other terms and provisions of the law, depending upon the circumstances. Consultant
agrees that the determination of that applicability shall be solely within the authority of District, and
Consultant shall not make work product or other materials available to third parties or other governmental
agencies unless directed to do so by District. The purpose of this provision is to establish a method to
provide persons or agencies public information that they are entitled to receive while keeping uniform
records about the availability of such materials, the dates that such information is provided to persons
entitled to receive it, and to ensure that complete response is made to valid legal requests for information,
whether pursuant to administrative, legal or Public Records Act requests. Nothing in this Agreement shall
render the records, documents or materials of Consultant as a public record available for inspection or
review,except to the extent required by law.
24.0 DISPUTE RESOLUTION. The parties agree that if any dispute should arise under the terms and
provisions of this Agreement, the parties agree first to try, in good faith,to settle the dispute by mediation,
before resorting to court action. The costs of mediation shall be borne equally by the parties. Neither party
shall file a court action without first meeting in mediation and making a good faith attempt to reach a
mediated resolution. The mediation shall be conducted in Truckee, California, unless the parties agree to
conduct it in a different location. If, for any dispute or claim to which this paragraph applies, any party
commences court action without first attempting to resolve the matter through mediation or refuses to
mediate after a written request has been made, then that party shall not be entitled to recover attorney fees,
even if they would otherwise be available to that party in any such action.
25.0 FORCE MAJEURE. If either party hereto shall be delayed or prevented from the performance of any act
required hereunder by reason of acts of God, labor troubles, inability to procure materials, restrictive
governmental laws or regulations of the United States or any state or political subdivision thereof or other
cause without fault and beyond the control of the party obligated, specifically excepting any asserted
financial difficulty including fluctuations of local and national economics, and fluctuations in the price of
precious metals, performance of such act shall be excused for the period equivalent to the period of such
delay, specifically provided that the total period(s)of delay permitted under this paragraph will not exceed
26.0 SEVERABILITY. If any term, condition or covenant of this Agreement is held by a court of competent
jurisdiction to be invalid, void or unenforceable, the remaining provisions of this agreement shall be valid
and binding on District and Consultant.
27.0 CHOICE OF LAW. This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of
the State of California.
28.0 NO ASSIGNMENT. Consultant shall not assign this Agreement without the prior written consent of the
Contract Officer.
28.0 ATTORNEY'S FEE.The prevailing party in any action to enforce or interpret this Agreement shall be
entitled to recover its attorneys'fees and costs,including expert fees.
29.0 VENUE.Any action to enforce or interpret this Agreement shall be commenced and maintained only in the
Superior Court in and for the County of Nevada, State of California,if in state court,or in the Federal
District Court for the Eastern District of California,if in federal court."
30.0 WHOLE AND ENTIRE AGREEMENT.This Agreement contains the entire agreement between District
and Consultant relating to the project and the provision of services for the project. Any prior agreements,
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promises,negotiations or representations not expressly set forth in this agreement are of no force or effect.
Subsequent modifications to this Agreement shall be in writing and signed by both District and Consultant.
31.0 NO WAIVER OR DISCLAIMER. District's or Consultant's waiver of any term, condition or covenant
shall not constitute the waiver of any other term, condition or covenant. District's or Consultant's waiver
of any breach of this Agreement shall not constitute the waiver of any other breach of the Agreement.
32.0 BINDING UPON HEIRS, SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS. This Agreement shall be binding upon the
heirs,executors,administrators,successors and assigns of District and Consultant.
33.0 STATUS OF CONSULTANT. Consultant shall perform the services provided for herein in a manner of
Consultant's own choice, as an independent contractor and in pursuit of Consultant's independent calling,
and not as an employee of the District. Consultant shall be under control of the District only as to the result
to be accomplished and the personnel assigned to the project. Consultant shall confer with the District at a
mutually agreed frequency and inform the District of incremental work/progress as well as receive
direction from the District.
individuals named below shall be personally assigned to the PROJECT to provide supervision and have
responsibility for the work during the entire term of this Agreement. No substitutions to these named
individuals shall be made without prior approval of the Contract Officer:
35.0 COVENANT AGAINST CONTINGENT FEES. Consultant warrants that it has not employed or
retained any company or person, other than a bona fide employee working for Consultant, to solicit or
secure this Agreement,and that Consultant has not paid or agreed to pay any company or person,other than
a bona fide employee, any fee, commission, percentage, brokerage fee, gift, or any other consideration
contingent upon,or resulting from,the award or making of this Agreement. For breach or violation of this
warranty, the District shall have the right to terminate this Agreement without liability or, at the District's
discretion to deduct from the Agreement price or consideration, or otherwise recover the full amount of
such fee,commission,percentage,brokerage fee,gift or contingent fee.
36.0 ACCOUNTING RECORDS. Consultant shall keep records of the direct reimbursable expenses
pertaining to the Professional Services and the records of all accounts between the Consultant and Sub-
Consultant. Consultant shall keep such records on a generally recognized accounting basis. These records
shall be made available to the Contract Officer, or the Contract Officer's authorized representative, at
mutually convenient times,for a period of five(5)years from the completion of the work.
Any notices to be given under this Agreement,or otherwise,shall be served by First Class mail.
The address of the District,and the proper person to receive any notice on the District's behalf,is:
11570 Donner Pass Road
Truckee,California 96161
ATTN: District General Manager
TEL.NO. (530)587-3896; FAX NO. (530)587-1189
The address of the Consultant,and the proper person to receive any notice on the Consultant's behalf,is:
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The Consultant shall provide a written status report of the progress of the work on a monthly basis that
shall accompany the Consultant's payment invoice. The status report shall, as a minimum,report the work
accomplished to date,describe any milestones accomplished, show and discuss the results on any testing or
exploratory work,provide a schedule update, and if not in accordance with the original schedule, describe
how the Consultant intends to get back on the original schedule. The status report shall also describe any
problems or recommendations to increase the scope of the work, and provide any other information which
may be requested by the District
Signature Signature
By: Brian C.Wright By:
Title: General Manager Title:
Co: Truckee Donner Public Utility District Co:
Date: Date:
Other authorized representative(s): Other authorized representative(s):
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A. PAYMENT FOR SERVICES: Payments to the Consultant for the Professional Services shall be made in the
form of monthly advances due for each Phase based on a percentage of the total fee. The percentage of completion
of a Phase shall be assessed in the sole discretion of the Contract Officer or designated representative. All invoices
submitted by the Consultant shall show an hourly reconciliation of time spent on each Phase. The original invoice
shall be provided for any subcontracted services. Normal processing time for payments is thirty(30)days.
For performance of each Phase or portion thereof as identified below, District shall pay a fixed fee associated with
the Phase of the Professional Services in the amount and at the time or milestones set forth. Consultant shall not
commence Services under any Phase, and shall not be entitled to compensation for the Phase, unless District shall
have issued a Notice to Proceed to the Consultant as to the Phase.
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Listed below are all Sub-Consultants that the Consultant plans to employ to perform work under this Agreement.
No change is allowed without the prior approval of the Contract Officer.
Sub-Consultants are paid through the Consultant.
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