Effective June 1 , 1976Res-
- --
WHEREAS: The District is engaged in rendering Public Utility servi ces to the
Public, and the Employees, Management and Directors recognize that.
there is an obligation on each for the continuous rendition and a-
vailability for such services; and
WHEREAS: The welfare of the Public depends upon the loyal and efficient work
and service of .all employed or associated with the District in any
capacity; and, individually and collectively all are expected to use
their influence and best efforts to protect the properties of the
District and its service to the Public and to cooperate in promoting
and advancing the welfare of the District and in preserving 'the con-
tinuity of its services to the Public at all times;
That for the purposes of promoting harmony and efficiency among
_ the employees of the District, The Board of Directors propose,
agree and herein set forth the following:
1 .1 District shall deduct from their wages the regular membership dues
of employees who are members of Union and who individually and
voluntarily authorize such deductions in writing in accordance
w ith the provisions of Section 1157.E of the Government Code of
the State of California. Such deductions shall be made from the
first payroll period of each month. and shall be submitted forth-
with to the Financial Secretary of Local Union 1245, I .B.E.W. ,
P.J. Box 4790 (3063 Citrus Circle) , Walnut Creek, California 94596.
The form of checkoff authorization shall be approved by District
and Union.
1 .2 It is the policy of the District and Union not to discriminate
against any employee because of race, creed, color, age, -sex Or
national origin.
2.1 (a) Employees shall be classified as either regular or casual
(temporary) .
(b) A regular employee is one who has completed six (6) months
of continuous service with the District.
(c) A casual (temporary) employee is one hired for occasional
or seasonal work or for a limited time.
2.2 New employees hired for a regular classification shall be placed on
a six (6) month probationary period, at the end of which time,. if
(s)he has demonstrated his ability and qualifications therefor, (s)
he shall be given a definite classification as hereinafter set forth.
3.1 The established workweek for all employees is from Saturday midnight
to Saturday midnight.
3.2 The normal workweek shall be five (5) days of eight (8) hours each,
and shall begin on Monday and end on Friday.
3,3 The hours of work for those employees scheduled on a Monday-Friday
workweek shall be 8:00 A.M. to 12:00 noon, and from 1 :00 P.M. to
5:00 P.M. ; or, 8:00 A.M. to 12:00 noon, and from 12:30 P.M. to 4:30
3.4 The normal workweek for Service employees shall be five (5) days of
eight (8) hours each, and shall begin on Tuesday and end on Saturday.
3.5 The hours of work for those employees scheduled on a Tuesday-Saturday
workweek shall be 8:00 A.M. to 12:00 noon, and from 1 :00 P.M. to
5:00 P.M. ; or 8:00 A.M. to 12:00 noon and from 12:30 P.M. to 4:30 P.M.
3.6 Nothing contained herein shall be construed as limiting the right of
the District to schedule Service employees to a Monday-Friday work-
3.7 Service employees are designated as : Serviceman/Warehouseman, Service
Utilityman, and Meter Reader/Collector/Serviceman.
4.1 When an employee is requested by management for standby the employee
shall be paid for a period of five (5) hours pay per day. Standby
shall be from 5:00 P.M. Friday to 8:00 A.M. of the next regularly
scheduled work day. Recognized Holidays under Title 6 will be paid
five (5) hours for standby. An employee will not be required to
standby at his or her residence, but, shall be available within the
District. (As amended 6/1/75. )
4.2 Overtime compensation for all emergency call-outs worked will be
paid in addition to standby pay.
5. 1 Overtime is defined as:
(a) time worked in excess of forty (40) hours in a workweek;
(b) time worked in excess of eight (8) hours on a scheduled
work day;
(c) time worked on a non-work day;
(d) time worked on a holiday;
(e) time worked outside of regular work hours on a work day;
(f) time worked through an employee's lunch period.
Overtime shall be computed to the nearest one-half ;2) hour.
5.2 If an employee is called out by a responsible authority of the District
outside the employee's regularly scheduled hours and works less than
two (2) hours, the employee shall receive not less than two (2): hours '
pay, to be compensated at the applicable overtime rate, for each such
call-out; provided the employee has finished his first call-out and has
returned to his home. If the employee is sent on another job or jobs
prior to returning home from the initial call without a break in work
time, it shall be considered as a single call-out.
5,3 Overtime shall be divided as equally as is practicable among those
qualified and available in each department.
5.4 (a) Except as otherwise provided herein, overtime compensation
shall mean a rate of pay equivalent to one and one-half times
(1-2X) the standard rate of pay.
(b) Employees shall be paid overtime compensation at the rate of
pay equivalent to two times (2X) the standard rate of pay for
all time worked in excess of sixteen (16) consecutive hours .
(c) Employees shall be paid overtime compensation at the rate of
pay equivalent to two times (2X) the standard rate of pay for
all time worked between 2400 and 0800 hours.
(d) Employees called out on Sundays and holidays shall be paid
overtime compensation at the rate of pay equivalent to two
times (2X) the standard rate of pay for all such call-outs.
5.5 (a) Any regular or probationary employee who has worked eight (8)
hours or more at overtime rates between his regular quitting
time and his next regular starting time, on regular work days,
shall be entitled to a rest period of eight (8) consecutive
hours upon completion of such overtime work,
(b) If the District requires the employee to continue work into
his regular work period, the employee shall be paid at two
times (2X) the standard rate of pay for all hours worked until
he is given a rest period of eight (8) consecutive hours.
(c) If the employee becomes eligible for a rest period and is
called back to work during his eight (8) hour rest period, the
employee shall be paid at two times (2X) the standard rate of
pay for all hours worked until he has been relieved from duty
for at least eight (8) consecutive hours.
(d) Should the rest period provided in subsection (a) above extend
into his regular work hours, the employee may be required to
report for work at the end of said rest period for the remainder
of that regular work period. He will , in any event, be paid
straight time for the said regular work period.
6.1 The following are the recognized paid holidays for probationary and
regular full -time employees :
New Year's Day . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . January lst
Washington 's Birthday . . . . . . . . . . . 3rd Monday in February
Memorial Day . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Last Monday in May
Independence Day . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . July 4th
Labor Day . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1st Monday in September
Veteran's Day . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4th Monday in October
Thanksgi vi ng Day . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4th Thursday i n November
The Day After Thanksgiving Day (Friday)
Christmas Day . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . December 25th
Employee's Birthday
When any of the allowed holidays fall on a Saturday, the paid holiday
will be observed on Friday preceding; if a holiday falls on a Sunday,
the following Monday will be observed.
6*2 If an employee takes off any of the days observed. by the ItS�t���7 as
a holiday and is absent without a bona fide reason on the work day
either immediately preceding or following such day observed by the
m5TiL.t_c7'as a holiday, he shall not receive holiday pay.
7.1 At the discretion of the District, transportation shall be furnished
all employees is the performance of their duties as prescribed.
7,v2 Any employee asked to use his own personal' means of transportation
for District business shall be reimbursed at the rate of fifteen
cents (15t) per mile, but shall not receive less than $1 .00 per day.
8,1 Leave of absence shall be granted to regular employees for urgent
substantial personal reasons; provided that adequate arrangements
can be made to take care of the employee's duties without undue inter-
ference with the normal routine of work. Leave will not be granted if
the purpose for which it is requested may lead to the employee's re-
8*2 An employee's status as a regular employee shall not be impaired by
a leave of absence.
8.3 An employee shall be paid his regular salary if leave of absence is
occasioned by a call to jury duty. However, any pay received as a
Juror shall be deducted from the employee's wages. An employee may
be paid his regular salary while in Civil Defense duty, or in con-
nection with National Guard duty.
8.4 (a) A maternity leave for a period of six (6) months or less shall
be granted upon request to any regular employee who becomes
pregnant. Extension of a maternity leave, up to a period of
one (1 ) year, provided there is a medical need. An employee
who becomes pregnant shall , as a condition of continued employ-
ment past the end of the seventh (7th) month of pregnancy, fur-
nish, upon District's request, written statements from her
physician stating that she is physically able to continue
to perform her normal work assignment and that the physician
recommends her continued employment. Should the employee
decide to take maternity leave or should the physician not
recommend her continued employment, the employee shall begin
the maternity leave at that time or be granted sick leave,
provided the employee is actually ill or disabled due to preg-
nancy or conditions related thereto, which are confirmed by
her physician.
(b) Employees shall be returned to work from maternity leave under
the following conditions:
(1 ) Prior to the expiration and/or extension of maternity
leave, the employee must have given the District writ-
ten notice of her intention to return to work.
(2) Employee(s) shall be returned to work in her former classi-
fication and at the same rate of pay in the case of ma-
ternity leave that exceeds six (6) months, up to the per-
iod of one (1 ) year, the employee shall be returned to
work provided a vacancy exists. If no such vacancy ex-
ists, her leave of absence will continue until such time
a vacancy occurs in her former classification or in a
lower classification.
(3) In the event the employee is returned to work in classi-
fication lower. than 'her farmer classification., she will
be given preferential consideration over other employees
in the filling of vacancies in higher classification un-
til such time as she is returned to her former classi-
fication or rate of pay. If an eligible employee fails
to return immediately to active employment from maternity
leave at the first offer of work in compliance with the
foregoing, she shall thereby terminate her employment
with the District. The employee's seniority will not ac-
crue while she is absent on maternity leave. (Entire Sec-
tion added 6/1/75. )
8.5 Leave of absence or any other type of leave means an approved absence
without pay. While on leave, an employee is not eligible for sick pay,
holiday pay, vacation pay, insurance coverage, retirement coverage, or
items of similar nature. . (Added 6/l/75..)
9.1 Employees who have completed six (6) months of continuous service with
the District shall accrue vacation at the rate of one (1 ) day per month.
After an employee has attained regular status, vacation computations
shall commence on date of hire.
9.2 An employee who has completed five (5) years of continuous service
with the District shall be entitled to eighteen (18) work days with
full pay.
9.3 An. employee who has completed fifteen (15) years of continuous ser
i -
vce with the District shall be entitled to twenty (20) work days
with full pay.
9.4 All vacations will be taken on consecutive days unless otherwise
mutually agreed upon between the District and the employee.
9.5 Any employee who shall leave the District before taking his regular
scheduled vacation shall be entitled to receive full pay for the
days covered by his vacation period.
9.6 Vacations may be scheduled during the calendar year by mutual ' agree-
ment between management and employee. There will be a sign-up in
each department so that employees may designate their choice of vaca-
tion periods. The District shall prepare and post the annual vacation
schedule on the basis of such sign-up effecting wherever possible the
selections of the employees in the order of their classification senior-
ity. Vacation lists shall be posted on or before April 15th of each
• 9.7 An employee may forego his or her vacation in one year and add it to
his or her vacation in the following year, provided the District in
advance gives its written approval . In no event shall an employee de-
fer all or any portion of his or her vacation period longer than one
year unless an employee is unable to take such vacation by reason of
the foregoing approval or industrial injury.
10.1 The District shall furnish all tools and specialized safety devices
necessary to perform an employee's assigned duties. Every effort
should be made by the employee to maintain them in good condition be-
cause his safety may depend on his equipment.
10.2 Safety meetings shall be prepared and conducted during the course of
regular working hours by an employee designated by Management. Ap-
proximately two regular working hours each month shall be allowed for
this purpose.
10.3 The District shall make reasonable provisions for the safety of employ-
ees in the performance of their work. Employees shall jointly cooper-
ate in promoting the responsibility of the individual employee with re-
gard to the prevention of accidents.
10.4 The Foreman shall establish a safety inspection committee to function
in the prevention of accidents by ascertaining unsafe working condi-
tions and at least every six (6) months recommend any measures to be
taken for correction thereof, in writing to the Manager.
10.5 The District reserves the- right to draft reasonable safety rules for
employees and to insist on the observance of such rules.
11 .1 The District will not discriminate against an employee because of
their membership in the Union and employees are expected not to dis-
criminate against any employee because of their non-affiliation with
the Union.
12.1 Employees who have completed six (6) months of continuous service
with the District shall accrue unlimited sick leave at the rate of
one (1 ) day per month. After an employee has attained regular status ,
sick leave computation shall commence on date of hire.
12.2 The District may require satisfactory evidence of an employee's illness
or disability before sick leave will be granted. If it is found that
the employee is taking undue advantage of sick leave provisions., said
employee shall forfeit all sick leave accumulated up to that date.
12.3 If a holiday falls on a work day within the sick leave period of an
employee who is entitled to holidays off with pay, it shall not be in-
cluded in the leave.
Nothing in the foregoing Title shall be interpreted to entitle the
employee to sick leave while on vacations or temporarily laid off by
the District.
12.4 When an employee is absent by reason of injury -which came within the
application of the Workmen's Compensation Chapters of the State of
California Labor Code, he shall be entitled to supplementary benefits
for the duration of such temporary disability. Benefits shall begin
with the first day of absence following the day of the injury. The
amount of supplementary benefit payable for each day of absence shall
be ninety percent (90%) of each employee 's basic daily wage, less the
sum of any payment to which he may be entitled under the aforementioned
Acts applying to the case.
12.5 Deleted 6/l/75,
13.1 Employees shall be granted three (3) days funeral leave with pay
in the event of a death in they r immediate family or a more dis-
tant relative who was a member of the employee's immediate house-
hold hold at the time of death. Immediate family consists of employee's
or empl oyee'� spouse's mother, father, brother, sister., son, daugh-
ter, stepchild, half-brother, half-sister, foster parent or grand-
parent. (As amended 6/l/75. )
14.1 If the District requires an employee to perform work starting two
(2) hours prior to his regular starting time, it shall provide him
with a meal .
14.2 If the District requires an employee to perform work for one and
one-half (1-3--,-) hours or.more beyond his regular ui tti n time, it
shall provide him with a meal , and with meals thereafter at inter-
vals of four (4) hours, but not more than five (5) hours for as lon� g
as such work continues.
14.3 The cost of any such meals and the time necessary to consume the same
shall be at District's expense. Time taken to consume these meals,
up to one-half (%) hour, shall be considered as work time.
14.4 If an employee who 'i s enti'tl ed to meals at District's expense- does
not accept any such meal , the District shall , nevertheless, allow
him time with pay equivalent to the time usually taken to eat a
meal , namely, one-half (2) hour in addition to a $4.50 allowance
for such meal .
15.1 As the initial step in the adjustment of a grievance, the employee
9 � and/
or Shop Steward or other representative shall discuss the same with the
Manager. Should the grievance still not be settled to the satisfaction
of the employee, he shall be granted a hearing by a Joint Grievance Com-
mittee composed of an impartial representative, to be selected by mutual
agreement between a representative of the District and the employees '
representative. In the event District's representative and the employee's
representative are unable to reach a satisfactory settlement of the
grievance the parties together may agree upon the appointment of a medi-
ator. A grievance p presented introduced at the initial step must be resented not
more than thirty (30) days from the date of the incident, or the date
the employee becomes aware of the i nc i dent.
16.1 Nothing contained herein shall be construed as limiting 9 the right t of
the District to determine the methods of its operation, the amount
of production , the number of employees in total or in specific class-
ifications of work. However, the District agrees that in no case will
it layoff employees as the result of work contracted. When i t becomes
necessary to layoff employees due to lack of work, the District shall
give employees concerned as much notice as possible except" in the case
of temporary employees where no notice is required.
16.2 Layoff in all cases will be made by seniority and qualifications.
District will make a reasonable effort to notify such employees of
job vacancies which occur within twelve (12) months following the lay-
off. Employees rehired in the twelve (12) month period will be rein-
stated wi th al 1 benef i is for whi ch the ual i fi ed as a re ul ar em l o
y q -
g p y
ee, except in the case of a temporary employee where no rehire status
is necessary.
16.3 Journeymen who can demote Apprentices shall retain Journeyman status•
(Linemen, Line Working Foreman) .
17.1 Incumbent employees who are qualified f i ed shall be '
q given priority to fill
existing vacancies before a new employee is hired,
17.2 All job vacancies will be posted on District Bulletin Board.
17.3 After Sections 17.1 and 17.2 are complied i p with, vacancies will be pub-
licly advertised.
18.1 The District retains the right to discharge any employee for incom-
petence or other serious cause. The reason for such discharge shall
be given in writing within forty-eight (48) hours of the time of such
18.2 Reasons for discharge shall include, but not be limited to the follow-
1 Failure to perform work in an efficient, workman-like
2. Insubordination.
3. Absent without authorization or just cause.
18.2 (Continued)
4. Failure to cooperate willingly and cheerfully with
supervisors, and/or fellow employees in matters per-
taining to the Districts operations.
5. Insobriety.
6. Dishonesty.
19.1 Employees who are unable to work in the field because of inclement
weather or other similar causes, shal 1 recei ve pay for the ful 1 day,
provided they have reported for duty. However, they may be held pend-
ing emergency calls , and may be given first aid, safety or other in-
structions, or they may be requ-ired to perform miscellaneous work in
warehouses or other sheltered locations. Temporary employees under
the same conditions shall receive pay for time they worked or are
held on District property or ordered to stand by. They shall not be
paid in any event for less than four (4) hours.
19.2 Management shall be responsible for determining weather conditions
that warrant cessation of outside work. ., In arriving at a decision
with respect to weather conditions, the supervisor shall take into
account such factors .
1 Employee safety
2. Operating requirements
3. Undue hazards
4. Service to the Public
50 ob site working conditions
6. Anticipated duration of time required to leave
unfinished job in a safe condition
7. Anticipated- duration of inclement weather
8. Distance from job site to ope-rating headquarters
9. Any other pertinent factors which, in his opinion,
should be taken- into account in reaching his dec-
ision relative to stopping or continuing work.
., l 1
20.1 While this Resolution is in effect, the District will not change
or discontinue the Group Insurance Program. The District shall
pay eighty-five percent (85'/'0) of the premiums for insurance cover-
age for employees and dependents. (Resolution No. 7315 - June 19,
1973. )
20.2 While this Resolution is in effect, the District will not change
or discontinue the Long Term Disability Plan. The District shall
pay one hundred percent (100%) of the premiums for the Long Term
Disability Plan.
20.3 While this Resolution is in effect, the District will not change or
discontinue the Retirement Plan. The District will pay one hundred
percent (1001) of the cost of the Retirement Plan. (Resolution No.
7315 - June 19, 1973. )
20.4 The District shall not by reason of execution of this Agreement
abrogate or reduce the scope of any present plan or rule beneficial
to employees which is not specifically covered by this Agreement.
An employee engaged in performing all classes of distribution line
work, having full charge of and directing entire crew; may at times
be required to drive vehicle. Is required to drive the line truck
and operate the fixed and attached equipment. Will keep time cards
and material records and other duties as prescribed by District
Manager. Must have a valid California driver's license before assign-
ment to job.
Effective Effective
6/1/76 12/17T7 (.p � I l -7 —7
LEAD LINEMAN Hourly Rates: $ 9,20 $ 9.94
An employee who is a Journeyman qualified by training and knowledge
of underground circuits, _substations and apparatus to test and in-
stall duct line, cable conduits and risers . Must be able to climb
and perform Lineman 's work such as making underground connections on
customer's services and substation feeder installations . Must have
a valid California driver's license as required by applicable Stake
law before assignment to job.*
�-- *Note: This job is only on a upgrade basis when there are two (2)
Journeymen working alone and there is no Foreman available.
LEAD LINEMAN (Continued)
,.�.. Effective Effective
6/1/76 12/1/77
. Hourly Rates: $ 8.72 $ 9.42
An employee who is a Journeyman and who performs all classes of
transmission and distribution line work when assigned to a crew
under the direction of a Working Foreman or Supervisor of higher
grade. His background of apprenticeship and experience must be
such as to qualify him to perform these duties with skill and ef-
ficiency. A Lineman may be assigned to work with and under the
general direction of a Troubleman and when so assigned, the type
of work he performs and the method of supervision shall be govern-
ed by the rules with respect to the Troubleman classification.
A Lineman may be assigned temporarily to work apart from a crew
either alone or as a member of a two (2) man unit, without super-
vision, doing work which may include:
1 . Framing poles
2. Preassembling material
3. Patroling and inspecting pole and tower lines
4. Testing and inspecting pops
5. Repairing risers and ground mouldings
6. Pulling slack in anchor guys
7. Replacing guy guards
8. Trimming trees
A Lineman may be assigned temporarily to work apart from, when a
member of a two (2) man unit, without supervision, when the second
man in such unit is a one year Apprentice Lineman or higher doing
work which shall include:
1 . Taking primary distribution voltage readings
2. Installing Company-owned customer outdoor lighting
service equipment and street lighting fixtures, in-
cluding making connections on circuits with voltage
below 750 volts.
3. Installing all types of customers ' services including
risers and terminal connections when the service is
to be underground, complete with setting self-contained
LINEMAN (Continued)
Using special design lift equipment or an aerial bucket, a Lineman
may work apart from a crew, a two (2) man unit, without supervisor,
when the second man in such unit is a one year Apprentice Lineman
or higher, doing work which may include:
1 . Setting and replacing service poles
2. Setting street light poles and outdoor lighting
service poles not to exceed forty feet (40' ) in .
3. Washing insulators on lines energized up to 60KV
When it is necessary to climb through live circuits of 750 volts or
more, the other employee in the two (2) man unit shall be a Journey-
man Lineman.
Is required to drive the line truck and operate the fixed and at-
tached equipment. May be required to keep time cards and material
records and other duties prescribed by District Manager. Must have
a valid California driver's license before assignment to job.
Effective Effective
6/1/76 12/1/77
APPRENTICE LINEMAN Hourly Rates: $ 8.55 $ 9.23
An employee who is engaged in performing work as an assistant to or
under the general direction of a Lineman while training for Journey-
man. In order to gain experience for advancement, he may be requir-
ed to work alone or under direct supervision on jobs for which he has
been trained and instructed. May be required to do other duties as
prescribed by District Manager. The employee's education and general
qualifications must be such that he is considered capable of attain-
ing Journeyman status . To qualify as a Journeyman, employee must
have a valid Ci.lifornia driver's license before assignment to job.
Hourly Rates Effective Effective
6/1/76 12/1/77
Apprentice $ 6.47 $ 6*99
After 1 year 6,91 7.46
After 2 years 7.45 8.05
After 3 years 8.01 8.65
TECHNICIAN, METERMAN After 4 years 8.55 9.23
An employee who is a journeyman Meterman and who, in addition, has
demonstrated ability in the theory, installation and testing of de-
mand meters, reactive metering , instrument transformers and special-
ized test equipment. Effective Effect
611176 ive
Hourly Rates: $ 8.55
$ 9.23
WORKING FOREMAN (Revised to Meet New System Requirements. )
The Water Service Working Foreman of the Truckee-Donner Public Utility
District shall be primarily responsible for the operation and mainten-
ance of the pumps , booster systems , hydropneumatic systems, storage re-
servoirs and related pipeline works within the District's nine pressure
zones. The Water Service Working Foreman shall be primarily respons-
ible for the operation and maintenance of the noted facilities and shall
assist the Superintendent in the overall expeditious and efficient opera-
tion of the District. The Water Service Working Foreman shall oversee
and direct the activities of the service men and other District person-
nel as may be required from time to time to fulfill the obligations of
the position.
The Water Service Working Foreman shall be responsible to the District
Superintendent and to the General Manager of the Truckee Donner Public
Utility District.
Effective Effective
6/1/76 12/1/77
Hourly Rates: $ 8'.28 $ 8.94
An employee who must be able to install water services, perform con-
struction and maintenance duties in the Wa-ter Department. He must have
a valid California driver's license and operate all Public Utility Dis-
trict's construction equipment. He must be capable of reading and re-
pairing meters and assist in the warehouse or any other duties as re-
quired by the District Manager. Effective Effective
6/1/76 12/1/77
Hourly Rates :
$ 7,54 $ 8. 14
An employee who is qualified to perform, without direct supervision,
routine duties including the receipt, storage and disbursement of
material , the taking of physical inventories , etc. May also be re-
quired to keep stores records . May operate equipment and be required
to set electric and water meters and make electric and water cut-ins
and cut-outs, make electric connections at the weatherhead, make minor
repairs to District and customers ' equipment. May be required to col -
lect and perform other duties as prescribed by the District Manager.
Employee must have a valid California driver's license before assign-
ment to the job.
Effective Effective
6/1/76 12/1/77
Hourly Rates: $ 7. 18 $ 7*75
An employee in this classification is required to read meters for
any purpose as assigned and as part of his duties will be expected
to check meter numbers, records, record meter readings on forms as
required, observe and report any unusual or abnormal conditions of
District's or customers ' equipment. In addition to the above, he
may be required to do routine collecting of accounts , cut in or cut
out electric and water meters for any reason, assist in the ware-
house and Water Department and perform other duties as prescribed
by the Manager. Must have a valid California driver's license be-
fore assignment to job. Must be able to write legibly and main-
tain aneat, clean appearance at all times.
Effective Effective
Hourly�ates6/1/76 _ 12/1/77
Start $ 5.69 $ 6.15
6 months 5.96 6.44
1 year 6,18 6.67
18 months 6,39 6*90
HELPER 2 years 6,62 7.15
Must have sufficient knowledge and adaptability to unGerstand and
carry out duties as assigned; must be semi-skilled laborer or equiv-
alent with past experience as such, capable of handling ordinary
tools safely in accordance with District's safety rules . Assist
skilled workmen or apprentice or work -under their direction at vari-
ous classes of work which may be assigned in any location and other
duties prescribed by District Manager. Must have a valid California
driver's license before assignment to job.
Effective Effective
6/1/76 12/l/77
HELPER - TEMPORARY Hourly Rates: $ 6,10 $ 6,59
A "Helper-Temporary" is hired for a limited period of time for sea-
sonal or emergency work. Employees under this classification shall
only be hired as needed to supplement the regular work force and
shall normally be assigned only such work as falls within the Helper
definition. Must have a valid California driver's license before
assignment to job. Effective Effective
Hourly Rates: 6/1/76 12/1/77
A student hired during vacations or for a limited period of time.
Employees under this classification shall only be hired as needed
to supplement the regular work force and shall normally be assign-
ed only sych work as falls within the Laborer definition. Must
have a valid California driver's license before ass-ignment to job.
Effective Effective
Hourly Rates: 6/1/76 12/1/77
-16- $ 2.71 2.93
An employee assigned to perform routine and advaliced bookkeeping
�°— duties as required by the District. Must be able to prepare month-
ly cash statements ; keep records of additions and deletions of
plant accounts ; keep records of revenue and expenses ; prepare bills
for Board approval ; prepare payroll and associated items (Social
Security, etc. ) ; and any other bookkeeping duties required by Gen-
eral Manager. Effective Effective
Hourly Rates 6/1/76 12/1/77
Start $ 5,25 $ 5,67
6 months 5.32 5*75
1 year 5.50 5*94
18 months 5.95 6*43
2 years 6,26 6*76
3 years 6,59 7.12
Employee shall attend and prepare minutes for Board Meetings . Shall
be assigned to preparation and posting of agendas and to organization
of correspondence and other important documents related to the Board.
Employee shall also be assigned ether office correspondence and other
office duties as required.
Effective Effective
Hourly Rates 6/1/76� 12/1/77
°�- Start $ 5*02 $ 5,42
6 months 5*11 5.52
1 year 5*26 5.68
181months 5*47 5,91
2 years 5.69 6,15
30 months 5e98 6.46
GENERAL CLERK 3 years 6.31 6.81
An employee who may be assigned to perform any routine or advanced
clerical function or any other miscellaneous duties as required by
the District Manager, including customer contacts in person and by
telephone; operation of various office machines; collecting, sort-
ing, opening and receiving mail . Must be able to type with pro-
Effective Effective
Hourly Rates 6/1/76 12/1/77
Start $ 5.02 $ 5.42
6 months 5.11 5.52
1.1 year 5.26 5,68
18 months 5,47 5,91
2 years 5.69 6.15
30 months 5.98 6.46
GENERAL CLERK TRAINEE 3 years 6.31 6.81
An employee not required to have prior experience and is a "Trainee"
as General Clerk. In the course of training may be assigned to any
of the duties performed by the General Clerk. May be required to
work alone on such duties for which employee has been trained and
. After six months as trainee the employee shall progress to
..�-- the bottom rate of General Clerk line of progression.
Effective .Ef fecti ve
6/1/76 12/1/77
Hourly Rates: $ 3*79 $ 4*09
A Temporary Clerk is hired for a limited period of -time for
seasonal or emergency work. Employees under this classifi-
cation shall only be hired as needed to supplement the re-
gular work force and shall normally be assigned only to such
work as falls within the General Clerk classification.
Effective Effective
6/1/76 12/1/77
Hourly Rates: $ 3.79 $ 4,,,09
The District reserves the right to temporarily work any classified electric em-
ployee on work in connection with its water system, or any classified water em-
ployee on temporary work on the electric system, without change in the rate of
pay or classification of such employee.
a) When an employee is temporarily assigned to work in a classification
higher than his regular classification, he shall be paid at not less
than the minimum rate established for the higher classification for
each hour so worked, with a minimum of one hour and time computed to
the next full hour.
b} When an employee is temporarily reassigned to work in a classification
higher than his regular classif i cation, he shall be paid, upon such re-
assignment, the rate of pay he last received in such higher classifi-
cation, plus any general wage increase or adjustments subsequently
made therein.
c} When an employee is temporarily assigned or reassigned to work in a
classification lower than his regular classification, his rate of pay
will not be reduced.
The District is to be the judge as to the competency and fitness of prospective
employees and of the satisfactory performance of work by any employee. All per-
sons making application shall have equal employment opportunity without regard
to race, color, creed, sex, age or national origin. (As amended 6/1/75. )
Pursuant to Resolution No,, 7624, the pay provisions of this agreement shall
be effective June l .' 1976o "-
Any employee, or the "recognized employee" as defined in Section 3501(b) of
the MMB Act, may present in writing any a ditions or amendments to thi s
Resolution for the consideration of the Board of Directors on or before
June 1 , 19760
Negotiations wil l commence sixty (60) days prior to the expiration of this
The wage rates indicatedcommenci.ng June 1 , 1977, shall continue until November
309 1978, at which time the agreement will open for wages only. At this time
. discussions and agreement will be reached for the pay period commencing December
19 1978 and ending November 30, 1979a
ON THE /7 DAY OF � 197&r-7
AYES: DIRECTORS Huber, Craig, Maass, Kuttel and Sutton
NOES: None
ABSENT: None .
By: .01
Chairman of the Board of Directors
John Stralla
Business Representative