HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 1958-08 - Board ORDINA NO* sa o &
�efl.ai�:g end ClaeXifjia(S TTpes Rnd Users of 3M04t1P10' 80VviG*# 878t�
ma taoilities Thereof t Istablinhing 1160trie Ratoe asA Chu'6�i Ap•
Sieabl� Thereto; Providing f or the 19stabliab"Ont artl UfOrc��
f ftle� and Regalationa Regarding said 11*6tric Aft-8tw service �
Providing M*aUf for tile colloetion of R&t*S
ad Cbarg*s and Enf�'sereent Measures is Case of Wo'.Tirsnt or Certain
"iolationj Providing for AppOSISo
>I3TRI^T as follows:
SBCTION lo DEPI TIONS: por the ,rora:1pelow of this h"-��►it1 d*40
'lasd as follOws: 16
101 DISTRICfs Truokee Publit Utilit#y Distriot. isd D1'oP�'tT
Withl n the exterior boun ar on therocf• �
102 ILI3'7ft Si�etris Se rvices qstew# facilities and ap-
pnrteaaneeU of T ekoe ftbli� IItl21L� Districd.
193 C ,n
= t VY individual or onay of rseosd rsesiving or
Waking use of elsotrio service from said Distriet.
1*4 PMISBS* Any Ott piece or parcel of lead, japr oved or �
improv0do to which electric Nrvie* is betag
or in to be provided* t'
1*5 TARIFF SC ULk3e The entir* body o! eff0eli�� rateit ran• '.
tali, eharges. ponalties ud regul&tlous
set forth or provided for hereia.
1' 6 P LIC USE, Provision of electric servia• to a mnni�igality ,
or other public body.
For the SECTION 2. TYPkZ AHD CLASSES OF SSRVIC&: OrrdinancG purpose
to h*r*4*
established the following tepee and classes of service:
A-1 Flat Rate Service: d�quantiti a visions of �char6ed or lestris an a f1z�}��r�ia�,"- �
��2 MET gp� gBRViuse Provision
*of eIootris saa�vie* in �aWar�d 'is
qutitles ahsrged for on eoter*d ra4*s•
Ae*3 ORARY BERviCS: s�r�iee far oon�trnetioa work aad siall�ar
nsesp which* because at the nature ther�4l,
Will not be used sEeRdily or P*rmazwntlyo
A 44 SEASONAL 3ERVIcS: provision of •loetria servieo, for a 11S
ited but specified period of time*
do 4W
Is r may be l hraish-
ad by Truckee ftblic Utility Vmtrict are deserib*d as f`0110Wm*
3*1 SSRyICE AREANO* i cmprisiag the South } o! sections 10
and lit ali of Seetions , !� and 15t
Township IT North# Range 16 East. K.D.B. de K• (TTnakeoj
3*2 SzRVI-CS AREA Uo. 2 n°gPrq��:l ole' Si etion�l6f Sanec
tb tion
17t all Township 1T North, Raage 16 East, K.D.B. & !1. fGatewy Rn8
Meadow Lake)
3*3 SIRVIA-mS A NO. 3 Comprising the south } of Soetion 7,
all of 360tion I8� is T omship 1'(
North, Range 16v Bait, and the SoUth 1} of S40tIOUB 10 sad 111 120
and all of Seations 13# and 15.9 Township ly Northp RaeB o 5
M.D.B. k H. ( Donner Lakle
9 rising all
pareelso3 sSVI � n thepionar ��etioa� 1�a � h
exterior boundaries of Truckee ftblis utility Distriets
3.' '5 SERVICE iRSA NO* 5 dr ila fo ikd**thfte belxL terUitoirl i uDid*
The Truckee Public Utility District specifically reserves the
right, in SAS discretion of Its Board of Directors# to apply special
or restricted services rate, charges or regulatioal Within aep of
the service areas described vhtll .q differ fr the services rates,
eharges, or regulations applicable is another sorvia* area•
2 -
Schedule L4
Domestic Lighting
lo Applicable for Domestic Lighting to single or ltiple family
residences, Flats and artneata, individually note d by the
2• Available thronghont service areas No* I aw2m3•
3. S*rvice shall Ue -alternating oarrent, reg�tla4od rrsgti�na� of
approximately 60 e�ols s ingis or three phay. d*liver� at
approximately 120p 120/ z20/268Y or Y$0 volts at say be'
requested by oust or sad approved by the Distristo
4. ]RAT=:
First 18 KOW-eff* - #1,00
text 82 E.Q.H- - - - - - - - - - - - - per MM
Next 100 KOW*H* - - - - - - - - - - - - .OIFSP or ME
Next 150 K*W*Ho - - - - - - - - - - - - -d� Der EtiH
Next 150 S.W.H. - - - - - - - - - .0' per EVH
All over 500 R.Y.H. - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .02 per firth
Minimum charge* $1*00 per aoath# or any t]rtetion th�r�ofi
Discount of 10 percent alloyed on Blectric bill* paid on or .
before loth of current month.
Service not paid for by 15th of current month may be disconse
nected without further notice.
5. Approved and made effective an of �i�ir is 1958*
Suporeedes Schedule Lft6 5-wl4*55
- 3 -
Schedule C4
Combination Domestic Lighting and Appliances
le Applicable for Domestic Comb ation Lighting and A"llanceso
2, Applicable cmly to singly faully reaidenams and flat$ �d
apartments, individually metered by the Distrdet# with an
svailable minim load of 3000 vents in apPIi& t.oia Where
a portion of a residences or of the *nor eon d therein►,
is used f or the conduct of business# the elsatrie oner e on•
eumed in snsb portion xill be ��paratel� ��t�r�d aad b�led
ifunder the appropriate Commercial LightiAg 8ohodnlef facilaw
ities to pe It such aspara$e motoring are not provided by the
customer, the satire promises will be billed �awzw ft&%Or41rW7 I
3. Notors aggregating not more than twenty percent of o the serail•. e:
able load ay be Included der this eohedule•
!�. ,Available load shall be considered as the manutfaoturerts name
plate rating of all appliances owned sad available f or Bess.
5. Available throu out service areas lm2ap3o
First 50 K*Woffe 'pe' r month .05 per
Nest 50 K*19,Ho per month -', - � - - - •43�er CIS
Rent 500 K* *Ke'i� por" Loath we - - - - •E2 or
All over 600 K*W*R* per month- - - - w •02 per
Minimum Charges $2*50 p month, or and action thor*of.
Discount of 10 percent allowed on all bills paid on or bef ore
the 10th of the current month.
Service not paid f or by the 15th of current month may be dis-
connected without further notice*
This rate shall not apply until a personal cheek of appliances
shall have been made by the District cad shall tutomatioally
cease to apply when total 'avallable appliancea are pedueed
below 3000 watts. District to make at least oar yearly cheek
of appliances der this section*
�. Approved and made effective as of �a* 1, 1958o
Supercede a Schedule Cv*5 5#mldw55
� � A
Sehodul�, Kcwl
Domastic Llghting, Heating and Cood/Or
Commercial Heating & Cooking
19 Applicable to Donestie LLgbti�g, No-at iag amd Cooking
IDglolamily dwellings Daly, with 14 RW or �ruri'"+a�` 1pir-
an ntl T o o sd active lead, and, to aaotmoroial eoo4&&,,"g
d heati with 7*5 or more Permanently v oetod tqj�
tine load, motored through a srpartto motor*
The installation of as Bloctrie Not water Heater raked at
not lose than 5 KW and of kO gallon capacity or more shall
qualify or this rats.
2. Available aonnsatsd load all be acmeidsrsd a#- the wumlaa•M
turerts ago plate rating of all Po ontly GoaAestod heat-
ing and cook appliaac.g that are anrrsntly In nas.
3. Motors aggregating not more that twenty percent of tho. avail
able load may be included under this •ohodnls.
!�. Available throughout service areas doe ]..*20&30
5. Service shall be alternating current, re atsdl oquosey of
approximately 60 cycles aingl• or three bars, dolivor�► at
approximately 120,, 120/240, 120/208Y or 2�4 volts as may be
specified by the District*
First 150 K*WoH* per
All over 150 Ke wo ROAM r ift .. w w .. w 02 per
Minimum Charg*,.mw w .. mo " wr .e w it .. w per month*
for any fraction -thoreof rr
Discount of 10 percent allowd on Electric Bills paid on or
bef ore the loth of curtest month.
Service not paid f or by 15th of current month may be disconom
netted without further notice. `
Thi s rat e shall not apply til s personal *beak 6f, OPPILOMOON
shall have been made by the District and shall Rutceattealiy
cease to apply when total available appliances ar• rodnaed be.
low load designated in paragraph 1• District to sake at least
one 'early cheek of appliances wader t s seheduIso
o`f wr
7. Approved grid made effective a• of � +�e�t 1, 1958.
3upereedes Schedule lffCml 7wo1.4T
— 5VIA
� r
Domestic Lighting, Heating and Cooking
Commercial Beat g do docking
1. Applicable to D estic Light Heating and Cooki� in
aingie fanily dvollings only, Frith 15 KW or *pro. of Per dO
tly e.oaaeeted aetife load, ands, to o wreial saoking „
and heating with 10 KW or more po ently e i sted as _
tine load, motored thrrelab a separate motor*,
2. Availably coaaeatod load shall be considered as the turerts name plats rating of all permaaoatl�r eo�►eeted i and cooking appliances that are currently in use
3. Motors aggrsgut ng not more than twenty pore o
f the ariil-
able load may be included wader this schedule* _
- t
� . ,Available throughout service areas No.
5. Service shall be alto ating current, regulated frequency of
approximately 64 eyeless single or three ass# deliver? at
approximately 120,9 120/*Og 120/208Y or 2�0 volts as may be
specified by the District.
6. RAT�s
First 500 K. T.H. - - - - a 40 4W 40 ,02 per KW8
All over 500 K 9 W*Ho *oiyl-per KWH
Minimum Charge S5*00 per mouth
Discount of 10 percent allowed. on Electric bills p aid on or
balers the 10th of currant month*
Service not paid f or by 15th of current month may be disconAw
nected without further notice.
This rate shall not apply until a personal check of appliances
shall have been made by the District and all amtomatieilly
cease to apply whsa total available applicanaer are reduced be-
low load designated in paragraph 1. District to make at least
one Tearlf *hock of appliances Hader this •chedule•
,Dct '' 1958?. Aplrovei ani mai• •ffestive as ! � 1� •o
Supersedes Schedule HC4 7•1 4 7
Schedule 3-6
Combination, Commerelalp Lighting, Heating & ,Cooking
lo Applicabl* to auto Campop Notelap Trailer Parks and Resorts
With a permanently eomsestod active load of not loss than
25 XW*
2. A ilsbls oonnected load shall be considered its the a fas� .
turerts name plate rating of all po an*ntly eannsoted heat-
ing and cooking appliances that are cnrrsntly 1As+r.
3. Motors aggregating not more than twenty percent of the avail•
able load may be inslud*d under this schedtitle.
4. Available throughout service areas No* lw2-3*
5. 3*rvice shall be altwra current, regulated fr*quonsy of _n =�
approximately 60 c7clesp single or three phase, d*11" at
approzimatoly 120, 120/240, 120/208Y or 4 volts as may be
specified by the District*
6. RAT
First 500 x.ii.Ho per month, or fraction th*roofaP420*00
(Mini-mt-n charge)
All over 500 K.W.H, per month as of as 4000 .02 per KW
This schedule may be changed to schedule L4wT bot an November ..
1 and March 31, it requested in iti and With 00411sat of
Districte Change in schedule smut be !'or entire period quoted*
Discount of 14 percent allowed an Blectric. bills paid on or
before the loth of the current month.
Service not paid for by 15th of current month may be disconft
nected without further notice.
�. ���
it Approved and made •tfectir� a� o!
Supercedes Schedule Ssw5 5:-14P55
A � A
,A d
Aehedule Plw3,
General Power Service
lo Applisablo to general =ommmaraial and laftstri pmver
service* Iuoidexstsl lighting '-servie* iray 'b* to
this rate when the conneeted lighting load does not exceed
10% of the connected poorer load.
2. Available throughout service arose No. 14&2ft3,
First 150 K.woH. - - - - - - - - ft .04 per
Next 350 Kowolffo _ � . .. . . .� . .�. .�3 5_per
Next 500K.W.H. • • • • r w � w • - .�25per K�tB
All over 1000 K*W.Iff. per
Discovmt of 10 percent allowed on Electris billy paid on or
before loth of current month.
Service not paid for by 15th of current month may be disconft
nected without further notice.
4. Minimums Charge (Si le phase service) $ •T5 per connected H.P.
but not less than $300 per month.
Mini Charge (Three phase service) $1*00 per o roted. H.P.
but M ot less than $5*00 per eau#h. -
5. Connected load will be taken as manutaaturerva name plats
rating, except in the case of electric welding sgni ent, in
Which case all connected electric welder load-shall be inm
clnded in the minims and a ompntmd ao follows: Input of less
than 20 , top HOP09 all over - 5 H.P.
6. approved and made e1'te0ti.s as of �► 1, 195 so
Supercedes Schedule P-2 5,mlw35
- 8
, 'Or''' v
- Schedule K*&2
lo Available f or poorer and ligbtiag service where the tOtal active
connected motor load is 50 H.P. or more*
2. Available throughout service areas lm2w3o
ORAT fa) For merviQe at less than 2500 volts:
D and Charge
$2.40 per month per lowatt of Sax deumm plus _
an Increase of l% for each 1% that the average power
factor Walla below 80%9 The nazinnus'-demand on Leh
the demand charge will be based will not ti• less than
50% of the greatest a im= demand osonrimg duri the
11 proceeding months*
First 3000 K.W.B. per orator per month - 10-60- per $.�►.H.Nazt 3404 K.ti1.H. per meter per month - 1.�, per K*W*E, - "
Next 3000 Q.W.H. per motor per m th - 1*29 per KoW.H.
hest 3000 K*W*H* per motor per month 1*0� or K*W*H' *
All over 12000 K.W*H* per meter per month •4.1¢ per X.X.H.
The total charge for a month is the, sups of the demand
and energy charges,
(b) For service at 2500 volts a reduction in the Demand
C2urga shall be made:
1. When Distriet ester• onergf at a voltage of 2500 volts
or less and aoasmer owns distribution tr fo ore 40'5%
2. When District owns distribution transf era (2500 or
less molts primary), and DIstrict measures energy on
hi high tension aids of transfo ore 2*%
3. When customer owns distribution transfo era (2500 or
less volts primary),# and District measures energy on
low tension side of tr sf ormers4ft- - - - - - - - - 402
4. The nazi demand for any month will be tho average kilowatt ilaw
put indicated or recorded by instrAmments to be lied# owed and
maintained by the District at the Distriett a ospeas* upon the oas.•
aumerta premixes, adjacent to the xatto4omr motors, in the 15 ein-
ut• interval in ich the eonnneption of electric energy is wore
thbn in any other is minute Interval during the month,
5. Above rates shall also apply, if District elects to sera at a vol-
tage higher than 2500 volts Primar�.
S. Discount of 5 per cent allowed if bill is paid on or before 10th of
current month.
service not paid by 15th of current month may bs disco eated with-
out further notice. ocroior
T• A prrve aa19C Qdu lo fKf e-o tive-a szh o
f apbub" is 1958*s
Schedule 0-1
Public Outdoor Lighting 3*rvics
1. Applicable to Outdoor overhead lighting service':for Highways,
Streets# Bridges and Aftblic Outdoor Li9h bina �y li�d V y 'pans
of Cu3tomerftowned or Distriet4wowned and/or Install*d fikellitieso
2. Available throughout service areas Ho. lft2ft3o
3. Installation and ezt*asion of now Street Li ts Is 1 Itod to
a distance of not ovor 150 lit. frm exist l.aa stroot Light fas
ilities where District serves ea*rgJ trey.
4. Street Lighting Service on County Roads rill be provided upon a
petition and payment in advance of the estimated Installed coat
of the Districts approved typo of Lan air*# by those benefiting
therefrom,* Alter installation all facilities beeoss th* prc
of the District and the District will maintain same and wpply
the energy without coat.
5. On Cuntowerwownod facilitionj lamp sizes and trp*a will be an
selected by oust or fr those apsoiliod by IDIstrietp to bo
operated by aiterattiag current at distribution voltages, circuit
arru►gesants and eonnbing holghts specified by District* Lu�iu-
air*s and snpporting brackets will be of a design speoified by
the District sad will be Installed on existing rood poles unless
otherwise provided end agreed to in writing by the District*
6. Highway Lighting - Lighting on Stets Highways will be by contract
an per the rate seh*dnls. Motored -service will be provided wader
the Commercial Lighting Schedule*
7. RAM
Applicable where at or owns entire equipment and .District
supplies wergy sad/or servicing and/or ssintenaaes.
Lamp Rating Ener Servicing
Inc descent Charx* M i tenan-ce Total
Up to 2500 Luaene 1*25 .T5 2000
Up t o15000 Lumens 3900 1*50 4*50
16000 Lumens 4*50 l*T5 6*25
20000 Lumens 5400 2*50 T*50
If eaergJ oaly is desired under t s aehodnl• the ehar6o
will be 10 pereent additional. Above rats based upon
approximately 4000 hours per year operation.
;r,4( 14tc re tie*0
- le
Schedule Uwal
Unclassified Service
1. Applicable to all classified Service*
2. Available in area 1,m2m3=4 and 5.
3. Rates and typo of service, under this schedule aha11
be set in each sass by the Board of Directors as
conditions may require, taking into oon.iderttiqU Mg
special circumstances or problems that may be . i�Tolfod,
the area of proposed use and estimated quantity Mnt!
. voltage of electricity to be used en8 thm pu rp*s#s, f or
which it Is to bo used.
Adopted: August 13# 1958 Effective: October 1, 1958
Th* aSB
District will !'�trsish and lastall i�ra ee
wires o! �nah trp0 and also at in the ;fin ��sat�
of t2� District will adequately and Kati aet Ily-
meet th* quiren to as sot f th the stow a
The followl charges for now' servisers trill be
made aM are payable is advaaee f in addition to aay
other aWargoa due to oxtensi s or ep*eia1 .vc*d1t• .
ions an set forth in the I** and regulations10#'
the Distrieto
2 Wire Service do 150 lit. or leas - ft $10000
3 Wir* Service - 150 Ft. or lose - $15*00
Temporary Service - 150 ft. or leap- $25*00
Above ohargs is for labor ly and all satorial
roteaiaa the property of tho Districto
Any needed extension Of the Districts
wires for more than 150 Ft. will be at an additf on-
al expense of $1*00 per each 14 Pt* or aotion
thereof !or 2 wire service and $1*50 per eaah 14 Fig.
or traction thereof of 3 wire service*
• y
5.1 MST s VICE: Meters will be read at " t1' i�er�l.s
and as near to s calendar in th bast 8 as
reasonably Practicable for the g mrpoas of epar regular► 'bills,
opening lilts, *losing U111s, or mWelal bills* ahvht24 a monthly
billing period eoatain less than 2T or ■a►r# �►1�,,� 33, 4AYss a fro rats
corrootion may be gads on the a thly ais
�.2 FiAT �►TI! SIR�CJi: Bills, for flat rate are palokb is im aQ•
♦anon. ope bills for flat rat*
service shall not be leis than the *ft ot0d monthly s3uurge for the
service* any amount paid is excess of the pro rued period rate will
be credited against the charge for the �ntoo��dia r��sth.
5*3 IPAYMWt Bills for electric charges and Jor serrrtoes are duo
and payable up presentation and P&7uont may be
amide at the office of the District, T ckoop C&llfornias or to an
authorised collector* Bills bosom* delinquent 15 days !ram date of
5*h JPONSMILIT'Y IPOR IPAYMUT: 1 bills for 4lostrie service
d other charges all be
billed to the person requesting and making applisstion for service,
provided, howeverg that in the event of dolinquen oh ras a or
charges shall be billed to the owner of the promises afforded ch
services whether or not such oxaer requested or mass application for
5*5 DISPWNWr BILL: b*tIn the event of a dispute aa a �u�.•
tower and the Distric as to the, so Oct
amount of a bill rendered by the District for service t'umieh*d a
customer, the customer shall deposit the amount billed Tritb the Clerk
of the Districts and shall then. proceed is aQaordaae* with S#Otion 8
of this Ordinanoo. Failure to deposit said amo=t nth=n 20 da�r�r
from the data of said bill shall �srrant the District regard it as
a delinquent aoconnt.
The General N or of said District is hereby charged
with the sat oroemeat of the provisions or this Ordi 00 and all Rules
and Regulations made pursuant hereto. The Bcard of Directors shall
make and provide for the eatorc•msat of such lon and Regulati a !or
the sate, economic, sad etlealeat operation, man *neat and pro an
of the District oleetrio s?stsa, service and fa011itlost and atatcb
Rules and Regulations as mad be necessary for the ro latlon of oleo
trio services, the application for service, the- •atabliabnsnt and eo],•
lOetiOn Of eoaa66tiva charges for iariotts types Of strvioe, Includi"
special contracts where ns#essarf, the celleotin g, rebe►tiag or rehmd�
i of charges, establishment of credit and reaonaoetion charges,
• 12
ta} In the went of a ♦iolation Of any 1&V8 Of the state .
of Calif�ia, OrAinane�rs o! the Co��► of Neva . :
Ordinances of the Vistriets or the ftl 0 r sad 'Be Is#ire establish+�d
thereto, the Qeaeral Piaaager shall not f'r ' �► �r 0 os or Ppursuant
onn csnsing,sllovfng or eousitting
ifying the violation, and upon the fallIft of t _V*rs on to: 0*as•
or p2ovent: further violation xithix� 35 dersafter, date of such
r�otias, the General I�agsr way eserois• hi• txl�h ty to dig* t
said Pr toes from electric sortie*; ovide4p h . *"rp t'hat in the .
scent such violati resultsig a j &to then the,
Goneral Manager may enter' upon the onises and de sueb is and
exp4md inch s as may be necessary to abate stte�t basszd or MOnto0,
ar'd the reaaonabls value of the thi�gs dons and ►"so aarrsd or
amount so ezpeaded there all be a charge upon the person and pre-
mises so in violation*
It a oust or receives elootirio service at mory t any losation
and the bill or charges f or service at any one location Id not paid
prior to dolinqueneys eleetrio service at all locations •ay be dine
wont ed.
(b) Upon the failure of and/ portion or the owner of the premisesp
to peg e� electric service bill . or charges applivablo thereAw
Ito, in addition to the foregoing, and one or more of the loll ►g
actions may be t on:
(1) ah elsatrie service bill and or charges levied by or
purisuant' to t s- Ordin ce and the Rules and Regulations thereunder*
on any promises within the District# is hereby made s lean cc snob
premise, sad any measures authorized by lax may be taken by the Dis-
trict to enforce payment of such lien.
(2) Whenever a premise has been d1sco=oetod frcs the electric
system for non-payment of electric bills or charges sash promise
shall not be reconnected to said electric system til all delliKuent
charges and penalties* if ar4y# have been paid, together with such
additional charges or deposits for diseounectia��r reoa�mne+�ti+�r ter'
emtablishment of credit as way be ordered frcr. ti ts• do tiar�r by the
Board of Directors by lea and regulations or other gat.
shall tna-
neet, or cause to be connected any premiss with th* ;Distriet electric
system without hating first made application therefor to the Distriat
and having obtained permission of the District *so to do in aocordance
with Rules and Regulationse
I N 8. No person shall alloy any other tips of Dwellia�,
Business place or St cture to be +rd to the
promises upon which application !or' service has b**n Aade without
written consent of the District and capon terms aged conditions not
3SCTI0N 9. APPE": AW pers o shall be dissatisfied with
any determination h*roaft*r made under or
pursuant to this Ordinance# or any amendment theroofs or Rules quad
Regulations made pursuant thereto, sad at any time within 30 dada
after such date inati (disputed bills provision excepted) appal
to the Board of Directors of said District by giving written notice
ION 9,& APPZALB* (Couirt)
to the Genor - o'. or to the Clerk 0t tho District, tetti loth
the dateatlon rlth rhi.ab oh portion is dif flodo
General sger shall then investigate and ;ra*", Vta_ i*�► 101ra of
Directors with iA 15 days from date of a Itt 11,6t1*0., Oft
upon the matter ac appealed. The Heard of Diroot 0 Aft,or receipt
of said report at the Oexoral man- v+�r �b,�►11 _ao� lose tban 3t! date
thereafter h�►ve a h*arl" is :atoraa�es to said protoit or .oatt*r
appealed, and aotioo of the date, plaso and tfte f*
shall bo given to all pers, sp att*ated thorob not lat4124 ;. ton
dais prior to said hearing, the Board of lDlr*e are nay at MW t so _
upon its own motion reverse any determination eado by the wriaeral
Pending decisions upon any appeal Palatiw to the an of
charges made hereunder, the person aakiag rash appeal* shall pay
ch charge antler protest as more partle�tlarly provldod is the
Rules and Regulations of the District* After app eal and bearing
thereon is had, the determination of the Board of Diroctopes as a
result thereof, shall be final aid satcludfve, and ,is tho4vent that
a determination be ■ads, that any charge or atvw* provi sly Pd
under protest be refunded, ch refund ahal2 be made forthwith, -
3SCTI4A 10. If any of the provisions of this Ordin" eelp or
the application thereof to any person or +atremnstuscs, in hold
invalid, such decision shall not thereby affect the other pooet
visions of this Ord &no*.
Nothing herein shall be coast od to licit the authority of
the Board of Directors to wind, lament or ohaago this Ordin�
once, or any supplemnts of amendments thersofp or to eh et
modi or alter and rules, regulations or other dot* inations
made pursuant thereto.
ION lie IVz DAIS OF ORVENANVZO This Ordlasnoo shall .
bee Off*Otivo 30
days after the date of passag* thereof, sad shall bo published twice
within 15 days alter the date of pass In the Sic Sms, • news-
papar of general circulation printed and published within the Covmty
Mhsrein said District !d located,* providedjp' however# that r the actrie
Rates herein aboy* set forth grid ret'ered to shall bee o effect- ive
as of September 1, 1958*
He Mo . W01012 Prssidsnt of the Boi4'
ATT Ts .4/0�
C. Edmunds
Acting Clerk and wofficio
Secretary thereof o
I hereby certify that the foregoing Ord ano* was
duly introduced. passed and adopted st a ateetixg �►r tbs
Board of Directors o!' Truckew�'ublie Vt411t1 Districton the lath dad of August, 19by tlas tolowing vote.
Area: Horn Kaspi Wbleb, Nougebauer
Noes: none
Absent: King
WIT SS my hand and the seal 02' this District the 13th
day of August, 1958, /
C e Scheund a
Acting Clerk of Trucke*
Public Utility District