HomeMy WebLinkAbout6 Glenshire Transmission Pipeline .` li Dllll� ll�ll a �i • NER T ty District Memorandum To: Board of Directors From: Neil Kaufman, Water Systems Engineer Date: May 10, 2002 Subject: Proposal to Perform Environmental and Cultural Review Services For The Glenshire Transmission Pipeline BACKGROUND: As part of the consolidation of the TDPUD and Glenshire Mutual water system, it is necessary to construct a pipeline to provide additional water supply to the Glenshire area. For design purpose, the pipeline has been broken into three parts. GLENSHIRE DRIVE WELL TO THE GLENSHIRE DRIVE BRIDGE An alignment has been identified running from the existing storage tank at Old Greenwood (formerly Featherstone) to the Glenshire Drive bridge. There are existing public utility easements along most of this route and Ed and I are working to secure an easement across the remaining portion. I am also working to develop a proposal to perform the survey work for this portion of the pipeline. GLENSHIRE BRIDGE-TRUCKEE RIVER CROSSING Dokken Engineering is currently working on the design of the pipeline across the bridge under a contract previously approved by the Board. GLENSHIRE DRIVE BRIDGE TO THE GLENSHIRE SUBDIVISION As discussed at the Board Meeting on May 1, a route along this portion has been identified and the Board authorized an agreement with Andregg to perform the survey work for this area. CEQA AND ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES: The next step in the design process is to perform the appropriate environmental reviews and commence the CEQA process. Glenn Marron, Carolyn Chainey Davis and I performed a preliminary survey of the pipeline route on May 3. Based on this preliminary survey, Glenn has developed the attached proposal to perform the appropriate investigations and assist the District is obtaining the necessary permits. This Scope of Work covers all three portions of the pipeline. RECOMMENDATION: The District has an existing Master Services Agreement with Garcia and Associates for past and ongoing work related to the Donner Lake Water System. recommend that the Board authorize an additional task under the existing agreement with Garcia and Associates to perform services outlined in the attached Scope of Work for an amount not to exceed $21,000. Garcia and Associates 1550 South Wells Ave., Suite 104 t1111��1U// ' \\\\\1!///// Reno, NV 89502 Phone: (775) 329-1788 Fax: (775) 329-7527 ' GANDA e-mail; gmerron@garciaandassociates.com ' May 9, 2002 ' Mr. Neil Kaufman Truckee Donner Public Utility District 11570 Donner Pass Road ' Truckee, CA 96160 Subject: Proposal to Provide Environmental and Cultural Services for the Glenshire ' Pipeline Installation Project Dear Mr. Kaufman: Garcia and Associates (GANDA) is pleased to submit this Proposal to the Truckee Donner Public Utility District (TDPUD) to conduct environmental and cultural services ' for the Glenshire pipeline installation project. This proposal covers the environmental and cultural tasks associated with the pipeline ' installation. Our goal is to ensure that the TDPUD is provided with an exceptionally high quality of environmental and cultural documentation and communication to ensure that no delays in construction activities occur and that the project is carried out with the least ' amount of environmental disturbance. The costs associated with the environmental and cultural services required for the ' Glenshire pipeline installation project is provided in Section 2 and totals $20, 906. Should you have any questions please contact me at 775 (329-1788). We look forward to i assisting the TDPUD with this important project. ' Sincerely, ' Glenn S. Merron IRegional Manager/Environmental Scientist I TABLE OF CONTENTS Transmittal Letter Section I Proposed Scope of Work ' Section 2 Cost Estimate SECTION 1: SCOPE OF WORK GLENSHIRE PIPELINE INSTALLATION TASK l: Background Research and Reconnaissance Level Survey ' Garcia and Associates environmental scientists Dr. Glenn Merton and Carolyn Chainey- Davis, and Truckee Donner Public Utility District Engineer Neil Kaufman will conduct a reconnaissance level survey of the proposed pipeline route to confirm the presence of ' special-status species within the project footprint and identify any sensitive habitat types (e.g. wetlands). ' A search of the USFWS database and the California Natural Diversity Data Base (CNDDB) (U.S. Geological Survey, Martis Peak 7.5 minute quadrangle map) will be conducted in order to develop a target species list of rare and sensitive species potentially foccurring in the area. TASK 2: Wetland Delineation Based on the reconnaissance site visit along the Glenshire pipeline route on May 10, 2002 a wetland delineation report needs to be prepared. Any area impacted within the delineation map will be considered an encroachment upon Waters of the United States and is subject to a regulatory permitting process. Carolyn Chainey Davis and Glenn ' Merton will conduct the wetland delineation on May 13, 2002. TASK 3: Lahontan Regional Water Quality Control Board In addition to the level of effort to prepare a Waste Discharge Permit, the LRWQCB will ' also require a Clean Water Act Section 401 Water Quality Certification. This additional regulatory permitting process occurs concurrently with the NW7 process for the Corps. I have notified Ms. Jill Wilson regarding a site visit to the project site that, tentatively, will take place on May 20. The TDPUD must demonstrate in the 401-application package that it has exhausted all available options to avoid and/or minimize impacts to wetlands. Typical construction activity within a wetland will require that the first 3 inches of any I topsoil to be set aside and used as final backfilling/contouring to allow wetland vegetation to regenerate. The LRWQCB will require details pertaining to construction activities, BMP's and erosion control measures, and expected time frame for project ' completion. Replanting temporarily impacted wetland vegetation would be required. I Proposal for Environmental and Cultural Services Garcia and Associates ITruckee Donner Public Utility District 1 May 9,2002 TASK 4. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers ' GANDA anticipates that a Nationwide Permit, possibly a NW7 would be the appropriate permitting document for Glenshire pipeline installation. Nationwide Permit No. 7 authorize discharges of dredged or fill material into non-tidal waters of the U.S. for such activities as construction of a pipeline. The goal is to minimize wetland encroachment to the extent practical but no greater than 1/10 acre of wetland can be disturbed. To begin the review process for a NW7 the TDPUD must submit a Preconstruction Notification (PCN) to the Corps. The PCN must include a detailed project description, any direct or indirect adverse environmental or cultural effects the project might cause, a ' delineation of affected aquatic sites, a description on how avoidance and/or minimization of losses of waters of the U.S. are to be achieved on the project site, and a listing of all Federally-listed endangered or threatened species or their critical habitat that may be ' affected by the project. ' As part of the NW7 permit the TDPUD must comply with soil erosion and sediment controls, heavy equipment operating controls, and water quality controls. These erosion controls and Best Management Practices would also be stipulated by the LRWQCB. ' GANDA will prepare the PCN for the TDPUD. Mr. William Ness of the Corps will be the contact person. Mr. Ness is also the contact person for Corps regulatory review of potential construction activity associated with the Red Mountain Tank. R Photo 1. A wetland habitat where the Glenshire pipeline will cross. ' Proposal for Environmental and Cultural Services Garcia and Associates ' Truckee Donner Public Utility District 2 May 9,2002 ' TASK 5: CULTURAL RESOURCES ASSESSMENT ' GANDA will conduct a formal cultural resources record search to include all available sites, surveys, National Register, State and National Landmarks, other historic references, ' and Historic Properties Inventory that fall within a 1/2 mile radius of the project area. ' TASK 6: PREPARATION OF CEQA DOCUMENT The TDPUD as the lead agency must evaluate the project components to determine if ' there is a possibility that there may be a significant effect on the environment. This entails the TDPUD preparing a Draft Initial Study to determine whether any specific areas of concern including Biological Resources, Mineral Resources, Hydrology, Water ' Quality, Noise, Transportation/Traffic, Land Use/Planning, Air Quality, Recreation would be "Potentially Significantly Impacted" as a result of the project. GANDA will prepare the Initial Study checklist for the TDPUD. Resource agency staff will be ' consulted during the development of the Draft Initial Study to facilitate feedback pertaining to any potential project impacts. For the purpose of this proposal GANDA has assumed that a Mitigated Negative Declaration would be sufficient for satisfying CEQA. ' A mitigation-monitoring plan would be developed as part of this task. I Proposal for Environmental and Cultural Services Garcia and Associates ITruckee Donner Public Utility District 3 May 9,2002 SECTION 2 TABLE 1: Estimated Costs: TDPIID Glenshire Pipeline Installation Environmental and Cultural Services 2002. Estimate of 11011m by tusk TASK TASK TASK TASK TASK TASK TOTAL Persounef. J.Gamis D5 1 1 1 0.5 4 8 G_Me¢on 5 5 24 24 40 98 C.Ch.ey-Dev 12 32 8 8 16 06 C.Dore 24 4 28 R.Smith 6 6 1 12 25 AdreoNSVotiOn t t 2 2 2 4 12 TOTAL HOURS I8.5 39 41 41 275 80 AO 249 RATE I.G.c. $129 $65 $129 $129 S129 S65 $516 $1,012 C,.M,,.S $88 $440 $440 $2,112 $2,112 $0 $3,520 $8,624 C.Chahtey-Davis $69 $828 $2,208 5552 $552 So $1,104 $5,244 O Dore $88 $0 $0 $0 $0 S2,112 $352 $2,464 R.Smith 940 so so $240 $240 $40 $480 $Law Admimek.fi u $40 $40 $40 $80 $90 $80 $160 $490 TOTALCOST $1393 $2,812 $3113 $3113 S2297 $6,132 $18,944 OTHER DIRECT COSTS TASK I TASK 2 TASK 3 TASK 4 TASK 5 TASK 6 TOTAL CNDDE SEARCH $30,00 $30 $30 CULTURAL RECORD S1501HR $450 $450 PERS MILE $0,35 $125 S125 $95 S95 $125 S50 9575 CELLPHONE $750 $8 $8 so $o $16 $0 $32 COMPUTER(HOURS S2.50 so $0 $25 S25 S25 $25 $150 GRAPHICS So S14 $21 $21 $14 S50 $120 COPIES S0.11 $0 $2.5 $50 $50 S15 $75 $215 FAX In E0.10 $0 S5 SID S10 $5 S10 $40 FAX 0nt $060 $to $to S20 $20 S10 $20 $90 Phone $to $10 $15 $15 Sid S25 $85 MISC SUPPLIES $25 $25 E50 850 E25 8100 $225 TOTAL $208 $695 $405 S2,062 TOTAL COSTS $1,580 $3 039 S3,3/9 $3,359 $2,991 S6,537 S20,906 Tasks: I BoekgmO edf Reseaza),and Re, nn.d esmwe Level Field Survey 2 Weiland Delineation 3 LRWQCB pe.0 g 4 U.S.A Y Corps Pem ftg 5 Cultnmt Rene,r,s Assexsmeot 6 CEQA