HomeMy WebLinkAbout4 Martis Well 8aucr Erro i meet no Inc. 5303656837 P. 01 `/�.Jj t Sanelrs Engineering, inc. - �— Civil & Euvitownental Fngrinp.ers Memorandum Fehmary 16, 7.001 TO Board of Directors, and Ed Taylor,District Water Superinte.udent I, FROM: Keith Knibb,Consulting Engineer S11R.IRCTt Mortis Valley Well No. 1 -CEQA Ii We have completed the proposed Negative Declaration and Environmental Initial Study for the. Mattis Valley Wetl No. t Pomp Station and Pipeline. "1 hese documents need to be circulated to responsible and interested agencies and made available for public review. The District also needs to schedule a public heatitrg to receive comments. Filing the documents with the county clerk and stare clearinghouse will trigger a thirty day review period. RECOMMENDATION I recommend the Board take the following actions regarding the environmental review fur the Mattis Valley Well No. I Ptunp Station and Pipeline: I. Authorize the filing of the proposed Negative Dcclaration and Fnvironmentai Tnitial Study with the offiee of the Nevada County Clerk. 2. Authorize the circulation of the proposed Negative Declaration and Environmental Initial Study with responsible and interested agencies and with the State Clearinghouse. i 3. Authorize publication of a Notice of Public Review Period and Public blearing on the proposed Negative Declaration. 4. Schedule a public hearing for the proposed Negative Declaration at the regular Board Meeting on March 21, 2001. i j I I t 3 440 Lower Grass Valley Road,Suite A,Nevada City,CA 95959 f5301 7.65-Ag71 Pax (530)265-6s3 4 Savers Ensineerins Inc. 5302656834 P. 02 i I NEGATIVE DECLARATION (XX)Proposed ( )Final NAME OF FROJEC'1: Martis Valley Well No, 1 Pump Station and Pipeline LOCATION: Truckee, California Entity or Person Undertaking Project: (XX) Truckee Donner Public Utility District Other ( ) Name: i Address: Phone:_ PROJECT DESCRIPTION: I Construction of a new well pump station and underground utilities including water pipelines,electrical cunduitS, and communication conduits. I Finding: It is hereby found that the above named project will not have a significant effect upon�he environment. i Initial An initial study of this project was undertaken and prepared in accordance with Article V Study: of the District's local environmental guidelines and Section 1.5063 of the EIR Guide linIs for the California.Environmental Quality Act for the purpose of ascertaining whether is project might have a significant effect upon the environment. A copy of such initial stu�y is attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. Such initial study doeurnei�ts reasons to support the above finding. Mitigation The following mitigation measures have been included in the project to avoid potentially Measures: significant effects: M-L Prior to any ground disturbing activities,the District shall complete the Heritage Rdsou0e Study including surface survey. Any recommended mitigation measures shall }e incorporated into the project. M-2. If artifartc, paleontological or, cultural, or unusual amounts of atone, bone, or shall a, uncovered during construction activity,work shall be halted and a qualifwd archaeologist shall be consulted for an on-site review. Mitigatiuu ueasures, as recommended by the archaeologist and approved by the District in accordance with Appendix K of the CEQA Guidclivaes,shall be implemcntcd prior to recommencement of construction activity. If arty bo,tc ayyeais to be hurnan,California law mandates that the Nevada County Coroner and the Native American Heritage Commission be contacted. y Date: By: 3§ Peter L.Holzmeister, General Manager Sauers Engineering Inc. 5302656834 P. 03 I I i Truckee Donner Public Utility District ENVIRONMENTAL INITIAL STUDY (Prepared pursuant to Article V of the Environmental Guidelines of the District) 1. Project Title,Martis Valley Well No. 1 Pump Station and Pipeline 2. Lead Agency Name and Address: i Truckee Donner Public Utility District P.O.Box 309 Truckee,CA 96 t 60-0309 3. Contact Person and Phone Number: I Peter L. Holzmeister, General Manager (530) SR2-3916 E i 4. Project Location: Nevada County Assessors Parcel Nuanbci 19-440-29 Jacrgci Road,Ti uckcc, CA Section 13, Township 17 North,Range 16 East,MDM i 5. Project Sponsor's Name and Address: f Truckee Donner Public Utility District P.O. Box 309 Truckee,CA 96160-0309 6. General Plan Designation: Public Land Use 7. Zoning; Public Facilities it 8. Description of Project: (Describe the whole action involved, including hot not lirn.ited to later phases of the project, and any secondary,support,or off-site features necessary for its implementation.). I The proposed project involves the construction of a new well pump station and underground utilities including pipelines, electrical conduits and communication conduits. This project follows the construction of the Martis Valley Well No. 1, a new production well.The project will allow water from this new source to be pumped from the Martis Valley aquifer and conveyed to the District's distribution system. Because of the welt and pump station location in the water system,it will directly or indirectly benefit the entire system. Water from the well would be available to Northside, Southside,Gateway,and Tahoe Donner. The new well will greatly enhance system reliability by providing a backup to the District's two primary sources,Airport Well and Northside Well. i The proposed Martis Valley Well No. 1 pump station and pipeline project is consistent with the District's "Water System Masterplan 1995-2015" adopted in March 1997 as well as the draft"Truckee Watei System Water Master Plan Update" currently under consideration fui adoption by the District. The current master plan included the Mertis Valley Well pump station located between the Airport welt and 1 I 4 ^vavacra Enoinccr ins Inc. 5a0:6568a7 P. downtown Truckee with an estimated capacity of 7,000 gpm_ The master plan update includes the Mortis Well No. 1 with an estimated capacity of 1500 Spin. Construction of the pump station will iiucludc an approximately 450 square foot building for the welt pump cquipmeut and citlurinatiun facilities. There will be a paved parking area of approximately 990 square feet. There will be a total of approximately 1,440 square feet of new impervious surface. Cnrivninrion of underground utilities will include approximately 1,300 feet of 16" pipeline along with electrical and communication conduits from the pump station to Joerger Drive,approximately 4,500 feet of 2V pipeline along Jocrgar Drive mid adjacent to dre new Highway 267 Bypass,and approximately 2,300 feet of additional coaduit from Jocrger Drive to existing overhead power and communication lines. The project is expected to Include a total of approximately 1.9 acres of ground disturbance. Pomp station equipment will include a well pump and mutui,cunirul valves,pipe and fittings,electrical controls,instrumentation,telerualty equipment, and water meter. The chlorination equipment will j include,sturago facilities for liquid chlorine solution,transfer and metering pumps,analytical equipment, and safety equipment The building will be constructed of ough textured masonry block with a steel roof. 'lhe bui(ding will include floor drains to allow wash down of the facilities. Floor chants will discharge to a subsurface infiltration trench. Runoff from new impervious surfaucs will be channeled to s the infiltration trench as well. The infiltration trench will be sized to acenmmndate ninoff from a 1-1:our, 20-year sturrn as defined by the l.ahontan Regional Board. 9. Other agencies whose approval is required(and permits needed): California Regional Water Quality Control Board,Lahoatau Region(Report of Waste Discharge) Town of Truckee(Eacroachmeut Per(1it) 10. Environmental Setting of the Project: 'f he pump station project will be located off of Joerger Drive betwccn the Truckee Tahoe Airport and 1110 Truckee River approximately one mile northeast of the intersection with Highway 267. The area is zoned for public facilities. Nearby uses include the TtuckPe Sanitary District offices and maintenance facilities and the Tnhne-Truckee Sanitation Agency facilities. The Taboo Truckee Unified School District is proposing to construct anew maintenance facility near the well and pump station site. The site is approximately two third- of a mile from the Truckee River and one and one-third miles frum the TTSA wastewater treatment plant and disposal facilities. The:project site is sparsely vegetated with sti mbs and grass covering approximately 20%of the area. There are no trees in the project area, The ground surface is rocky soil with no other apparent geologic surface features. There are no signs of wildlife habitation at the site. Thu undergmund utilities will extend frum the pump station site approximately 1,300 feet along an existing dirt access road to Jeerger Drive, The 24"pipeline will be contracted in the shoulder along ` Joerger Drive west approximately 2,600 feet to the Highway 267 Bypass then northwest approximately 1,200 feet adjacent to the bypass right-of-way, The pipeline will cross under the bypass in an existing casing placed as part of the bypass coltahuction,then approximately 300 feet along the extension of Raneb Way to colrucci to an existing distribution pipeline in Martis Drive. 'the conduits will be constructed along the shoulder of Joerger Drive approximately 300 feet east to an existing dirt access road then north along the access road approximately 990 foot to an existing overhead electrical line and at additional 150 feet to an existing overhead communication lure. i The p%jest site is appiuximatcly 700 feet north of Tahoe Truckee Airport property and approximately , 1,400 feet from the runway. Between the prtrject site and airport is a tree covered slope. The slope is q 2 ^eaucr Enoinccrino Inc. 530'-'65683'1 P. 05 j i approximately 300h and rises about 100 feet in elevation above the well site to the airport runway. With a height of less than 20 feet,the building will be well bolow any of the airport fliA-bt lilies. The Tahoo-Truckce Sanitation Agcucy wastcwatoT treatment plant and disposal facilities are located approx itirately 7.000 feet northeast of the well site at an elevation approximately 70 feet lower than the wcll site. The plant treats wastewater from the north Lake'Pahoe and Truckee areas and disposes the i Treated wastewater via laud application around the plant. 1 i I l I i I 1 i i Sauers Ensineerins rnc- 5302656834 i P. 06 I Fnviroarnental Factors Potentially Affected: The environmental factors checked below would be potentially affected by this project,involving at least one impact that is a"Potentially Significant Impact'or"Forcotially Sigrrirl�;am Unless mitigated,"as indicated by the checklist on the following pages. EJ Land Use and Planning ❑ Transportation/Circulation ❑ Public Services ❑ Population and Housing ❑ DiologicalRcsources ❑ Utilities and Service Systems O Geophysical ❑ Energy and Mineral Rearnnres ❑ Aesthetics ❑ W ater ❑ Hazards W Cultural Resources ❑ Air Quality ❑ Noise ❑ Recreation El Mandatory Findings of Significance I Determination. (To be completed by the Lead Agency.) i On the basis of this initial evaluation: I find that the proposed project COULD NOT have a significant effect on the environment, and a NEGATIVE DECLARATION will be prepared, a I I find that although the proposed project could have a significant effect on the environment, i there will not be a significant effect in this case because the mitigation measures described on the attached sheets have been added to the project. A NEGATIVE DECLARATION will be prepared. ® : I find that the proposed project MAY have a significant effect on the cnvirowncnt,and an ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT is required, ❑ I find that the proposed project MAY have a significant eftcet(s)on the environment,but at least one effect 1)has been adequately analyzed in an earlier document pursuant to applicable legal standards,and 2)has been addressed by mitigation measures based on the earlier analysis as described on attached sheets,if the effect is a"potentially significant impact'or"potentially significant unless mitigated." An ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT is required, but it rrntat analyze only the ❑ . effects that remain to he addressed f Signature Date Peter L Holzmeister,General Manager Truckee Donner Public Utility District Printed Name For i 4 ` I sauor> Er,� � r,00r � ^� rno. sao26sssa� �. °7 Evaluation of Environmental Impacty I) A hrinf'expinnntinn is required for all answers except "Aso Impact`answers that arc adequately supp;i ,by the information sources a lend agency cites in the parcatheses fullox;ng each question. A`No Impact"answer i is Adequately supported if the referenced information sources show that the impact simply does not apply to projects like the one involved(e.g.the project falls outside a fault rupture wnc). A"No Impact"answer should be explained where it is based on project-epecific factors as well as general standards(c.g,the project will not eypose sensitive receptors to pollutants,based on a project specific screening analysis). 2) All answers mnsr take account of the whole action involved,including off-mite as well as on site,cumulative w well as project-level,indirect as well as direct,and contraction as well as oporational impacts. 3) "potentially Si Di ficant Impact"is appropriate if an effect is significant or potentially significant,or if the lead agency lar.lrs information to make a finding of insignificance, If there we one or more"Potentially Significant lnipar..t"entries when the determination is made,EIR is required. 4) "Potentially Significant Unless mitigated"applies where the incorporation of rnitigatioa measures has reduced an effect from"Potentially Signitcam Impact"to a"Less than Significant Impact". The lead agency must de.wri he the.mitigation measures,and briefly explain how they reduce the effect to a less than signi5aant level (mitigation mPagme-s from Section XVII,"Earlier Analyses", may be creel-refercnced). i 5) Farber analyses may he,nand where,pursuant to the tiering,program Elk,or other CEQA process,an effect has"! been adequately Analyzer)in an earlier FIR or negative declaration. Section 15063(o)(3)(D). Earlier analyses are discnased;n Section XVil at the end of the checklist, - fi) i.ead agencies are encouraged to incorporate into the checklist references to information sources for potential impacts(e.g.general plans,zoning ordinances). See the sample question below. A source list should be arraohnd,and oher soarcas used or ind;vfduals contacted should be cited in the discussion. 7) This is Only a snggegtarl form,and lead agencies are free to use different ones. Sample Question t Rotcntislly I. '', Potentially Significant Less Tbnn Significant Unless Significant no leane9(and Supporting Information Sources) Impact rltitigated Impact Impact i 6 Wculd the prvoesal result in potential impacts iamolving� ❑ 0 ❑ ® j Landslides or mudslides? (1,6) (Attached source list explains that 1 in the general plan, and 6 is a USGS topo map- This answer would probably not need further explanation) � L LAND USE AND PLANNING. Mould the prupusal: , a) Conflict with f;eaeral plan Seaixnnliun ur Liming? ❑ ® I t (Source#(s):) b) Conflict wide applicable euviruumcnlal plans or policies aduptvil by agencies wish jtuisdiction over the ❑ ❑ } prujeut? () u) Affect agricultural resources or operations(e.g. i Impacts ro soils or farmlands,or impact.from o incompatible land uses)? (1) 5 iI - 5aucrc Enoinccr ino Inc. Sa0265683'I P. 08 I� 1 it PoteRUaity Petootially Signifi"Att Leaa Taan - Significant Unless Significant NO i Issues(and supporting Infurmatlan 5nR1'eEs) Impact ?litigated Impact Impact; I1. POPULATION AND HOUSING. Would rheproposal: a) C'nmulstive!y exceed official regional or local population projections? (2,3) ® ❑ ❑ ® ; b) Induce substantial growth in an area eidl, directly or indirectly (e,g,through projects in as wul"cluped area or extension of major inf asttuclure)? (2,3) ❑ ❑ c) Displace existing housing,especially affordable housing? (2,3) ❑ ❑ ❑ III. GEOPHYSICAL. Would the proposal result in or expose people to poreatiul irripucrs involving: a) Seismicity: fhultrupmre.? O ❑ U ❑ b) Seismicity: ground shaking or liquefaction? O ❑ Ll ❑ c) Seismicity: seinhe.ortwnami/ (1) G ❑ ❑ ; d) Landslides or mudslides'! (1) LJ ❑ ❑ e) Erosion,changes in topography or unstable Boil conditions from excavation,grading or fill? O U ❑ ❑ f) Suhsidence of the land2 O U Q Cl Is g) Expansive soils? O ❑ ❑ ❑ h) Linique geologic or physical features?O IV. WATER. ld oald the proposal re ult ie: j a) Changes in absorption rates,drainage pilttetr,s,or the rate and amount of surface runoff? O ❑ 11 ❑ b) Expo3ure of people or propetty to wn(cr retired ❑ ❑ ❑ hazards such as flooding? (1) e) Discharge into surface watom or other alteration of surface water quality(e.g.temperature,dissolved oAygcn ur turbidity)? O ❑ ❑ U d) Changes in the amount of wrFare.water in any water body? (1) ❑ U ❑ e) Changes in currents,or the course or direction of WatermoveroennS? (1) ❑ U ❑ f) Cbange in the q112nnry of ground waters,either through direct additions or withdrawals,or through 1 interception of an aquifer by cuts or excavations?(4) ❑ ❑ ® ❑. g) Altered direction or rate of flow of groundwater?O ❑ ❑ ❑ h) Impacts to groundwater quality? (} ❑ ❑ ❑ ® I q 6 V. AIR QUALITY, Would the prroposal, a) Violate any air quality standard or contribute to an f existing or projected air quality violation? O ❑ ❑ U b) Expose sensitive receptors to pollutants? O ❑ ❑ ❑ i 6 � t 1 i F Sauers Ensineerins Inc. 5SO2656834 P. 09 I 1 I'ulou[ially Potentially Significant Less Than Stemr,rant Uri significant Na Issues(and supporting Intm'watiuu Sources) Impact Mitigated Impact ITT i c) alter air movement,moisture,or temperature,or cause any change in climate? (} ❑ ❑ ❑ d) Create objectionable odors? O ❑ ❑ ❑ F VT. I R"SPORTATIONICIRCULATION. i Would the proposal result in: a) Increased vehicle trips or traffic congestion? O ® ❑ Q b) Hazards to safety from design features(e.g.sharp curves or dangerous intersections)or incorr ihlr uses(e.g.farm equipment)?O ❑ c) Inadequate emergency access or access to nearby uses? () ❑ ❑ ❑ d) Insufficient parking capacity r ite or off-site? O ❑ ❑ ❑ 2 e) Hazards or barriers for pedestrians or hiryclists? O ❑ ❑ ❑ ®. f) Conflicts with adopted policies supporting alternative transportation(e.g. him inrnouts,bicycle racks)? () ❑ ❑ ❑ g) Rail,waterhotne nrair traffic impacts? (1) ❑ ❑ ❑ VIT. BIOLOGICAL RESOURCES. Would the proposal resadt in irnpacca to: n) Endangered,threatened or rare species or their habitat (including but not limited to plants,fish,insects, V animals,and birds)? O ❑ ❑ ❑ b) Locally designated spcoics(e.g.heritage trees)? O ❑ ❑ ❑ e) Locally designated natural comet dies(e.g.uak i forest,costal habitat,etc.)? O ❑ ❑ ❑ ® i d) Wctlandbabitat(e.g.iniuslt,riparian andvemal pool)? () ❑ ❑ ❑ l� e) Wildlife dispersat yr inigratoon eorrtdors7 () ❑ ❑ ❑ !f VIII. LNERGY AND MINERAL RESOURCES Mould the prupusat: a) Conflict with adopted energy conservation plans? O ❑ U ❑ b) Use non-renevi ie resources in a wasteful and inefficient manner? O Lj ❑ ❑ IX. HAZARDS. Would the proposal involve: a) A risk of accidental explosion or release of hazardous substances(including,but not limited to: oil, pesticides,chemicals or radiation)? O ❑ b) Possible interference with an emergency response plan or emergency evacuation plan? O ❑ ❑ ❑ l I I P. 1 10 ^vaucrn Encloser ino Inc. 5303656834 PeleutLally Potentially Significant Lena Than Significant Unless Slli u iicanr No Issues(end sappolthtg Information Sources) Impact ;Mitigated Impact Impact! c) The ere�tion of any health hazard or potential health ❑ ❑ ® '� hn"rd? () d) Fxposure of people to existing sources of potential ❑ ❑ ® i health hazards? () , e.) increased fire hazard in arena with flammable brush, grass,or trees? O 0 ❑ ❑ X. NOISE, llnould the proposal result Or a) increases in existing noise levels? {) ❑ ❑ ❑ b) Exposva'c of pwplc to severe noise levels? {) ❑ ❑ U I XL PUBLIC SERVICES. Would the proposal have nn eftct j upon,w'result in a need for new or altered government servkes in any of thefollowinv aroa.v a) Fire prormfin)V {) U ❑ ❑ b) Police protection? O U ❑ U c) Schools? O ❑ ❑ ❑ (T) Maintenance of public facilities,including roads? (} ❑ ❑ a) Other governmental services? O ❑ ❑ ❑ XTT. Ti'I lu'JUS AXD SERVICE SYSTEMS. Would the proposal result in a needfor new systems,or substantial alterations to the following utilities: a) Power or natural gas?O ❑ U ❑ b) Communications systems? O ❑ D ❑ o) Local or regional watch'tieabuent or distribution facilities? O D O ® ❑ d) Sewer or septic tanks?O ❑ 0 ❑ e) Storm water drainage? D ❑ ❑ 1) Solid waste&PUJal?() ❑ U XIII.AESTHETICS. Would the proposal: a) Affect a scenic vista nr scenic highway?() ❑ ❑ ❑ b) Have a demonshnhte negative aesthetic effect?{) ❑ ❑ ❑ '. c) Create tight ter glareY O U ❑ ❑ XIV. CULTURAL RX.SOURCES.Would thepreposal: A) I)istorb paleontological resources?(} © ❑ ❑ b) Disturb archaeological resources? {} ❑ ® U ❑ c) Affect historical resources? O ❑ ❑ U d) Have the potential to cause a physical change which I + would affect unique ethnic culture values?(} ❑ ® ❑ ® 1 i S j Pe i at - I Potentially rottntially sruat8cant LM:1%an Signifieant Unleaa sirJun'Mrit No Issues(and mppormle Information Source-) Jmpaet i4lifigated Impact Impact e) Restrict existing religious or sacred uses witbin the potential impact area?O ❑ ❑ O C� i XV. RECREATION. ll'ould the ptupwal, i a) Increase the danaud for neighborhood at reginnal parks or other iecxeatiural facilities?() ❑ Q ❑ ® ' b) Affmt cxist4ig iccrcational opportunities?() ` ❑ U XNT hlAN-DATORY FINDINGS OF SIGN 1 N 1C ANCE. a) Does the project have the potential to degrade the ! quality nt the environment,substantially reduce the habitat of fish or wildlife species,cause a fish or wild tifn population to drop below self sustaining levels,threaten to eliminate a plant or animal community,reduce the number or restrict the vengc of a rare or endangered plant or animal or eliminate important examples of the major periods of California - historyorprehistory? ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ b) Does the project have the potential to achieve short- i term,to the disadvantage of long-term,environmental El ❑ ❑ goals, cm c) Does the project have impacts that are individually limited,but cumulatively ecusidcreble? 1 ("Cumulatively considerable"means that the incremental cf ects of it prujmt are considerable when i viewed in connection With the effects of past projects, { the t:flcuts of other current projecm,and the etlects of probable future pmjects.) ❑ ❑ ❑ d) Does the project have environmental effects which Will cause suhsrantial adverse effects on human beings,either dimctty or indirectly? lJ ❑ ❑ M I XVII.EARLIER ANALYSIS. Earlier analyses may be used where,pursuant to the tiering,prugiarn EIR,or niher CLQA process,one or more effects have been adequately analyzed is au cadier EIR or negative declaration. Section 15063(c)(3)(D). In this case a discussion should identify the following an,attached sheets: a) Earlier analyses used. Identify earlier analyses dad state where they are available for review. b) Impacts adequately addressed. Identify which effects from the above checklist were witbin the scope of and adequately analyzed by the earlier docwuaat. f 9 3 1 i Sauers Engineering Inc. 5S02656834 P. 12 e) Mitigation measures. For effects that are"potentially significant"or"potentially significant ' unless mitigated",describe the mitigation treasures which were incorporated or refined from the earlier document and the extent to which they address site-specific conditions for the project. No earlier analysis were used in preparation of this initial Study- EXPLANATION OF CHECKLIST ANSWF,RS A brief explanation is required for all answers except`No Impact"answers that arc adequately supported by the information sources a lead agency cites in the parentheses following each question. I. LAND USE AND PLANNING This project is inehrded in the District's Water System Masterplan 1995-2015 and associated environmental documents under the name Martin Valley Well. This project, slung with all the projects proposed in the masterplan,is based on the general plan of the agency of jurisdiction. The project is consistent with the environmental plans and policies of the Town of Tiuckee. The project will result in the construction of a new public wafer supply pump station and underground utilities. The new pump station and pipeline location will have a designated land use of Public Land Use and zoning of Public Facilities. II. POPULATION AND HOUSING The Martis Well No. I pump station and pipeline will be designed to accommmodate the continued development of the District's water ser vice area consistent with the population and housing projectidns of the appropriate general platy. The project is needed to accommodate the District's existing I customers in order to insuw adequate supply during peak demand periods and provide increased reliability. The piujcct does have the potential to serve a population greater than the current population j in accoldanue with the masterplan and general plan. The project will not extend service into areas not ' already served by the District. Although the project will accommodate growth, it is not considered to tither directly or indirectly induce growth. Water service would be made available to undeveloped II areas only after complying with all other planning, land use, and environmental requirements imposed by the agencies of jurisdiction. It is these planning and environmental agencies which are responsible fur the level and direction of growth which would be accommodated by this project. III. GEOPHYSICAL The project will require a modest amount of grading to prepare the pump station hui Iding pad and parking area. Pipeline construction will involve excavation and backfill of trenches. As is standard with all District construction projects of this type,grading and excavations will include surface restoration either with paving or other permanent erosion control measures. This is considered a less' than significant impact. 'typical Truckee soils including the project site consist of mixture of sands,gravels, voleanics,and decomposed organic topsoil with underlying volcanic rock such as basalt. These soils are not considered potentially expansive. Because of the strong basaltic geologic substructure found underlying the Martis Valley, land subsidence from groundwater withdrawal in not considered potentially significant. There are no unique physical or geologic features associated with the project: site. IV. WATER 1 There udll be a slight increase in the amount of impervious surface as a result of this project:including the pump station and paved area. This is expected to he approximately 1,440 square feet. Drainage will flow from the impervious areas Man infiltration trench. The infiltration trench will be sized to accommodate runoff from a 1-hour,20-year storm as defined by the Lahontan.Regional Board. This is considered a less than significant impact. i !. s 10 1 S®uers Engineering Inc. 5302656834 P. 13 The project involves a pump station and pipeline to utilize a new production well and will consequently involve the withdrawal of groundwater. The District currently uses approximately 6,500 I acre-feet per year of groundwater with an anticipated demand of 15,000 acre-feet per year at build-out, according to the District's master plan update. The.District is currently undertaking a safe yield study I of the Martis Valley aquifer. Preliminary results of that study indicate a safe groundwater yield of i I approximately 20,500 acre-feet annually. This project is one of a number of future well sources the District anticipates utilizing to meet public water supply demands while staying within the aafo yield of file aquifer. This project does not represent an adverse impact to the safe yield of the Mat lis Vatiey' aquifer. There may he some alteration in the direction of flow of groundwater near the well as groundwater is taken into the well by pumping. This is not considered a significant impact. i Grotuidwater quality will be protected by the installation of a sanitary seat during well construction. The sanitary seal will be constructed to a depth of 300 feet below ground surface to assure there will be no influence from either the Tntckec River or die TTSA wastewater treatment and disposal Iaeihties,as iI I result of pumping the well. V. AIR QUALITY There will be no air emissions from the puutp station. There may be incidental emissions during construction from contractor's operations including vehicles and mechanical equipment. VI. TRANSPORTATION/CIRCULATION During curistruction there will be an increase in vehicle trips to the project site associated with the wnttactor's activities. This is considered a less than significant impact. Pipeline construction along. Jucrger Drive may Impact traffic along that road including possible lane closures. District construction contracts routinely Include specifications requiring contractors to prepare traffic control and lane closure plans prior to construction. These plans will be made available for review and approval by the Town of Truckee through the encroachment permit application process. This is considered a less than significant impact. The project will not have any affect on emergency access,access to nearby uses,or alternative transportation. I I he project will include parking for District vehicles. V11. BIOLOGICAL RESOURCES Construction of the pump station will take place over a relatively small area,approximately 1,440 square feet. The project site is not considered habitat for threatened or endangered species of plants or animals. The site contains no locally designated species or natural communities. The.site is in an upland area containing no wetlands. The project will have no impact on wildlife dispersal or migration, �I VHI. ENERGY AND MINERAL RESOURCES The pump stations will use electrical energy. To selecting well pump motors,the District routinely specifies the use of high efficiency mntorq to avoid using electricity in a wasteful manner. The use of electric energy at District pump stations is considered modest,typical of a local commercial/industrial operation. The local electric service provider,the District, has the asperity to provide the additional I electrical energy needed for this project. IX. HAZARDS i During construction there is a risk of accidental release of hazardous substances such as fuel vi oil from spillage. District construction contracts require the contractor to be prepared for such accidcrrts' i and provide clean-up which in this case would likely be limited to the project site. This is uunsidcred a lass than significant impact. t 11 � , it S®.uers Engineering Inc. 5302656834 P. f14 I The pump station will include chlorination facilities utilizing a liquid chlorine solution. This may be considered an environmental or personnel safety hazard if accidentally released. As is routine for this type of facility,the District will provide safety equipment and training in conformance with County. hazardous material requirements. This will include secondary containment for storage of tlic solution and personnel safety equipment such as sink and eye wash facilities. This is considered a less than significant impact. The project will have no impact on emergency responses. X. NOTSE During pump station and pipeline construction,there will be an increase iu nuise levels associated with contractor operations including operation of mechanical cquipmout such as a baekhoe,generator,and compressor. Because of the distance to any sensitive rcceptuts,these noise levels are considered a less i than significant impact. 1 XL PUBLIC SERVICES This project is based on and consistent with the geucia1 plan ofthe Town of Truckee including projections needed for public services. The project will not result in the need for new or altered government services. f XII. UTILITIES AND SERVICE SYSTEMS ' The project will result in improvements to the District's water system by increasing the capacity and reliability of the system. Following construction,the project will not generate any appreciable amount of solid waste. Solid waste generated during construction will be disposed of by the contractor at the local refuse transfer station. XIII. AESTHETICS The pump station will not be generally visible except from Joerger Road. Building materials will be typical ofreeent District pump stations including tan split faced masonry walls and brown metal roof. This type of building is not considered to have a negative aesthetic effect. i XIV. CULTURAL RESOURCES Given the project's location with respect to the Martis Valley and Truckee River, there is a potential' for archaeological and historical resources in the project area. The District is currently having a heritage Resource Study prepared by a qualified archaeologist, however,because of snow conditions, a surface survey of the project site is not yet possible. The Heritage Resource Study will be completed prior to construction starting at the site. The following mitigation measures are added to thi,project: M•1. Prior to any ground disturbing activities,the Dion•ict shall complete the Heritage.Resource Study including surface survey. Any recommended mitigation measures shall be incorporated into the project. I M-2. If artifacts,paleontological or cultural, or unusual amounts of stone,bone,or shell arc uncovered during construction activity, work shall be halted and a qualified archaeologist shall be consulted for an on-site review. Mitigation measures, as recommended by the archaeologist and approved by the District in accordance with Appendix K of the CT-QA Guidelines, shall be implemented prior to recommencement of construction activity. If any hone appears to be human,California law mandates that the Nevada Couldy Curuner and the Native American Heritage Commission be contacted. i XV. RECREATION The project is based on and consistent with the general plan of the Town of Truckee including # projections for needed recreational facilities. The project will have no impact on recreation facilities or opportunities, 12 3 Savers Ensineerins rnc. 5ZO2656834 P. 115 I XVI. MANDATORY FIIV0INGS OF SIGNIFICANCE The project will take place on a relatively small site with limited vegetation or potential habitat and will not affent plant or animal species or habitat or eliminate prehistoric or historic resources. The project achieves both short term and long term environmental goals by increasing water supply and water system reliability while avoiding potential shortages in capacity, and allowing the implementation of adopted land use and environmental plans. i Public water supply is one of many services needed to allow the continued oidcAY glow t}t and development of the Truckee area. Issues related to growth and develvpuicut including intensity, density, location, and timing,among others,are the responsibility of the appropriate planning agency, in this case the Town of Truckee. Similarly any impacts assiwiatcd with the growth and development of the Truckee area arc also the responsibility of the appropriato agencies attd are addressed)in the . various land use and environmental plans adopted by those agencies. The provision of a public water supply is not considered a significant contribution towards impacts which may be associated with the continued growth and development of tire Truokcc area as defined by the appropriate planning agency. Implementation of this project will allow the District to continue to provide an adequate public water supply. Provisions of a safe and reliable water supply is considered to have a beneficial ettect on human beings. REPORT PREPARATION This Initial Study was prepared under contract with the'l ruckee Donner Public Utility District by Sauers i Engineering, Inc. Principal autbq was Keith Knibb. f I I Prepared by: ' d� Date: 046 i I 4 I i I 1 { i I t 13 � a Sauers Ensineerins Inc. 5SO2656834 P. II6 REFERFN RS I These references are available for review at the Truckee Donner Public Utility District office, 11570 Dormer Pass Road,Truckee,California. 1. USGS Truckee Quadrangle,7.5 Minute Series. 2. Water System Ma¢terplan 1995-2015,Truckee Donner Public Utility District,Much 1997. 3_ Negative Declaration and Environmental Initial Study,Water System Masterplan 1995-2015 aid Water Faeilitiev Fees,Truckee Donner Public Utility District,March 1997. 4. Grtnind-Water Management Plan,Phase 1,Mortis Valley Ground-Water Basin,Basin Nu. 6-67, Nevada and Placer Counties,California,Truckee Donner Public Utility District,January, 1995. 5. Draft Truckee Water System Water Master Plan Update,"Truckee Donner Public Utility District, January 2001 I I i i i i i j I � 14 7