HomeMy WebLinkAbout10 2002 Strategic Plan Agenda Item # ,
To: Board of Directors
From: Peter Holzmeister
Date: December 14, 2001
Subject: Strategic Plan for 2002
You will recall that the Board of Directors and management staff participated is a
strategic planning workshop facilitated by Bob Rauch in August of this year. The final
notes of that meeting have never been prepared and submitted to the Board, until this
meeting. Attached is a document entitled Strategic Plan for 2002, prepared from the
notes Bob Rauch made at the meeting, plus notes prepared by staff relating to those
issues that were not completed the evening of the workshop.
The workshop has become one of the most effective tools we have developed for
reviewing the District operations and setting goals and priorities. Each time we
participate in these workshops we come away with a clearly defined work plan for the
coming year. The work plan forms the basis for the budget.
Since we are now reviewing the budget for 2002, we really should be looking at the
Strategic Plan notes to make remind ourselves of the issues that emerged from the
RECOMMENDATION: I recommend that the Board adopt the Strategic Plan for 2002.
From the Board Workshop Held on
August 29, 2001
A. Issues confronting the District
1. Process for assigning priorities
2. Financial master plan
3. Power supply cost mitigation
4. Move broadband forward
5. Increase water supply
6. Electric master plan
7. Review or organizational structure-what it takes to do an excellent job
8. Water master plan implementation
9. Headquarters building plan
10. Address staffing shortage
11. Establish safe sustainable yield
12. Williams conduit ownership and lease or sell
13. Effects of economic situation on District customers (and on us)
14. Accomplishing/integrating new service areas into District operations -water,
electric, broadband
15, Mid-course reviews of District goals
16. Effects of changing water utilization
17. Joint planning with PCWA for basin
18. Current water system maintenance/upgrade/replacement (Tahoe Donner)
19. Maintain high standard of customer service
20. Corporation yard plan
21. Customer communications
22. Long term technology plan (integrate internal systems)
B. Critical issues to address
Issue 1. Water
1. Increase water supply
2. Implementing the water master plan
3. Establishing safe, sustainable yield of basin
4. Changing water utilization
5. Joint planning with PCWA on Basin
6. Truckee water system maintenance, upgrade, replacement
Issue 2. Financial master plan
1. Need a financial master plan
Issue 3. Human resource management
1. Prioritize staff priorities for GIS
2. Current staff shortage
3. Review organizational structure (continue excellence)
4. Maintain high customer service standard
5. Customer communications
Issue 4. Facilities
1. Headquarters plan
2. Corporate yard
Issue 5. Broadband
1. Williams conduit ownership
2. Keep broadband plan moving along
Issue 6. Growth
1. Integrating all service areas—water, electric, broadband
2. Effects of economic situation
3. Technology plan
Issue 7. Electric
1. Electric master plan
2. Power supply cost mitigation
Issue 8. Mid-course review
1. Of annual plan
C. Action Plan
Issue 1. Water
1.1. Increase water supply
Issue: Need more wells, at least one more by spring of 2002. If we don't act soon
we can run out of water. Requires firm well sites and agreements already available.
Current water master plan is general, need to develop sites, explore environmental
issues, etc. Note: Basin is shared with PCWA. Must have firm agreements about
basin management with PCWA and other basin users.
Action: Develop a relatively long-term well drilling program that proactively meets
community needs. Includes advance site selection, environmental documentation,
permits, agreements, facility definition, etc. Must include controlling agreement with
PCWA, who have established conditions for serving in Placer County. In short, a
way to coexist in basin with us PCWA, Northstar and others
Who: Water Manager, consulting hydrogeologist, attorneys
When: Spring, 2002
Note: Being proactive in developing wells must be in line with our basic function,
which is to reliably provide a water supply to meet community needs. (Some may
see this as growth inducing)
Action: Attorney hold a workshop with Board on (1) the requirements of CEQA, (2)
the issue of growth inducing, (3) other critical guidelines for the Board contained in
1.2.Implementing the water master plan
Issue: the District adopted a water master plan in 2001. We want to make sure this
valuable document does not simply sit on a shelf gathering dust; it is an important
guide for us to follow. Any water system project that we construct should follow the
master plan
Action: When staff prepares the annual budget or works with a developer the master
plan should be consulted to make sure we are expanding our system appropriately.
Who: Water System Manager and District Engineer
When: Ongoing
1.3. Establishing safe, sustainable yield of basin
Issue: Determination of quantity of water available for consumption and the impacts
of the withdrawal of water from the basin. Determine management practices that
maximize water availability.
Action: Apply for a grant to fund a study, which will include monitoring and
development of a three-dimensional basin model of the entire Martis Valley basin.
The model will establish the water availability from the basin and identify the impacts
of water withdrawals.
Who: Water System Manager will be the team leader, and the team will include
District consultants, in cooperation with other basin water purveyors.
When: Study will begin summer of 2002 and will take at least two years to complete.
1.4. Changing water utilization
Issue: Houses now being built with large landscapes, many bathrooms, etc. Peak
use increasing. Result is more water use per household/per connection. This can
drive our water use to an excess that can't meet. We do not use meters. Peak use
determines size of the system, partly driven by part-time users. Can charge a fixed
rate to cover fixed charges, and a variable rate for actual water use.
Action: Hold a Board discussion on water use, meters, conservation, equitable
rates, customer education on landscaping, etc.
Who: GM
When: April 2002
1.5 Joint planning with PCWA on Basin
Issue: The District shares the Martis Valley water basin with PCWA and Northstar
Community Services District. We will need to cooperate on basin management
practices in order to make sure the quality of the basin in not compromised and to
avoid disputes over water availability.
Action: Prepare a basin management plan jointly and adopt procedures for
management of the basin
Who: Water system manager, hydrogeologist and staffs of PCWA and Northstar
When: A Phase 1 study should be prepared by the fourth quarter of 2002
1.6.Truckee water system maintenance, upgrade, replacement
Issue: The District's water system continues to be used heavily and is growing older.
Maintenance and replacement of this system will be expensive, and will become
more so as time goes on. We need to be able to predict when major components
need to be replaced, and develop the appropriate funding source. A system facilities
maintenance and replacement master plan needs to be prepared.
Action: Prepare a water system maintenance and replacement master plan
Who: Water System Manager
When: By first quarter of 2003
Issue 2. Financial master plan
2.1.Need a financial master plan
Issue: We need immediate cash, especially for Donner Lake. Ultimately need one
or more loans to cover other needs. Our cash position has been reduced to a low
figure. Revenues must be sufficient to repay loans. Revenues from rates and fees.
Action: Contact auditors and others to define the outside help we need. Prepare a
statement of work. Issue a request for qualifications. Develop with consultant to
develop a financial master plan. Bring to the Board.
Who: Mary
When: Kickoff program with consultant in December 2001. Present to Board at that
time with consultant
Issue 3. Human resource management
3.1. Prioritize staff priorities for GIS
Issue: Some internal things need to be done. Support needed for water— locations,
assessment district, land maps. Everyone is requesting and will request more in the
future —GIS support
Action: This is a staff issue. Helpful if each manager makes GIS requests,
establishing size of job, schedule needed, and relative importance— and brings to
staff meeting. Staff must set priorities and, if needed, request additional resources
Use cost benefit as measuring stick
Note: GIS, fully utilized, can make District more cost effective
Who: AGM, Staff, GIS
When: ASAP
3.2. Current staff shortage
Issue: Urgent staff shortages exist now, although broad needs exist long-term
New water service areas have immediate needs: one accountant, three field
technicians, two clerical (water and finance), 1 management level
Action: Staff will bring these needs to the Board along with justification
Who: general manager
When: September 2001
3.3. Review organizational structure (continue excellence)
Issue: What will it take to continue to do things competently? Need more people, but
good people. We are moving at full tilt. We may not always be able to maintain
standards if we keep like this. Engineering, accounting, construction, repair. We
have needs beyond our ability to meet them with excellence. We are short-handed.
Maya be helpful the establish performance standards. Burn-out and minimal
standards are not what we want at this District.
Action: GM and staff will meet to flush out staffing needs and problems. Will seek to
assure that adequate standards are met. Will then bring recommendation to Board
for review and possible action
Who: GM and senior staff
When: Late fall 2001
3.4. Maintain high customer service standard
Issue: As the District operations grew and we tried to serve the public without
increasing staff, our ability to respond to customer requests suffered. We were slow
to return phone calls. We were slower to perform fieldwork requested by customers.
We have not provided customers with the most convenient processes to establish
and account with us (apply by phone, deposit requirements) and pay their bills (they
are asking for credit card or ATM payments). Our interaction with customers has
become hurried, when patience would be more appreciated.
Action: We need to review all customer contact points and determine a standard for
dealing with customers. We need to utilize application and payment methods that
are customarily used in other commercial activities, that mirror what the customer is
a is accustomed to experiencing. A recommendation will be presented to the Board
Who: The Assistant General Manager will head a committee that includes Mary
Chapman and Ed Taylor and one member from Administrative Services department
and one member from the Water Operations department.
When: A report will be presented to the Board by July 1, 2002
3.5. Customer communications
Issue: In the past we exerted considerable effort to inform our customers about who
we are, what we do, what they should do. More recently legal dispute occurred and
we were off local TV. Must resume putting our message out. In 2002 we celebrate
our 75th anniversary. We can use this as a springboard.
Action: Develop a customer communications plan. Include newsletters, website,
other media. Bring to Board for review and action;
Who: Staff and Board
When: January 2002
Issue 4. Facilities
4.1. Headquarters plan
Issue: The Town of Truckee has moved out and other agencies are interested in the
vacated space. The District is growing, we recently acquired the Donner Lake water
system and there is discussion and movement in the acquisition of Glenshire Mutual
Water Company, The District is also considering going into the Telecommunications
business. The needs of the District should be evaluated to determine what and how
much space is required for our own needs.
Action: Evaluate the current needs of space, to look at a "footprint" of the space that
is required for telecommunications equipment and to look at the personnel that will
needed for telecommunications, any new staff the water department might need and
the same with the Administrative Services (Mary's department).
Who: Support Services Manager
When: June 2002
4.2. Corporate Yard
Issue: The District is currently storing material, vehicles and equipment at multiple
locations due to lack of space at the District office. With the acquisition of Donner
Lake Water system, potential going into the telecommunications business and
acquiring the Glenshire water system, this problem will only become worse.
Action: To sell surplus District property and to meet with the Department heads of
water, electric, telecommunications and find out what new equipment, material and
vehicles will be required. To put all the ideas and requirements into one corporate
Who: Support Services Manager
When: August 2002
Issue 5. Broadband
5.1 Williams conduit ownership
Issue: In September 1999, the District entered into an Agreement with Williams
Communications, a long haul telecommunications firm, to assist in the permitting of
that portion of their Salt Lake to Sacramento conduit run that fell within the District's
service area. In exchange for the District's help, Williams Communications agreed to
provide the District with two 2" conduits following a sixteen and one half-mile route
from Hirschdale to Donner Lake.
Action: Following the installation, mapping and testing of conduit District staff will
enter into and Agreement with Williams Communications, signing off on the
completed Project and accepting ownership of sixteen and one half miles of two 2"
conduits and ancillary access points.
Who: Telecommunications Manager
When: First Quarter, 2002
5.2. Keep broadband plan moving along
Issue: The District has, since mid 1999, evaluated the construction of a Broadband
infrastructure that would provide Water and Electric business units enhanced SCATA
services, and competitive Cable Television and High Speed Date services within the
District's service area. As of December 2001 the proposed Broadband business unit
has received Nevada County LAFCo's conditional approval, the proposed system
Design and Engineering has been completed, District staff have held numerous
meetings with perspective system financiers, and the District's Telecommunications
Manager has entered into Cable Television Franchise discussions with the Town of
Truckee, Nevada and Placer Counties.
Action: There are still a number of steps that must be approved by the Board prior
to the District formally entering into the provision of Broadband Services. During the
first quarter of 2002 the District's Telecommunications Manager will bring forward for
Board approval: 1) a final Business Performa including FSG's Engineers Estimate; 2)
agreements for the financing of the proposed Broadband infrastructure; 3) a request
for authorization to prepare and seek bids for the construction of the proposed
Broadband Business Unit; and 4) the awarding of these bids.
Who: Telecommunications Manager
When: First Quarter, 2002
Issue 6. Growth
6.1. Integrating all service areas —water, electric, broadband
Issue: The District has traditionally served water and electricity in the greater
Truckee area, but our services have not been exactly coterminous. We are now
planning to offer Broadband services. With acquisition of Donner Lake and
Glenshire water service territories our service boundaries are becoming more
coterminous with each other. We feel that there is good reason to offer our services
to all of our customers alike.
Action: Work to consolidate the service of our services such that we offer all our
services to all our customers by working with other agencies such as Sierra Pacific
Power Company, LAFCo and PCWA. Report to the Board by September of 2002 on
Who: General Manager
When: September 2002
6.2. Effects of economic situation
Issue: There has been a major economic slowdown since early 2000. We are now
considered to be in a recession. The unemployment rate has increased. Consumer
debt is high and consumer confidence is low. All of this has happened at a time
when our District is assuming new challenges in the Community: Donner Lake,
Glenshire, power supply, broadband. We need to continuously monitor our
organization's financial well-being as we move aggressively to offer services.
Action: Review monthly the cash position of the District and predict monthly the
future commitments we are making.
Who: General manager and District Treasurer, all management staff, and Board of
When: Monthly beginning in January 2002
6.3. Technology plan
Issue: Some departments are still without the technology required to enhance their
abilities and reduce the job time. We need to push more of the technology that we
have begun to implement to all departments and enhance existing technology
Action: Assistant General Manager and GIS coordinator will develop a plan and
submit it to the Board for review and discussion
Who: Assistant General manager and GIS Coordinator
When: fourth quarter of 2002
Issue 7. Electric
7.1. Electric plan master plan
Issue: The current Electric System Master Plan is out of date. As a result, our
electric facilities fee schedule is out of date. A draft of a revised plan is essentially
complete. It needs to be presented to the Board for review and eventual adoption,
along with adoption of a new facilities fee schedule.
Action: Present the draft master plan to the Board and recommend a new electric
facilities fee schedule.
Who: Joe Horvath
When: First quarter of 2002
7.2. Power supply cost mitigation
Issue: We have a contract to buy power at a fixed rate from 2002 through 2009. We
have surplus power that we must sell. We are buying above market and will sell at
market, resulting in a loss to us. We have a rate stabilization fund to help cover some
of the loss.
Action: Mitigate the Idacorp contract. Restructure it. Future swaps. Future
Who: AGM
When: Ongoing throughout the year. Report to Board periodically
Issue 8. Mid-course review
8.1.Periodic review of annual plan
Issue: After the strategic plan is adopted unanticipated factors arise that prevent the
plan from being fully implemented. A review mid-course process would help keep
our work program relevant.
Action: Review the strategic plan action items with the Board in July of 2002
Who: General Manager
When: July 2002